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Gilbert de Angulo

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Gilbert de Angulo

Gilbert de Angulo was an Anglo-Norman knight, fl. 1195–1213. Proof of his very high Standing in the early years of Cambro Norman control of IrelandDUBLIN CHARTER OF ST MARYS, A.D. 1192 .55 ...DUBLIN REVENUE. 55 Dunestamuill; Willielmo de Kahaignes senescallo meo; Theobaldo Walteri, pincerna; Hamone de Valoniis; Ingel- ram de Pratellis; Dauide Wallensi ; Ricardo de Ruuers; Folcone de Cantelleu; Willielmo, filio Ricardi; Gilleberto de Angulo; Rogero Tyrell; Magistro Benedicto; Magistro Petro Canuto. Apud London, regni Richardi, regis Anglie, anno tertio, quinto decimo die Maii. ... Charter of St Marys Dublin 260 C-0pr4eHARTULARY OF ST MARYS DUBLIN annum , Grant from qui hanc cartam scripsit , et totus Conventus ; Rey St. Mary'sAbbey to mundus , constabularius ; Comes Ricardus ; Galfridus Alberic de de Costantin ; Gocelýn de Angulo ; Willelmus de Angulo ; Adam de Futipone ; Robertus de Brimeg ham ; Willelmus , filius Henrici ; Rogerus Foloue ; Rogerus Tirel ; Ricardus Golofer ; Alajn , filius Ha monis ; Ricardus de Dere ; Willelmus de Brimeghem ; Circa

1176 . iv . Memorandum quod Ricardus Comes premisit Raymund Reymundum in Hyberniam , in auxilium Dermetii , ante le Gros .

270 CHARTULARY OF ST MARYS DUBLIN Charter to tam nostram inde extra muros usque ad predictas Dublinfrom Testibus : Stephano Rýdello , cancellario meo ; Waltero fol . 87 a . parte folii de Dunstamvile ; Willelmo de Kahaygnes ; Senescallo sequentisquod Jo meo ; Theobaldo Walteri , Pincerna ; Hamundo de hannes ad- Waloniis ; Ingellam de Pratellis ; David Walon ; Ricardo factus es de Riveres ; Fulcone de Cantelou ; Willelmo , filio Ri set Rex . cardi ; Gilberto de Angulo ; Rogero Tyrell ; Magistro Benedicto ; Magistro Petro Canuto . Apud London , A.D. 1192. regni Ricardi , Regis Anglie , anno tercio , quinto decimo die Maii .

These are the top men of the Conquest listed above as witnesses


A son of Jocelyn de Angulo, 1st Baron of Navan, Gilbert held the barony of Machaire Gaileng (Morgallion and Ratoath). Upon his rebellion in 1195, all his lands were forfeited - given by Walter de Lacy to his brother, Hugh, about 1198 - and Gilbert and his brothers Phillip and William outlawed.

Gilbert fled English jurisdiction and sought service with King Cathal Crobhdearg Ua Conchobair of Connacht. In return, Cathal granted him lands at Máenmaige, in western Uí Maine. Upon his pardon in 1206, King John of England confirmed him in lands granted by King Cathal and made him a grant of other lands. Brought back into John's favour, he assisted Cathal in the construction of Caeluisce, near Ballyshannon, in 1212. It was attacked and burned the following year, and Gilbert was killed during the attack. Page 46 Sweetmans Edition Calender of Ireland 266 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS 1277-1278. all the issues of those lands from the date of that commission. Tower of London. [Orig., 6 Edw. L, m. 4, and Fine Rolls, 6 Edw. I., m. 27 in ceduld.] [25 July, 1412. Account of Robert.de Ufford, chief justiciary of Ireland, of 1276, to his receipt and expenditure by the hands of Michael de Boyton, from 16 Jan. the day of St. James the Apostle, a. r. 4, till the vigil of Christmas, 1277- „ „ from the same - - - 26 13 4 „ from John Bishop of Clonfert, for prest - 164 „ from Philip de Angle, sheriff of Con- naught - - - 51 13 4 „ from William of London, sheriff of Tippe- rary - - - - - 60 107 . Ireland : - Alberic de Curtun gives to the K . 60 marks to ransom his son , who had been hostage for G . de Angle , and 10 ounces of gold for peace of the appeal which Hubert de la Mare has against him . [ Obl . , 1 John , m . 15 . ]

97 (p. 17) - 2 matching terms ...RELATING TO IRELAND. 17 1199. justiciary of Tuutert de Angulo; quit, touching his 1200. 108. Ireland :-Manser Arsic gives to the K. 20 marks to have an inquisition of Novel disseisin against Theobald Butler, touching his free tenement. ... ...Ireland :--Roger Pipard gives to the K. 200 marks, that he may have the K.'s grace and be quit, touching his hostages and the hostages of Giltert de Angulo;. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to take from Roger good security thereupon. [Obl., 1 John, m. 12.] 111. Ireland :--Stephen of Flanders gives to the K. 1008. sterling to have writs of Mort d'ancestor, touching 30 carucates of land which he demands against Adam Rudipat, and touching 20 carucates which he demands against Reginald le Poer. ...

  1. 126 (p. 46) - 1 matching term

...[Close, 8 John, m. 3.] Feb. 12. 311. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Grant, if the justiciary deems it expedient, of the K.'s peace to Gilbert de Angulo;. Mandate thereupon. Further grant that Gilbert have the cantred of Mome- niach' which the King of Connaught delivered to him, saving the K.'s part of Connaught, according to the charter made with that King. ...

  1. 133 (p. 53) - 2 matching terms

...Witnesses, Godfrey Fitz Peter Earl of Essex, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier de Quency, Earl of Winchester, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, Philip de Prendygast, David de Roka, Robert Fitz Martin, Gilbert de Angulo;, Eustace de Roka. Tewkesbury. [Chart., 9 John, m. 4.] Nov. 12. 354. Grant to Gilbert de Angulo; of a cantred of land in Estyre, Wintelmolman, Ul’unan, and Nyaki ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 4 knights. ...

  1. 134 (p. 54) - 3 matching terms

...s pleasure that he shall no longer remain, the K. will give him 40 days notice. Witness, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Gloucester. [Pat., 9 John, m. 4.] Nov. 14. 359. Pardon to Gilbert de Angulo; of his flight and of the out- lawry promulgated against him by Hamo de Valoignes, justiciary of Ireland. Gloucester. Letters patent in the same form for Philip de Angulo;. ... ...Mandate thereupon to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland, with protection for Walter, while in England. The peace negotiated between him, William, and Gilbert de Angulo; shall be firmly observed. Freemantle. [Close, 9 John, m. 11.] Dec, 5. 364. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. Grant to Master Geoffrey, parson (persona ecclesiæ] of Dungarvan, of the vacant see of Dungarvan, to which the K. wills and assents that Geoffrey be appointed. ...

  1. 159 (p. 79) - 1 matching term

...., the amount of the fine which he made with the K. for his liberation. Waltham. [Close, 15 John, p. 1, m. 2, and 15 John, p. 2, m. 3.] 496. Ireland :-William de Angulo; gives 300 marks to have his land in Ireland without the K.'s demesnes, whereof he was disseised at Walter de Lascy's will. The justiciary of Ireland shall answer therefor and take security for the fine. ...

  1. 176 (p. 96) - 1 matching term

...Mandate thereupon; and further mandate that the Bishop's weekly market at the same town on Sundays shall not be impeded. Bra- denstoke. [Close, 17 John, p. 1, m. 28.] 619. Mandate to the K.'s justiciary of Ireland to cause to be given to Walter de Angulo; seisin of the land which Adam de Rudi- pat held of him in Ireland ; to be held in custody according to the law and custom of those parts, until the heir of Adam be of full age. ...

  1. 177 (p. 97) - 1 matching term

...Stourton. Cancelled because on the Fine Rolls. [Close, 17 John, p. 1, m. 25.] 630. The K. orders his Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to pay to Philip de Angulo; an annuity of 10 marks for the cantred of Roscoman', in Connaught, until the K. shall requite him with other lands in exchange. Bridgnorth. [Close, 9 John, p. 1, m. 25.] ...

  1. 181 (p. 101) - 1 matching term

...Sends the charter for the King of Con- naught, touching the land of Connaught, which the K. has granted to him for 5,000 marks. Mandate that with Philip de Angulo; they go to that King, receive from him 2,500 marks due at Michaelmas, with surety for payment of the other 2,000 marks at the close of Easter, and deliver the K.'...

  1. 183 (p. 103) - 1 matching term

...., arrears of the fine of 10001. for Walter's liberation. [Fine Rolls, 17-18 John, p. 1, m. 8.] 673. Ireland :-Fines given to the K. by the following persons : William de Angulo;, 300 marks, to have his land, whereof he was disseised at Walter de Lascy's will; Meath :-John Fitz William, 40 marks, to have the inheritance which belonged to William, his father; Ibid :-John de Tuit, 60 marks, to have the land which belonged to Walter Duncyn; Ireland :-Richard de St. ...

  1. 184 (p. 104) - 3 matching terms

...., that she has paid 10 marks for custody of the Castle of Nobere; The Knights of the Valley of Anye, 2001., to have their liberty, saving a moiety of their service to the K.; Geoffrey de Costentin and others, against whom William de Angulo; demands lands, 400 marks; by the Lord of Dublin ; an exchange to be made to the said William de Angulo;; Philip de Angulo;, 10 marks, to have his father's land in Novan'; Isabella, who was the wife of Peter de Meset, 80 marks, to marry; The land of Richard de Tuit, 300 marks, 2 The land of Robert de Lascy, 200 marks, By Anfridus de Dene; The heir of Hugh de Tuit, 50 marks. ...

  1. 386 (p. 296) - 1 matching term

...Mandate to the treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to admit for this purpose a competent clerk to be presented to them by Geoffrey. [Close, 10 Ilen. III., m. 3.] Sept. 30. 1989. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, to cause Philip de Angulo; yearly to have at the Exchequer, Dublin, 10 marks,

1207 If the Justiciar deems it expedient,offer of the K.’s peace to Gilbert de Angulo. Mandate thereupon. Further grant that Gilbert have the cantred of Mome- niach’ which the King of Connaught delivered to him, saving the K.’s part of Connaught, according to the charter made with that King. Mandate that Gilbert be retained in the K.’s service as the justiciary may deem expedient. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, to. 2.]

266 CALENDAR OF DOCUMENTS Relating to Ireland Edited by Sweetman, Calendar of documents, relating to Ireland, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London, 1171-1307. by Great Britain Public Record Office; Great Britain. Public Record Office; Sweetman, H. S. (Henry Savage), ed

Publication date 1875 Topics Archives 1277-1278. all the issues of those lands from the date of that commission. Tower of London. [Orig., 6 Edw. L, m. 4, and Fine Rolls, 6 Edw. I., m. 27 in ceduld.] [25 July, 1412. Account of Robert.de Ufford, chief justiciary of Ireland, of 1276, to his receipt and expenditure by the hands of Michael de Boyton, from 16 Jan. the day of St. James the Apostle, a. r. 4, till the vigil of Christmas, 1277- „ „ from the same - - - 26 13 4 „ from John Bishop of Clonfert, for prest - 164 „ from Philip de Angle, sheriff of Con- naught - - - 51 13 4 „ from William of London, sheriff of Tippe- rary - - - - - 60 107 . Ireland : - Alberic de Curtun gives to the K . 60 marks to ransom his son , who had been hostage for G . de Angle , and 10 ounces of gold for peace of the appeal which Hubert de la Mare has against him . [ Obl . , 1 John , m . 15 . ]

97 (p. 17) - 2 matching terms ...RELATING TO IRELAND. 17 1199. justiciary of Tuutert de Angulo; quit, touching his 1200. 108. Ireland :-Manser Arsic gives to the K. 20 marks to have an inquisition of Novel disseisin against Theobald Butler, touching his free tenement. ... ...Ireland :--Roger Pipard gives to the K. 200 marks, that he may have the K.'s grace and be quit, touching his hostages and the hostages of Giltert de Angulo;. Mandate to Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, to take from Roger good security thereupon. [Obl., 1 John, m. 12.] 111. Ireland :--Stephen of Flanders gives to the K. 1008. sterling to have writs of Mort d'ancestor, touching 30 carucates of land which he demands against Adam Rudipat, and touching 20 carucates which he demands against Reginald le Poer. ...

  1. 126 (p. 46) - 1 matching term

...[Close, 8 John, m. 3.] Feb. 12. 311. The K. to the justiciary of Ireland. Grant, if the justiciary deems it expedient, of the K.'s peace to Gilbert de Angulo;. Mandate thereupon. Further grant that Gilbert have the cantred of Mome- niach' which the King of Connaught delivered to him, saving the K.'s part of Connaught, according to the charter made with that King. ...

  1. 133 (p. 53) - 2 matching terms

...Witnesses, Godfrey Fitz Peter Earl of Essex, Ranulph Earl of Chester, Saier de Quency, Earl of Winchester, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland, Philip de Prendygast, David de Roka, Robert Fitz Martin, Gilbert de Angulo;, Eustace de Roka. Tewkesbury. [Chart., 9 John, m. 4.] Nov. 12. 354. Grant to Gilbert de Angulo; of a cantred of land in Estyre, Wintelmolman, Ul’unan, and Nyaki ; to hold of the K. in fee by the service of 4 knights. ...

  1. 134 (p. 54) - 3 matching terms

...s pleasure that he shall no longer remain, the K. will give him 40 days notice. Witness, Meyler Fitz Henry, justiciary of Ireland. Gloucester. [Pat., 9 John, m. 4.] Nov. 14. 359. Pardon to Gilbert de Angulo; of his flight and of the out- lawry promulgated against him by Hamo de Valoignes, justiciary of Ireland. Gloucester. Letters patent in the same form for Philip de Angulo;. ... ...Mandate thereupon to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland, with protection for Walter, while in England. The peace negotiated between him, William, and Gilbert de Angulo; shall be firmly observed. Freemantle. [Close, 9 John, m. 11.] Dec, 5. 364. The K. to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland. Grant to Master Geoffrey, parson (persona ecclesiæ] of Dungarvan, of the vacant see of Dungarvan, to which the K. wills and assents that Geoffrey be appointed. ...

  1. 159 (p. 79) - 1 matching term

...., the amount of the fine which he made with the K. for his liberation. Waltham. [Close, 15 John, p. 1, m. 2, and 15 John, p. 2, m. 3.] 496. Ireland :-William de Angulo; gives 300 marks to have his land in Ireland without the K.'s demesnes, whereof he was disseised at Walter de Lascy's will. The justiciary of Ireland shall answer therefor and take security for the fine. ...

  1. 176 (p. 96) - 1 matching term

...Mandate thereupon; and further mandate that the Bishop's weekly market at the same town on Sundays shall not be impeded. Bra- denstoke. [Close, 17 John, p. 1, m. 28.] 619. Mandate to the K.'s justiciary of Ireland to cause to be given to Walter de Angulo; seisin of the land which Adam de Rudi- pat held of him in Ireland ; to be held in custody according to the law and custom of those parts, until the heir of Adam be of full age. ...

  1. 177 (p. 97) - 1 matching term

...Stourton. Cancelled because on the Fine Rolls. [Close, 17 John, p. 1, m. 25.] 630. The K. orders his Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to pay to Philip de Angulo; an annuity of 10 marks for the cantred of Roscoman', in Connaught, until the K. shall requite him with other lands in exchange. Bridgnorth. [Close, 9 John, p. 1, m. 25.] ...

  1. 181 (p. 101) - 1 matching term

...Sends the charter for the King of Con- naught, touching the land of Connaught, which the K. has granted to him for 5,000 marks. Mandate that with Philip de Angulo; they go to that King, receive from him 2,500 marks due at Michaelmas, with surety for payment of the other 2,000 marks at the close of Easter, and deliver the K.'...

  1. 183 (p. 103) - 1 matching term

...., arrears of the fine of 10001. for Walter's liberation. [Fine Rolls, 17-18 John, p. 1, m. 8.] 673. Ireland :-Fines given to the K. by the following persons : William de Angulo;, 300 marks, to have his land, whereof he was disseised at Walter de Lascy's will; Meath :-John Fitz William, 40 marks, to have the inheritance which belonged to William, his father; Ibid :-John de Tuit, 60 marks, to have the land which belonged to Walter Duncyn; Ireland :-Richard de St. ...

  1. 184 (p. 104) - 3 matching terms

...., that she has paid 10 marks for custody of the Castle of Nobere; The Knights of the Valley of Anye, 2001., to have their liberty, saving a moiety of their service to the K.; Geoffrey de Costentin and others, against whom William de Angulo; demands lands, 400 marks; by the Lord of Dublin ; an exchange to be made to the said William de Angulo;; Philip de Angulo;, 10 marks, to have his father's land in Novan'; Isabella, who was the wife of Peter de Meset, 80 marks, to marry; The land of Richard de Tuit, 300 marks, 2 The land of Robert de Lascy, 200 marks, By Anfridus de Dene; The heir of Hugh de Tuit, 50 marks. ...

  1. 386 (p. 296) - 1 matching term

...Mandate to the treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, Dublin, to admit for this purpose a competent clerk to be presented to them by Geoffrey. [Close, 10 Ilen. III., m. 3.] Sept. 30. 1989. Mandate to Maurice Fitz Gerald, justiciary, to cause Philip de Angulo; yearly to have at the Exchequer, Dublin, 10 marks,

Gilbert also appears to have held land in Uí Lomain and Cineal Fheicin/Muntir Mailfinnain. However, as all his lands were held by new owners subsequent to Richard Mor de Burgh's settlement of Connacht in the 1230s, it appears his family had by then died out in the male line. Page 53 Sweetmans Calender

Nov. 12. 354. Grant to Gilbert de Angulo of a cantred of land in Estyre,

Page 54 SCalender

359. Pardon to Gilbert de Angulo of his flight and of the out- lawry promulgated against him by Hamo de Valoignes, justiciary of Ireland. Gloucester.

Page 54

Letters patent in the same form for Philip de Angulo. [Pat., 9 John, to. 4.] Page 54

363. The K. commits to Walter de Lascy, during pleasure, the cantred of Ardmull, for which he is to answer to the K. Mandate thereupon to Meyler, justiciary of Ireland, with protection for Walter, while in England. The peace negotiated between him, William, and Gilbert de Angulo shall be firmly observed. Freemantle. [Close, 9 John, to. 11.]

Some of Gilbert's descendants altered the names from D'Angulo to Nangle, and the branch of the family which settled near Mallow, County Cork, further changed the name to Nagle. The surname "Costello" is derived from Gilbert's second son, Hostilo. As such, descendants of Costello became "MacCostello".

This is not a true statement and has no source listed. There was np son named Hostilo at all., the records i have posted should settle that and this should be removed. Gilberts sons were Richard, Phillip and Walter, and possibly Jordan. Diannaa has accused me of plagiarism today, when you can see i attribute everything i post to their sources, thats the whole point of wiki corrections is it not. Wiki actually has too many opinions and not enough factual statements backed up by legal docs or original records. 

There was no Hostilo, this was made up from the 1650"s onwards, please remove this .

Annalistic references

From the Annals of the Four Masters:

  • 1193 - "Inishcloghbran was plundePage 46

deems it expedient, of the K.’s peace to Gilbert de Angulo. Mandate thereupon. Further grant that Gilbert have the cantred of Mome- niach’ which the King of Connaught delivered to him, saving the K.’s part of Connaught, according to the charter made with that King. Mandate that Gilbert be retained in the K.’s service as the justiciary may deem expedient. Rockingham. [Close, 8 John, to. 2.]red by the sons of Osdealv, and the sons of Conor Moinmoy."

  • 1194 - "Gilbert Mac Costello marched, with an army, to Assaroe, but was compelled to return without being able to gain any advantage by his expedition."
  • 1195 - "Cathal Crovderg O'Conor and Mac Costelloe, with some of the English and Irish of Meath, marched into Munster, and arrived at Imleach Iubhair (Emly) and Cashel. They burned four large castles and some small ones."
  • 1211 - "An army was led by the Connacians, at the summons of the English bishop and Gilbert Mac Costello, to Assaroe; and they erected a castle at Cael-uisge."
  • 1212 - "Gilbert Mac Costello was slain in the castle of Cael-uisge; and the castle itself was burned by O'Hegny."

Select document: A settlement between the canons of St Thomas's Abbey, Dublin, and Walter de Lacy concerning the church of Ardmulchan granted to the canons by Theobald Walter Published online by Cambridge University Press: 11 August 2020 footnote 27 Confirmamus eciam eis ecclesiam de Archmulchane iuxta Boin cum capellis, decimis, obvencionibus et omnibus ecclesiasticis beneficiis ad dictam ecclesiam spectantibus qua habent de dono Theobaldo Walteri: Reg. St Thomas, Dublin, pp 6–7 (not recorded on the charter rolls; the text occurs in a section of the cartulary relating to holdings in the diocese of Meath). Confirmed to St Thomas's in the same charter was the church of St John, Nobber, and the church of St Patrick, Morgallion, of the gift of Gilbert de Angulo and Hugh de Lacy. The date is significant since it was issued nine days after Walter de Lacy recovered his lordship of Meath on 5 July 1215: Rot. litt. pat., p. 148b; Cal. doc. Ire., 1171–1251, no. 612. The terms of settlement between Walter de Lacy and the king for the recovery of Meath had been agreed on 29 June whereby Walter was to pay a fine of 4000 marks: Rot. litt. pat., p. 181; Cal. doc Ire., 1171–1251, no. 596; Rot. oblatis, 562–4, 601–03. The feast of SS Peter and Paul (29 June) was subsequently considered as the date of the settlement: Rot. litt. claus., 1204–24, p. 224a.

Glbert still aive in 1215 according to this legal document , thats why the annals cannot be trusted due to manipulation in the 1600 when it was important to distace families from Rebel families who were still Catholic, as the macCostelloes were in the 1600's and on. They never changed their faith and lost all of their land because of it. ≈≈≈≈

Family tree

  Joycelyn de Angulo, fl. 1172.
  |                     |                        |
  |                     |                        |
  Gilbert      Phillip     William/William Mac Coisdealbhaigh
                                  Miles Bregach Mac Coisdealbhaigh
                                |                |                 |
                                |                |                 |
                             Hugo, d. 1266?    Gilbert Mor      Phillip, fl. 1288.

Literary reference

The Song of Dermot and the Earl (composed early 13th century) mentions the de Angulo family, and casts doubt upon Gilbert's paternity. This is probably intended to insult Gilbert as a traitor to the King.

Original Anglo-Norman
English translation
De Huge de Laci vus conterai,

Cum il feffa ses baruns,
chevalers, serjans e garsunz.
A Gilibert de Nangle enfin
Donad tut Makerigalin;
A Jocelin donat le Novan
E la tere de Ardbrechan:
Li un ert fiz, li altre pere,
Solum le dit de la mere.

"Of Hugh de Lacy I shall tell you

How he enfeoffed his barons,
Knights, serjeants and retainers.
To Gilbert de Nangle, moreover
He gave the whole of Morgallion;
To Jocelin he gave the Naven,
And the lands of Ardbrackan,
(The one was son the other father,
According to the statement of the mother)


  • Public Domain This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain: Calendar of documents, relating to Ireland, preserved in Her Majesty's Public Record Office, London, 1171-1307. Great Britain Public Record Office. 1875.
  • Knox, Hubert Thomas. The History of the County of Mayo to the Close of the Sixteenth Century. With illustrations and three maps. Originally published 1908, Hogges Figgies and Co. Dublin. Reprinted by De Burca rare books, 1982. ISBN 0-946130-01-9.