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Storm petrel

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European storm petrels of the family Hydrobatidae.
Wilson's storm petrel, of the family Oceanitidae.

Storm petrel may refer to one of two bird families, both in the order Procellariiformes, once treated as the same family.

The two families are:

  • Northern storm petrels (Hydrobatidae) are found in the Northern Hemisphere, although some species around the Equator dip into the south.
Subfamily Common name Scientific name Status
Hydrobatinae European storm petrel Hydrobates pelagicus extant
Leach's storm petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa extant
Townsend's storm petrel Oceanodroma socorroensis extant
Ainley's storm petrel Oceanodroma cheimomnestes extant
Matsudaira's storm petrel Oceanodroma matsudairae extant
Least storm petrel Oceanodroma microsoma extant
Wedge-rumped storm petrel Oceanodroma tethys extant
Band-rumped storm petrel Oceanodroma castro extant
Monteiro's storm petrel Oceanodroma monteiroi extant
Swinhoe's storm petrel Oceanodroma monorhis extant
Guadalupe storm petrel Oceanodroma macrodactyla likely extinct
Tristram's storm petrel Oceanodroma tristrami extant
Markham's storm petrel Oceanodroma markhami extant
Black storm petrel Oceanodroma melania extant
Ashy storm petrel Oceanodroma homochroa extant
Hornby's storm petrel Oceanodroma hornbyi extant
Fork-tailed storm petrel Oceanodroma furcata extant
  • Austral storm petrels (Oceanitidae) are found in all oceans, although only white-faced storm petrels (breeding in the North Atlantic, in addition to the Southern Ocean) and Wilson's storm petrels (on migration) are found in the Northern Hemisphere.
Subfamily Common name Scientific name Status
Oceanitinae Wilson's storm petrel Oceanites oceanicus extant
Elliot's storm petrel Oceanites gracilis extant
Grey-backed storm petrel Garrodia nereis extant
White-faced storm petrel Pelagodroma marina extant
Black-bellied storm petrel or Gould's storm petrel Fregetta tropica extant
White-bellied storm petrel Fregetta grallaria extant
New Zealand storm petrel Fregetta maoriana extant
Polynesian storm petrel (including white-throated storm petrel) Nesofregetta fuliginosa extant