"Hey, Man!" is a song by Canadian singer-songwriter Nelly Furtado, produced by Gerald Eaton and Brian West for Furtado's debut album, Whoa, Nelly!. The song was released as the album's fourth (and final) single in some European countries, but it charted only in Germany, where it reached number forty-nine, Netherlands, where it reached number eighty-seven, and Romania, where it reached number sixty-five. "Hey, Man!" samples "White Man Sleeps" from the Kronos Quartet's album Pieces of Africa. Furtado described the song as: "a big pop song and kind of rocking now because we went back to the demo version of it.[citation needed] Brian West had his 'Pieces of Africa' disc, and he wanted something distinct to happen in the chorus. So he chopped up 'White Man Sleeps' by The Kronos Quartet."[citation needed]