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MaxRange is a data set ranking the level of democracy and institutional structure (regime-type) for all countries of the world on a graded scale. It was developed by Max Rånge, and is maintained by Rånge and Mikael Sandberg, political scientists at Halmstad University, Sweden. Values are sorted based on level of democracy and political accountability. MaxRange defines the value corresponding to all states every month from 1789 to the present.[1][2] It is the first such analysis of political systems from the 18th century to the present day.[3]

MaxRange1 provides nominal and ordinal rankings on a 1-100 scale, MaxRange2 on a 1-1,000 scale. The attributes underlying the categorization are also available. In addition to monthly rankings, yearly rankings are available from 1600 to the present.[4]

Data Structure

MaxRange is made up from the following components

Data Structure
Indicator Values Notes

Level of Democracy Qualified Democracy, Weak (Electoral) Democracy, False Democracy, Basic (Restrained) Autocracy, Despotism
Institutional Structure President, Prime Minister, Monarch, Military, Colonial, Directory, Interim, Party, General-Secretary, Not Defined Shown here a simplified version of Chief Executive Office. Also available in even more detail
Executive Strength Absolute, Overwhelming, Dominating, Significant, Constitutional, Weak, Restricted, Not defined
Political Institutions Effective Government, Restrained Government, Ineffective/Competing Government, Parliament, Interim Parliament, Directory, Aristocratic council, State of Anarchy

From these components 100 regimetypes are formed with a unique set of combination which represents all existing political regimes in the world at least the past 230 years. The 100 regimetypes are thereafter sorted from 1-100 based on level of democracy and political accountability, ranging between (1=Absolute personal dictatorship to 100=Qualified democratic Parliamentarism). And basically divided as followed

  • 1-26=Despotisms,
  • 27-52=Basic (Restrained) Autocracy,
  • 53-78=False democracy,
  • 79-88=Weak (Electoral) democracy,
  • 89-100=Qualified democracy

Further the correct regimetype (value) is given to all states in the world and every month from January 1789 to May 2020. (And yearly from 1600 This gives about 2760 months and 240 countries/entities. And added , today non-existing states/entities. MaxRange also has more than 100 institutional and political independent variables, thus altogether approximately 100 million data points.


  1. ^ "MaxRange: Analyzing political regimes and democratization processes". Sweden: School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Halmstad University. April 30, 2015. Archived from the original on August 17, 2018. Retrieved May 2, 2015.
  2. ^ "MaxRange Historical World Regime Data 1789-2016 - CASE - Center for Social and Economic Research". www.case-research.eu.
  3. ^ "Max Rånge and Mikael Sandberg, Halmstad University". EurekaAlert! (American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)). 2014. Retrieved Feb 5, 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ Rånge, Max; Wilson, Matthew; Sandberg, Mikael (Sep 1, 2015). "Introducing the MaxRange Dataset: Monthly Data on Political Institutions and Regimes Since 1789 and Yearly Since 1600". ResearchGate.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)