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Late Basquisation

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Late Basquisation is the minority hypothesis that dates the arrival of the first Basque-speakers in north-eastern Iberia from Aquitaine to the 5th or 6th century AD.


Approximate extent of the Basque-speaking area in the pre-Roman period, according to Luis Núñez Astrain

The Basque language is a language isolate that has survived the arrival of Indo-European languages in western Europe. Basque (and its ancestors or closely related languages such as Aquitanian) historally occupied a much larger territory, including parts of modern-day Béarn, Aragon, Rioja, Castile south of the Pyrenees, and large parts of modern-day Gascony to the north.


This hypothesis sets the historical geographical spread of the Basque or proto-Basque language later in history. At the end of the Roman Republic and during the first hundreds of years of the Empire, migration of Basque-speakers from Aquitaine overlapped with an Template:Wiktang population whose most ancient substrate would be Indo-European.[1] The migration is alleged to have increased, with peaks in the 6th and 7th centuries.[2]

In his 2008 book Historia de las Lenguas de Europa (History of the Languages of Europe), the Spanish philologist and hellenist Francisco Rodríguez Adrados has updated the debate by arguing that the Basque language is older in Aquitaine than in the Spanish Basque country, and it now inhabits its current territory because of pressure of the Celtic invasions.[3]

Claimed evidence

According to this perspective, over a more ancient autochthonous Indo-European occupation, evidence appears of important Celtic establishments in the current territory of the Basque Country (though apparently not in the Pyrenean valleys of Navarre). Both cultures coexisted, the Celtic elements being socially predominant, until the arrival of the Romans. This is observed all over Álava and Biscay, thus being concluded that the Caristii and Varduli were not Basque tribes or peoples, but that they were Indo-Europeans like their neighbors Autrigones, Cantabri, and Beroni.

Late Basquisation is supported by the following evidence:

  • Abundance of ancient Indo-European onomasty before Romanization (as pointed out by María Lourdes Albertos Firmat).[4]
  • Absence of vestiges in Basque language prior to romanization, in stark contrast with Aquitaine.
  • Deep romanization of the Basque depression (both the ager and the saltus, as indicated by Caro Baroja and Juan José Cepeda).
  • Expansion of the Basque language in the Early Middle Ages.
  • Homogeneity of the Basque dialects in the Early Middle Ages (pointed out by Luis Michelena).
  • Archaeological vestiges (Aldaieta, Alegría, etc.)
  • The genetic boundary between the Basques and their southern neighbors is quite abrupt, while it has a more diffuse character between Basques and their northern neighbors, which might indicate a displacement from Aquitaine to the south. (Cavalli-Sforza).[5]


  1. ^ Francisco Villar, Blanca M. Prósper (2005), Vascos, Celtas e Indoeuropeos. Genes y lenguas. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca
  2. ^ Villar, Prosper, Ibid, p.513
  3. ^ El vasco es mas antiguo em Aquitania que en el pais vasco
  4. ^ Francisco Villar (2001), La complessità dei livelli di stratificazione indoeuropea nell’Europa occidentale, in G. Bocchi e M. Ceruti (eds.), Le radici prime dell’Europa. Gli intrecci genetici, linguistici, storici, Bruno Mondatori, Milano, pp. 209-234. “As far as the Basques are concerned, it is on the contrary unsure whether their presence in the Iberian peninsula was particularly extended or dense. Very few place or people names of Basque etymology can be traced in ancient sources, even in those concerning the historically Basque areas; in these too ancient place and people names have a prevailing IE character.Translation by Mario Alinei"Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2008-04-05. Retrieved 2008-04-12.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)(2003).
  5. ^ Cited in History of Basque by Larry Trask, page 9.


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  • Larry Trask (1997) The history of Basque. 0-415-13116-2