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In mathematics and theoretical physics, a quasi-sphere is a generalization of the hypersphere and the hyperplane to the context of a pseudo-Euclidean space. It may be described as the set of points for which the quadratic form for the space applied to the displacement vector from a centre point is a constant value, with the inclusion of hyperplanes as a limiting case.

Notation and terminology

This article uses the following notation and terminology:

  • A pseudo-Euclidean vector space, denoted Rs,t, is a real vector space with a nondegenerate quadratic form with signature (s, t). The quadratic form is permitted to be definite (where s = 0 or t = 0), making this a generalization of a Euclidean vector space.[a]
  • A pseudo-Euclidean space, denoted Es,t, is a real affine space in which displacement vectors are the elements of the space Rs,t. It is distinguished from the vector space.
  • The quadratic form Q acting on a vector xRs,t is denoted Q(x), called the quadrance of x (in analogy of the square of a distance in a Euclidean space).
  • The symmetric bilinear form B acting on two vectors x, yRs,t is denoted B(x, y) or xy. This is associated with the quadratic form Q.[b]
  • Two vectors x, yRs,t are orthogonal if xy = 0.
  • A normal vector at a point of a quasi-sphere is a nonzero vector that is orthogonal to each vector in the tangent space at that point.


A quasi-sphere is a submanifold of a pseudo-Euclidean space Es,t consisting of the points u for which the displacement vector x = uo from a reference point o satisfies the equation

axx + bx + c = 0,

where a, cR and b, xRs,t.[1][c]

Since a = 0 in permitted, this definition includes hyperplanes; it is thus a generalization of generalized circles and their analogues in any number of dimensions. This inclusion provides a more regular structure under conformal transformations than if they are omitted.

This definition has been generalized to affine spaces over complex numbers and quaternions by replacing the quadratic form with a Hermitian form.[2]

A quasi-sphere P = {xX : Q(x) = k} in a quadratic space (X, Q) has a counter-sphere N = {xX : Q(x) = −k}.[d] Furthermore, if k ≠ 0 and L is an isotropic line in X through x = 0, then L ∩ (PN) = ∅, puncturing the union of quasi-sphere and counter-sphere. One example is the unit hyperbola that forms a quasi-sphere of the hyperbolic plane, and its conjugate hyperbola, which is its counter-sphere.

Geometric characterizations

Centre and radial quadrance

The centre of a quasi-sphere is a point that has equal quadrance from every point of the quasi-sphere – i.e., the quadratic form applied to the displacement vector from the centre to a point of the quasi-sphere (the radius vector) yields a constant, called the radial quadrance, or equivalently, the point at which the pencil of lines normal to the tangent hyperplanes meet. If the quasi-sphere is a hyperplane, the centre is the point at infinity defined by this pencil.

When a ≠ 0, the displacement vector p of the centre from the reference point and the radial quadrance r may be found as follows. We put Q(xp) = r, and comparing to the defining equation above for a quasi-sphere, we get

The case of a = 0 may be interpreted as the centre p being a well-defined point at infinity with either infinite or zero radial quadrance (the latter for the case of a null hyperplane). Knowing p (and r) in this case does not determine the hyperplane's position, though, only its orientation in space.

The radial quadrance may take on a positive, zero or negative value. When the quadratic form is definite, even though p and r may be determined from the above expressions, the set of vectors x satisfying the defining equation may be empty, as is the case in a Euclidean space for a negative radial quadrance.

Diameter and radius

Any pair of points, which need not be distinct, (including the option of up to one of these being a point at infinity) defines a diameter of a quasi-sphere. The quasi-sphere is the set of points for which the two displacement vectors from these two points are orthogonal.

Any point may be selected as a centre (including a point at infinity), and any other point on the quasi-sphere (other than a point at infinity) define a radius of a quasi-sphere, and thus specifies the quasi-sphere.


Referring to the quadratic form applied to the displacement vector of a point on the quasi-sphere from the centre (i.e. Q(xp)) as the radial quadrance, in any pseudo-Euclidean space the quasi-spheres may be separated into three disjoint sets: those with positive radial quadrance, those with negative radial quadrance, those with zero radial quadrance.[e]

In a space with a positive-definite quadratic form (i.e. a Euclidean space), a quasi-sphere with negative radial quadrance is the empty set, one with zero radial quadrance consists of a single point, one with positive radial quadrance is a standard n-sphere, and one with zero curvature is a hyperplane that is partitioned with the n-spheres.

See also


  1. ^ Some authors exclude the definite cases, but in the context of this article, the qualifier indefinite will be used where this exclusion is intended.
  2. ^ The associated symmetric bilinear form of a (real) quadratic form Q is defined such that Q(x) = B(x, x), and may be determined as B(x, y) = 1/4(Q(x + y) − Q(xy)). See Polarization identity for variations of this identity.
  3. ^ Though not mentioned in the source, we must exclude the combination b = 0 and a = 0.
  4. ^ There are caveats when Q is definite. Also, when k = 0, it follows that N = P.
  5. ^ A hyperplane (a quasi-sphere with infinite radial quadrance or zero curvature) is partitioned with quasi-spheres to which it is tangent. The three sets may be defined according to whether the quadratic form applied to a vector that is a normal of the tangent hypersurface is positive, zero or negative. The three sets of objects are preserved under conformal transformations of the space.


  1. ^ Jayme Vaz, Jr.; Roldão da Rocha, Jr. (2016). An Introduction to Clifford Algebras and Spinors. Oxford University Press. p. 140. ISBN 9780191085789.
  2. ^ Ian R. Porteous (1995), Clifford Algebras and the Classical Groups, Cambridge University Press