ARGE-SH - Institute for Sustainable Constructions in Germany is publishing specialised books on building-constructions and house-building since 1947. (in German: “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitgemäßes Bauen e. V.“)
Founded 1946 as a Research-Institute for Cob-buildings and group-organized and subsidized self-help-constructions of home-buildings in Kiel, Germany. (Schleswig-Holstein)
ARGE-SH is an official Institute for Rationalization of housebuilding in Germany accreditet by the Ministry of Interiour of Schleswig-Holstein since 1972.
The main tasks are Consulting and research on sustainable and innovative constructions and building materials and the education and training of engineers, architects and companies of the building sector.
One of the current national projects is the Innovative Technologies of Thermal insulation Network, in international projects for example ARGE-SH is partner of the BEEN-Project (Baltic Energy Efficiency Network [1]).
External links
- ARGE-SH Arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitgemäßes Bauen e.V.
- Innovative Technologies of Insulation Network
- Publications of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitgemäßes Bauen e.V. in the German National Library
- Selk, Dieter [Hrsg.]: 50 Jahre Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Zeitgemäßes Bauen e. V., Kiel : ein Rückblick ; 1946 - 1996; Kiel 1996