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Bessie Marchant

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Bessie Marchant (1862–1941) was a prolific English writer of adventure novels featuring young female heroines. She was married at age 27 to Jabez Ambrose Comfort, a Baptist minister 28 years her senior. She began writing for publication shortly after her daughter Constance was born in 1891. She published most of her work under the name Bessie Marchant, but occasionally published as Elizabeth Comfort, Bessie Marchant Comfort, or as John Comfort.

Marchant was born in Kent, and despite never leaving England herself, she wrote over 150 novels set in locations around the world. Her earliest novels, such as 'Broken Barriers' and 'Under Clear Skies' were simple romances set in an evangelical Christian context, usually Primitive Methodism, and located in England. She later wrote many novels in the style of the Victorian adventure novel (even being called "the girls' Henty", a reference to G.A. Henty, the author of popular adventure stories for boys), but she challenged established gender roles by putting strong female characters in what was seen as a boys' genre.

The typical Bessie Marchant heroine may be reluctant, unsure of herself, homesick, and frightened, but she puts aside her feelings in an effort to do her duty and do the right thing. Here is a passage from The Adventures of Phyllis, where a young woman finds herself alone, looking after a delirious injured man. "... Besides, it was selfish to think of her own discomfort or possible danger when his condition was plainly so much worse than her own. All the latent heroism in her nature was rising now to meet the demand upon it. She would not let herself speculate on what her home people would say if they could see her now; she would not even think of what might befall her before she could extricate herself from this strange situation, but content herself with living just for the present hour, and doing her best to meet each need as it should arise."

Early publications of Bessie Marchant novels typically have no dust jacket, but have an illustrative image printed directly on the cover and spine. This is especially true of those published by Blackie and by Collins. See the image below showing the cover for the novel Juliette the Mail Carrier, as published by Collins Clear Type Press.


Listed here are some of the novels written by Bessie Marchant. This list was compiled based on books offered for sale on amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, abebooks.com and/or referenced on goodreads.com. Where these books are available in formats other than print, this is noted in the Available Formats column. The Publication Date is rarely included in the printed copies of Marchant's works; apparently this was common practice in books printed in the early 20th century. Where a publication date is shown, it was discovered through on-line references, such as entries in goodreads.com, so it cannot be guaranteed to be correct. However, because Bessie Marchant books were popular choices for prize-giving or birthday and Christmas presents, an inscription is often found with a date. This date is listed as the 'presentation date', and can be understood to indicate that the book was published prior to that date. The plot summaries shown below are based on reading the book referenced.

Title Available Formats Publication Date Presentation Date Plot Summary
Adventures of Phyllis, The - A Story of the Argentine 1913 When Phyllis's father loses all his money in speculation, the family disperses, and only Phyllis is left with no place to go. She answers an ad for a nursery governess in a remote country town, and when she arrives to take the job, she finds things much different from her expectations.
Adventurous Seven, The: Their Hazardous Undertaking gutenberg.org

Kindle; Nook

1918 Seven children travel to Australia to find their father & prove him innocent of malpractice.
Among the Hostile Hordes. a story of the Tai-Ping rebellion John Armstrong and his son Don become caught up in the Tai-ping rebellion during their stay in China.
Anna of the Tenterford Anna Brown must maintain a remote farm in British Columbia now that her stepfather and his son have died. She lives alone with her difficult mother, until her mother's young nephews, Rollo and Rich come to live with them.
Apple Lady, The 1918 Hetty St John is singlehandedly running an apple business in Tasmania while her brother Dennis is suffering from temporary blindness. While delivering apples for shipment, Hetty sees yourng Silver Blair being beaten by her uncle. Hetty intervenes, and Silver comes to live with Hetty and Dennis. It takes many years, but finally, the complicated tale of inheritance and mistaken identity is straightened out.
Athabasca Bill: A Tale of the Far West 1899 Nook 1899 1920 In Alberta, Canada, young Fred's family awaits the return of their father who is looking for a site for a new home for them. But just as he return, bloodhounds seeking the thief who stole a box containing hundreds of dollars trace the scent to Fred's father. Fred sets out to find Athabasca Bill who may have information that will prove that his father is innocent.
Bannister Twins, The 1933 Dorkie (Dorcas) and Dob (Dobson) are twins who live on Prince Edward Island with their mother and fisherman stepfather. Their stepfather and two stepbrothers disappear in a storm and Dorkie and Dob rescue a castaway who has lost her memory.
Bertrams Of Ladywell, The 1902
Bid for Safety, A 1924 Orphaned Bride travels to Mexico, intending to live with her aunt and uncle. But when she arrives, she discovers that their plantation has been destroyed and they have disappeared.
Black Cockatoo, The: A Story of Western Australia.
Bonded Three, The 1901 Triplets Robert, Rosamund, and Ailsa Craig get caught up in a native uprising in India.
Brave Little Cousin, A 1938 An orphaned girl from New Zealand returns to her father's home in Queensland where she discovers that her father had been cheated out of the profits from a gold mine.
Broken Barriers 1889 1903 Ruth Maplesden lives in Yorkendam, Kent and helps her father establish a new Methodist church.
By Honour Bound: A School Story for Girls Kindle 1925 A girl sees a fellow student in her new school shoplifting, then has problems with her during the school term.
Canadian Farm Mystery, A or Pam the Pioneer gutenberg.org

Kindle; Nook

1917 Pam goes to Canada to live with her estranged grandfather, but finds that he is missing and suspected of a crime.
Captives Of The Kaid, The 1904 Lalla and her mother travel on her uncle's yacht along the coast of Africa. They have adventures which lead to the reunion of estranged family members.
Caspar's Find 1913 Pampered young Alda is shipwrecked and lands on a remote island near Trinidad where 12 year old Caspar lives with his whale-hunting uncle.
Chupsie; the Story of a Baby 1904 Mopsie and Popsie Stewart live with their mother and father in India. They find a baby in their garden, and have many adventures trying to return it to its parents.
Cicely Frome, the Captain's Daughter Nook 192x A captain's daughter seeks her missing father in Ceylon.
Countess From Canada, A: A Story of a Life in the Backwoods gutenberg.org

Kindle; Nook

1911 1932 After her father is injured, Katherine Radford must try to run her family's store in the Keewatin District located west of Hudson Bay in rural Canada.
Courage of Katrine, The 1948 Katrine and Wilfred from Quebec are visiting cousins in Sault Ste. Marie. There they enjoy a relaxed farm life and parties and get involved in foiling some cross-border smuggling.
Courageous Girl, A: A Story of Uruguay Anne returns home to Uruguay after years at school in England, only to find that father has sold their beautiful home, and has taken a job managing the shepherds on the sheep ranch that used to be theirs.
Cuckoo of the Log Raft Cordelia, nicknamed 'Cuckoo', is a foundling, being raised with the Barnet family in British Columbia. The Barnet's have a pulp & paper mill that is just barely making money and faces stiff competition when a neighboring mill is bought by a go-ahead new owner.
Cynthia Wins - A Tale of the Rocky Mountains Cynthia was orphaned as a young child, and was raised in an institution. When she makes the decision to give up the chance of a good job to help take care of a sick woman who had been kind to her as a child, she embarks on a series of adventures.
Dangerous Mission, A; A Tale Of Russia In Revolution 1918 1940 Tatna is a young school teacher in Petrograd, Russia. She gets caught up in a bread riot and escapes, disguised as another teacher who is bound for a school in the remote countryside, where she discovers that she has a talent for teaching the local people about responsible government.
Darling(s) of Sandy Point; A Story of adventure around the Straits of Magellan 1923 George & Willy have come to Sandy Point looking for their father, but he has disappeared and is thought to be dead. They are taken in by Elias Dawe who is already looking after Darling, a girl who was found alone on a raft after a shipwreck.
Daughter of the Desert, A
Daughter of the Ranges, A: A Story of Western Canada; 1906 1933 Caryl tries to run her family's ranch in Canada after her father is paralyzed after an accident and she hires Helen and Helen's brother to help her.
Daughters of the Dominion: A Story of the Canadian Frontier gutenberg.org


Nell, an orphan, is raised by her cruel, miserly grandfather, and when he sells their house and disappears, she travels to Canada to make a life for herself.
Deborah's Find Deborah and her family have lived for many years at Haumoe, a farm in New Zealand. The farm is owned by n elderly a man they call Daddy MacNeal, who took them in when they first arrive. They have always expected that Daddy MacNeal would leave the farm to them, but he dies without a will.
Debt of the Damarals, The
Delmayne's Adventures, or Lost on the Saguenay 1911 Gregory Gigot Delmayne, or Giggles, is the son of Col Delmayne, a high official in Quebec. A strange women he meets on the train gives him a letter for his father that warns of a plot to assassinate the Governor-General. Giggles, with the help of his dog Squirms, has many adventures during his attempt to alert his father and foil this plot.
Denver(s) Wilson's Double: A Story of New Mexico Garda goes to her uncle's ranch in New Mexico to celebrate her cousin's wedding. She expects to return to her mother in Los Angeles after the wedding, but her mother must make an unexpected trip to England, and so Garda stays on at the ranch. While there, Garda helps unravel a mystery that causes her uncle to be unjustly accused of a crime.
Deputy Boss, The; A Tale of British Honduras
Di, the Dauntless Di and her sisters try to support their family's ranch in Western Morocoo when there is danger from Arab superstitions and a threat of attack from marauding tribesmen.
Diana Carries On A girl runs an alpaca ranch in Argentina, fighting wild cats, while her father is missing.
Erica's Ranch Erica is the manager for her half-sister Hannah's ranch in Columbia. Hannah makes a will leaving the ranch to a young girl she has taken in, and then Hannah disappears, leaving only Erika to try to find her.
Felicity's Fortune 1952 Felicity goes to live with her Uncle Dirk on an island near Singapore, and discovers his shady dealings with antiquities.
Ferry House Girls, The; An Australian Story 1923 Vic and Lu try to cope with the dangerous Bell's Gang.
Five Days in a Kitchen
Fleckie; A Story of the Desert Fleckie Lorne, a 10-year-old English boy, travels through the deserts of present-day Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan with his father who is buying and selling jewels. They are captured by robbers, and Fleckie shows ingenuity in helping them escape.
Fortunes of Prue, The 1923 1960 Prue's brother Theo is accused of stealing money, so he loses a chance at a job in London, and they accept the offer of work with a distributor of oranges in Paraguay.
From the Scourge of the Tongue After her father's death, Belinda tries to keep her family farm going with only the help of her sisters and a few workmen. But a shameful secret from her past makes it hard for her to keep the respect of the local people.
Fun O' the Fair, The 1901
Gaspar's Find
Ghost of Rock Range, The 1905 Molly and Hubert are told by the nurserey maid that there is a ghost haunting their estate, but the ghost may have to do with current conflicts in the family.
Girl and a Caravan, A: The Story of Irma's Quest in Persia Irma, the adopted daughter of Shereef Ali Khan, a Persian merchant, discovers that his wife, whom she had regarded as her mother, has been kidnapped by Russian police agents. Shereef now explains that his wife Zeeba is not Irma's mother, but a Russian countess, who fled Russia with the child of imprisoned English friends - Irma herself. Irma undertakes the search for Zeeba.
Girl Captives, The: A Story of the Indian Frontier 1900 Juliet Boyd and her snobbish nieces Jessie and Gwen and their infant brother Wyn must take refuge with kindly Chrissie Felton when their town is under siege by the Kajid hills people and Major Boyd and Captain Felton are away fighting.
Girl Munition Worker, A: The Story of a Girl's Work during the Great War 1916 Deborah suspects a man in her town of being a German spy, but she is reluctant to say anything to the authorities. She learns later, while she is working in a munitions factory, that it would have been better if she had spoken up.
Girl of Distinction, A; A Tale of the Karroo 1912
Girl of the Fortunate Isles, A: A Story of New Zealand 1907 Set in New Zealand, Margaret hears that her step brother has absconded with a large amount of money. She decides to work to earn enough to pay it back so that her invalid mother can be spared any distress.
Girl of the Northland, A 1933 1940 The Scarth family lives in Alaska. The father has gone prospecting for gold, and the oldest daughter Olive tries to hold the family together.
Girl of the Pampas, A
Girl Undaunted, A or The Honey Queen Selfish, self-centered Maleeny and her more agreeable sister Bridget have been sent from the city to spend time with their uncle, who lives in a rural part of Africa. There they meet Patience, a cousin from a remote part of Africa called the Raff. Patience is running away from an obligation to serve as the Honey Queen for a demanding old woman, Karkatura, who rules over a man-free portion of the Raff.
Girls of Wakenside, The; A Story for Girls Set in the Canadian Rockies, a number of romantic relationships endure accidents, misunderstandings, and disappearances.
Glenallan's Daughters 1929 In Malasia, Kitty and Ro hope to solve the mystery of their mother's disappearance and prove their father innocent of any involvement in the scuttling of two ships.
Gold-Marked Charm, The: The Story of a Mystery in the Blue Nile Country 1937 A girl living in 'Soudan' manages a horse/camel ranch with little help from her father.
Greta's Domain : A Tale of Chiloe 1931 Greta and her younger brother and sister, along with their mother are sailing to England from South America when they are forcibly put off their ship because the captain thinks they might have smallpox. Greta helps them to have a comfortable life and solves several mysteries.
Half-moon Girl, The, or, The rajah's daughter Nook 1898 A girl tries to find the will of her uncle which has been entrusted to a local girl in what seems to be Borneo.
Harriet Goes A'Roaming 1933 Harriet travels with a family friend who hopes to collect an inheritance in Canada, and finds that she must survive on her own.
Held at Ransom: A Story of Colonial Life 1928 A young girl, Judy, and her brother Billy, and lame sister, Rosalie, live on a ranch in South Africa. An Englishman traveler helps them rescue their father who is being held for ransom by bandits.
Helen of the Black Mountain: A Story of Montenegro Set in Montenegro, the story tells of Helen who must try to find her father who has disappeared. It is thought that he has been kidnapped by bandits, but his capture turns out to have political reasons.
Her Own Kin: A Story of a Girl in Canada. 1925 A girl's guardians die without signing their wills, leaving her penniless.
Heroine of the Ranch, The/A - a Story of Tierra Del Fuego A girl's mother wants her to go to school in the city so that she will not become interested in running the family horse ranch.
Heroine of the Sea, A: A Story of Vancouver Island 1904 1938 Maudie, a girl fisherman, tries to prove the innocence of her brother, Basil, who was accused of murder
Hilda Holds On Hilda Stormont lives with her old uncle, helping him run his silver mine in Mexico. When he dies intestat, she finds herself disinherited when his long lost wife and the daughter whom he thought to be dead appear and claim ownership.
His Great Surrender John Caryl turns down the comfortable living in England offered to him by the bishop in order to devote himself to ministering to a group of rough miners in Canada.
Homesteader Girl, The 1939 Rose and her brother Frank are tring to live on a homestead in British Columbia long enough to make it their own.
Hope's Tryst: A Story of the Siberian Frontier 1930 Hope Delayne lives in Kiakhta on the border between Siberia and Mongolia.
Hosea's Girl 1941 Marta has always helped her father, Hosea, manage Macmayo, their horse-breeding ranch in Argentina. After his death, she is forced to take on even more responsibility.
House at Brambling Minster, The Ethel, Nesta, May, and Dick, and their cousins Tom and Reggie, along with their governess, Miss Powell, spend the summer in a house in the country which is said by local people to be haunted.
How Nell Scored 1933 Nell and her sister Sue are left at hoome with their aunt, while their parents go off to help their older brother David, who has been injured. Nell manages to save 2 men from a foundered ship, who are revealed to have connections with her family.
In Perilous Times: a tale of old canterbury 1901 1908 Queen Mary is on the throne and Protestants are being persecuted. John Tynely, a devout Protestant, is trying to survive after his brother has had all his property forfeited and has been burned at the stake for his beliefs.
In the Cradle of the North Wind Mrs Moffat and her two boys, Gordon & Guy, await the return of Mr Moffat from  the sea voyage to Newfoundland of the Aurora, a sailing ship of which he is the captain. But when Mr Moffat returns, he brings sad news, and this leads to great adventures for them all.
In the Toils of the Tribesman: A Story of the Indian Frontier 1904 Coralie lives in a remote part of India with her missionary father and her mother and sister. Knowledge of arms smuggling comes to Coralie and her father and he determines to risk his life to let the British authorities know about it. Coralie has to maintain and save her family in his absence.
Island Born: A Tale of Hawaii A girl braves an erupting volcano to prove that her deceased father was innocent of stealing bonds from his company.
Island Heroine, An Rose and Oliver's older brother Sam has finally found work, but it is as a shepherd in Patagonia. Rose and Oliver decide to go with him, but when Oliver breaks his leg, they have to remain on the Falklands Islands while Sam goes on alone.
Jane Fills the Breach Jane helps run the family wool exporting business in Argentina after her step brother and step sister disappear.
Jenny's Adventure or, On the Trail for Klondyke 1910 Jenny and her brother Johnny have been left by their father in Juneau while he travels to the Klondike Goldfields in hopes of making his fortune.
Joyce Harrington's Trust; An Argentine Mystery Joyce Harrington and her disorganized and procrastinating family live on a ranch in Argentina growing grapes and peaches.They come close to ruin because of mistakes and carelessness.
Julliet The Mail Carrier 1929 A girl living in New Foundland takes over a mail route that her injured father cannot do, and solves crimes relating to smuggling.
Kenealy's Ride - A Tale of the Pampas
Laurel the Leader 1931 Laurel's father does not return from a baboon hunting trip, and, with the help of her brothers and her neighbors, Laurel must manage the farm, look after her delicate mother, and find her father.
Leap-year Story, A
Leonard's Temptation: A Story of Gambling
Lesbia's Little Blunder 1934 1935 Lesbia and her younger siblings Jim and Sappy, are left in charge of the family store while their father gets medical help for their mother in a distant town. Lesbia makes a bad decision when she accepts some valuable papers to be held in the store's safe, and she and her brother and sister have many adventures trying to recover from the problems that result from this blunder.
Lois in Charge - Or, A Girl of Grit - The Story of a Plantation in Brazil 1918 Lois lives on her father's coffee plantation in Brazil. When the Black Hand, an extortion ring, becomes active in their area, Lois's father's stepson Jim has to go into hiding to escape them, leaving his own coffee plantation. Lois steps in to help run Jim's plantation, and uses clues she has discovered in order to bring an end to the Black Hand's activities.
Loyalty Of Hester Hope, The: A Story Of British Columbia A girl takes a position to avoid living with a new stepmother, and has to run a ranch and look after a lost Dukabor girl.
Lucie's Luck
Maisie's Discovery In a remote part of Chile, Maisi is left alone when her Uncle Edwin dies, and she is taken in by the local English clergyman, John Graily and his sister Sue. Maisie learns secrets about her past, and John and Sue get caught up in a local revolution.
Marta the Mainstay 1944 Marta's family goes to Stockholm, Sweden to recover from the ruin and scandal caused by her father's business partner.
Millicent Gwent Schoolgirl 1926 Millicent warns landowner Col Lucas about thieves who plan to steal his historic silver, and as a reward, Col Lucas sends her to a well-regarded boarding school, where she has troubles and successes.
Miss Wilmer's Gang 1938 Molly, Violet, Roldy, Daphne, Pris, and Lettice have been gathered by Miss Wilmer, to try to establish a life in 2 remote islands some distance from Punta Arenas, Chile, which Miss Wilmer has recently inherited.
Mistress of Purity Gap, The Elsie Cobb is trying to run her family's large ranch in Equador.
Molly Angel's Adventures. a Tale of the German Occupation of Belgium (also as A Story of Belgium under German Occupation) 1921 Molly Angel has come down with the measles, and is left by her parents with Buffy and Lena Bowen and their parents in Belgium. When Mr & Mrs Bowen must return to England, the 3 children are left on their own as the German invasion takes place.
Molly in the West 1941 Molly runs away from home to escape the demands of her stepmother, and when she is lost walking in a blizzard, she stumbles on a remote cottage with a seriously ill woman and baby, and finds herself tied to looking after them.
Molly of One Tree Bend - A Story of a Girl's Heroism on the Veldt 1912 Molly and her uncle scrape together a bare living in South Africa. When Molly discovers that her uncle is a racing tout who encourages young men to gamble and leads them to ruin, she is devastated, and hopes to change him.
Most Popular Girl in the School, The 1924 Mary Devain is a boarder from Brazil at Raglan College, a school she loves. But she is tormented at school by other Brazilian girls who claim that her father is a 'spy' because he works for the Brazilian government's intelligence.
Mysterious City, The; A Story of the Congo 1935 1906 A young man assists his uncle in an exploration in the Congo.
Mysterious Inheritance, A; A Story of Adventure in British Columbia 1943 Sisters make a life for themselves on a farm and run a butter factory in British Columbia.
Mystery of Silver Run, The 1910 15 year-old Rob Kennedy is going to help his father in their silver mine in the mountains of Peru, while his mother and younger siblings stay in the warmer valley. At the mine, he meets Curly, an orphan  boy not much older, Curly has a mission to find the true criminals behind a silver robbery and to clear his father's name, and Rob helps him.
Nancy Afloat 1953 A girl from New Zealand clears her ship-captain father's name & exposes a criminal gang that plants explosives on ships to destroy them and collect the insurance money.
No Ordinary Girl: a Story of Central America 1941 After Daisy Kennard graduates from her Canadian school with honors, she takes a teaching job in Panama. She hopes to be able to learn more about her mother and father who died there, and also about her sister who disappeared at the same time.
Norah to the Rescue: A Story of the Philippines A young woman foils a political uprising in the Philippines.
Old House By the Water, The 1894
On the Track - Or Among The Torches Of The Andes 1898 1929 After his grandfather's death, Richard Austen finds papers which tell of adventure & gold treasure in Peru.
Owner of Rushcote, The 1903 1913 Wallace Frere is the dissolute estate owner of the Rushcote area who is brought to an appreciation of religion and finds his true love through a series of challenges and events.
Princess of Servia, A: A Story of Today 1912 1931 A Canadian young woman, Mary, moves with her widowed father to his native country Servia, and gets caught up in royal intrigues.
Queen of Shindy Flat, The 1905 Priccola Witchett, called Prickly, or, more often, The Queen of Shindy Flat, was the only female living with her father in a small gold mining camp in Venequela. She is disappointed to be left behind when her father and a companion go to the nearest city with the week's gold - but this turns out to be lucky, because when he disappears, she is able to help rescue him.
Rachel Out West Rachel and her two brothers try to make a life in British Columbia.
Redwood Ranch (Adventures of a boy lost in a California forest) Mary's father is missing, and her brother Oscar goes to search for him, but becomes lost in the redwood forests of California.
Rolf the Rebel (Exciting adventures and hairbreadth escapes in Cuba) 1908 Rolf is shipwrecked and ends up in Cuba, where he becomes involved in helping rebels who are trying to free Cuba from the rule of Spain.
Sally Makes Good - A Story of Tasmania Sally's father is given a small estate when he retires from the military - but it is located in Tasmania! When Sally and her family move there to take up their new way of life, they stumble on many adventures, and Sally proves that she is as good a daughter as her clever older sisters.
Secret of the Everglades, The: A Story of Adventure in Florida 1916 Millicent Osney realizes that her family has been left quite poor after her father's death.
Silla the Seventh 1936 Drusilla, from Toronto, goes to live with her difficult Aunt Eliza in Georgian Bay after her father remarries.
Sisters of Silver Creek: A Story of Western Canada 1936 English sisters Kitty, Sue, and fragile 15-year-old Pattie are left poor orphans after their mother dies, but are offered a home with their Uncle Ben in Assiniboia, a town in Saskatchewan, Canada.
Sylvia's Secret: A Tale of the West Indies Sylvia's father is injured while saving one of his plantation hands from an attack by an electric eel, so Sylvia must take over management of the plantation which is located on an island off Jamaica.
That Dreadful Boy! 1910 When Jim Blake was young, he di not study or work, and he teased the other children and they referred to him as 'that dreadful boy'. But through a series of adventures, he (along with several other characters) becomse more religious and gains happiness.
Three Girls in Mexico: A Story of Life in the Interior 1909 Marion and Maud live with their stepmother and step-sister Muriel on an estate in Mexico. Through a chance encounter with a local woman, Marion learns how to make perfume from the local orchids, and is able to start a business that will support them all.
Three Girls on a Ranch: A Story of New Mexico The Lovell family buys a ranch in New Mexico with money they inherited.
To Save Her School Kindle 1926 Junia tries for the Simon Dobbs Scholarship at Bemworth High School.
Toby's Luck (published as by "John Comfort" Toby's father has been under suspicion of having aided the criminals who stole gold bars from his workplace. Toby determines to discover the real thieves and to clear his father.
Tommy's Trek: A Transvaal Story 1925 A short tale about a young boy in South Africa who must make his way alone when separated from his mother.
Transport Girl in France, A: The Story of the Adventures of a W.A.A.C.
Triumphs of Three, The 1942 Vi receives a 250-pound reward for thwarting a jewel robbery. This money allows Vi, her twin sister Benna, and her brother Charles to travel to Canada to make a new life for themselves in British Columbia.
Two New Girls, The Kindle 1927 Two girls, both named Rose, attend the same school.
Two of a Kind Vera and Ann and their mother leave England for Canada, where they join up with their mother's brother's family, including Van, Rob, and Tommy, in British Columbia.
Two on Their Own Judith is staying for the summer with her cousin Audrey and her mother in a remote part of the Gaspe peninsula. When Audrey's mother leaves unexpectedly, the girls are thrown on their own resources.
Uncle Greg's Man Hunt - A Story of Texan Horse-Thieves 1911 Greg Fotsam visits his nephew's school and tells the boys about his adventures with horse thieves in Texas.
Under Clearer Skies 1892 Lovelace escapes her dreary life in London when she is invited to stay with an uncle who is trying to introduce Methodism to the people in a small village.
Unknown Island, The: A Tale of Adventure in the Seychelles A girl and her two younger brothers are shipwrecked on a deserted island in the Seychelles.
VAD In Salonika, A. A Tale of a Girl's Work in the Great War 1917 Joan makes a mistake that allows a spy to gain secret information. To atone for her error, she volunteers with a VAD group on its way to Salonika. There her hard work and good motorbiking skills save the day.
Waifs of Woollamoo: a Story for Girls Australian children try to maintain their farms when their parents leave to join a gold rush.
Weasel Tim 1901 Timothy Marks suffers because he is the son of a poacher and traveling tin-ware seller and people assume that he is not honest. They call him Weasel Tim. But Tim tries to stand by his father, and still remain honest and good, and he succeeds.
Western Scout, The (The adventures of a boy scout)
Winning His Wy, A Story for Boys 1910 Young Dan is an orphan trying to make his way on the streets of London, while his brother is in a reformatory for stealing. Dan meets several people who are good to him, and he is also exposed to religion, which is a help to him in leading a good and honest life.
Yew Tree Farm - A Story of a Separate Career
Youngest Sister, The - A Tale of Manitoba gutenberg.org

Kindle; Nook

A girl proves that she is as competent as her two older sisters (one marries an Australian, the other travels to Europe to study music) by helping her cousin on a farm in Manitoba.

Listed below are books written by Bessie Marchant published under the name John Comfort.

Title Available Formats Publication Date Presentation Date Plot Summary
Don's Doings (A story of life in Western Canada) Young Don is left on his own when his older brother does not come back from rounding up their cattle. He discovers that he can manage on his own, alone: he brings home someone else's herd of cattle that he runs into while looking for his own, he resuces a sick man and looks after him until he is well, and he locates the sick man's lost daughter. His many adventures convince him that he knows what he is doing, even though he is still young.
Matt Desmond's Bit (The story of a brave boy who does his bit in the war) Matt Desmond's father is away at war, and he is at home from school, recovering from a serious illness. He does not like being idle, and is happy to get a chance to help the owner of a beach-side donkey ride business. This work leads to his discovery and capture of German spies.
Nobby: A Son of Empire Noble "Nobby" Brown is determined to find the money that was stolen from his father.
On His Own (The adventures of a little English boy who went to Canada "on his own") Young Tom Brown is traveling with his older brother, Thack, to make a new life in a remote small town in Canada. Tom and his brother are separated, and Tom travels alone and has to manage by himself.
River Tramp, The (The story of a boy's adventures among the rubber camps of Upper Orinoco) Roy hears talk that  his father, whom he has always though was dead, is living far up river. Roy decides to try to find his father and experiences many trials during his search.
Toby's Luck Toby's father has been under suspicion of having aided the criminals who stole gold bars from his workplace. Toby determines to discover the real thieves and to clear his father.

Listed below are books written by Bessie Marchant published under the name Elizabeth Comfort.

Title Available Formats Publication




Plot Summary
Grizzly's Little Pard 1894 Robert and Jean McLeodand their infant daughter Fay arrive by mistake in Gold Ledge, a remote mining town. They soon befriend all the inhabitants, especially the rough and uncouth Grizzley, who makes a pet of young Fay. The publication date shown here refers to the Thomas Whittaker edition, which, unlike most Bessie Marchant books, was published with a printed publication date.
Little Heroine of Poverty Flat 1893 Nora Fleming's father has moved his family to Poverty Flat so that he can take up work in a mine there. But there is no school in Poverty Flat, so Nora has had to give up her hopes of an education. But her bravery proves to be a life saver for the workmen of the mine, and she is rewarded in the end.


  • Richard Phillips (1997). Mapping Men and Empire: A Geography of Adventure. Routledge. pp. 91–92. ISBN 0-415-13771-3.
  • John Cooper and Jonathan Cooper (1998). Children's Fiction 1900-1950. Ashgate. pp. 24–26. ISBN 185928289X.
  • Alan Major (1991). "Bessie Marchant: the Maid of Kent whose exciting stories thrilled thousands of English children". pp 30–33. This England magazine, Winter 1991.

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