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A black mexican terrorist is attacking the colony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{{Unreferenced|date=January 2007}}
:''This article is about a type of political territory. For other uses see [[Colony (disambiguation)]].
In [[politics]] and in history, a '''colony''' is a [[Territory (country subdivision)|territory]] under the immediate political control of a [[state]]. For [[colonies in antiquity]], [[city-state]]s would often found their own colonies. Some colonies were historically countries, while others were territories without definite [[statehood]] from their inception. The '''metropolitan state''' is the state that owns the colony. In [[Ancient Greece]], the city that owned a colony was called the '''metropolis''' within its political organization. '''Mother country''' is a reference to the metropolitan state from the point of view of citizens who live in its colony. Today, the terms [[overseas territory]] or [[dependent territory]] are preferred.{{Fact|date=February 2007}} There is a [[United Nations list of Non-Self-Governing Territories]].

People who migrated to settle permanently in colonies controlled by their country of origin were called ''colonists'' or [[settler]]s.

A colony differs from a [[puppet state]] or [[satellite state]] in that a colony has no independent international representation, and the top-level administration of a colony is under direct control of the metropolitan state.

The term "informal colony" is used by some historians to describe a country which is under the ''de facto'' control of another state, although this description is often contentious.

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In the modern usage, ''colony'' is generally distinguished from ''overseas possession''. In the former case, the local population, or at least the part of it not coming from the "metropolitan" (controlling) country, does not enjoy full citizenship rights. The political process is generally restricted, especially excluding questions of independence. In this case, there are [[settler]]s from a dominating foreign country, or countries, and often the property of [[indigenous people]]s is seized, to provide the settlers with land. Foreign mores, religions and/or legal systems are imposed. In some cases, the local population has been held for [[unfree labour]], submitted to brutal force, or even to policies of [[genocide]].

By contrast, in the case of overseas possessions, citizens are ''formally'' equal, regardless of origin and it is possible for legal independence movements to form; should they gain a majority in the oversea possession, the question of independence may be brought, for instance, to referendum. However, in some cases, settlers have come to outnumber indigenous people in overseas possessions, and it is possible for colonies to become overseas possessions against the wishes of indigenous peoples. This often results in ongoing and long-lasting independence struggles by the descendants of the original inhabitants.

The word ''colony'' may also be used for countries that, while independent or considering themselves independent of a former colonizing power, still have a political and social structure where the rulers are a minority originating from the colonizing power. Such was the case with [[Rhodesia]] after the [[Unilateral Declaration of Independence]].

The term [[informal colony]] has also been used in relation to countries which, while they have never been conquered by force or ''officially'' ruled by a foreign power, have a clearly subordinate social or economic relationship to one.

[[Image:Colonization in 1945.png|400px|thumb|Colonization and imperialism at the end of [[World War II]] (1945)]]
Originally, as with the [[Hellenic civilization|ancient (Hellenic) Greek]] ''[[apoikia]]'' (αποικια), the term ''colonization'' referred to the foundation of a new city or settlement, more often than not with nonviolent means (but see for instance the Athenian re-colonisation of [[Melos]] after wiping out the earlier settlement). The term '''''colony''''' is derived from the [[Latin]] colonia, which indicated a place meant for [[agriculture|agricultural]] activities; these Roman colonies and others like them were in fact usually either conquered so as to be inhabited by these workers, or else established as a cheap way of securing conquests made for other reasons. The name of the [[Germany|German]] city [[Köln]], which is "Cologne" in English, also derives from ''colonia''. In the modern era, communities founded by colonists or [[settler]]s became known as ''settler colonies''.

The "[[Age of Discovery]]" began in the 15th century with the initiation of the vast [[Portuguese Empire]] and lasted until the mid-20th century. Curiously, the first great European colonial empire to be created, the [[Portugal|Portuguese]], was also the last one to be dismantled. In this long period, the [[Spanish Empire|Spanish]], the [[British Empire|British]], the [[French colonial empire|French]], the [[Dutch colonial empire|Dutch]], the [[German colonial empire|German]], and other Colonial Empires were created. During these centuries [[Europe]]an states, the [[United States]] and others took political control of much of the world's population and landmass. The term "colony" came to mean an overseas district with a majority [[indigenous people|indigenous]] population, administered by a distant colonial government. (Exceptions occurred: [[Russia]]n colonies in [[Central Asia]] and [[Siberia]], American settlements in the [[American West]], and German colonies in [[Eastern Europe]] were not "overseas"; British colonies (or "overseas territories") like the [[Falkland Islands]] and [[Tristan da Cunha]] lacked a native population.). Most non-European countries were colonies of Europe at one time or another, or were handled in a quasi-colonial manner. The European colonies and former colonies in America made extensive use of [[slavery|slave labor]], initially using the native population, then through the importation of slaves from black Africa.

There existed various statuses and modes of operation for foreign countries, direct control by the colonizing country being the most obvious. Some colonies were operated through corporations (the [[British East India Company]] for [[India]]; the [[Russian-American Company]] for [[Alaska]]; the [[Congo Free State]] under the very brutal rule of [[Léopold II of Belgium]]); some were run as [[protectorate]]s. Quasi-colonies were run through proxy or puppet governments, generally kingdoms or dictatorships. For instance, it may be argued that [[Cuba]] before the Revolution was a quasi-colony of the United States, with an enormous influence of US economic and political interests; see [[banana republic]].

The United Kingdom used Australia as a [[penal colony]]: British convicts would be sent to forced labour there, with the added benefit that the freed convicts would settle in the colony and thus augment the European population there. Similarly, France once deported prostitutes and various "undesirables" to populate its colonies in North America, and until the 20th century operated a penitentiary on [[Devil's Island]] in [[French Guiana]].

The [[independence]] of these colonies began with that of [[13 colonies]] of Britain that formed the [[United States]], finalised in 1783 with the conclusion of a war begun in 1776, and has continued until about the present time, with for example [[Algeria]] and [[East Timor]] being relinquished by European powers only in 1962 and 1975 respectively (although the latter was forcibly made an [[Indonesia]]n possession instead of becoming fully independent). This process is called '''[[decolonization]]''', though the use of a single term obscures an important distinction between the process of the [[settler]] population breaking its links with the mother country while maintaining local political supremacy and that of the [[indigenous people|indigenous]] population reasserting themselves (possibly through the expulsion of the settler population).

The movement towards decolonization was not uniform, with more newer powers, sometimes themselves ex-colonies or once threatened by colonial power, trying to carve a colonial empire. The United States, itself a former colony, expanded westwards. It also colonized [[Hawaii]], and waged various wars and conduct armed expeditions so as to assert power over local governments (in [[Japan]], with [[Matthew Perry (naval officer)|Commodore Perry]] and in [[Cuba]], for example). European countries and the United States, exploiting the weakness of China's waning imperial regime, also maintained so-called [[international concession]]s in that country, a sort of colonial [[enclave]]; the coastal towns of [[Macau]] and [[Hong Kong]] were held on long-term leases by [[Portugal]] and the [[United Kingdom]]. During the first half of the 20th century, until its defeat the [[World War II|Second World War]], Japan, once afraid of becoming a European or American colony, built itself a colonial empire in [[Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty|Korea]], [[Taiwan under Japanese rule|Taiwan]], South [[Sakhalin]], [[Kwantung Leased Territory|northeast part of China]], and the Western Pacific, using brutal military force.

Under the [[Geneva Conventions]] of 1949, it is a war crime to transfer, directly or indirectly, the civilian population of a country power onto land under that country's military occupation. The reasoning for this crime is apparently to emphasise that it is now a violation of international law to annex territory through military force. This phrase describes many of acts of [[colonisation]] in the past, and arguably outlaws colonisation.

''See also:'' [[British Empire]], [[Portuguese Empire]], [[Spanish Empire]], [[French colonial empire]], [[Dutch colonial empire]], [[Colonialism]], [[Colonial mentality]], [[Colonization]], [[British Nationality Law]], [[Slavery]], [[Imperialism]], [[New Imperialism]], [[settler]].

''Compare'' [[protectorate]], [[Crown colony]], [[dominion]], [[Proprietary colony]].

==Colonies in ancient civilizations (examples)==
''See [[Colonies in antiquity]].''

* [[Carthage]] was a [[Phoenicia]]n colony
* [[Cyrene, Libya|Cyrene]] was a colony of the Greeks of [[Thera]]
* [[Naples]] formed as a Greek colony
* [[Durrës]] formed as a Greek colony dome

==Modern colonies (examples)==
*[[Indonesia]] was a Dutch colony for 350 years, from 1600 to 1945/49, occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945.
*[[Hong Kong]] was a British colony from 1841 to 1997, and [[Macau]] was a Portuguese colony from 1557 to 1999.
*Parts of [[India]] were under the direct control of the government of the [[United Kingdom]] between 1858 and 1947. ''See also [[Crown colony]].''
*[[Taiwan]] was a colony of [[Japan]] between 1895 and 1945. Prior to that, Taiwan was a territory and, briefly, a province of the [[Qing Empire]].
*The [[Philippines]], previously a colony of [[Spain]], was a colony of the [[United States]] from 1898 to 1946. During World War II between 1942 and 1945, it was occupied by the Japanese forces.

Today, the colonizing European and North American powers hold few colonies in the traditional sense of the term, with exceptions in the case of the United States (including [[Guam]], [[Puerto Rico]] and the [[U.S. Virgin Islands]] - see next section), [[France]] and the [[United Kingdom|UK]] (including the [[Falkland Islands]], The [[British Virgin Islands]] and the [[Channel Islands]]. Some of their former colonies have been integrated as [[dependent area]]s or have closer integration with the country.

==Current colonies (examples)==
* '''[[Puerto Rico]]''''s subjection to [[United States]] sovereignty is considered by many countries to constitute a colonial imposition since [[Puerto Ricans]] are subject to laws passed by [[Congress]] without their consent and they are excluded from electoral participation in elections of the officials that hold ultimate sovereignty over their national government.<ref>
{{cite press release
|title=Special committee on decolonization approves text calling on United States to expedite Puerto Rican self-determination process
|date=[[13 June]], [[2006]]
|publisher=Department of Public Information, United Nations General Assembly
|accessdate=2007-10-01}}</ref> According to the U.S. President's Task Force Report on the Political Status of Puerto Rico<ref name=status>{{cite web
|title= Appendix A Presidential Documents
|accessdate=2007-10-01|format=PDF}}</ref> (which was expressly endorsed by the George W. Bush Administration), the extent of United States power over Puerto Rico is so great, that the U.S. may dispose of Puerto Rico by transferring it to any other sovereign country as a mere disposition of property.<ref>{{cite web
|title=Political Status of Puerto Rico: Background, Options, and Issues in the 109th Congress
|date=[[May 25]], [[2005]]
|author=Keith Bea
|publisher=Congressional Research Service
|accessdate=2007-10-01|format=PDF}}</ref><ref name="sdc">{{cite press release
|title=Special committee on decolonization approves text calling on United States to expedite Puerto Rican self-determination process
|date=[[13 June]], [[2006]]
|publisher=Department of Public Information, United Nations General Assembly
|accessdate=2007-10-01}}</ref> This view is shared by many supporters of [[independence]] and [[statehood]] for this [[Caribbean]] island, as well as by supporters of an "enhanced" [[commonwealth (U.S. insular area)|Commonwealth]] status. However, some other Puerto Ricans do not agree with this perception. In a recent letter addressed to [[U.S. Secretary of State]] [[Condoleezza Rice]], the Head of Government of Puerto Rico, [[Aníbal Acevedo Vilá]], accused the United States of having deceived the [[United Nations]] and the [[international community]] in 1953, when it succeeded in having the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico recognized as a provisional decolonized status subject to continued monitoring; Acevedo-Vila claimed that it was ironic that this is the position taken by the [[Government of Iran]] and that the Governor of Puerto Rico will soon feel forced to support [[Iran]]'s claims regarding the U.S. government's alleged-hypocritical actions with regards to Puerto Rico's "colonial" status.<ref> [http://www.plenglish.com/article.asp?ID=%7B0BBF386D-F7D6-4870-9CF0-EC85014C0EC6%7D)&language=EN Prensa Latina, Nestor Rosa-Marbrell, November 20, 2007; last verified on December 1st, 2007]</ref><ref> [http://espanol.news.yahoo.com/s/19112007/54/eeuu-gobernador-pide-rice-enmiende-informe-estatus-pol-tico-p.html El Gobernador pide a Rice que enmiende el informe sobre el estatus político de P.Rico; Yahoo News; November 19, 2007 - Last verified, December 1st, 2007.]</ref>

* Similarly, '''[[American Samoa]]''', '''[[Guam]]''', the '''[[Northern Mariana Islands]]''' and the '''[[U.S. Virgin Islands]]''' are also considered to have a colonial relationship with the [[United States]], as its citizens are also subject to the laws of [[Congress]] passed without their consent. These territories, along with Puerto Rico, are known as [[unincorporated territory|unincorporated]] territories.
*The '''[[French Overseas Departments]]''' are integral regions, although seen by others as still modern day colonies under [[France]].
*'''[[Tokelau]]''' is a colony of [[New Zealand]]

==See also==
*[[List of dominant sovereign states and their servient territories]]
*[[Space colonization]]
*[[Settler colonialism]]
*[[British overseas territories|Crown colony]]
*[[Proprietary colony]]
*[[Colony (song)]]


==External links==
* [http://www.un.org/Depts/dpi/decolonization/trust3.htm Non-Self-Governing Territories Listed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2002]

{{Types of country subdivision}}


[[bs:Kolonija (politika)]]
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[[nl:Kolonisatie en imperialisme]]
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[[uk:Колонія (політика)]]

Revision as of 20:46, 20 November 2008

A black mexican terrorist is attacking the colony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!