Command Decisions
Command Decisions was a series produced by Hoff Productions which aired on The History Channel in 2004. Each episode depicted an historic battle through re-creations, and gave the viewer an opportunity to test his skills, strategies and nerve as a commander through nine questions. The viewer was asked to imagine themselves in the mind of the battlefield commander, and would choose from 3 options for how to proceed.
List of depicted battles:
- Battle of the Bulge
- Battle of Britain
- Battle of Iwo Jima
- Battle of Rivoli
- San Juan Hill
- Siege of Alesia
- Tet Offensive
- Six Day War
- Cambrai
- Chalons
- Gettysburg
- Little Bighorn
- Inch'on
- Marathon
- Waterloo
- Stalingrad
- Desert Storm
- Midway
- Saratoga
- Hastings
The episode titled "The Siege of Alesia" was filmed in 2003 and featured the historical reenactment groups Legio X Fretensis as the Romans and a Celtic group named "Gaestate" who modified their equipment and costume to emulate Gauls of the First Century BC.