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Faculty of Veterinary Science of Córdoba, Spain

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The Faculty of Veterinary of Córdoba, dependent in the actuality of the University of Córdoba (Spain), has its origin in the Real Order of 19 August 1847, rubricada by Queen Isabel II and by means of which were created in the cities of Córdoba and Saragossa a School Subalterna of Veterinary, calls like this for being provincial and possess an inferior rank to the National School of Veterinary of Madrid, founded in 1792. The School Subalterna of Veterinary of Córdoba was dependent of the Rectorship of the University of Seville until 1972.


Córdoba was headquarters of veterinary studies from time inmemoriales. The Real Order of 12 September 1788 trusted to the professors Malats –that it would be the first director of the School of Madrid- and to Estévez a plan of studies for Madrid and Córdoba, although this last no cuajó by shortage of profesorado. Even it says in the report that the Duke of Huéscar wanted to form a School of Veterinary in Córdoba and no in another part. The foundational order of 1847 supposed the first steps of decentralisation of the veterinary education when extending it to provinces, irradiando to regions described like excellent producing of livestocks of great interest, especially équidos.

In 1848 it appoints after contest opposition to Enrique Martín Gutiérrez –veterinary of the school of Madrid- chair of first and Director in functions (in 13 January 1852 was appointed Director in property, although really it went it from his arrival to Córdoba). It receives commission to incorporate quickly to his destination, taking possession of said charge the day 26 July. In the following days, in union of the governor, visits the buildings that the State possessed in the capital cordobesa, deciding by the building of the Old Hospice, of noble carry although notably dilapidated. It was situated in the neighbourhood of San Pedro, in the street Encarnación Agustina. There was there a convent of monks, until in 1804 by disposal of the bishop Trevilla is unemployed, expanded and devoted to hospice and house of mercy; later it remains like barracks of the Civil Guard. Like this, the School was inaugurated in the part of the Old Hospice that did not use the Civil Guard.

The first course of the School of Veterinary of Córdoba initiates on 1 November 1848, with 13 students enrolled and some listeners that by own wish or by curiosity assisted daily to class. The educational picture was constituted by Enrique Martín Gutiérrez, chair of first course and director in functions and Agustín Villar González, aggregated professor appointed by the Queen on 27 June 1848, Secretary and attendant of hospitals, helped by a concierge. There was need to request a goalkeeper, appointed on 20 November and, to all they, joined on 22 December Genaro Montoya like professor of Fragua.

With the work of this community of personnel tackled the education of the first course, that was difficult and penosa for lacking a lot of necessary things, but did efforts to present the disciples in examinations to a height of knowledges that surprised to several professors of Medicine that were invited to ask them, giving proof of his big application and proof in the study.

Teaching and students in 1850

As it relates Enrique Martín, the activities began to the nine of the morning, during all the course, each day, to part of the ones of Physics and Chemical that were alternating, there were theoretical classes of hour and average of Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Operations and Agriculture and Zootecnia. The practices on common illnesses, medical and surgical, made in the Clinics; the ones of dissection and vivisection, in the anatomical cabinet, and the ones of forged and herrado in the fragua.

The services of Surgery saw public daily to the ten and average, to which obligatoriamente assisted all the students. The hospitable stays meant an important source of income for the School, being free only the assistance facultativa and the service of medicine cabinet.

In the first decade ingresaron in the School 401 students. To be it demanded have fulfilled the seventeen years and have cursado the upper primary instruction or an examination in front of teachers of the normal school of the city where was the School of Veterinary. Also they were necessary conditions the health and robustness that demanded the free exert of all the internal physical functions and external and have not suffered contagious illness that deprive him be in contact with others. Equally it required a atestado of good behaviour, issued by the municipal authority.

First promotions of the School Subalterna of Córdoba

Until 1871 the degree that awarded the School of Veterinary of Córdoba was the one of Veterinary of second class, as it was subalterna of Madrid, and the students concluded his studies of Veterinary in three years.

The Plan of Madrid consisted of five years,

  • First year.- General compared anatomy and descriptive of the domestic animals.
  • Second year.- Physiology, general Pathology, pathological Anatomy and special Pathology.
  • Third year.- Therapeutic general and special, Pharmacology, Art of recetar.
  • Fourth year.- Anatomy of the regions, Medicine Operatoria, Vendajes, Obstetrics, External and Art of herrar teoricopráctico, Clinical.
  • Fifth year.- Hygiene, contagious Illnesses, Epizootias, Sanitary Police, legal Medicine, Bibliography and veterinary Morals, Clinical, with Agriculture applied and Zoonomología or art recriar, multiply and improve the main domestic animals.

The veterinary of second had faculties to cure horses, mules and asses, herrado and sanitary knowledges and, in places where there was not veterinary of first, expand his work until all the scale of domestic animals and to exert the titularity in the specific charges of the municipalities. They could not be veterinary military neither fulfil functions of peritaje, inspection, etc. The first are registered in 1849, and correspond to prestigious albéitares in exercise or to students of the School of Madrid that had not finished his studies. The first was Don José Torres Marry of 41 years, examined on 22 December 1849.

The promotion of the first students of Córdoba enrolled in 1848 was approved entirely in 1852. They appear in individual records, with the filiación to the margin, where state to have cursado the three years warned, have been examined by space of two hours and the qualification.


The Regulation of 14 October 1857, the Law Moyano, substitutes the calificativo of Subalternas of the Schools of Veterinary by the one of Professionals and the education cursaba in two periods, one of four years for all the Schools and another of a year, only in Madrid, to reach the title of Veterinary of first. In this way to the Veterinary of second, after the four years in provinces and revalidate, allowed him purchase a degree to exert the medicine and veterinary surgery without limitations, although the destinations of these graduated in official commissions would be it only to title of interim until they can cater with professors of upper character.

The moyanada, as commonly it spread , established that the Veterinary of first were preferred to take part in all the cases of illnesses infecciosas, sanitary police and recognition of pastures, as well as they were experts of all class of problems and litigios, keeping like this notorious differences between both classes of professionals.

Plan of Studies of 1871

In three July 1871, with the Regulation of the Schools of Veterinary, achieves a big attainment, unifies the level of all the education and the degrees in the four Schools of Veterinary –Madrid, Córdoba, Saragossa and León-. It organised the education of Veterinary in five courses, after the previous of second education or examination in the school.

The text of the mentioned Regulation collects, (…) Art. 3º. The educations that comprises the career of Veterinary are: Physics and veterinary Chemistry or with relation á the animals and á the external agents á these: alternating lesson, a course. Natural history, go. Go.: Alternating lesson, a course. General and descriptive anatomy.- Nomenclature of the external regions.- Age of the solípedos and other domestic animals: a course of daily lesson. Physiology é hygiene.- Mechanical animal.- Recognition of animals, plumb, pelos and way to review: a course of daily lesson. General and special pathology.- Pharmacology.- Art of recetar.- Therapeutic.- Legal medicine: a course of daily lesson. Operations, dressings and vendajes.- Obstetrics.- Procedure of herrado and forged: a course of daily lesson. Agriculture and Zootécnia.- Veterinary right and sanitary police: a course of daily lesson. Clinical medical: a course of daily lesson. Clinical surgical: a course of daily lesson. Exercises of dissection: a course of daily lesson. Exercises of vivisection: a course of daily lesson. Practical of herrado and forged until reaching the perfection in this art. Practical of Agriculture and Zootécnia.

Art. 4º. For the had to complement of these educations there will be necessarily in each school a clinical hospital, a medicine cabinet, a library, an anatomical cabinet, an office of fragua, a surgical arsenal and a cabinet of Physics é natural History.

Art. 5º. The studies referred give the necessary aptitude, previous an examination of reválida, to opt to the title of Veterinary in any one of the Schools of the realm.

Art. 6º. The course will begin the day 1º. Of October and will finish on 31 May, (…)

Art. 8º. From the date of this regulation there will be more classes of titles that the one of Veterinary to exert all the profession á that this diploma refers . The current Veterinary of second class will be able to aspire to the new title testing in any one of the Schools the subjects that are missing him and suffering the examination of reválida, in virtue of the that will change them his title, previous the payment of rights. (…)

Final of the 19th century

A wave of educational, no little distinct of the founders, goes to top one of the most difficult stages of the sail of the School of Córdoba, that goes to change his course, when forming part of her a more debugged group, enormously influenced by the discoveries pasteurianos and projecting his quality in all the professional fields aplicativos, soaked already, and opened to formative requirements of analogous rigour and level that any studious of Spain.

Established the matters and disciplines by concrete specialitys and surpassed therefore the teaching by years, the School goes to visit this difficult period that goes from the unification of the degrees until the promulgation of the plan of 1912, like milestone, definite then, for a generation that goes to configure the Veterinary in parangón with the remaining sciences that represented the university status of the period.

The School cordobesa in this period projects much more in the national field, quantifiable fact by the production of students and notable professionals. The School then , inside the problematic own of the century agonizante and desmoralizante for Spain, found in this critical state of hiperestesia formative, full of wounds and spurs, but endowed of the necessary infrastructure to give the big jump that in essence meant the elevation of his educational status and the imminent apparition of plans of study, in accordance with the state of what already gave in calling by the politicians and educational, in general, like the modern veterinary Science.

The life of the School initiated the 20th century

The diet paramilitar of the moment of the foundation of the School –in the ordenanza of 1827 stood out the military organisation, without holidays neither festive and the students attended to class like Company, accompanied of the corresponding sergeant, with military attire, diet of confined and terminology cuartelera- also applied in the Subalternas, in which, although it no longer existed an authentic military structure, conserved styles, instructions and disciplines that did not relax a lot.

Few years afterwards, the students left to receive to the ancient discipline and military structure, and quickly went in inside a civil diet, in which prompt prendieron habits and habits participatorias and reivindicativas, self-evident, first in Madrid and afterwards in provinces, by the apparition of student and professional press. In effect, in 1853 it appears a professional magazine, The Echo of the Veterinary, more critical that scientific. In this sense, the School of Córdoba had his organs of expression, of which are indicators of greater life The school Echo and The Progress.

The school Echo initiated his publication in full effervescence of change and interests, in 8 March 1902. Had like director honorífico to Don Antonio Ruiz Fernández and like director to Don Antonio Moreno Ruiz, appearing like collaborators all the students. To his inauguration assisted all the plantel of the profesorado and the immediate social act was a lunch with ladies. In this newspaper stand out sanitary political news, works on artificial insemination, considerations on the fever aftosa and on anaesthesia, boosting the first attempts of colegiación, with articles on thematic of the cholera aviar, carbuncle and panzootias. They did not be missing the subjects on hobbles and specific of the livestock equino, signed by the specialists of the period.

The another magazine, The Progress, veterinary school magazine, scientific and literary, was of twice-weekly apparition, with Don Aureliano González Villarreal like director, later stood out educational that finalised his days like Chair of Anatomy de León. It initiated in 1909, it included news of the society, at least of the affine or near, and in his content can warn his favourable posture to the reform of studies.

The renewal of the School. Plan of 1912

The Spain of beginnings of the 20th century was critical, resultant of a curious mix of pessimisms, expresses in aggressive and dramatic language. While in previous periods the authorities did not show sensitivity neither understanding, in this were allied and engines of new projects and of diverse revisionist reasons. In this frame situated the Schools of Veterinary.

In these directions, the R.Or. Of 23 March 1903, that expanded the one of 30 September 1896, established like previous accreditation to the entry in the Schools of Veterinary, have approved in official education in the Institutes two courses of Spanish, Latin, French, two of general and special Geography, two of Arithmetic and Geometry and besides Algebra. Of another side, implanted –R.Or. Of 25 May 1900 and of 19.9.1900– the controls of assistance, with thorough monthly parts and demanding.

With this course and attitudes the Administration was beginning to understand the need to configure an education renewed to update the quehacer educational and scientist of the Schools of Veterinary, whose reflected official corresponds to the R.D. Of 27 September 1912, that sanctioned with his signature Alfonso XII. It established the requirement of the title of Bachiller (art. 19), reglamentaba the diet and government of the Upper Schools of Veterinary and had that the plan had to begin the same course of 1912.

A new School, a new building

The profesorado came requesting permission to formulate a project of new School, that improved the location of the only educational centre of upper level with that explained the city of Córdoba, that always saw in him, like the history would commission to confirm, the avanzadilla of an instrument of university teaching.

With these antecedents the Board of the School approved the Memory Condition pedagogical and hygienic that it has to gather a School of Veterinary according to the modern needs, in which it reasoned the need to build a new building. The memory was approved and elevated to the Subsecretaría of Public Instruction, with date 14 July 1913. It was chosen to make the definite project -inspired by the structuring of the School of Veterinary of Hannover- the architect D. Gonzalo Domínguez Espúñez, that collected the Muslim tradition, with decoration in brick, Arab arch, califal of horseshoe, with tiles, decorated floral in stone and other elements that identified it like mudéjar modernizado of tradition cordobesa.

By Royal decree of 23 October 1914 approved the project and budget by 1.976.740 pesetas. The City council of Córdoba purchased the Huerta of Trinidad, of 5 Há and near to the city, by 50.000 pesetas, that yielded the State. But the works began to eternizarse from the beginning. In 1921 only it was built the plant of the low flat and already had spent the third part of the budget.

It was the visit of the president of the Council, General Primo de Rivera, in the spring of 1929, the one who propulsó the course of the works, although, by lujoso, Rivera ordered to reduce and recortar before restarting the works. They struggled in vain for conserving the initial project and it was necessary to accept the project reduced, that is to say, an alone main pavilion with three flats and attaching him the one of clinics. In July 1929 approved the project reformed by an amount of 4.004.987,12 pesetas and awarded the works to D. Severiano Montoto with the commitment to #finish them in September 1933, although they paralysed in April 1932, spent already the consignación of that year.

At the same time they posed light reforms. To study relative details to the installation recommends the trip of some commission to the foreign schools to join up to the one of Córdoba his methods and settings, suggesting especially the ones of Hannover and Leipzig. In 1934 they approved additional projects by amount of almost 400.000 pesetas.

When bursting the Spanish Civil War in July 1936 was practically to deliver officially. The strengths of crash the army found there an accommodate excellent, occupying it and producing destrozos, even of new furniture, that, with the sword of Damocles that meant, it was necessary to coexist with a polvorín of heavy artillery installed in his basements –until 1942 the Army conserved the wing west of the main plant and second for dependencies and warehouse of projectiles of long scope-.

The basic document, of D. Calixto Tomás, established that it has to build to the German style, or was by isolated pavilions, since (...) It is easy that constitute in focus of infection (...). The emplazamiento (...) It has to situate in the outskirts of the urban area but near of the population, in high and ventilated place procuring that the wind do not bring neither carry emanations that can result unsuitable for the health of the students or of the near populations. (...) It will have to have of field to make the practices of Agriculture and Zootécnia.

Also it described the pavilions or departments that it was necessary to raise: main Pavilion (...) Pavilion of Physics, Chemical and natural History (...) Pavilion of Physiology and Hygiene (...) Clinical for big animals (...) Clinical for small animals (...) Pavilion of Agriculture and Zootecnia (...) Pavilion of Anatomy (...) In addition to these main installations has to build a deposit of waters. A Cabin pecuaria for practices and experimentation with all the domestic species, with preference the native. In these dependencies cursarán studies the workers of the field that aspire to be experts in ganadería (...) Also there will be a department of Bathrooms where administer this type of medicinal treatments to all type of animals. Fraguas And herraderos will complete these equipments. It specified , finally, that all these constructions will do inside the greater compatible modesty with the hygiene.

The fruit of the primitive project and the reformed is a big building of twenty-five metres of façade and three plants, to which, in his back façade, attached clinical services doctors and surgical, amen of several constructions anejas for lazareto, child of animals and industry lechera, with an installation that would be later the Head office Lechera of Córdoba. The remaining space would employ to produce forrajeras and practical of feeding in freedom.

A impulsión powerful for the new building is the nomination of the chair gift Rafael Castejón and Martínez of Arizala in 1930, moment in which the School left favorablemente to the best put of his history. The Upper School of Veterinary of Córdoba makes his first trips to the foreigner, inaugurates a new stage of projection of the centre with teaching of courses of enlargement –according to Record of Board of 7 November 1932 it approved the teaching of courses of Feeding, Industries of the leather, Immunology, Avicultura, Cunicultura, Apiculture and Piscicultura, and Deontology-.

On 12 June 1940 it gives back the new building, being imminent the transfer. In the two following years made works of repair of the damages of the war. The transfer took place in November 1941, although they executed diverse works of termination until 1948. The course of reopening receives to more than a hundred of students of first, formed by students that cursaron bachiller in republican zone –that had to repeat it in the national-, those that had continued his studies in the national and another group limited of those that expected that all happened.

By the Law of 29 July 1943 the Upper Schools of Veterinary leave to be it to become Faculties of Veterinary. The first Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary of Córdoba was the Prof. Don Germán Saldaña Sicily –director of the School of 1941 to 1943–.

In 1972 it creates the University of Córdoba, incorporating the Faculty of Veterinary to this, and desvinculándose in this way of the University of Seville. The Faculty of Veterinary of Córdoba had then that lodge different dependencies of the new Faculties, as the one of Sciences and the one of Medicine, as well as loan diverse services to these, like the Electronic Microscope of Transmission –that later would convert , on request of the Faculty of Medicine, in the Service of Microscopía electronic of the University of Córdoba-.

The 150 anniversary of the Faculty of Veterinary of Córdoba

In 1997 it celebrated the 150 anniversary of the studies of Veterinary in Córdoba, being Dean the Ilmo. Mr. Dr. Alfonso White Rodríguez. The Excmo. Mr. Rector Mgfco. Of the University of Córdoba was the Pof. Dr. Amador Jover Moyano, chair of the Faculty of Veterinary, who, due to the fact that this same year celebrated the 25 anniversary of the creation of the University of Córdoba, propició that established a synergy in the celebration of both events.

With reason of the 150 anniversary issued a stamp of memorial posts, made crowd of acts of commemoration and were delivered to the Faculty of Veterinary of Córdoba the medals, distinctions and recognitions:

  • Medal of Gold of the General Council of Veterinary Schools of Spain.
  • Medal of Gold of the Andalusian Council of Veterinary Schools.
  • Medal of Gold of the Official School of Veterinary of Córdoba.
  • V of Gold of the Official School of Veterinary of Málaga.
  • Ceramic of the Official School of Veterinary of Badajoz.
  • Medal of Gold of the Real academy of Veterinary Sciences of Seville.
  • Medal of Gold of the Faculty of Veterinary of Cáceres.
  • Books edition facsimile of the Faculty of Veterinary de León.
  • Plate of the Faculty of Veterinary of Saragossa.
  • China of the Faculty of Veterinary of Lugo.
  • Metope of the Faculty of Veterinary of The Palms.
  • Metope of the Faculty of Veterinary of Murcia.
  • Metope of the Faculty of Veterinary of Madrid.
  • Horseshoe of Master Smith of Hohnsen of the And. S. Of Veterinary of Hannover.
  • Diploma of the University of Ankara.
  • Plate of Partner of Honour of the ANNCE.
  • Trophy Cordobés of the Year.
  • Foal of Gold of the Federation of Crags Cordobesas.
  • Medal of Andalucia.

After the act, Ff.MM. The Kings signed in the Book of Honour of the Faculty of Veterinary, interesting by the there collected signatures between which stands out the one of the Dr. Alexander Fleming, discoverer of the penicillin, in a visit that did to the Faculty.


The Faculty of Veterinary of the University of Córdoba gives the Degree of Veterinary and the Degree of Science and Technology of the Foods.

With teaching in the Degree of Veterinary:

  • Anatomy and Pathological Anatomy Compared
  • Cellular biology, Physiology and Imunología
  • Biochemical and Molecular Biology
  • Bromatología And Technology of the Foods
  • Statistical, Econometría, Investigacón Operative and Organisation of Companies
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Physical Applied, Radiology and Physical Medicine
  • Genetic
  • Medicine and Animal Surgery
  • Animal production
  • Animal health
  • Zoology

With teaching in the Degree of Science and Technology of the Foods:

  • Cellular biology, Physiology and Imunología
  • Biochemical and Molecular Biology
  • Bromatología And Technology of the Foods
  • Sciences and Agricultural and Forest Resources
  • Economy, Sociology and Agricultural Politics
  • Statistical, Econometría, Investigacón Operative and Organisation of Companies
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Physiology
  • Genetic
  • Chemical engineering and Inorganic Chemistry
  • Mathematical
  • Medicine
  • Microbiology
  • Animal production
  • Chemical Agricultural and Edaphology
  • Chemical Analytical
  • Chemical Physical and Thermodynamic Applied
  • Chemical Organic
  • Animal health


  • Laboratory Lechero of Small Ruminants. Analysis of the milk and dairy products. Control of Quality, Investigation and Development. Department of Animal Production.
  • Veterinary Clinical hospital Francisco Santisteban. Medicine and Surgery.
  • Laboratory of Parasitic Illnesses. Service of orientation and diagnostic. Animal health.
  • Service of diagnostic of Illnesses Infecciosas. Animal health.
  • Service of diagnostic Anatomopatológico. Animal health.
  • Andalusian centre of Ecological Apiculture (Production and Pathology apícola).
  • Experimental farm of Rabanales.
  • Library.

Faculties of Veterinary of Spain

  • Faculty of Veterinary (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
  • Faculty of Veterinary de León
  • Faculty of Veterinary of Murcia