English: Billy Bob "Bill" Allen (born 1942) is an American politician. Allen worked in the banking industry in Fairbanks, Alaska starting in early adulthood and became heavily involved in youth sporting programs there. He was appointed by Alaska governor Jay Hammond to head the Alaska Department of Administration in 1976, as the appointment of predecessor Andy Warwick faced a constitutional challenge in the courts. Returning to Fairbanks when Warwick was reinstated, he was elected mayor of the Fairbanks North Star Borough in 1982, defeating 14-year incumbent John A. Carlson. He served one term as mayor, himself defeated for reelection in 1985 by Juanita Helms. Allen later moved to Palmer, Alaska, where he was the top Alaska-based official of the United States Department of Agriculture and served on the Matanuska-Susitna Borough assembly.
Alaska Blue Book (Third edition), Alaska Department of Education, Division of State Libraries (1977)
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