English: Ram's Horn is a particularly beautiful pattern of tablet weaving. I encountered the pattern in Candace Crockett's book "Card Weaving."
Creating this pattern
This trim may be attempted once you have mastered the basic four-turns-towards, four-turns-away, weaving sequence. Threading diagram is as follows. "B" is brown, "L" is light green and "D" is dark green. Feel free to substitute colors of your own choosing.
Weaving directions are from Crockett. Begin by turning the cards continuously towards you and away, to see the basic pattern form. End with the cards in "home position."
"Separate the cards by sliding 3,4,5; 8, 9,10; 13; 14, 15; 18, 19, 20 along the warp away from you. Notice the pattern: two cards near, three away, two near, three away, two near, three away, two near, three away, two near."
A complete repetition of the pattern is formed every eight turns. You will turn the cards that are near you continuously in one direction -- either forwards or backwards -- while the cards that are away will alternate directions every four turns. Pass the weft through the shed with each quarter-turn of all cards.
Reversing the direction of the cards that are near you will change the direction of the "horns." I usually like to reverse the pattern's direction after every five repetitions of the pattern. As always, changes in direction must be done when the cards are in "home position."
B D D B D W D D L D B B D L D D L D B D D B -- A
B D L D B D L L D B B B B D L L D B D L D B -- B
B D L L D B D D B B B B B B D D B D L L D B -- C
B D L L L D B B B B B B B B B B D L L L D B -- D
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
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