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File talk:Smooth Rocks.jpg

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Taken (Date) Added to Wikipedia (Date) Coordinates Accuracy of Coordinates Facing (Upstream or Downstream) Camera
August 5th of 2009 August 9th of 2009 Unknown N/A Downstream Nikon

These smooth orange rocks look like they have had water flowing over them for a long time or they look like they were weathered by floods. Both are feasible options; the second of the 2 options is logical because about a year ago we had a big flood that had little ditches on the side of roads turn into raging, muddy rivers. The fact that the streambed of this little creek, which is like 20 times bigger than the actual stream makes me think this normally jolly little brook was turned into a raging torrent. The bridge along Slesse-Borden FSR clearly was clearly unceremoniously ripped away by the flood & it has not been replaced yet. The stream appeared to take a different route prior to the floods so chances are the flood changed it's course. It also weathered the rock very quickly assuming it was the floods that caused these rocks to be so smooth. It may have been a combination of both force from the floods & constant water pressure. I guess I should ask a geologist that question.