Giuseppe Zara
Giuseppe Zara (Fermo, 1856 – Sanremo, 1915) was an Italian inventor. He was a member of the Società Italiana per le Strade Ferrate Meridionali, and the director of Ferrovie dello Stato from 1905.[1]
He graduated at the Technical Institute of Fermo in 1875, and started working as a repairing operator in Rimini, he was later sent to Florence where he worked as a designer.
In the emergency of having faster and cheaper trains, he invented a simple bissel truck system to replace Mogul 130 in steam locomotives ( « Carrello Italiano ») which was used from 1907 to 1930 not only in Italian train companies, but also in others like the Compagnie du chemin de fer de Paris à Orléans in France.
- Giuseppe Zara, in Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani, a. 4, 7 (1915), n. 4, pp. 161–164
- Gianni Robert, Le ferrovie nel Mondo, Milano, Vallardi, 1964, p. 514
- Guido Corbellini, Il cinquantenario delle Ferrovie dello Stato, in 1905-1955. Il Cinquantenario delle Ferrovie dello Stato, in Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani, 10 (1955), n. 5-6, pp. 333-528, ISSN 0020-0956. Ristampe in volume: Roma, Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani, 1955; Roma, Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani-Ponte San Nicolò, Duegi, 2005, ISBN 88-900979-0-6
- Angelo Nascimbene, Aldo Riccardi, con la collaborazione di Federico Rigobello e Pierluigi Scoizzato, 1905-2005. Cento anni di locomotive a vapore delle Ferrovie dello Stato, in Tutto treno tema, (2005), n. 20, pp. 53-56, 59. ISSN 1124-4232.