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Hades is a greek god. he was the god of the under world.
'''Hades''' (from [[Greek language|Greek]] {{polytonic|[[wikt:ᾍδης|ᾍδης]]}}, ''Hadēs'', originally {{polytonic|Ἅιδης}}, ''Haidēs'' or {{polytonic|Άΐδης}}, ''Aidēs'', probably from [[Indo-European languages|Indo-European]] *{{unicode|n̥-wid-}} 'unseen'<ref>Vyacheslav V. Ivanov, "Old Novgorodian Nevide, Russian nevidal’: Greek {{polytonic|ἀίδηλος}}," citing Robert S.P. Beekes, "Hades and Elysion" in J. Jasanoff, ''et al.'', eds., ''Mír Curad: Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins'', 1998. Beekes shows that Thieme’s derivation from *som wid- is semantically untenable. Analogously, the [[Hebrew language|Hebrew]] word for the abode of the dead, ''[[Sheol]]'', also literally means "unseen." [[Plato]]'s [[Cratylus (dialogue)|''Cratylus'']] discusses the etymology extensively, with the character of Socrates asserting that the god's name is not from ''aiedes'' (unseen) as commonly thought, but rather from "his knowledge (''eidenai'') of all noble things".</ref>) refers both to the ancient [[Greek underworld]], the abode of Hades, and to the god of the dead himself. ''Hades'' in [[Homer]] referred just to the god; {{polytonic|ᾍδου}}, ''Haidou'' its [[genitive case|genitive]], was an [[elision]] of "the house of Hades." Eventually, the [[nominative case|nominative]], too, came to designate the abode of the dead.

'''In Greek mythology''''''Bold text''', Hades and his brothers [[Zeus]] and [[Poseidon]] defeated the [[Titan (mythology)|Titans]] and claimed rulership over the universe ruling the underworld, sky, and sea, respectively. Because of his association with the underworld, Hades is often interpreted as a grim figure.

Hades was also called [[Pluto (mythology)|Pluto]] (from [[Greek language|Greek]] {{polytonic|Πλούτων}} ''Ploutōn''), and by this name known as "the unseen one", or "the rich one".<!---this name is thoroughly discussed--> In [[Roman mythology]], Hades/Pluto was called [[Dis Pater]] and [[Orcus (mythology)|Orcus]]. The corresponding [[Etruscan mythology|Etruscan]] god was '''Aita'''. The [[symbol]]s associated with him are The [[Helm of Darkness]] and the three-headed dog, [[Cerberus]].

the end
In Christian theology, the term ''hades'' refers to the abode of the dead or ''[[Sheol]]'' (also [[Hell]]), where the dead await [[Last Judgment|Judgment Day]] either at peace or in torment (see [[#Hades in Christianity|Hades in Christianity]] below).

==Hades, Abode of the Dead==
{{main|Greek underworld}}
[[Image:Hades.png|thumb|180px|Hades and Kerberos - from Meyers Konversationslexikon - 1888]]
In older Greek myths, Hades is the misty and gloomy<ref>[[Homeric Hymns|Homeric Hymn to Demeter]]</ref> abode of the dead, where all mortals go. Later Greek philosophy showed the idea that all mortals are judged after death and are either rewarded or cursed.

There were several sections of Hades, including the [[Elysium|Elysian Fields]] (contrast the Christian [[Paradise]] or [[Heaven]]), and [[Tartarus]], (compare the Christian [[Hell]]). Greek [[mythography|mythographer]]s were not perfectly consistent about the geography of the [[afterlife]]. A contrasting myth of the afterlife concerns the [[Hesperides|Garden of the Hesperides]], often identified with the [[Fortunate Isles|Isles of the Blessed]], where the blessed heroes may dwell.

In [[Roman mythology]], the entrance to the underworld located at [[Avernus]], a crater near [[Cumae]], was the route [[Aeneas]] used to descend to the Underworld. By [[synecdoche]], "Avernus" could be substituted for the underworld as a whole. The '''Inferi Dii''' were the Roman gods of the underworld.

The deceased entered the underworld by crossing the [[Acheron]], ferried across by [[Charon (mythology)|Charon]] (kair'-on), who charged an ''[[obolus]],'' a small coin for passage, placed under the tongue of the deceased by pious relatives. [[poverty|Paupers]] and the friendless gathered for a hundred years on the near shore. Greeks offered propitiatory [[libation]]s to prevent the deceased from returning to the upper world to "haunt" those who had not given them a proper burial. The far side of the river was guarded by [[Cerberus]], the three-headed dog defeated by [[Heracles]] (Roman [[Hercules]]). Passing beyond Cerberus, the shades of the departed entered the land of the dead to be judged.

Since Hades was the ruler of the Underworld, it makes sense to note one of the key features of this region – its myriad rivers. These rivers had names and symbolic meanings: the five rivers of Hades are [[Acheron]] (the river of sorrow), [[Cocytus]] (lamentation), [[Phlegethon]] (fire), [[Lethe]] (forgetfulness), and [[Styx]] (hate). See also [[Eridanos (mythology)|Eridanos]]. Styx forms the boundary between the upper and lower worlds.

The first region of Hades comprises the [[Asphodel Meadows|Fields of Asphodel]], described in ''[[Odyssey]]'' xi, where the shades of heroes wander despondently among lesser spirits, who twitter around them like bats. Only [[libation]]s of blood offered to them in the world of the living can reawaken in them for a time the sensations of humanity.

Beyond lay [[Erebus]], which could be taken for a euphonym of Hades, whose own name was dread. There were two pools, that of [[Lethe]], where the common souls flocked to erase all memory, and the pool of [[Mnemosyne]] ("memory"), where the initiates of the Mysteries drank instead. In the forecourt of the palace of Hades and Persephone sit the three judges of the Underworld: [[Minos]], [[Rhadamanthus]], and [[Aeacus]]. There at the [[wikt:trivium#latin|trivium]] sacred to [[Hecate]], where three roads meets, souls are judged, returned to the Fields of Asphodel if they are neither virtuous nor evil, sent by the road to Tartarus if they are impious or evil, or sent to [[Elysium]] (Islands of the Blessed) with the "blameless" heroes.

In the [[Sibylline oracles]], a curious hodgepodge of Greco-Roman and Judaeo-Christian elements, Hades again appears as the abode of the dead, and by way of [[folk etymology]], it even derives ''Hades'' from the name [[Adam and Eve|Adam]] (the first man), saying it is because he was the first to enter there.<ref>''Sibylline Oracles'' Bk. I, 101–3</ref>

===Hades in Christianity===
{{main|Hades in Christianity}}
Like other first-century Jews literate in Greek, early Christians used the Greek word ''Hades'' to translate the Hebrew word ''[[Sheol]]''. Thus, in {{bibleverse||Acts|2:27}}, the Hebrew phrase in {{bibleverse||Psalm|16:10}} appears in the form: "you will not abandon my soul to Hades." Death and Hades are repeatedly associated in the [[Book of Revelation]].<ref>{{bibleverse||Revelation|1:18}}, {{bibleverse-nb||Rev|6:8}}, {{bibleverse||Rev|20:13–14}}</ref>

The ancient Christian Churches<ref>The [[Assyrian Church of the East]], [[Oriental Orthodoxy]], the [[Eastern Orthodox Church]], and the [[Roman Catholic Church]]</ref> hold that a final universal judgement will be pronounced on all human beings when soul and body are reunited in the [[resurrection of the dead]].

Some other denominations, such as the [[Jehovah's Witnesses]], hold that, until the resurrection, the dead simply cease to exist or, if they exist at all, do so in a state of unconsciousness<ref>"The dead are conscious of nothing." Ecclesiastes 9:5 & [http://www.jw-media.org/beliefs/trueworship.htm Beliefs — God, Man, and the Future]</ref> (see [[soul sleep]]).

==Hades, the god of the Underworld==
{{Greek myth (Hades)}}
In [[Greek mythology]], '''Hades''' (the "unseen"), the god of the underworld, was a son of the [[Titan (mythology)|Titan]]s, [[Cronus]] and [[Rhea (mythology)|Rhea]]. He had three sisters, [[Demeter]], [[Hestia]], and [[Hera]], as well as two brothers, [[Poseidon]] his older brother and [[Zeus]] his younger brother: the six<!--Hestia was an Olympian--> of them were [[Twelve Olympians|Olympian gods]].

Upon reaching adulthood, Zeus managed to force his father to disgorge his siblings. After their release the six younger gods, along with allies they managed to gather, challenged the elder gods for power in the [[Titanomachy]], a divine war. Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades received weapons from the three [[Cyclops|Cyclopes]] to help in the war: Zeus the thunderbolt, Hades the [[Cap of invisibility|Helm of Darkness]], and Poseidon the [[trident]]. The night before the first battle, Hades put on his helmet and, being invisible, slipped over to the Titans' camp and destroyed their weapons. The war lasted for ten years and ended with the victory of the younger gods. Following their victory, according to a single famous passage in the ''[[Iliad]]'' (xv.187–93), Hades and his two brothers, Poseidon and Zeus, drew lots<ref>[[Walter Burkert]], in ''The Orientalizing Revolution: Near Eastern Influence on Greek Culture in the Early Archaic Age'', 1992, (pp 90ff) compares this single reference with the Mesopotamian ''[[Atra-Hasis]]'': ""the basic structure of both texts is astonishingly similar." The drawing of lots is not the usual; [[Hesiod]] (''[[Theogony]]'', 883) declares that Zeus overthrew his father and was acclaimed king by the other gods. "There is hardly another passage in Homer which comes so close to being a translation of an [[Akkadian language|Akkadian]] epic," Burkert concludes (p. 91).</ref> for realms to rule. Zeus got the sky, Poseidon got the seas, and Hades received the underworld,<ref>Poseidon speaks: "For when we threw the lots I received the grey sea as my abode, Hades drew the murky darkness, Zeus, however, drew the wide sky of brightness and clouds; the earth is common to all, and spacious Olympus." ''Iliad 15.187''</ref> the unseen realm to which the dead go upon leaving the world as well as any and all things beneath the earth.

Hades obtained his eventual consort and queen, [[Persephone]], through trickery, a story that connected the ancient [[Eleusinian Mysteries]] with the Olympian pantheon. [[Helios]] told the grieving Demeter that Hades was not unworthy as a consort for Persephone:

<blockquote>"Aidoneus, the Ruler of Many, is no unfitting husband among the deathless gods for your child, being your own brother and born of the same stock: also, for honor, he has that third share which he received when division was made at the first, and is appointed lord of those among whom he dwells."</blockquote>

Despite modern connotations of death as evil, Hades was actually more [[altruism|altruistically]] inclined in mythology. Hades was often portrayed as passive rather than evil; his role was often maintaining relative balance.

Hades ruled the dead, assisted by others over whom he had complete authority. He strictly forbade his subjects to leave his domain and would become quite enraged when anyone tried to leave, or if someone tried to steal the souls from his realm. His wrath was equally terrible for anyone who tried to cheat death or otherwise crossed him, as [[Sisyphus]] and [[Pirithous]] found out to their sorrow.

Besides [[Heracles]], the only other living people who ventured to the Underworld were all [[hero]]es: [[Odysseus]], [[Aeneas]] (accompanied by the [[Cumaean Sibyl|Sibyl]]), [[Orpheus]], [[Theseus]], [[Pirithous]] (see note 18), and [[Cupid and Psyche|Psyche]]. None of them was especially pleased with what they witnessed in the realm of the dead. In particular, the Greek war hero [[Achilles]], whom Odysseus met in Hades (although some believe that Achilles dwells in the [[Fortunate Isles|Isles of the Blessed]]), said:<blockquote>
"O shining Odysseus, never try to console me for dying.<br>
I would rather follow the plow as thrall to another<br>
man, one with no land allotted to him and not much to live on,<br>
than be a king over all the perished dead."
::&mdash;Achilles' soul to Odysseus. [[Homer]], ''[[Odyssey]]'' 11.488-491</blockquote>

[[Image:Amphora Hades Louvre G209.jpg|thumb|260px|Hades, labelled as ''"Plouton"'', "The Rich One", bears a [[cornucopia]] on an Attic red-figure amphora, ca 470 BC.]]

Hades, god of the dead, was a fearsome figure to those still living; in no hurry to meet him, they were reticent to swear oaths in his name, and averted their faces when sacrificing to him. To many, simply to say the word "Hades" was frightening. So, euphemisms were pressed into use. Since precious minerals come from under the earth (i.e., the "underworld" ruled by Hades), he was considered to have control of these as well, and was referred to as Πλούτων (Plouton, related to the word for "wealth"), hence the Roman name [[Pluto (mythology)|Pluto]]. [[Sophocles]] explained referring to Hades as "the rich one" with these words: "the gloomy Hades enriches himself with our sighs and our tears." In addition, he was called Clymenus ("notorious"), Eubuleus ("well-guessing"), and Polydegmon ("who receives many"), all of them [[euphemism]]s for a name it was unsafe to pronounce, which evolved into [[epithet]]s.

Although he was an Olympian, he spent most of the time in his dark realm. Formidable in battle, he proved his ferocity in the famous [[Titanomachy]], the battle of the Olympians versus the [[Titan (mythology)|Titans]], which established the rule of Zeus.

Because of his dark and morbid personality, he was not especially liked by either the gods or the mortals. Feared and loathed, Hades embodied the inexorable finality of death: "Why do we loathe Hades more than any god, if not because he is so adamantine and unyielding?" The rhetorical question is [[Agamemnon]]'s (''[[Iliad]]'' ix). He was not, however, an evil god, for although he was stern, cruel, and unpitying, he was still just. Hades ruled the Underworld and therefore most often associated with death and was feared by men, but he was not Death itself &mdash; the actual embodiments of Death were [[Thanatos]] (violent death) and [[Hypnos]] (peaceful or natural death).

When the Greeks propitiated Hades, they banged their hands on the ground to be sure he would hear them.<ref>[http://www.crystalinks.com/hades.html]</ref> Black animals, such as sheep, were sacrificed to him, and the very vehemence of the rejection of human sacrifice expressed in myth<ref>[[Pelops]] among others.</ref> suggests an unspoken memory of some distant past. The blood from all chthonic sacrifices including those to propitiate Hades dripped into a pit or cleft in the ground. The person who offered the sacrifice had to avert his face.<ref>Kerenyi, ''Gods of the Greeks'' 1951:231.</ref> Every hundred years festivals were held in his honor, called the [[Secular Games]].

His identifying possessions included a famed helmet of darkness, given to him by the [[Cyclops|Cyclopes]], which made anyone who wore it invisible. Hades was known to sometimes loan his [[Cap of invisibility|helmet of invisibility]] to both gods and men (such as [[Perseus]]). His dark chariot, drawn by four coal-black horses, always made for a fearsome and impressive sight. His other ordinary attributes were the Narcissus and Cypress plants, the Key of Hades and [[Cerberus]], the three-headed dog. He sat on an ebony throne.

In the Greek version of an obscure Judaeo-Christian work known as [[3 Baruch]] (never considered [[Biblical canon|canonical]] by any known group), Hades is said to be a dark, serpent-like monster or [[dragon]] who drinks a [[cubit]] of water from the sea every day, and is 200 [[plethron|plethra]] (20,200 English feet, or nearly four miles) in length.

=== Artistic representations ===
Hades is rarely represented in classical arts, save in depictions of the Rape of Persephone.<ref>[http://www.theoi.com/Gallery/K14.6.html The Rape of Persephone] ''Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, Naples, Italy ''</ref><ref name='CAHADES'>{{cite news | first=Emily | last=Vermeule | coauthors= | title=Mythology in Mycenaean Art | date=1958-12-01 | publisher=JSTOR | url =http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0009-8353(195812)54%3A3%3C97%3AMIMA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-I | work =The Classical Journal, Vol. 54, No. 3 | pages =97-108 | accessdate = 2007-10-21 | language = }}</ref>
Hades is also mentioned in ''The Odyssey,'' when Odysseus visits the underworld as part of his journey. However, in this instance it is Hades the place, not the god.

[[Image:Persephone Hades BM Vase E82.jpg|thumb|left|Persephone and Hades Ploutos (with [[cornucopia]]): tondo of an Attic red-figured [[kylix (drinking cup)|kylix]], ca. 440–430 BCE]]

=== Persephone ===
The consort of Hades was [[Persephone]], represented by the Greeks as daughter of Zeus and [[Demeter]]. Persephone did not submit to Hades willingly, but was abducted by him while picking flowers with her friends. Persephone's mother missed her and without her daughter by her side she cast a curse on the land and there was a great famine. Hades tricked Persephone into eating [[pomegranate]] seeds (though some stories say they fell in love and to ensure her return to him, he gave her the pomegranate seeds)in some storys persephone wanted to go with hades.:

<blockquote>"But he on his part secretly gave her sweet pomegranate seed to eat, taking care for himself that she might not remain continually with grave, dark-
robed Demeter."</blockquote>

Demeter questioned Persephone on her return to light and air:

<blockquote>"…but if you have tasted food, you must go back
again beneath the secret places of the earth, there to dwell a
third part of the seasons every year: yet for the two parts you
shall be with me and the other deathless gods."<ref>Homeric Hymn to Demeter.</ref></blockquote>

Thus every year Hades fights his way back to the land of the living with Persephone in his chariot. Famine (autumn and winter) occurs during the months that Persephone is gone and [[Demeter]] grieves in her absence.

Some People think tht Persephone was picking flowers with her mother and saw some blubells in the distance and wandered of to pick some. As soon as she plucked one out of the ground, pluto jumbed out and grapped causing her to scream. Ceres, her mother, heard the screams and fled towards the mbut was to late. Back int he Underworld, Plut oforced her to marry hime and she became Queen of the Underworld. Ceres searched for Her daughter for nine days and on the tenth she changed into goddess form and flew up to Apollo the sun god. When she arrived, Ceres asked him what happened. He also said that Pluto had gotten permission from Zeus, Persephones father, to kidnap her. After hearing this Ceres was furious, and put a curse on earth not letting a single blade of grass to grow. Zeus was anxious about this bacause not man had the energy to leave gifts for hime. hence he called Ceres forth asking her that he would grant her one wish for her to break the curse. Ceres did not have to think twice whe nshe told him she wanted Persephone back. Zeus the nsent Mercury the messenger god down to the underworld to tell hades what must be done. Hades was reluctant to let her go but did even want to know what the conscequences were to disobeyinfg Zeus. Before Persephone fled, Hades gave her a pomogranite seed to eat. WHen she got to her mother, ceres broke the curse than asked what happened in the underworld. After hearing what persophone said she broke down crying. Persephone why she was in such a state and Ceres told her that because she ate the seed, she must go back and be queen of the underworld for half of the year. And when Persephone is gone, Ceres grows sad thus we have winter and fall when the most food shortages are, and when her daughter returns, it becomes Spring and Summer. written by N.M. 11

=== Theseus and Pirithous ===
Hades imprisoned [[Theseus]] and [[Pirithous]], who had pledged to marry daughters of [[Zeus]]. Theseus chose [[Helen]] and together they kidnapped her and decided to hold onto her until she was old enough to marry. Pirithous chose [[Persephone]]. They left Helen with Theseus' mother, [[Aethra (Greek mythology)#Mother of Theseus|Aethra]] and traveled to the underworld. Hades pretended to offer them hospitality and set a feast; as soon as the pair sat down, snakes coiled around their feet and held them there. Theseus was eventually rescued by [[Heracles]] but Pirithous remained trapped as punishment for daring to seek the wife of a god for his own.

=== Heracles ===
[[Heracles]]' final labour was to capture [[Cerberus]]. First, Heracles went to [[Eleusina#Ancient Eleusina|Eleusis]] to be initiated into the [[Eleusinian Mysteries]]. He did this to absolve himself of guilt for killing the [[centaur]]s and to learn how to enter and exit the underworld alive. He found the entrance to the underworld at [[Taenarum]]. [[Athena]] and [[Hermes]] helped him through and back from Hades. Heracles asked Hades for permission to take Cerberus. Hades agreed as long as Heracles didn't harm Cerberus, though in some versions, Heracles shot Hades with an arrow. When Heracles dragged the dog out of Hades, he passed through the cavern [[Acherusia]].

=== Orpheus and Eurydice ===
Hades showed mercy only once: when [[Orpheus]], a great player in music, traveled to the underworld to recover his wife, [[Eurydice]]. Eurydice was bit by a snake and had died instantly. Touched by Orphues's skill in music, Hades allowed Orpheus to return Eurydice to the land of the living with one condition: that until they reach the surface, he was not allowed to look back to verify if she was behind him. Orpheus agreed; however, he thought that Hades had tricked him and given him the wrong soul. He glanced behind him, thus breaking his promise to Hades and losing Eurydice again. There is another story that Orphueus went to the surface and looked back but forgot they were both supposed to be outside. He would reunite with her only after his death.

=== Minthe and Leuce ===
According to [[Ovid]], Hades pursued and would have won the nymph [[Minthe]], associated with the river [[Cocytus]], had not Persephone turned Minthe into the plant called [[Mentha|mint]]. Similarly the nymph [[Leuce (mythology)|Leuce]], who was also ravished by him, was metamorphosed by Hades into a white [[populus|poplar tree]] after her death. Another version is that she was metamorphosed by [[Persephone]] into a white poplar tree while standing by the pool of Memory.

==Epithets and other names==
Hades, "the son of Kronos, He who has many names" was the "Host of Many" in the [[Homeric Hymns|Homeric Hymn to Demeter]].<ref>[http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.01.0138&query=head%3D%232 Homeric Hymn to Demeter]</ref> The most feared of the Olympians had [[euphemism|euphemistic names]] as well as attributive [[epithet]]s.
*Chthonian Zeus
*Plouto(n) ("the giver of wealth")
*The Rich One
*The Unseen One
*The Silent One

===Roman mythology===
*[[Dis Pater]]

*D' Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths

==External links==
;Maps of the Underworld (Greek mythology)
* [http://www.thanasis.com/undrmapr.jpg Color map]
* [http://virgil.org/maps/images/cumae.gif Ancient map]
* [http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Underworldmap.html Map of the Underworld]
;The God Hades
* [http://www.theoi.com/Khthonios/Haides.html Theoi Project, Hades] references in classical literature & ancient art
* [http://homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Hades.html Greek Mythology Link, Hades] summary of god

{{Greek myth (chthonic olympian)}}

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Revision as of 18:30, 10 November 2008

Hades is a greek god. he was the god of the under world.

    the end