Library website
A library website provides a library with a website to offer its services and to tell its story to its community.
Library websites can offer:
- Interaction with the library catalog. An Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) provides the ability log in to a library account to renew or request items.
- Gateway to electronic resources. Libraries may organize the various periodical indexes, electronic reference collections, and other databases they subscribe to. Resources may be organized alphabetically, by subject and by media.
- Library tutorials. Interactive tutorials can help users choose and use electronic resources, how to renew a book, and other library functions.
- Virtual reference.Virtual reference allows remote patrons to connect with library staff and have their questions answered, including via email and texting.
- Library blogs. Blogs can announce new resources or services at the library and to give patrons another venue to communicate with staff and provide feedback.
Template:Globalize/US Although not explicitly mentioned in Section 508, public libraries must follow Section 508 guidelines. According to the Tech Act and AT Act of 1998, all grant-funded institutions are bound by Section 508 and must report the accessibility of their electronic and information technology. Therefore, library websites should be designed with Web accessibility standards in mind.
- Burke, John J. Neal-Schuman Library Technology Companion: a basic guide for library staff. p. 149-151. New York: Neal-Schuman. 2006.
- Boyer, C. (2015). Libraries and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.