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List of Animal Mechanicals episodes

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This is a complete list of episodes from the animated TV show Animal Mechanicals.

Season one

Turbo Bean Trouble

  • Mission: Plant the frisky Turbo Bean.
  • Abilities used: Strength, Stretch, Speed, and Flight.

The Animal Mechanicals go to Turbo Bean Island to plant a Turbo Bean. Rex transforms to dig a hole but then accidentally touches the Turbo Bean when trying to plant it, causing it to grow double turbo blasters and fly into a cog tree; Sasquatch transforms to stretch up and grab the Bean which is stuck in the cog tree, causing it to fly around with Sasquatch; Mouse transforms to chase the Bean, but it goes too high for her; Unicorn transforms to chase the bean down to Mouse. When they do manage to plant the Turbo Bean it sprouts a Bean Pole from which more Turbo Beans appear.

Bunny Boomer Island

  • Mission: Help the bunnies build their boomer.
  • Abilities used: Gizmo, Stretch, and Flight.

The animal mechanicals try to deliver the blocks to the bunnies, but there are some screw top squirrels on the island. Komodo transforms to keep them unscrewing. Unfortunately, Sasquatch pounds one Komodo missed, causing the block he was carrying to fly off the island. Unicorn transforms and catches it. Afterwards, the boomer is finished and Sasquatch stretches and pushes the button. They find that a bunny boomer plays music.

Cow Castle Hassle

  • Mission: Get the cow castle into the grassy meadow beyond the pop rocket corn field.
  • Abilities used: Stretch, Strong, and Speed.

Mouse leads the cow first, then Sasquatch stretches to find the way out of the pop rocket corn field. Rex walks in the corn field, which Island owl told them not to. Rex accidentally activates the pop rocket corn, causing it to block the path. Then, he makes amends for blocking the path by transforming to move the corn. Just before the cow castle can run into the gate, Mouse opens the gate and then the cow is in the grassy meadow. Then they activate the pop rocket corn again, causing it to turn into Pop rocket Popcorn.

Whale Plane Island

  • Mission: Build a runway long enough for the whaleplane to land on.
  • Abilities used: Strong, Stretch, Gizmo, and Fly.

Rex transforms to lift the heavy Runway Ribbon; Sasquatch transforms to stretch to all corners of the Ribbon and hold it down; Komodo transforms to use his mechana-hammer on the Ribbon; and Unicorn transforms to use her magic horn to guide the whaleplane to the new runway. When the whaleplane lands, it is revealed that it is loaded with boxes of more runway ribbons.

Dino Mountain Island

  • Mission: Take out a cog which is stuck between the Dino’s teeth.
  • Abilities used: Strength and Stretch.

Rex transforms to lift the Dino’s foot which is stuck on a button; Sasquatch finally convinces his fear of heights and Mouse holds his hand just to keep him safe, transforms to stretch down and pull out the cog. The relieved Dino then turns his escalating spine into a slide which the animal mechanicals slide down with delight.

Chickadee Island

  • Mission: Help Momma Chickadee hatch all her eggs.
  • Abilities used: Stretch, Speed, and Strength.

Sasquatch transforms to reach up and wind Mama Chickadee key but he over winds it which causes the Mama Chickadee to hatch a bigger egg; Mouse transforms to chase after a runway egg; Rex transforms to lift the egg back into the nest. The egg is successfully hatched and a Big Baby Chickadee appears.

Beetle Buggy Island

  • Mission: Unblock a traffic jam.
  • Abilities Used: Flight, Strength, and Speed.

Unicorn transforms to get a view of the track; Rex transforms to lift an upside down Buggy the right way up; Mouse transforms to catch a runaway Buggy. When the Mission is accomplished they celebrate by racing around the track.

Pop Apart Penguins

  • Mission: Build a bigger igloo for the penguins.
  • Abilities used: Gizmo, Strength, and Flight.

Komodo transforms to saw ice blocks out of an ice mountain; Rex transforms to lift the blocks and build the igloo; Unicorn transforms to freeze over a dangerous crack in the ice. The Penguins pop apart like Russian dolls and double their number.

Jigsaw-Shark Puzzle

  • Mission: Put together a jigsaw.
  • Abilities used: Stretch, Strength, and Flight.

When lifting Komodo so he can see the pieces fails, Sasquatch transforms to stretch up and see how to put the jigsaw together; As the pieces are too big and heavy, Rex transforms to lift the heavy jigsaw pieces, but when he puts a piece in incorrectly, a piece breaks off. Unicorn transforms to fly after the jigsaw piece. When the jigsaw is completed it lights up revealing a picture of Mouse.

Bell Bot Island

  • Mission: Find the missing Bell Bots.
  • Abilities used: Gizmo, Strength, and Flight.

Komodo transforms to unscrew the bolts which the Poppa Bell Bot is caught in; Rex transforms to lift Komodo up to the right height; Unicorn transforms to fly up and find Momma and Baby Bell Bot. When the Bell Bots are re-united they play a Bell Music Concert.

The Elephant Train

  • Mission: Move the rock-blocks that are blocking the train track.
  • Abilities: Strength, Stretch, and Flight.

Rex transforms to lift the heavy blocks, unfortunately, the rock blocks have also broken the bridge; Sasquatch transforms to stretch across the chasm and act as an emergency bridge but the elephant train tickles him, causing him to almost fall.; Unicorn transforms to save the day as the Elephant Train almost falls into the chasm. They celebrate with a snow-cone left by the Elephant Train. Rex bites it then dances while the others laugh.

Mechana Pinball Island

  • Mission: Help the Pinballs play their game.
  • Abilities used: Strong,Stretchy,Fast

Rex transforms to pull the knob; Sasquatch transforms to stretch up and push the flipper button; But when the ball goes too fast,Mouse transforms to whiz inside the game and help the pinball into the hole. When the game is completed,the Pinballs want to start all over again.

Giraffe Crane Island

  • Mission: Find more mechana-logs.
  • Abilities used: Gizmo, Stretch, Strength

Komodo transforms to saw more logs; Sasquatch transforms to pretend to be a tree in which the woodpecker can perch; Rex transforms to lift the bundles of mechana-logs. As soon as one woodpecker is safely housed, another woodpecker appears.

Flying Glitterfish Island

  • Mission: Find the lost Power Bubble.
  • Abilities used: Speed, Gizmo and Fly

Mouse transforms to catch the crab who has stolen the Bubble; Komodo transforms to release the Bubble from the Mechana Clam; Unicorn transforms to fly after the Bubble and guide it down using her wind power. When the Bubble is replaced the fish glitter once again, but the crab runs away with Komodo.

Snail’s Pace Race

  • Mission: Ride the Racing Snails.

A Cog Caterpillar is blocking the track. Mouse transforms to chase after a runaway cog; Rex transforms to lift the cogs back into place; Komodo transforms to screw the cogs on tightly. When the caterpillar is repaired the track is cleared, the race begins but it is run at a snail’s pace.

Mechana-Bat Island

  • Mission: Make the Bat Cave bigger.

Komodo transforms to knock down a rock-block wall with his pick-ax; Rex transforms to move the heavy Rock-blocks out of the way; Unicorn transforms too light up the dark cave with her magic horn so that the Bats can perform their best flying show ever.

Hippo Hovercraft Island

  • Mission: Change the Hippo’s worn-out bumpers.

Mouse transforms to chase the Hippos into the pit-stop; when they rise up into the air, Unicorn transforms to chase them down; Komodo transforms to use his wrench to unscrew the bumper-bolts. They end by having a fun Hippo bumping session.

Balloon Volcano Island

  • Mission: Stop the balloons from popping.

Mouse transforms to speed after the Balloons and sees what is popping them, which is revealed to be mechana hedgehogs. Unicorn transforms to keep the balloons away from the hedgehog’s sharp spikes using her wind power; Komodo transforms to use his scissors to trim the hedgehog’s spikes. The hedgehogs return to their hedge home and the balloons are safe. Sasquatch sits on one, sending Komodo up into the tree.

Mechana-Dragonfly Island

  • Mission: Rescue the crashed Dragonfly and get her flying again.

Komodo transforms to saw up bamboo to repair the Dragonfly; Rex transforms to pick her up and launch her into the air; Unicorn transforms to fly up and use her wind power to keep the Dragonfly airborne. The Dragonfly has three baby Dragonflies in mid-air and free of her weight and is able to fly again.

Mechana-Parrot Island

  • Mission: Find out why the mechana parrot isn't singing.
  • Abilities used: Fly, Gizmo, and Speed.

The parrot's feeding dish is empty. Unicorn flies up and uses her magic horn to make it rain then shine. Komodo unscrews the sunflower seeds with help from Sasquatch. Unfortunately, Sasquatch lets go of the sunflower, causing the seeds to roll towards the edge of the island. Luckily, Mouse transforms and catches the seeds. Afterwards, the mechana parrot begins to sing and her song is unscrewing the rest of the sunflower seeds.

Season two

Chugboat Island

  • Mission: Get the lighthouse working again.

Unicorn uses her mechana-freeze powers to make an ice bridge, so that the team can get to the lighthouse’s island, where they learn the crank which keeps the light turning is broken. Sasquatch stretches up high to match the circle cog with the circle peg, and Rex uses his mechana-strength to rotate the light in the Chugboat’s direction.

Pop-Out Panda Island

  • Mission: Help the Pop-out Pandas get to their favorite bamboo snack.
  • Abilities used:Strong,Fly,Gizmo

The Pop-Out Pandas need helps getting up Slipside Mountain to get their bamboo, but the mountain is so slippery that the pandas have to call the animal mechanicals. Mechana-strong Rex pushes the Pandas up the hill and flying Unicorn pulls the other animal mechanicals up the slope. At the top, Sasquatch’s loud voice, along with Komodo's, causes an avalanche that buries the bamboo, but Komodo has a shovel in his tail with which to dig it out.But the Pop Out Pandas are still too shy to come out and eat the bamboo,so Sasquatch comes with a quiet idea to get them to eat.In the end,the Animal Mechanicals slide down the hill.

Mechana Cuckoo Clock Island

  • Mission: Figure out why the Mechana Cuckoo Clock has stopped working.
  • Abilities used: Gizmo,Fly,Stretchy

The animal mechanicals must figure out why the mechana cuckoo clock has stopped working. They quickly discover that it is due to the fact that some of the clock’s numbers are missing. First, Komodo pries open the doors of the clock to let out the cuckoo bird, but the cuckoo then flies away, and Unicorn must take to the skies to catch it. The bird leads Unicorn to a mechana-number tree where they are able to locate the missing numbers for the clock. Meanwhile,Rex admits that he doesn't like the mission because he isn't good with numbers.Then Mouse encourages him to have a little practice with numbers. Sasquatch stretches to put the numbers back,turn the upside down nine right side up, and the clock starts working again.In the end,Komodo apologizes to Mouse for not believing that the numbers are causing things to stop and the Animal Mechanicals go to the number tree to practice on numbers.

Trash Masher Island

  • Mission: Figure out why the Mechana-Beaver has stopped recycling.

Unicorn finds the Beaver by flying high in the sky. The rest of the team use an old ladder to fix the track the junk trolleys travel on to deliver trash to the Beaver, but then they learn the Beaver’s tail is worn out and can’t work. The animal mechanicals recycle old things into a new tail which Komodo puts together with his riveter and the Beaver gets back to work.

Puffer Cloud Island

  • Mission: Help the Puffer Cloud Machine to make puffy clouds again.

The Puffer Cloud Machine isn’t feeling very well, and the pink puffy clouds that usually float in the air above it are sitting on the ground instead. The team discovers something is stuck inside the Puffer Cloud Machine, so Komodo uses a monkey wrench to take the tube off. Then Sasquatch reaches in and finds a rock is the culprit. The Cloud Machine starts to make puffy clouds again, and Unicorn uses her super wind power to blow the sitting clouds back into the air.

Baboon Balloon Island

  • Mission: Find an air-pear for the Baboon Balloon to eat.

Rex breaks down a wall to get at an airpear tree, then Sasquatch has to stretch high up to reach the air-pears. Unfortunately, he lets them all float away into the sky, but Unicorn is able to use wind power to blow an air-pear right into the Baboon Balloon’s mouth. The animal mechanicals take turns going for rides on the re-inflated Baboon Balloon.

Mechana Matcher Island

  • Mission: Help the Mechana Matcher match things.

The Mechana Matcher is matching things that don’t belong together. Unicorn starts off by flying after a flying mitten, and putting it with the other mitten. Some fast dice are corralled by Mouse, who uses her speed to catch them. But the Mechana Matcher is still matching up incorrect pairs. Then the animal mechanicals realize it’s because the Mechana Matcher needs glasses, and they use a pair of magnifying glasses to fix that problem.

Mechana Skee Ball Island

  • Mission: Fix the broken ski jump.

Rex puts the broken ski jump piece in place; Komodo uses glue to put the broken pieces back together, but then they notice the scoring numbers are in the wrong places. Sasquatch must overcome his skiing anxiety to get to the bottom of the hill and fix the numbers.

Shimmer Wish Island

  • Mission: Free the Shimmer Queen from a sucker bush.
  • Abilities used: Strong,Gizmo,Fly

Rex clears a path through the sucker bush toward the Queen, then Unicorn uses her magic horn to light up the darkness, so that Komodo can use his spatula to free the Queen. The Shimmery Queen flies up into the sky, so that all the animal mechanicals are able to make wishes on her.

Mechana Kanga Bounce Ball Island

  • Mission: Fix one of the trampolines.

Sasquatch boasts he is very good at the game, unfortunately he manages to rip the trampoline even more with his excited bouncing. But Komodo is able to cut more stretchy material from a tree, and Rex uses his mechana strength to attach it to the trampoline. Then Sasquatch accidentally bounces the ball far away, and Mouse must use her speed to catch it. Then the Kangas surprise Sasquatch by inviting him to join in their game.

Cobra Coaster Island

  • Mission: Get the Cobra Coaster coasting again.
  • Abilities used:Stretchy,Fly,Fast

The animal mechanicals slide over to Cobra Coaster Island and discover the problem is a Mechana monkey, which is hanging out on the tracks of the Coaster. Using teamwork, Sasquatch stretches, Unicorn flies, and Mouse speeds very quickly to bring the monkey down to the ground. The Coaster doesn’t mind if the monkey goes for a ride on it, though, so all the animal mechanicals,including anxious Komodo,climb aboard with the monkey and go for a Cobra Coaster ride.

Mechana Dancing Bear Island

  • Mission: Figure out the source of unpleasant sounds.

The nice music on Mechana Dancing Bear Island has been replaced by unpleasant sounds, causing the Bears to dance very strangely. Rex tries to build a sound proof fortress but it's not sound proof enough. With Mouse’s super ears and Unicorn’s flying, the animal mechanicals find an out-of-tune Mechana Band. Komodo uses a tuning fork in his tail to get the band back in tune, and soon the animal mechanicals are dancing alongside the graceful Mechana Dancing Bears.

Mechana Tortoise Island

  • Mission: Help the Mechana Tortoise get to his birthday party.

The animal mechanicals devise a plan to place the Tortoise on logs and roll him to his party. Komodo gets busy, cutting down trees with his mechana-saw. The tortoise rolls down a hill and is in danger of crashing into his party. Rex uses his mechana-strength to catch hold of him and guide him to the celebration. Even Sasquatch gets into the act by holding up a piñata that is filled with treats for the tortoise guests to break open.

Mechana Jukebox Island

  • Mission: Figure out why the BeBoppers have stopped dancing.
  • Abilities used: Speed, Stretch, and Gizmo.

The animal mechanicals discover the jukebox isn’t working, because the music discs are missing. The Jive Jumpers have taken them and Mouse uses her superspeed to retrieve two discs from the Jumpers, but they need one more to make the jukebox work. Sasquatch stretches up to a tree to get another one, then Komodo bolts the jukebox’s cover tight so that it plays music. The BeBoppers can happily dance again.

Mechana Circus Island

  • Mission: Help get the Mechana-Circus Train working.

The animal mechanicals must help get the Mechana-Circus Train working. Komodo discovers the train just needs some oil, but while he’s fixing that problem, Sasquatch accidentally lets the performers out of their cars. The performers are the Mechana Acrobat, The mechana Cycler and the Bouncer Clown. Unicorn, with her flying ability, and Mouse, with her super speed, are able to get the performers back on the train. With the Mechana-Circus ready to roll, Sasquatch is invited to perform in the next show.

Season three

Mechana Chicken Springing Island

  • Misson: Fix the Chicken Springer
  • Abilities used: Gizmo,Stretchy,Fly

It's the Annual Chicken Springing Contest, but there's a problem - the Chicken Springer is broken! The team slide over to the Island, and see that a spring has come unscrewed from the Chicken Springer's feet. Before you can say "Mechana-Can-We-Do-It?" Komodo has transformed with a screwdriver to fix the silly machine. But Sasquatch's sleepy snoring tickles the Springer, and the spring breaks from the machine's tickly shaking. Sasquatch steps in and transforms, to be a stretchy replacement spring. Too stretchy! The first chicken to be sprung is flung far off the Island! Unicorn transforms and catches the flying chicken on her wing. Soon all the chickens are being sprung safely.

Beardozer Island

  • Mission: Find the mamma Beardozer
  • Abilities used: Strong,Fly,Stretchy

Over on Beardozer Island, some frisky baby Beardozers have woken up from hibernation early and are knocking things over with their crazy play! The team's mission is to find the mamma Beardozer before the cubs destroy the Island. Some loud snoring leads them to a snow-covered cave, where the mamma is still hibernating. Rex transforms and pushes the snow aside so mamma can get out, but she's still sleeping! The team realizes she won't wake up until Spring, so Unicorn takes to the sky and uses her magic horn to melt the snow and warm the Island up. Instant Spring! While the mamma beardozer wakes up, Sasquatch streatches and forms a corral, to keep the baby beardozers from running free. Soon the mamma is teaching her babies the proper way to use their dozer shovels, and the AMs are happily watching them play together.

Mechana Meteor Island

  • Mission: Fix the broken telescope
  • Abilities used:Strong,Gizmo,Stretchy

The Observatory Owl on Mechana Meteor Island stands on guard to protect from meteors, but the telescope is broken, and it's up the Animal Mechanicals to fix it! Rex is able to use his strength to remove the old lens and put on a new one, but then a meteor storm begins. Komodo transforms to use a tennis racquet in his tail to swat the meteors away, but the team know they need to find the Owl some permanent protection. Unicorn suggests they use some giant mushrooms like an umbrella, and Sasquatch stretches to place a mushroom on top of the telescope and the Owl.

Mechana Puffin Prize Island

  • Mission: Try out the Mechana Puffins' latest obstacle course and receive the Golden Puffin Prize
  • Abilities used: Stretchy,Fast,Fly

The Animal Mechanicals have been chosen by Mechana Puffins to try out their latest obstacle course. A Golden Puffin Prize awaits them if they succeed! On the Island, Saquatch stretches to help the team get over a teeter-totter obstacle, then Mouse uses her super-speed to stop a giant spinning wheel that's blocking their way. They reach the golden prize, but it is floating at the bottom of a deep well. Unicorn transforms to make rain with her magic horn, causing the prize to rise to the top of the well. The prize is a golden chocolate coin, which they all share.

Mechana Mole Miner Island

  • Mission: Find the culprit who is stealing the Mechana Moles' gold
  • Abilities used: Fast,Fly,Gizmo

Someone has been taking gold from the Mechana Mole Miners, and the Animal Mechanical's mission is to find out who the culprit is! They slide over to the Island, and quickly discover that crows are responsible. The mechana-birds take the gold up to their nest because they love shiny things! A plan is hatched to lure the crows away so that the gold can be recovered, and mouse transforms to make the crows chase her, far away. Unicorn flies up and returns the gold to the Mole Miners, but the crows just take it right back to their nest. What they need is a scarecrow to scare the crows away from the gold! Komodo transforms to make a scarecrow out of recycled junk, using a mechana- glue gun in his tail. It keeps the crows away from the gold, but then they nab shiny Komodo - looks like the Animal Mechanicals have a new mission: get Komodo back!

Babble Bot Island

  • Mission: Get the Babble Bots babbling again
  • Abilities used:Fast,Stretchy,Fly

The chatty Babble Bots on Babble Bot Island need charging up by Mechana Zappers, so the team is sent over to make sure it happens. Once they get to the Island, the team discovers the re-charging tower is broken. That's the reason the Babble Bots aren't getting their power! Mouse zips around gathering tower pieces before all the Mechana-Zappers go away, and Sasquatch stre-e-e-etches to put the last piece on the top of the tower. Unfortunately, the Mechana-Zapper clouds have gone away by the time the tower is ready, but Unicorn transforms and uses her magic horn to corral the clouds back. Soon the Babble Bots are charged up and happily babbling away.

Mechana Hawk Rocket Island

  • Mission: Load the containers of melons into the Hawk Rocket
  • Abilities used: Stretchy,Gizmo,Fast

There's a problem over on Mechana Hawk Rocket Island. The Giraffe Crane which loads up the Hawk Rocket is missing! The Animal Mechanicals go to the Island and see the Hawk Rocket and its cargo of melons, sitting in the hot sun. If they don' find the Giraffe crane soon, the melons will go bad! Sasquatch stretches to load some of the cargo while Rex, Mouse and Unicorn look for the Crane. They soon find it, but it is scared of the shrieking Hawk Rocket and runs away. Mouse transforms to speed after it, and convinces the Giraffe Crane to follow her back to the Rocket. She comforts the nervous Crane while it finishes loading the melons. Misison Accomplished! And hungry Rex is pleased to find the Rocket left one crate of yummy melons behind for the Animal Mechanicals!

Mechana Koala Cake Day

  • Mission: Get the other Koalas to the other side of the island
  • Abilities used: Fly,Stretchy,Gizmo

The Mechana-Koala cousins want to get together to eat cake, but the Crab Catamaran which can bring them together is not working! Unicorn creates a frozen bridge so the team can walk over to the Crab catamaran to see what the problem is. They learn the seahorses which pull the Catamaran are loose, because their harnesses have become unbolted! Sasquatch transforms and stretches to catch the seahorses, and Komodo produces a wrench from his tail to bolt them back into the harnesses. Soon the Koala cousins are together and ready to eat their cake, but not before inviting the Animal Mechanicals to join them!

Mechana Paint Parrot Island

  • Mission: Get more paint for the Paint Parrots
  • Abilities used: Fast,Stretchy,Fly

The Paint Parrots love to create beautiful paintings, but they've run out of paint, and it's up to the Animal Mechanicals to get them more. Island Owl tells them more paint is available at on a misty jungle mountaintop, so off they go to save the day! The only problem is, once they get to the Island, they can't find the jungle! Komodo figures out the jungle is in a painting the Paint Parrots haven't finished, so the AMs decide to finish the picture for them! Mouse transforms to chase some crayon snakes, and soon they are able to finish the picture and set off into the jungle. Sasquatch has to stretch to get the team over a deep chasm, and at the top of the misty mountain they find the paint plants the parrots need. Unfortunately, the paint is hidden under the plant's petals, and the plants only bloom when the sun shines! Unicorn transforms and blows the mist away, revealing the sun, and the petals open. The team grab some paint and take it back to the grateful Parrots, who offer to make portraits of them all.

Mechana Pegosauraus Island

  • Mission: Protect the three Mechana pigs from the pegosauraus
  • Abilities used: Strong,Fly,Fast

The Pegosaurus over on Mechana Pegosaurus is shedding its log-sized pegs, and it's up to the Animal Mechanicals to get over there and protect the three little pigs from them! They slide over to the Island and the pegs are rolling all over the place. The team decide to build structures for the little pigs, to protect them. The first house is made from straw and is no match for rolling pegs. The second house is made from sticks and is soon flattened, as well. Mouse gets the idea to build a peg house, and Rex transforms to start lifting them into place. Unicorn transforms and uses her magic horn to create a vortex which keeps the flying pegs from smashing the new house, then Mouse has to transform so that she can quickly warn one of the pigs about an incoming peg! Soon, the mission is accomplished - except the Mechana Pegosaurus wants a house built for him, too!

Mechana Cricket King Island

  • Mission: Help the Mechana Crickets to choose a new King by seeing which Cricket can jump the highest, farthest, and fastest.
  • Abilities used: Stretchy,Gizmo,Fast

It's time for the Mechana Crickets to choose a new King by seeing which Cricket can jump the highest, farthest, and fastest, but the little insects are lazy and don't want to do anything! Animal-Mechanical mission time! The team slide to Cricket King Island and get to work. Rex discovers a Cricket snack dispenser that seems to get the Crickets jumping. Now, if only they would jump high...Sasquatch stre-e-etches up and holds some snacks. Four crickets jump high and advance to the next round: jumping far! Komodo oils a drawbridge and raises it, making the lazy crickets jump far over a moat. Two are successful and advance to the final round: being fastest! Mouse transforms and races around the castle holding the Cricket King crown, as the two Crickets chase her. One catches her and is declared the new Cricket king.

Mechana Origami Owl Island

  • Mission: Make more paper for the Origami owls to make their special origami.
  • Abilities used: Strong,Fly,Gizmo

It's a very complicated mission over on Origami Owl Island: the team must figure out how to plant more trees to provide the platypus paper maker with paper for the Origami owls to make their special origami! They quickly get to work planting seeds for Turbo-trees: Rex must use his mechana-digging skills to make holes to put the seeds in, then Unicorn creates rain with her magic horn to water the seeds, but Sasquatch eagerly puts too much fertilizer into one seed's hole, and soon an out-of-control Turbo tree is threatening the platypus paper maker! This is a job for Komodo: Mechana gizmo! He transforms and produces a saw from his tail, which he uses to trim the Turbo tree. Now the platypus has wood again to make paper!

Mechana Mini Golf Gopher Island

  • Mission: Play on the newest golf course!
  • Abilities used: Stretchy,Gizmo,Fast

The golf-loving mechana-gophhers have invited the Animal Mechanicals to their Island to play on their newest golf course! The team quickly discover the course is very challenging: the first hole requires Sasquatch to stre-e-e-tch his way over to some lily pads in order to get the ball in the hole. Next, Komodo transforms and produces a screwdriver to fix a mechana millipede obstacle which Sasquatch has pounded a little too enthusiastically. Finally, Mouse must transform to quickly sink a putt as a tricky gopher keeps moving the hole!

Mechana Hide 'N Seek Hamster Island

  • Mission: Find the missing hamster
  • Abilities used: Fast,Gizmo,Strechy

The Animal Mechanicals slide over to Hamster Hide 'N Seek Island to find a missing hamster! Once there, they send off Sasquatch off with the missing hamster's friends, to keep them out of the way. Mouse's super hearing detects the missing hamster in one of the hamster tubes. The poor thing is too big from eating hamster snacks and has gotten wedged in the tube! Mouse transforms to speed up the tube's incline and get to the trapped rodent. Then Komodo transforms to produce a wrench which he uses to loosen two sections of the tube, allowing Mouse to push the hamster out. But now his friends are racing through the tubes, looking for Sasquatch, and don't know a piece is missing! Sasquatch transforms to put the missing piece back into place, and Komodo bolts it together again, just in the nick of time.

Mechana Toucan Treasure Island

  • Mission: Find the Toucan Treasure
  • Abilities used: Stretchy,Gizmo,Fly

The Treasure Toucans have invited the Animal Mechanicals over to their Island for a fun treasure hunt! They are given a scroll which points them to a pair of birdy shoes in which they must walk to the next clue. Only stretchy Sasquatch can fit in them, and they soon take him to a tree with a nest, and another scroll telling them to hatch something big and blue. They find an egg, but it won't stay still enough for any of them to sit on it. Komodo transforms to produce a glue gun which uses to stick the egg to the ground. Sasquatch hatches the egg and a little Toucan flies out, giving them another scroll, telling them to follow the baby Toucan. This is a job for: Unicorn - mechana-fly! She follows the baby to a cave in which they find the treasure: gold chocolate coins! Yum Yum! says Rex!

Mechana Sand Castle Clams

  • Mission: Compete in the sand castle-making contest.
  • Abilities used:Strong,Gizmo,Stretchy

The Sand Castle Clams have invited the A/M's to compete in their sand castle-making contest. The Animal Mechanicals work separately on castles, with Rex transforming to use his mechana-strength to gather sand castle blocks for his castle. Komodo transforms to produce a saw to carve a sand castle block into a castle shape. Unfortunately, none of their efforts meet with the Clam's approval. However, they soon find that by working together they are able to build a GREAT sand castle. Sasquatch transforms to stre-e-e-tch up and place a turret on the top of the castle. The Clams declare them ALL the winners of the contest.

Mechana Cable Carp Island

  • Mission: Fix the broken bolt tree and get the baby cable carps back home.
  • Abilities used: Gizmo,Strong,Stretchy

A broken bolt tree is preventing the baby cable carps from getting home! Komodo transforms and produces a mechana-wrench which he uses first to unbolt the old tree, then to take down a new tree to take its place. Rex must transform and use his mechana- strength to get the new bolt tree in position. Sasquatch is convinced to stre-e-e-etch in order to place the cable at the top of the new tree, but before he can do that his stretchy arms have to BE the cable for the carps! Soon everything is fixed, and the Cable Carps offer to take the A/M's for a ride.

Mechana Peeper Island

  • Mission: Find the missing Clipper Crab
  • Abilities used: Stretchy,Strong,Gizmo

There's a problem over on Mechana Peeper Island: the Peepers' homes are being carried away by out-of-control bamboo! The Clipper Crab which keeps the bamboo under control is missing! The team head over to the Island and find a Peeper trapped high up in some bamboo. Sasquatch stre-e-e-tches to retrieve the Peeper, then he and Komodo and unicorn set off to find the Crab. Meanwhile, Mouse uses her hearing to listen for the next sprouting of bamboo, and Rex drops heavy rock blocks to prevent the plant from getting out of the ground. The Clipper Crab is found, trapped by some bamboo. This is a job for: Komodo! He transforms and produces a mechana-saw to free the Crab. It is soon trimming the bamboo before it can bother the Peepers.

Mechana Fireworks Fireflies Island

  • Mission: Clear the fog off of the island
  • Abilities used: Fast,Stretchy,Fly

It’s a big day for the Animal Mechanicals – the Mechana Fireworks Fireflies have invited them to see their latest fireworks show. Except there’s a problem. There’s too much fog on the Island to see the show! The A/M’s zip over to the Island, and sure enough, a shy fog frog is sending all kind of fog into the air. When it hops away from them, Mouse transforms to chase it to a tree, but it hops up out of their reach. Well….not quite! Sasquatch transforms and tries to catch the FF, but it simply hops to another tree. Then they get the idea to make the stretched Sasquatch into a tree, and soon the big blue guy has nabbed the fog frog! He takes it away to a safe place, but there’s still lots of fog in the air. Unicorn transforms and blows it away! The show can go on!

Mechana Coconut Island

  • Mission:Get the camels to the milkshake machine
  • Abilities used: Gizmo,Fly,Strong

There's a thirsty problem over on Mechana Coconut Island - the mechana camels which deliver coconuts to the coconut freezie factory haven't made their deliveries! The A/M's slide over to the Island and find the camels are too hot to move! They get the idea to give the thirsty camels some coconut milk, and Komodo gets busy with a mechana drill to open a couple of coconuts. Soon, the camels are cooled off enough to move, but the path to the freezie factory is too hot for them to walk on! Unicorn transforms and turns the path to ice, except now it's too slippery for the camels to walk on! Not a problem, says Rex, and he transforms to pull the camels across the slippy path. Soon the coconuts are delivered and the freezie factory is making coconut smoothies. Yum-yum!

Mechana Copycat Island

  • Mission: Fix the Mechana Copycat
  • Abilities used: Strong,Fly, Gizmo

The Animal Mechanicals are given a very big mission by Island Owl - fix the Mechana Copycat so that it can go back to making toys for the koalas! On Mechana Copycat Island, the team discovers the reason the Copycat isn't working correctly - it' got a bad case of hiccups! Sasquatch tries to scare the hiccups away, but only succeeds in knocking the Copycat over. Rex transforms to the rescue, using his mighty mechana-strength to right the Copycat. Another plan for drinking water to cure the hiccups results in Unicorn making rain so that a cup fills with water, but that doesn't work, either! Tickling is another option, and Komodo produces just the right thing for the job -a feather! Soon the Copycat is cured of the hiccups and back to making toys. Uh oh! What was that noise? Now Sasquatch has the hiccups!

Mechana Rhino Ring Toss Island

  • Mission: To fix the croc-ring-tosser
  • Abilities used: Gizmo,Fast,Fly

The Animal Mechanicals are sent over to Rhino Ring Toss Island to get the Croc Ring Tosser working again, so the Mechana Rhinos can play ring toss! When they get to the Island, the team discover the reason the croc-ring-tosser is not working is because it's rusted. "This is a job for Komodo!" Komodo transforms and produces an oil can out of his tail, which soon gets rid of the rust. But Sasquatch impatiently turns the croc-ring-tosser's speed lever to "high" and soon rings are flying everywhere, with the confused Rhinos chasing after them! Mouse transforms and manages to zip in between the rhinos to turn off the croc-ring-tosser, but not before one last ring sends the rhinos chasing it toward the edge of the Island. Unicorn transforms and catches the ring in the air, leading the rhinos back to safety.

Mechana Turkey Trotter Island

  • Mission: Find out what is causing the island to rumble
  • Abilities used: Fly,Strong,Fast

The Animal Mechanicals are sent over to Mechana Turkey Trotter Island to find out why the Turkey Trotters keep falling over instead of trotting! Once on the Island, they discover a mysterious rumbling is causing the Turkey toppling, but what's causing the rumbling? A little more investigation reveals a mechana worm burrowing below the ground. So how do they get the rumbly worm away from the Turkey Track? Unicorn transforms and makes rain fall into the worm's hole, which brings it up to the surface. Rex has to transform to move the heavy worm off the track and onto the ground, but then Sasquatch tries to get it to move faster by pounding it. This only succeeds in making the worm roll toward the edge of the Island! Mouse transforms and speeds after the fast-rolling worm, and bravely sends it rolling into another hole - far away from the Turkey Trotter Track!

Mechana Maple Syrup Squirrel Island

  • Mission: Protect the squirrels' sap
  • Abilities used: Fast,Stretchy,Gizmo

There's a sticky problem brewing over at Mechana Maple Syrup Squirrel Island -a mechana moose keeps drinking all the sap the squirrels use to make their yummy maple syrup! The Animal Mechanicals go over to fix the problem, and first Sasquatch tries stretching to keep the moose away from a sap tree, but the moose's sniffing nose tickles the big blue guy, and he falls over on the ground in stitches. After the moose grabs a sap bucket, Mouse races after it to retrieve the sticky treat, and Komodo cuts branches with a saw in his tail to build a permanent fence around the sap tree. Mission accomplished - except Rex runs off with the maple syrup the squirrels present to our heroes!

Mechana Race Rabbit Island

  • Mission: Make sure that the race rabbits don't cheat
  • Abilities used: Stretchy,Fast,Fly

The Animal Mechanicals race over to Race Rabbit Island to make sure the sneaky rabbits play fair in their next big race - Island Owl has told them they sometimes like to cheat! And sure enough, the rabbits are all trying to zoom out of the starting gate before the flag waves to begin the race. Sasquatch has to stretch to make a rail which can keep the revving rabbits in one place before the race starts. Once the race starts, one of the tricky rabbits tries to take a shortcut, but Mouse speeds after it to lead back onto the track. Then another rascally rabbit tries to get ahead of the others by flying off a ramp into the air, but Unicorn transforms and quickly gets it back with the other racers.

Mechana Ski Sheep Island

  • Mission: Find the ski patrol safety dog and stop the ski sheep from crashing into piles of snow
  • Abilities used: Strong,Gizmo,Fly

The ski sheep are skiing all over the place because their ski patrol safety dog is missing, and it's up to the Animal Mechanicals to find it! On Ski Sheep Island, Sasquatch accidentally turns the ski lift to super-fast, sending the ski sheep rocketing into snow banks! Rex is able to dig them out, but they've got to find the patrol dog - fast! Mouse and Komodo eventually find the dog, but one of its snow treads are broken. Komodo transforms and quickly starts to fix the problem. Meanwhile, the sheep keep skiing every which way, burying themselves in snow banks. Unicorn transforms and melts the snow using her magic horn, and the patrol dog pulls up, having been fixed by Komodo. But now there's no snow for the sheep to play in! Unicorn makes more using her horn, and the sheep are able to (safely) resume their snowy fun.

Principal cast

Character Voiced by
Rex Jim Fowler
Unicorn Leah Ostry
Komodo Shannon Lynch
Sasquatch Ian MacDougall
Mouse Abigail Gordon
Island Owl Lenore Zann