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Lilith (Darkstalkers)

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Lilith Aensland

Lilith Aensland is a video game character from Capcom's Darkstalkers series of fighting games. She is a miniature succubus who was created from energy drawn from the succubus Morrigan Aensland. This dangerous excess energy was separated from Morrigan at birth by her father, Belial, who sealed it away. The separated energy formed a mind of its own and named itself Lilith.

In Darkstalkers 3: Vampire Savior, the demon Jedah releases Lilith and gives her a body -- that of a smaller, more cheerful succubus. Lilith seems to enjoy her life until she realizes that she is not the "original" -- she is only a part of another person. She discovers that she often becomes transparent and realizes she has limited time to find her "soul mate", in order to continue her existence. Morrigan also feels that Lilith is a part of her, but she does not feel she needs Lilith as badly as Lilith needs her. Jedah realizes this, and she manipulates Lilith to meet Morrigan so he can use them both to extend his power. However, Lilith knows that Jedah is lying to her. Regardless of whether the player is playing Morrigan or Lilith, Lilith is absorbed by Morrigan and becomes merely another "urge" inside her -- leaving Morrigan, like Lilith, with a more cheerful personality.


  • In another series of Darkstalkers-related games, Lilith is portrayed as Morrigan's little sister in one of Morrigan's super moves.
  • Lilith is also a secret character in Morrigan's form in Marvel vs. Capcom, who has moves like Lilith in Darkstalkers 3 that look like Morrigan's moves. In that game, regardless of which form of Morrigan you choose, a scene of Morrigan and Lilith fusing together precedes every match.