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Pipeline Open Data Standard

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The Pipeline Open Data Standard is a database modeling initiative dedicated to gas and liquid gathering, transmission and distribution pipeline systems. The PODS Association is a not for profit industry trade organization that maintains and supports the industry pipeline relational data model.

The PODS Association is composed of pipeline industry members including operators, service providers, government agencies, and associations. Membership dues are used to fund technical committee activities, membership activities such as email, technical and administrative support, and the website. The Association is governed by a Board of Directors; technical oversight of the standards is managed by the Technical Committee; and day to day activities are managed by the Executive Director.

The Board of Directors is composed of eleven (11) industry leaders. Approximately one-half of the positions are elected annually. The by-laws require that at least six of the eleven positions be held by pipeline operators.

The PODS Association is working with Oracle Spatial and ESRI to develop spatial implementations for each group. The relational data model is not spatially enabled but many companies are have spatialized it.

PODS Association History

The PODS Association began in 1998 as a Gas Research Institute (GRI) initiative to develop an expanded ISAT data model. The original ISAT 2.0 became PODS 2.0. In 2000, the volunteers leading the research incorporated as a for profit organization (in order to minimize incorporation costs). The first member was CenterPoint Energy and the Association had approximately 10 members. In 2002, the Association re-incorporated as a not for profit group. By early 2008, the PODS Association had more than 90 members.

PODS Model History

PODS 2.0, released in 2001, with less than 70 tables.

PODS 3.0, released in 2002, doubled in size, including several submodels.

PODS 3.1, released in 2003

PODS 3.2, released in 2004

PODS 3.2.1, released in 2004, maintenance release.

PODS 4.0, released in 2006, includes ILI submodel and documentation.

PODS 4.0.1, released in 2007, maintenance release.

PODS 4.0.2, released in 2007, maintenance release.

Type Acronym Term Definition
PIPELINE AGM Above Ground Marker A device placed along the pipeline at specified intervals to detect the movement and position of inline inspection tools.
ANALYSIS AD Aerial Dispersion The dispersion of highly volatile liquids into the atmosphere during a product release.
VISUALIZATION AS Alignment Sheet A report of events along the pipeline. The report was originally hand-drawn, later converted to CAD, and is now generally a GIS report. Alignment sheets typically include aerial photograph backgrounds, pipeline facilities, geographic events, right of way information, elevations profiles, and pipe segment information.
STANDARDS AGA American Gas Association A not for profit organization that promotes natural gas public relations, education, and helps identify emerging issues in the gas industry. The website is www.aga.org.
ORGANIZATION ANSI American National Standards Institute A not for profit organization that promotes standards and a conformity assessment system both in the United States and globally. The group promotes and oversees both norms and guidelines in nearly every industry. Formerly known as ASA. The website is www.ansi.org.
ORGANIZATION API American Petroleum Institute A not for profit trade organization for the oil and gas industry. The group is a major research institution, develops standards and policies, and promotes the oil and gas industry. The website is www.api.org.
ORGANIZATION ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers The website is www.asce.org.
ORGANIZATION ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers The website is www.asme.org.
ORGANIZATION ASTM American Society of Testing Materials This is one of the largest not for profit standards and testing organizations in the world. The website is www.astm.org.
ORGANIZATION ASA American Standards Association See ANSI, www.ansi.org.
PRODUCT NH3 Anhydrous Ammonia Pipeline product commonly used in fertilizer. Can also be used to neutralize diesel emissions.
PIPELINE Anomaly A possible defect or irregularity on a pipeline, generally detected by an inline inspection; the anomaly could be a dent, metal loss, crack, or other irregular feature.
DATABASE API Application Program Interface A source code interface that defines an interface and behavior for an operating system or service.
DATABASE APDM ArcGIS Pipeline Data Model The data model is a geospatially enabled ESRI Geodatabase template that geographically represents pipeline events. The template was created by ESRI users from the pipeline industry. The website is www.apdm.net.
ORGANIZATION AOPL Association of Oil Pipe Lines This is a not for profit organization that acts as a clearinghouse for information and represents the pipeline industry to Congress and other regulatory groups. The website is www.aopl.org.
MEASUREMENT BBL Barrels A common US unit of measure of petroleum products; one barrel equals 40 gallons.
PIPELINE Batch A shipment of one type of product through a pipeline.
PIPELINE Breakout Tank A bulk storage container used to store fluids transported by pipelines; also serves as pressure release containment area during surges.
MEASUREMENT BTU British Thermal Unit The measure used to gauge the heating quality of various fuels. It is the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit from 58.5 to 59.5 degrees under standard pressure of 30 inches of mercury at or near its point of maximum density. General conversion factors are: 1 Btu = 252 calories, 1,055 joules, or0.293 watt hours.
PRODUCT Butane A saturated hydrocarbon with 4 carbon molecules and ten hydrogen molecules (alkane).
PIPELINE Bypass According to the AGA, bypass is an auxiliary piping arrangement designed to carry gas around specific equipment; a bypass can also allow redirect fluids in order to allow repairs on a system or to supply gas to a customer without involving a local distribution company.
DATABASE Calibration Different tools, companies, and people measure events along the pipeline differently. Events along the pipeline are calibrated in order to ensure the highest possible data gathering quality. In GIS, the measured polyline is calibrated. Calibration of the measured polyline occurs at specific points where the surface and subsurface can be directly correlated; e.g. at a valve, pipe bend, or other point.
PIPELINE CP Cathodic Protection Cathodic protection is the application of a direct current to a pipeline to prevent electrolytic corrosion. The intent is to change to charge of the pipe to prevent corrosion between two different metals and a liquid.
PIPELINE City Gate The point at which the local distribution company lowers the pressure and adds odorant in order to deliver natural gas to local homes and businesses.
SPATIAL DATA CNW Commercially Navigable Waterway Defined by US DOT PHMSA as a high consequence area; it is a stream or water body used commercially that does not include recreational activity, areas of no traffic, or areas that cannot be navigated.
DATABASE Constraint Constraints are used to enforce the integrity of the database by defining conditions about the database and its tables that must remain true when adding, deleting, or modifying data.
DATABASE Control Point In GIS, control points are real surveyed points on a map that can be used to transform coordinates.
PRODUCT CF cubic foot Amount of gas in a cubic foot at 60° F and 14.7 PSI.
SPATIAL DATA CUM Cumulative Stationing The contiguous footage (stationing) of a pipeline from beginning to end. This is a GIS representation of a real pipeline.
REGULATORY DOE Department of Energy An agency of the United States government that oversees the nation's energy.
ORGANIZATION DOT Department of Transportation An agency of the United States government that oversees transportation including many pipelines.
PIPELINE Dig Sheet Generated for field personnel instructing them where to investigate anomalies on the pipeline.
SPATIAL DATA DRG Digital Raster Graphic A scanned image, typically referring to a USGS Quadrangle Map.
PIPELINE Disbonded Coating The protective coating around a pipeline becomes "unglued" (disbonded) from the pipe. This is typically caused by mechanical damage (e.g., from rocks penetrating the coating or a backhoe), chemical damage (e.g., from the soil or atmosphere), or other causes. When the coating is disbonded, the pipe is vulnerable to damage.
PIPELINE Discharge An accidental or unplanned release of fluid from a pipeline.
PIPELINE DOT Class Location Defined in 49 CFR 192 as specific population density areas.
ANALYSIS Drain Up The amount of product discharged from the pipeline after the pipeline is shut down.
PIPELINE Easement A buffer zone around a pipeline designed to protect the pipeline from hazardous encroachments; also known as the right of way.
PIPELINE EFRD Electronic Flow Restriction Device Electronic device on a pipeline that restricts fluid flow in order to prevent or mitigate unplanned releases; also known as emergency flow restriction device.
PIPELINE Emergency Response A documented plan for responding to pipeline emergencies. Emergencies include unplanned releases as well as damage to facilities, structures, and people.
PIPELINE Encroachment Any authorized or unauthorized activity on the pipeline right of way.
PIPELINE ESN Engineering Station The non-contiguous footage (stationing) along a pipeline. The engineering station may be the same as cumulative stationing or may be different, e.g., if a reroute has occurred or when multiple routes have been joined into a single line. This is a geographic representation of a real pipeline.
PIPELINE EQN Equation Also known as a station equation, this occurs when the engineering stationing is not equal to the cumulative stationing due to a reroute, the joining of multiple routes, etc.
PRODUCT Ethane The second largest component of natural gas after methane; chemical formula C2H6; commonly used in ethylene production.
PRODUCT Ethanol Drinking or grain alcohol typically used as an additive to fuel; aids in combustion and reduces pollutants
DATABASE Event Any point, line, or polygon on the pipeline that has an attribute associated with it; events include pipe facilities, geographic features, right of way information, etc.
STANDARDS ECDA External Corrosion Direct Assessment This is a critical part of any pipeline integrity management program that involves assessing and reducing the impact of external corrosion on a pipeline.
ORGANIZATION FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission US government agency that regulates and oversees the interstate transmission of oil, natural gas, and electricity. The website is www.ferc.gov.
DATABASE FK Foreign Key The referential constraint between two tables, referencing the primary key for each table.
PIPELINE Gathering Line A pipeline that gathers product from a wellhead and transports it to a meter, pressure pump, or transmission line.
PIPELINE Gathering System A system of gathering lines that delivers the product from the wellhead to a central location.
SPATIAL DATA GIS Geographic Information Systems Computer program or technology that captures, stores, edits, displays, plots, and analyzes geographical information.
SPATIAL DATA GPS Global Positioning System A satellite navigational system used to geographically locate events. GPS accuracy of +/- 1 meter is possible.
DATABASE GUID Globally Unique User Identification The primary key in a database that is unique under all circumstances to all companies. The GUID for an event is generally created as a function of the IP address and date, thereby guaranteeing that it is unique. In the pipeline industry, this allows companies to merge, buy, or sell assets with an absolutely unique ID for each event within a database allowing multiple databases to be combined more easily.
REGULATORY HCA High Consequence Area An area defined by the US DOT PHMSA in which a pipeline release would have "high" consequence. The five areas typically considered HCA's are drinking water, ecologically sensitive, commercially navigable waters, high population, and other population areas.
SPATIAL DATA HPA Highly Populated Area Defined by the US DOT PHMSA as an HCA; these are generally urbanized areas as defined by the US Census Bureau.
PIPELINE HVL Highly Volatile Liquid A hazardous liquid that will form a large vapor cloud; explosive.
MEASUREMENT Hydrostatic Test A pipeline is filled with water and pressure is applied in order to located leaks or weak spots in the pipeline. If the pressure is not maintained, then a leak or other problem is indicated.
PIPELINE IS Identified Site Defined by the US DOT PHMSA as "(a) An outside area or open structure that is occupied by twenty (20) or more persons on at least 50 days in any twelve (12)- month period. (The days need not be consecutive). Examples include but are not limited to, beaches, playgrounds, recreational facilities, camping grounds, outdoor theaters, stadiums, recreational areas near a body of water, or areas outside a rural building such as a religious facility; or

(b) A building that is occupied by twenty (20) or more persons on at least five (5) days a week for ten (10) weeks in any twelve (12)- month period. (The days and weeks need not be consecutive). Examples include, but are not limited to, religious facilities, office buildings, community centers, general stores, 4-H facilities, or roller skating rinks; or (c) A facility occupied by persons who are confined, are of impaired mobility, or would be difficult to evacuate. Examples include but are not limited to hospitals, prisons, schools, day-care facilities, retirement facilities or assisted-living facilities." http://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/gasimp/Glossary.gim

PIPELINE Inhibitor Added to product inside a pipeline to inhibit corrosion.
PIPELINE Injection
MEASUREMENT ILI Inline Inspection An inline inspection tool (smart pig) is run through the line to look for anomalies/defects such as metal loss, cracks, dents, or areas in which the pipe is out of round.
ORGANIZATION ISAT Integrated Spatial Analysis Techniques Developed by the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) in 1994 as a pipeline industry data standard. The ISAT 2.0 nonproprietary model became PODS 2.0 under a GTI initiative and is now the intellectual property of the PODS Association. The proprietary ISAT model is owned by General Electric.
PIPELINE IMP Integrity Management Program Defined by the US DOT PHMSA as the program by which pipeline operators minimize the risk of hazardous events on a pipeline. An IMP may include hydrostatic testing, inline inspections, one call programs, risk analyses, etc.
ORGANIZATION IEA International Energy Agency An international agency that tracks energy statistics and information. The website is www.iea.org.
PIPELINE Line Fill The volume of fluid in a pipeline, based on temperature and pressure.
PIPELINE Line Pipe The actual physical pipeline, may be composed of steel, PVC, or other material.
PIPELINE LNG Liquefied Natural Gas Supercooled natural gas; almost pure methane; LNG occupies 1/600 of the space of natural gas in the vapor state.
PIPELINE LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas Natural gas products, typically butanes and propane, that are kept under pressure in liquid form.
PIPELINE LDC Local Distribution Company A company that sells natural gas locally to homes and businesses.
PIPELINE LDC Local Distribution System The system of pipeline that delivers natural gas from the city gate or plant to local homes and businesses.
DATABASE LF Logical Flag A binary operation within a database; examples include yes/no, on/off, true/false, etc.
PIPELINE Loop A segment of pipeline attached to the main pipeline that generally parallels the main pipeline and increases the capacity of the pipeline system.
PIPELINE MFL Magnetic Flux Leakage An inline inspection tool (smart pig) applies a magnetic field to a pipe section and measures the changes in the magnetic flux density of the pipe surface; the changes in the magnetic flux density can indicate the presence of a possible defect; also called magnetic flux leakage.
PIPELINE ML Mainline The primary pipeline in a system through which product is transported.
MEASUREMENT MAOP Maximum Alllowable Operating Pressure The code of Federal Regulations defines this as the maximum internal pressure permitted during the operation of the pipeline. The MAOP is function of the pipe material, grade, previous pressure tests, operation and maintenance history, and other factors.
MEASUREMENT MOP Maximum Operating Pressure This is the maximum internal pressure permitted; the MOP generally 80% of the MAOP.
PIPELINE Metal Loss An area on the pipe wall that has metal loss, which may be due to corrosion, gouging, or other effects. Metal loss is typically found by inline inspections and magnetic flux leakage.
PRODUCT Methane Natural gas, also known as CH4.
MEASUREMENT MMCF Million Cubic Feet Volumetric unit of measure for natural gas.
PIPELINE MMCFD Million Cubic Feet Per Day Volumetric flow rate for natural gas.
ORGANIZATION MMS Minerals Management Service A bureau of the Department of the Interior that oversees minerals under United States jurisdiction.
ORGANIZATION NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers An international organization whose mission is to prevent corrosion.
SPATIAL DATA NED National Elevation Dataset USGS data set that combines elevation data into a seamless raster format. The NED is regularly used in the integrity management program to determine HCA risk segments based on flow models.
SPATIAL DATA NHD National Hydrography Dataset USGS data set of surface waters including streams, ponds, lakes, springs, etc. The NHD is created from the USGS Digital Line Graph hydrography data.
ORGANIZATION NPMS National Pipeline Mapping System A subdivision of the US DOT PHMSA that gathers and maintains interstate and intrastate pipeline information for gas and hazardous liquid transmission pipelines. Information in the NPMS data set includes geospatial, attribute, public contact, and metadata information.
PRODUCT NG Natural Gas A fossil fuel composed primarily of methane but also includes ethane, propane, butane, and others. Natural gas is used to heat homes and businesses, generate electricity, and more.
PRODUCT NGL Natural Gas Liquids Natural gas contains methane along with heavier gaseous hydrocarbons: ethane, propane, butane, etc. Natural gas liquids are the heavier gases that have been processed out of the natural gas.
PIPELINE NWT Nominal Wall Thickness The wall thickness required for a given design pressure; this is calculated based on the pressure, pipe diameter, etc.
PRODUCT Odorant An substance added to natural gas before it is delivered into homes and business. Natural gas has no odor but is highly explosive. Adding the odorant makes it easier to detect and, therefore, safer.
PIPELINE OneCall System implemented at the state level that provides consumers one number to call before digging. The intent is to provide utility and pipeline operators time to clearly mark underground lines in order to avoid damage to the lines and possibly dangerous resulting incidences.
PIPELINE Operator The company that oversees the daily operations of a plant, pipeline, or other facility.
SPATIAL DATA OPA Other Populated Area Defined by the US DOT PHMSA as an HCA; these are generally places with concentrated population (not high population areas) as defined by the US Census Bureau. Other population areas can include residential and commercial areas.
PIPELINE OCS Outer Continental Shelf The continental land mass that slopes down to the ocean floor; these generally have heavy sedimentation.
PIPELINE Ovality Ovality is when a pipe is "out of round;" this typically happens from external forces.
ANALYSIS OS Overland Spread The flow of pipeline product across the ground in an unplanned release event. Overland spread is generally a theoretical flow based on the NED and NHD. The flow modeling is used to predict how HCA's will be affected by unplanned releases.
REGULATORY CFR 192 Part 192 US DOT Gas Pipeline Safety Standards.
REGULATORY CFR 195 Part 195 US DOT Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by Pipelines Standards.
ORGANIZATION PHMSA Pipeline Hazardous Materials and Safety Administration A subgroup of the US DOT that protects the public and environment by overseeing hazardous material pipelines. The pipelines contain a variety of materials including natural gas, gasoline, and other hydrocarbons, as well as hydrogen, ammonia, and other chemicals.
ORGANIZATION PODS Pipeline Open Data Standard Industry pipeline standard developed by the PODS Association; the standards include the relational data model, data exchange and interchange standards, and geospatially enabled data models. The website is www.pods.org.
PRODUCT Polypropylene A thermoplastic polymer that is highly heat and corrosion resistant, commonly used for natural gas pipelines.
PIPELINE PIR Potential Impact Radius Defined by the US DOT PHMSA as the radius of a circle in which an unplanned release would have significant impact on people or property. See US DOT PHMSA Glossary at http://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/gasimp/Glossary.gim. The radius varies depending on the type of product, the pressure at which the pipe is maintained, and other factors.
MEASUREMENT PSI Pounds per Square Inch Measure of pressure.
DATABASE PK Primary Key The primary key in a database is the unique identifier for a specific record or event. In the PODS model this is a GUID.
PIPELINE Profile An elevation profile is a cross-section in which the ground surface elevation and pipeline depth are represented.
SPATIAL DATA Projection In GIS, this is the process by which three dimensional space is transformed into two dimensional space in order to be viewed in map form.
PRODUCT Propane Propane is liquefied petroleum gas, C3H8, refined from natural gas and crude oil refining. It is colorless and odorless, generally used for cooking and heating, with odorant added for safety.
PRODUCT Propylene A by-product of petroleum refining, C3H6; colorless and nearly odorless.
PIPELINE Public Awareness Program by which pipeline operators provide information to the public. The intent of the program is to notify the public of the proximity of a pipeline in order to avoid incidences.
ORGANIZATION PPDM Public Petroleum Data Model A not for profit organization that provides a relational data model for the energy exploration and production industry. The website is www.ppdm.org.
PIPELINE PUP Pup A short length of pipe.
DATABASE Query The method by which users of a database request data; multiple query languages are available, however, the database type generally regulates which query language is used.
ANALYSIS Release Point A hypothetical point along a pipeline at which a release might occur. From the release point, flow modeling is created based on the pipeline product, the NED, and the NHD to determine what HCA's could be affected. This is part of an integrity management program.
PIPELINE Risk Assessment Part of an operator's integrity management program in which they determine the likelihood of an incident and the consequences of the potential incident; also known as risk analysis and risk assessment.
PIPELINE Sliding Mile A continuous segment of pipeline one mile long and 220 yards on either side of the centerline; the one mile segment is continuously "moved" along the pipeline in order to locate the number and types of buildings within a one mile section. The information is then used to develop a class location that drives the risk assessment of the pipeline.
PIPELINE Smart Pig A tool used for inline inspection that detects pipeline facilities, anomalies (defects), wall thickness, pipe diameter, etc.
PIPELINE Specific Gravity The ratio of the density of a substance (gas or liquid) to the density of water.
PIPELINE SMYS Specified Minimum Yield Strength A function of the pipe grade, it is the minimum required strength that the measured yield stress of a pipe material must exceed without failure; the measured yield stress is a measure of the tensile stress.
PIPELINE Station Equation See equation.
PIPELINE SCC Stress Corrosion Cracking Cracking along the pipeline (in the pipe) caused by stress due to pressure, electrochemical cracking (environmental), and temperature.
PIPELINE Suction Suction on the pipeline can lead to pressure surges.
PIPELINE Surge Occurs when a valve is turned off or on, often called the "hammer" effect; uncontrolled surging can exceed the MOP and MAOP of the pipeline or valve creating potentially hazardous situations.
PIPELINE Terminal Receiving and processing plant for crude oil and gas.
ORGANIZATION TXRC Texas Railroad Commission Established in 1891 as a state regulatory agency, it oversees the oil and gas industry as well as pipelines.
MEASUREMENT MCF Thousand Cubic Feet Volumetric unit of measure for natural gas.
PIPELINE UGS Underground Storage The storage of liquids and gas underground, includes underground storage tanks (UST's), salt caverns, and other storage facilities.
SPATIAL DATA USA Unusually Sensitive Area Part of an HCA, generally includes drinking water areas and ecologically sensitive areas.
ANALYSIS WT Water Transport The water transport of a product from a pipeline in an unplanned or accidental release.