In the heart of the mountains is the High Rhön, a range of mountains of volcanic origin. Around it, especially to the north and west, rises the so-called Kuppen Rhön, formed predominantly of Bunter sandstone and pierced by basalt cones. Also counted as part of the Rhön, but not geologically related, are the surrounding hills made of different rocks. The orographic boundaries of the range orient themselves on the major rivers - the Fulda, Werra, Franconian Saale and Sinn. The outer belt of hills includes the South Rhön which is geologically more related to the Spessart hills.
- Natural regions
(to 35 East Hesse Highlands)
- 353 Anterior and Kuppen Rhön (with the Landrücken)
- 353.0 Landrücken
- 353.1 Western Rhön Foreland
- 353.2 (Western and Eastern) Kuppen Rhön with the Brückenau Kuppenrhön, Milseburg Kuppenrhön, Soisberg Kuppenrhön, Middle Ulster Valley, Auersberg Kuppenrhön, Middle Felda Valley, Anterior Rhön
- 353.3 Eastern Rhön Foreland
- 354 High Rhön
- 354.0 Southern High Rhön and Dammersfeldrücken, Black Mountains, Kreuzberg Group
- 354.1 Central Rhön with the Wasserkuppen Rhön, Long Rhön, Eastern Slopes of the Long Rhön, Upper Ulster Valley
- (to 355 Fulda-Haune Tableland)
- 355.3 Haune Plateaux and Rombach Plateaux, Haune valley (and Hünfeld Basin), Buchenau Plateau
- (to 357 Fulda-Werra Highland): Seulingswald
- (to 358 Salzungen Werra Highland):
- 358.0 Stadtlengsfeld Hills
(to 13 Mainfranconian Plateaux)
- (to 1381 Grabfeld)
- 1381.0 Western Grabfeld
- (to 1382 Werra Gäu Plateaux)
- 1382.0 Western Werra Gäu Plateaux with the Mellrichstadt Gäu, Bibra Saddle, St. Bernhard Plateau, Dreißigacker-Sülzfeld Rhön Scarp
(to 14 Odenwald, Spessart and South Rhön)
- (to 141 South Rhön)
- 140.0 Gemünden-Zeitlofs Forest
- (to 140.1 Hammelburg South Rhön) with the Schondra-Thulba-South Rhön, Erthal Chalk Hills
- (to 140.2 Eastern South Rhön) with the Schönau Plateau
- Mountains and hills
- Auersberg, Dammersfeldkuppe, Dreistelzberg, Eierhauckberg, Ellenbogen, Gebaberg, Große Haube, Heidelstein, Hohe Schule, Kreuzberg, Milseburg, Pleß, Soisberg, Totnansberg, Wasserkuppe
- → List of mountains and hills of the Rhön