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Robert Jacobe

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Sir Robert Jacob or Jacobe (1573-1618 ) was an English-born lawyer, who was Solicitor General for Ireland between 1606 and 1618. He was a friend and close associate of Sir John Davies, the Attorney General for Ireland, who was one of the key figures in the Irish administration during those years.


He was born at Higher Bockhampton, now Stinsford in Dorset, the second son of Robert Jacob and Anne Steldon. The Jacob family were descended from William Jacob, who was living in Tolpuddle in 1450. Robert always valued his association with both towns and when applying for a coat of arms he described himself as Robert Jacob of Tolpuddle and Bockhampton.[1]

About 1603 he married Mary Lynch, widow of David Targett (died 1602); she was the daughter of William Lynch, a merchant of Southampton, and had one surviving son, William Targett (died 1627), by her first husband. Mary was a colourful character with a reputation for wit, who once publicly ridiculed the Spanish Ambassador, Count Gondomar. She and Robert has five children, Robert junior, Arthur, Francis, Mary and Anne. All of his children were still alive in 1617 when they are mentioned in their grandfather William Lynch's will[2] but only the younger Mary is definitely known to have been still living in 1623. She married Sir James Hamilton of Manor Elieston, a cousin of the Earl of Abercorn.[3]

Solicitor General

Not much is known about his education, nor when he was called to the Bar or his early legal career. He was knighted in 1601, and in 1606 he was sent to Ireland as Solicitor General. He was admitted to the King's Inn in 1607 and given chambers there in 1612.[4] Like most successful men at this time he found jobs for his family: his brother Hammett became Clerk of the Crown for Dublin.

Robert sat in the Irish House of Commons as member for Carlow in the Parliament of 1613-1615. The 1613 election was noted for the number of disputed results and Jacob, who had the usual English settler's prejudice against the Old Irish, wrote that "Irish lawyers did more harm than the priests all combined in opposing the Crown's work" and complained that they were electing "seditious schismatics (I.e. Roman Catholics) as members of Parliament.[5]

He seems to have been a highly competent lawyer, prosecuting cases regularly before the Court of Castle Chamber (the Irish equivalent of Star Chamber) and giving detailed advice in 1611 on the legal aspects of the forfeiture of the O'Farrell lands in Longford.[6]


Like his friend and ally Sir John Davies he was as much a politician as a lawyer and was deeply concerned about the future of English rule in Ireland. After the Flight of the Earls he warned in a famous phrase that "there are 2000 idle men that had no means but to feed on the gentlemen of this country..he was accounted the bravest man that comes attended with most of these followers ".[7] He appears to have thought briefly that the killing of Sir Cahir O'Doherty in 1608 would restore peace; yet the following year he was fearful of the possible return of Hugh O'Neill and the consequences for Ulster: " there are great probabilities that all the people of that province would easily run into rebellion if Tyrone (O'Neill) should return, or if any munition or aid should be sent to them from foreign parts ".

In 1612 he wrote a lengthy memorandum on the weakness of English rule in Ireland which he proposed two main remedies : the restoration of a standing army, and the expulsion of the Irish chiefs from troublesome parts of the country, and their replacement by large numbers of settlers.[8] The ordinary Irish people in his view could be left in peace, while loyal Irish chiefs would be required to surrender only a small part of their lands to the Crown (thus increasing Crown revenue).


Jacob's ambition and ability ideally suited him to play a leading part in Irish affairs if Sir John Davies was recalled or promoted, but in the event he died in 1618 while Davies was still in office as Irish Attorney General. His widow Mary quickly remarried the well- known politician and poet Christopher Brooke, though she continued to use the title Lady Jacob. She had at least one more child, `a son called John, and died in 1622.


Jacob's attitude to the Irish people was generally stern, but in private he seems to have been quite a kindly man. In 1617 he wrote a warm and encouraging latter to his good friend and colleague Sir John Davies about the sad condition of Davies' son Jack, who was deaf and dumb, and generally thought to be mentally deficient:

" If your son Jack were now put into the hands of some skillful men, he might be brought to speak. For he is wonderfully mended in his understanding of late, for he understands anything that is spoken to him without making any signs, so as it is certain he hath his hearing".[9]

He was apparently fond of theatricals, and is believed to have taken part in a masque called Cadmus at Dublin Castle at Christmas 1608.[10]


  1. ^ "Pedigree of Jacob of Tolpuddle and Bockhampton 1608 National Library of Ireland
  2. ^ Will of William Linch 1617, UK National Archives Catalogue reference prob/11/129
  3. ^ Paul, Sir James Balfour The Scots Peerage Edinburgh 1904
  4. ^ Kenny, Colum The King's Inns and the Kingdom of Ireland Irish Academic Press Dublin 1992
  5. ^ Crawford, Jon G. A Star Chamber Court in Ireland-the Court of Castle Chamber 1571-1641 Four Courts Press Dublin 2006
  6. ^ "Advice for the Establishment of the county of Longford May 8, 1611" Lambeth Palace Library Ms.629
  7. ^ Collis Ramsay History of Ulster 4 Volumes Gresham London 1920
  8. ^ Canny, Nicholas Making Ireland British 1580-1650 Oxford University Press 2003
  9. ^ Pawlisch, Hans S. Sir John Davies and the Conquest of Ireland Cambridge University Press 2002
  10. ^ Wiggins, Martin, Richardson, Catherine British Drama 1533-1642- a Compendium Oxford University Press 2015 Vol. VI : 1609-1616