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SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Science

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SEAMEO Regional Centre for Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Personnel in Science
Organization Identity
Centre DirectorProf. Triyanta
Established13 July 2009
HeadquartersJl. Diponegoro No. 12 Bandung 40115, Indonesia
Parent OrgSEAMEO

The SEAMEO Regional Centre for QITEP in Science was established through the approval of the 44th SEAMEO Council Conference in Phuket, Thailand. The Centre was officially launched by President of the SEAMEO Council and Thai Minister of Education, HE Mr Jurin Lhaksanawisit, on 13 July 2009, marked by the first training course conducted by the Centre entitled Training Course on Earth and Space Science.

Vision and Mision

The Centre is envisioned to be the Centre of excellence in professional development of teachers and education personnel in science towards sustainable development in Southeast Asia. Its mission is to provide relevant and quality programs in professional development for science teachers and education personnel through capacity building, research and development, resource sharing, and collaboration. To help actualize this vision and mission, the Centre adopted the following objectives:

  1. To develop and implement effective inquiry-based science education training programs and other learning events;
  2. To strengthen national and international networking in science education;
  3. To conduct research-based innovations and resource-sharing in science education; and;
  4. To improve competence and management capabilities of QITEP in Science human resources for effective and efficient service delivery.


  1. To develop and implement effective inquiry-based science education training programs and other learning events;
  2. To strengthen national and international networking in science education;
  3. To conduct research-based innovations and resource-sharing in science education; and;
  4. To improve competence and management capabilities of QITEP in Science human resources for effective and efficient service delivery.

Core Values

  • Professionalism

Professionalism means that every staff performs their job corresponding to their skills and special abilities and using intellectual-based techniques and procedures. Every staff is required to have high integrity, capabilities, discipline, qualified skills and knowledge to implement the Centre’s vision and missions.

  • Togetherness

All the staff members are part of a big family that has the same vision, mission, and goals. Each staff member should be able to support, cooperate and bring mutual benefit to each other in order to achieve the Centre’s vision and mission. The staff members should put as a priority the principle of togetherness.

  • Productivity

All staff is expected to give an optimum work performance through adopting an effective and efficient work system.

  • Innovativeness

The Centre’s staff should possess and develop the ability to predict and respond to the changes, and generate new ideas

  • Lifelong learning

The center’s staff should possess the eagerness to improve and enhance their knowledge, skills, and attitude throughout their life.

Niche Determination

QITEP in Science as an institution is relatively young compared to other education-oriented institutions in the region. It is thus necessary for QITEP in Science to determine its niche in the education sector in Southeast Asia. Furthermore, niche determination will also assist the Centre to find its strengths and potentials and focus its efforts and resources to achieve its vision and mission in the next five years.

Concerned with the uneven technological achievement among the SEAMEO Member Countries, where quality of science education becomes a fundamental and crucial aspect, SEAMEO QITEP in Science intends to create and develop an effective method to deliver science concepts in a learning process which could be implemented in every SEAMEO Member Country regardless of the learning science resources they have. One of the methods that has been proven to be effective and has been widely used by many developed countries to increase learning outcome is the Science-Based Inquiry. ¬Inquiry-based learning applies observations, investigation, comparison and conclusion of an object or phenomenon in the classroom and laboratory. Through this process, students may construct their own understanding since inquiry is not only seeking the right answer but rather seeking appropriate resolutions to questions and issues.

The process of specification of Centre’s niche requires a constant reflection, comprehensive consideration, and refinement. In its implementation of the First FYDP, SEAMEO QITEP in Science had already conducted series of initiatives related to science-based inquiry approach to teaching and learning which included, among others, expert discussions, restructure of training program and approach, science curriculum research in SEAMEO Member Countries, creation of national, regional and international networking with similar and advance institutions, and organisation of and participation in international seminars, conference, workshops to build capacities.

From the encouraging outputs and outcomes of the initiatives mentioned above and with the full support of the Centre’s staff who have reached a deeper and better understanding of science concepts, the SEAMEO QITEP in Science has decided that Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) development will be the ultimate goal and focus for the Centre’s second FYDP. IBSE shall also be the Centre’s niche and thus the Centre’s major philosophy to realize its vision and to be the Centre of excellence in professional development of teachers and education personnel in science towards sustainable development in Southeast Asia. Thus, IBSE will become the basic philosophy and major strategy of all training courses and activities to be conducted by SEAMEO QITEP in Science within the scope of professional teacher improvement. The Centre believes that producing quality science teachers in the region will contribute to development and growth in the region and thus contribute to the achievement of ASEAN Community in 2015.

Programme Thrusts

In carrying out its mandate and to achieve the goals to become a Centre of excellence in IBSE, the Centre has identified the following three (3) Program Thrusts for its 2nd FYDP:

  1. Professional Teacher Development which will look into the total development of teachers in terms of knowledge, skill and attitude. It is considered as a critical part in education development because of its relationship to learning outcome and student achievement. Development of teacher professionalism requires a sustained policy and funding, carried out over time, and should be aligned with standard and assessment that are integrated with teacher goals.
  2. Learning Resources Development which will identify best practices and gaps in IBSE with the intention of providing the appropriate learning resources needed for effective teaching and learning. Provision of appropriate learning resources should be integrated, logical and ongoing experiences, content of prolonged facets of classroom instruction and backed up by the best research evidences.
  3. Professional Learning Communities which will focus on enhancing the awareness and understanding of IBSE among education decision makers, education personnel and the general public towards its application and promoting collaboration among them.

All activities of the Centre shall be aligned along these 3 Program Thrusts to achieve its vision, mission, and goals and, at the same time, maximize its resources and potentials. In addition, the Program Thrusts of the Centre shall be considered as pillars in science education development.
