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Schutztruppe Askari Flag Carrier, German East Africa, 1906

The Schutztruppe (protection force or colonial force or protection troops) was the African colonial armed force of Imperial Germany from the late 1800s to 1918, when Germany lost its colonies. Similar to other colonial forces, the Schutztruppe consisted of volunteer European commissioned and non-commissioned officers, medical and veterinary officers. Most enlisted ranks were generally recruited locally. In German East Africa they became famous as Askari. Police forces also were established in the colonies. Control of the German colonies of New Guinea (including the Bismarck Archipelago and North Pacific islands) and in German Samoa was performed by small local police detachments. Kiautschou in China was under naval administration.

The colonial force for German East Africa was established by an act of the Reichstag on 22 March 1891; the colonial forces for German West Africa and German Southwest Africa on 9 June 1895. Schutztruppe formations were organizationally never a part of the imperial army or navy. In 1896 Schutztruppe headquarters was established and located at Berlin’s Mauerstrasse, in proximity to the German Colonial Office. German military law and discipline applied to the Schutztruppe.

In 1914 there were three Schutztruppe commands, one in each of the German colonial regions in East, West, and Southwest Africa.

German East Africa

See also East African Campaign (World War I)
Schutztruppe, colonial volunteer contingent, German East Africa, 1914
Schutztruppe, Askari company formation, German East Africa, 1914
Schutztruppe, carriers, German East Africa, 1899

At the outbreak of World War I, the Schutztruppe in German East Africa was organized into 14 field companies [Feldkompagnien] with 2,500 men under arms, with headquarters at the capital Dar es Salaam. Including carriers and laborers, the force totaled approximately 14,000 personnel. On 13 April 1914, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck assumed command in German East Africa. He led his units throughout World War I, eventually being promoted to Generalmajor.[1] The Schutztruppe in East Africa became the last German formation to surrender – days after the armistice in November 1918.

A pre-war company consisted of 160 (expandable to 200) men in three platoons [Züge] of 50 to 60 men each, including two machine gun teams. Each of the 14 companies also had a minimum 250 man carrier contingent as well as native irregulars known as Ruga-Ruga.[2]

  • 1st Company [Kompagnie]: Arusha/Neu Moshi[3]
  • 2nd Company: Iringa and Unbena
  • 3rd Company: Lindi
  • 4th Company: Kilimatinde and Singida
  • 5th Company: Massoko
  • 6th Company: Udjidiji and Kassulo
  • 7th Company: Bukoba, Ussuwi and Kifumbiro
  • 8th Company: Tabora
  • 9th Company: Usumbura
  • 10th Company: Dar es Salaam
  • 11th Company: Kissenji and Mruhengeri
  • 12th Company: Mahenge
  • 13th Company: Kondoa Irangi
  • 14th Company: Muansa and Ikoma

The Dar es Salaam garrison further included a recruitment depot, a signals department and quartermaster unit.

Overall strength was 260 Germans and 2,472 Africans, specifically 68 combatant officers, 60 warrant officers and NCOs, 132 non-combatant medical officers, civilian administrators, ammunition technicians, and 2 African officers and 184 African NCOs and 2,286 Askaris.[4]

During the Great War, companies numbered 15 through 30 were added, plus A through H temporary companies; and 1st through 8th Schützenkompagnies [rifle companies]. The Schützenkompagnies were originally composed of white settlers, their sons, plantations administrators and trading company employees, i.e., colonial volunteers, but some units became racially mixed as the war dragged on. Numerous other small detachments were also formed.

German Southwest Africa

See also Herero and Namaqua Genocide
Camel cavalry, German Southwest Africa, 1904
Camel patrol, German Southwest Africa, 1907

The Schutztruppe in German Southwest Africa was structured in 12 companies of mounted infantry totalling 1,500 men, primarily Germans. The 7th Company, stationed in the northern desert area of the colony, was mounted on imported camels. A single unit, called the Baster Company of non-local Africans was raised and deployed. Relations between the German administration and the natives in this colony had deteriorated to the point that few local Africans were recruited; however, Boers and Afrikaners did join to renew their fight against Great Britain.

The colonial forces for German Southwest Africa consisted of volunteers from the imperial army and navy (including some Austrians), but essentially consisted of members of German regiments. Before their deployment to Africa these troops were prepared for their special tasks and future environment. Such a training base was at Karlsruhe. Because of the often damp-hot conditions in the upper Rhine valley of the grand-duchy of Baden, the area provided some early acclimatization.

The structure of the Southwest African forces was as follows:

German Southwest Africa Command at Windhuk (modern Windhoek) consisted of headquarters, administration and legal (judge advocate), medical corps, surveying and mapping units.

Northern district command: Windhuk

  • 1st Company: Regenstein, Seeis
  • 4th Company: Okanjande
  • 6th Company: Outjo and Otavi
  • 2nd Battery: Johann-Albrechts-Höhe
  • Transport platoon 1: Karibib
  • Office for provisions: Karibib
  • Horse depot: Okawayo
  • Artillery and train depot: Windhuk
  • Military hospital and medical depot: Windhuk
  • Clothing depot: Windhuk
  • Local headquarters: Windhuk
  • Local headquarters and quartermaster: Swakopmund

Southern district command: Keetmanshoop

  • 2nd Company: Ukamas
  • 3rd Company: Kanus
  • 5th Company: Chamis and Churutabis
  • 7th and 8th Company (camel cavalry), military hospital: Gochas and Arahoab
  • 1st Battery: Narubis
  • 3rd Battery: Gibeon
  • Transport platoon 2: Keetmanshoop
  • Artillery and train depot: Keetmanshoop
  • Military hospital and medical depot: Keetmanshoop
  • Clothing depot: Keetmanshoop
  • Office for provisions: Keetmanshoop
  • Garrison administration: Keetmanshoop
  • Horse depot: Aus
  • Camel stud farm: Kalkfontain
  • Local headquarters and quartermaster: Lüderitz

At the outbreak of World War I the force had a total strength of 91 officers, 22 physicians, 9 veterinarians, 59 civilian administrators, ammunition technicians, 342 NCOs and 1,444 German other ranks for a total of 1,967 personnel.[5]

German West Africa

German West Africa encompassed two colonial entities, Kamerun and Togoland.

The Kamerun force in 1914 consisted of 12 companies, totaling 1,600 men with headquarters at Soppo and established in 1894 from the existing police force (formed in 1891).

The structure of the Kamerun forces was as follows:

Central Command: Soppo near the capital Buea[6]

  • 1st Company (headquarters company) and artillery detachment: Duala
  • 2nd Company: Bamenda, Wum and Kentu
  • 3rd Company: Mora and Kusseri
  • 4th Company: (expedition/survey company): Soppo
  • 5th Company: Buar and Carnot
  • 6th Company: Mbaiki, Nola and Nguku
  • 7th Company: Garua, Marua, Mubi
  • 8th Company: Ngaundere
  • 9th Company: Dume and Baturi
  • 10th Company: Ojem and Mimwoul
  • 11th Company: Akoafim and Minkebe
  • 12th Company: Bumo, Fianga, and Gore

The companies were assigned to 49 garrisons in Kamerun and consisted of 61 officers, 23 physicians, 23 civilian administrators, ammunition technicians, 98 German NCOs and 1,650 African enlisted ranks for a total personnel count of 1855.[7]

Togoland had a total police force of 673 personnel deployed throughout the colony.[8] Approximately 1,000 troops were raised at the outbreak of World War I. With few arms, ammunition or provisions, by the end of August 1914, all were forced to surrender to invading French and British forces.


  1. ^ Hoyt, Guerilla, p. 175
  2. ^ Miller, Battle for the Bundu, p. 18
  3. ^ Haupt, p. 34, Schutztruppe garrisons
  4. ^ Farwell, The Great War in Africa, p. 109
  5. ^ Haupt, Deutschlands Schutzgebiete , p. 56
  6. ^ Haupt, p. 70
  7. ^ Haupt, p. 70
  8. ^ Haupt, p. 79


  • Farwell, Byron. The Great War in Africa, 1914–1918. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. 1989. ISBN 0393305643
  • Haupt, Werner. Deutschlands Schutzgebiete in Übersee 1884-1918 [Germany’s Overseas Protectorates 1884-1918]. Friedberg: Podzun-Pallas Verlag. 1984. ISBN 3790902047
  • Hoyt, Edwin P. Guerilla. Colonel von Lettow-Vorbeck and Germany's East African Empire. New York: MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1981; and London: Collier MacMillan Publishers. 1981. ISBN 0-02-555210-4.
  • Miller, Charles. Battle for the Bundu: The First World War in German East Africa. London: Macdonald & Jane's, 1974; and New York: MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc. 1974. ISBN 0-02-584930-1.


  • German Colonial Encyclopaedia, 1920, Volume III, p. 321ff.
  • Werner Kopf, Werner. The German colonial force 1889/1918, Dörfler Publishing House
  • Morlang, Thomas. Askari und Fitafita. Farbige Söldner in den deutsche Kolonien. Berlin 2008
  • Reith, Wolfgang. The Command Authorities of the Imperial Colonial Force in the Homeland. German Soldier Yearbook 2000 and 2001 (2 parts). Munich: Signal Publishing House.

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