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T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger

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T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger
Developer(s)DreamWorks Interactive
Composer(s)Michael Giacchino

T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger is a PlayStation game released in 1999. The game is set in an oriental landscape populated by clans of animals, such as Leopards and Snakes. The game's protagonist, T'ai Fu, is the last remaining survivor of the Tiger clan and must journey to defeat the Dragon Master and avenge his kind. On the way, he learns about his clouded past and masters several Kung Fu styles, one from each clan master he defeats. The game became one of the influences for the DreamWorks Animation film series, Kung Fu Panda which Jeffrey Katzenberg worked on both of them.


While the game has some fairly challenging platformer aspects, the main focus of the gameplay is on fighting aggressors from other clans as T'ai seeks to receive Kung Fu tutoring from the masters of the clans. Each new style T'ai learns increases his repertoire of moves, and he can even learn more exotic moves such as energy blasts and the power of flight. An emphasis on combos is placed in the fighting, as each new style can be chained to one another in any order, allowing for impressively long and complex chains. The game also rewards players for completing combos, as pressing a specific button at the end of each combo refills a bit of the player's health and 'chi' energy (the latter which is used in performing energy blasts). Another unique aspect of the fighting aspect in the game, is that each move learned is not mutually exclusive to combat or platforming; they can be used for both to great effect.

Clans and Characters

Dragon Clan

The main antagonists of the game, the Dragon Clan were feared and respected for their Kung Fu prowess and magic, but their greed caused massive internal conflict that destroyed their people.

  • Dragon Master: The last surviving Member of the Dragon Clan, he is the one who fueled the fighting that left him the last of his kind. Now unopposed by his own people in his quest for more power, he seeks to unlock the ancient secrets within the land's Forbidden Palace and use it to conquer the other clans.

Snake Clan

The primary antagonists of the game 'cannon fodder' you face, the Snake Clan sided with the Dragon Master, seduced by his offer to use the magic contained within the Forbidden Palace to evolve them into dragons, themselves. Unfortunately for them, their master has yet to find a way to fulfill this promise.

  • Striker Python: Found within the first few levels of the game, they have no arms, but are formidable with their bites and tail sweeps. However, they are often lazy, and can be found snoozing in a patch of sunlight. It's possible to tiptoe past them, if one knows where to step; otherwise, they will be alerted to your presence and awaken.
  • Bruiser Python: Bigger and bulkier than their Striker cousins, the Bruisers come in various colors (to indicate their tolerance to punishment) and do have arms, using them to beat and head-butt the player into submission. They are also one of the first enemies you fight that can block your attacks.
  • Cobra Archer: More timid and cowardly than their brethren, the Archers tend to hide behind pagoda-shaped cubbyholes and snipe at the player with their infinite supply of crossbow arrows, though they can somewhat hold their own in a fist fight.
  • Cobra Guard: Armed with a bladed polearm, these serpents have been assigned as the Dragon Master's personal protectors. Though not too terribly difficult to defeat, attacking them from the front while they spin their polearms will more often than not damage the player, instead.
  • Shock Viper: Looking more like eels than serpents, the Shock Vipers are nonetheless a deadly enemy to encounter. Found only in the Mantis Caves, they are just as deadly on land as they are in the water, but are easily burned.
  • Stealth Viper: As any gamer will point out, you cannot play through a martial arts-based game without encountering some kind of ninja, and T'ai Fu is no different. Though the Stealth Vipers are weak, they are much more deadly, due to their ability to slip around the player as an invincible shadow and their aim with a venom blast.
  • Cobra Captain: The end result of the Dragon Master's failed experiments in transforming snakes into dragons, these malformed creatures are the most difficult to defeat, due to their high life bar and Raiden-like ability to summon lightning and teleport.
  • Crusher Python: The boss of the Tiger Ruins level, he is a huge combination of the Bruiser Pythons and Cobra Guards. Skilled with his spear, you'll need to find an opening before you can lay into him.

Boar Clan

Apparently modeled after the Mongol hoards in medieval China, the Boar Clan are brutish - but not bright - powerhouses who joined up with the Dragon Master just so they could have more opportunities to plunder and terrorize. Only found along the Great Wall and Mountain levels, they can be a terrible nuisance to deal with.

  • Boar Grunt: The main force in the clan, these barbarians are tough to defeat due to their big axes and tough armor. They will also play dirty and lob bombs at you, if you are out of reach, or if they are up high.
  • Boar Beast: As indicated by their name, the Boar Beasts are the only non-anthropomorphic creatures in the game, charging at you much like a regular razorback would. Fortunately, they have no other means of attack.
  • The Hog King: Much like Genghis Khan led the Mongols against China, the Hog King leads the Boar Clan against the Dragon Master's enemies. He is huge, and carries the same tricks as his subordinates, but is considered one of the easier bosses to defeat.

Rat Clan

Shady thieves, the Rat Clan aren't so much allied with the Dragon Master as they have an arrangement with him. Scurvy opportunists, they will offer their underhanded services to anyone, for the right price, but due to their lack of size and strength, aren't much for open warfare.

  • Rat Pirate: The only member of the Rat Clan that you face, this peg-legged buccaneer has captured the Crane Master at the Dragon Master's request. He is considered by some to be one of the most difficult bosses to defeat, as he will periodically turn invincible after a few hits, needing a slap upside the head with an explosive barrel to nullify his invulnerability.

Panda Clan

Portrayed more like Shaolin monks than the other clans, these peaceful creatures only pursuits are for wisdom and a simple life. As their Kung Fu discipline is purely defensive in nature, they were overlooked by the Dragon Master, until he learned of the last of the Tiger Clan in their midsts...

  • Lo Ping: Not exactly a master, per se, but he has been T'ai Fu's mentor for the tiger's entire life, having trained him both physically and mentally since his arrival at his clan's doorstep. Though Lo Ping wasn't able to curb T'ai's natural tiger instincts and ambition, he accepts this failing as fate after the Dragon Master comes to his clan's temple to destroy T'ai, and encourages the tiger to pursue his vengeance and fulfill his destiny.

Mantis Clan

Patient as the mountain and tolerant as the oak, the Mantis Clan would have been passed over by the Dragon Master were it not for one thing: their mastery of Chi attacks. Decimated under the constant assault of the scaly tyrant, only the Mantis Master remains, but that doesn't mean that the clan isn't still around...

  • SiFu: The first master to meet and teach T'ai Fu, SiFu is also the one who begins to reveal to T'ai the true nature behind his past, and the Dragon Master's at first-apparently unfounded hatred for his kind. Though considered a fool by some of his fellow masters, SiFu has great faith in T'ai, and becomes his mentor and confidant throughout his journey to eradicate the Dragon Master's threat from the land.
  • Mantis Warrior: Although long dead, SiFu's fellow clansmen haven't totally abandoned the mortal coil. Possessing the rocky statues found within their cavern home, they continue to guard their way of life diligently beyond death. Curiously, this also makes their makeshift vessels react like it were made of flesh and blood, bleeding when struck and becoming oddly flammable.

Leopard Clan

Warriors, all of them, and quick to prepare ambushes and surprise attacks using their agility and leaping ability, it's no wonder why their numbers were targeted for extinction by the Dragon Master. Though they've suffered heavy losses, they still survive in pockets around their territory untouched by the Dragon Master's army. Though reluctant to aide T'ai in his quest due to an ambiguous rivalry between the two feline clans, they also recognize his part in the Dragon Master's defeat.

  • Leopard Master: The warrior-king of his clan, the Leopard Master is less impulsive and more meticulous in his battle strategies than his fellow felines. A friend with T'ai's long-departed father, he offers to teach the young tiger the ways of his clan's Kung Fu style...if he can prove himself worthy, first...
  • Lotus, the Leopard Princess: Daughter of the Leopard Master and next in line of the clan's leadership, she at first holds little respect for T'ai, believing him to be no more than an insolent trespasser with a big mouth and a chip on his shoulder. A capable fighter in her own right, she is your opponent if T'ai is to gain the knowledge of her people's fighting style from her father, though her straightforward method of fighting makes her one of the easiest bosses to defeat.
  • Leopard Guard: Your primary adversary in their territory, the Leopard Guards have a circle-and-attack style of fighting reminiscent of Thai kickboxing. Not too terribly difficult to defeat, but they can be a nuisance if left to regroup.
  • Leopard Captain: More fierce and strong than the Guards, the Captains have one weapon in their repertoire that the Guards do not: a Slam Fist attack that can knock a player off-kilter and do massive damage. Be warned; these kitties will not go down easily.

Monkey Clan

Gregarious and carefree, the Monkey Clan are seen as the comics of the land by most of the other clans, which is why they still thrive: their antics led the Dragon Master to not consider them a threat. However, despite their partying and drunken nature, they are wise, strong, and capable fighters who use their flexibility and nonchalant attitudes to throw an opponent off balance.

  • Monkey Master: Just as wild and crazy as his fellow apes, the Monkey Master is nonetheless wise beyond his years and very discerning. Like the Leopard Master, he goads T'ai into a fight to prove his worth before imparting with him the ways of his people.
  • Monkey Guard: Tiny little creatures, they pose little threat, unless they're pelting you with spiked fruit from afar. Regardless, however, their tendency towards boozing makes them especially flammable.
  • Monkey Captain: Much more of a threat than their Guardsmen, the Captains are big, powerful, but no more flame-retardant than their cousins. They will, however, often use their Guardsmen to distract the player from an incoming strike

Crane Clan

Free-spirited and constantly pursuing beauty, the Crane Clan is a highly vain people, which proved to be their downfall after their leader was captured by the Dragon Master and his Rat associates. Graceful and agile, their fighting style is more a dance than an actual combat skill. Be warned: unlike the other enemies in the game, the Cranes are immune to throws; though they can be picked up, any attempt to toss them will be met with a graceful flap into the air and counterattack.

  • Fei Liu: As part of their arrangement, the Dragon Master captured the highly desirable and beautiful Crane Master as a gift to the Rat Pirate, and is now forced to serve the pleasures of the foul creature. Once the player defeats her captor, she graciously teaches T'ai the secrets of her clan's dance-like Kung Fu as thanks.
  • Crane Scout: Buzzing around more like vultures than cranes, the Scouts will hound the player in the air until they can get in close enough to sweep down and take a few swipes. Though difficult to battle while airborne, their lack of halting ability during a swoop proves most humorous if the player can trick them into nosediving into the water.
  • Crane Captain: More refined and agile than the Scouts, they like to play keep-away with the players, pelting the player with razor-sharp feathers from above before swooping in low to block and counter any attack thrown at them.

Tiger Clan

The clan that birthed T'ai Fu, these majestic beasts were the de facto leaders of the other clans, their strength and wisdom incidentally rallying the other clans behind them against the Dragon Master. Because of their influence, they were considered the Dragon Master's greatest enemy, spurring his quest to exterminate each and every last member. Now only T'ai remains...

  • T'ai Fu (Big Tiger in Cantonese): The sole survivor of the massacre that claimed his clan, T'ai was hidden away in the Panda Clan's temple as a baby, and grew up with no knowledge of his heritage. Prideful, arrogant, with a tendency to cut corners in his training and let both his smart mouth and his strong fists do the talking, T'ai embodies the good-hearted rebel without a cause...that is, until the only home he ever knew was attacked by the Dragon Master, with himself as the target... T'ai Fu is voiced by popular voice actor John DiMaggio.
  • Lau Fu (or in Mandarin Lao Hu, Old Tiger): T'ai's father and the White Tiger Master, Lau was once his clan's leader until he was murdered by the Dragon Master along with his people. Now just a spirit, he fills in the rest of the gaps of the clan's history, once T'ai reaches his burial shrine. He also completes T'ai's training, finishing the tiger's innate knowledge of his clan's Kung Fu style. It is Lau Fu that gives T'ai the strength and motivation to take down the Dragon Master, once and for all.

Clan-Eating Plants

While not a Clan, per se, these pitcher plant-like man-eaters are confronted by the player in the Leopard Jungle. Extremely weak and possessing only one attack, they nonetheless serve as an annoying distraction away from the other enemies in the game.

Kung Fu Styles and Special Moves

In the game, T'ai learns five distinct fighting styles: Tiger (which he starts out with), Mantis, Leopard, Monkey, and Crane. Each have their own particular strengths and weaknesses, as well as special abilities to aide T'ai on his quest. Their individual moves are listed below:

Tiger Style

A straightforward power form of Kung Fu, Tiger Style is the one T'ai starts out with and the primary one used. It's not fancy, but it gets the job done.

  • Tiger Kick Combo (Square, Square, Square, Triangle): A quick flourish of tiger claw swipes followed by a jumping spin kick, this it T'ai's primary combo and the easiest to perform.
  • Taunt Strike (R2, then Square): A feigning strike that can be used to lead into a combo.
  • Rising Tiger Claw (R1+Square from a crouch or roll): A lunging swiping uppercut that can hit multiple times. Once a player defeats the Hog King and meets with Lau Fu, T'ai learns a much more powerful - and vertical - version of this attack known as the Fist of the Tiger (R1, then Square in succession).

Taunt Health Restore: A useful ability, especially after learning a few fighting styles, pressing the Taunt button (R2) after completing a combo of at least five hits grants the player a small boost to their health.

Mantis Style

Less combat oriented than the other styles, the Mantis Style is essential due to the Chi powers you gain after learning it. However, that doesn't mean that the style is entirely devoid of hand-to-hand tactics...

  • Chi Blast (L1): The first Chi-based attack learned, it allows a player to send a shockwave of pure Chi energy outwards in all directions, but drains a considerable amount of Chi energy. Its primary use is to give the player some breathing space when ganged up.
  • Chi Shot (any direction + Triangle): More useful than the Chi Blast, the Chi Shot sends out a fireball of Chi energy in the direction you were pointing when performing the attack. It has a fair distance to it, making hitting enemies from afar much easier. Performing this attack during a combo performs the Chi Shot Combo Finisher, ending the current combo with an outward fan of Chi Shots in the direction you're facing. Both it and the Chi Blast are also used to charge crystals that will materialize platforms across otherwise-impassable chasms for T'ai to use.
  • Mantis Counter Combo and Mantis Rising Combo: After learning the Mantis Style, your normal Tiger combos can switch over to this style if done after certain actions. Performing the Tiger Kick Combo after successfully blocking an attack, for example, performs the Mantis Counter Combo, instead, whereas performing a Tiger Style attack while rising from being knocked flat will perform the Mantis Rising Combo. These are rather difficult to perform, however, and are less important to use than the Chi attacks.
  • Chi Recovery: Much like the Tiger Style's Taunt Heath Restore, using Triangle to end a combo will restore some of the player's Chi energy. As Chi energy is expended very quickly by Chi attacks, and refills are few and far between in the game, this ability can prove quite useful.

Leopard Style

Much like the Leopard Clan themselves, their Kung Fu style is focused on power and swift, direct attacks. The rush-recklessly attitude of this style is both its strength and weakness, as it is all but useless without its primary combo starter.

  • Leopard Dash (any direction twice in succession): Once learning the Leopard style, this move lets you run like the wind, its speed allowing you to jump farther than normal. Performing the standard Tiger Kick combo while Dashing will instead perform the Leopard Pounce combo.
  • Leaping Slam Fist (Triangle while jumping): Remember the Leopard Captains and their annoying shockwave-inducing ground pounding attacks? Well, with this move, you can now get payback. While primarily used to end the Leopard Pounce Combo, it can be used as a stand-alone attack to inflict massive damage to the opponents.

Monkey Style

Much like the silly creatures who created it, the Monkey style of Kung Fu is deceptively simple and lethal. Unfortunately, like the other learned styles, its biggest Achilles' heel is that you need to be using its primary special move to perform any of its combos.

  • Monkey Roll (any direction twice in succession while crouched, or holding the crouch button (R1) after a jump): a barrel roll along the ground for as long as you hold down crouch. Jumping while performing this move (or jumping while crouched in general, after you learn the style) performs the Monkey Bounce, which can be used to spring off of floating oriental lanterns and opponents' heads, alike. Five such bounces, followed up by Triangle, finishes off the Monkey Bounce combo.

Crane Style

Taking a cue from Muhammad Ali, this style is all about floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee...literally, considering the aerial nature of its inventors. The necessities of floating to perform any of the style's combos is, again, the weak point of this style, but it has its uses, nonetheless.

  • Crane Hover (hold or tap Jump (X) while jumping): Though he has no wings, T'ai can float a fair distance with this move, and even farther if the player taps, instead of holding, the Jump button while in flight. Naturally, performing the standard Tiger combo while airborne by this move will slip you into the Hover Claw Combo, while tapping R1 performs the appropriately named Hover Blades - Death from Above projectile move.

Chi Powers

Though not a style, themselves, T'ai is able to pick up scrolls that give him special abilities related to his Chi abilities. Using these abilities uses up the player's Chi energy, and some will be rendered useless when that energy is fully expended. However, picking up these scrolls instantly refills the Chi meter, giving the player more time to play with their new toys.

Power Tablets

These scrolls can be used prior to learning the Mantis Style and acquiring Chi power, but they nonetheless tie into a player's Chi energy. They last until the player's Chi energy meter runs dry, and will drain said meter at a steady rate as long as they're active.

  • Invincibility: Indicated by the T'ai silhouette against a dark background on the scroll, this gives T'ai, well, invincibility to everything but a precious few hazards (and those are usually lethal upon first contact, anyway).
  • Invisibility: More or less useful than the Invincibility tablet, depending on who you ask, this ability (indicated by T'ai's silhouette against a light background) renders the player invisible save for T'ai's stripes, apparently trying to mimic a real tiger's natural camouflage in the wild (their markings blending into the shadows of the jungle grass or snow, in the case of white tigers). Regardless, it seems to work, as you can get right up in an enemy's face and they won't even notice.

Elemental Scrolls

Though not as apparent in their change to your arsenal until you unleash a Chi attack, these scrolls give those attacks the power of the elements themselves, with surprising results. Though effective against all enemies, some scrolls are more potent against certain foes than others.

  • Earth Scroll: Indicated by the picture of a mountain, this scroll gives your Chi attacks the power to petrify the opponent. However, while this leaves them vulnerable and more susceptible to damage, leaving the enemy to their own devices once petrified is a bad idea, as after a while they will break free form their rocky imprisonment. A Chi Shot with this scroll equipped will launch a bouncing boulder that will entomb any enemy it hits, while a Chi Blast will rain meteors down from the heavens, then shatter the enemies with a shockwave.
  • Lightning Scroll: Another ability that lets you mimic an opponent's attack, this scroll (indicated by a lightning bolt) lets you compete with the Shock Vipers, sending a deadly jolt of electricity to your enemies. Not as good as the other scrolls, as the attack doesn't last long, but it is rather potent. The Chi Shot with this scroll activated seeks out the nearest enemy with a lightning strike, while the Chi Blast unleashes the full fury of a thunderstorm upon all enemies in range.
  • Wind Scroll: Indicated by a tornado, this scroll is technically the weakest of the Chi powers, in terms of damage, but it makes up for that in its ability to fling the enemies around and blow them off balance. It's also one of only two scrolls that allows you to control the Chi Shots you fire, though guiding the mini-tornadoes produced by the Shot leaves you open to attack. The Chi Blast, however, leaves no such opening, as it creates a venerable hurricane of twisters to force the opponent's to reenact the house sequence in The Wizard of Oz.
  • Fire Scroll: The most powerful Chi Scroll as far as physical damage, the Fire Scroll (indicated by a flame) takes to heart advice given early in the game: Why fight what you can burn? And burn they will, as - no matter if it's from a fireball Chi Shot or a fire wave Chi Blast - every enemy who comes into contact with a Chi attack powered by this scroll is ignited.
  • Water Scroll: Marked by an ocean wave, this scroll is not as spectacular as the other scrolls, but it gets the job done. While the tsunami wave unleashed by the Chi Blast is pretty straight forward, the real beauty is in the Chi Shot, which fires a constant stream of high-pressure H2O for as long as the player holds down Triangle.


File:Tai fu screenshot map.png
World map

The levels are laid out in a linear pattern, but can be returned to at any time on the map menu. The goal at each level is to get to the end where a gold Chinese coin is. Collecting the coin ends the level, and allows the player to progress to the next. Some levels are repeated, but with a different task to perform, while returning to previous levels with newly learned styles can reveal alternate paths and secrets, so exploration is recommended.

  • Panda Temple: The game starts out here, and is primarily an introductory level to give the player a feel for the game controls. There's no enemies, but there are gaps to jump and baskets to practice your attacks and throwing ability on.
    • Enemies: None
    • Hazards: None
  • Bamboo Forest: Your first true foray into the game, the enemies here are light and the hazards well-defined. The jade pieces indicates the path needed to travel, but watch out for the shaggy green grass: it's a dry season, and they make an awful loud racket if crunched underfoot.
    • Enemies: Striker Python
    • Hazards: Bottomless pits, spiked pits.
  • Bamboo Hill: More treacherous than the Bamboo Forest, if only for the increase in enemy forces, using the bamboo springs are the only way to progress up these rocky cliffs.
    • Enemies: Striker Python, Bruiser Python
    • Hazards: Spiked pits.
  • Tiger Ruins: Once a marvelous temple housing his brethren, these crumbling walls are all that's left of T'ai's homeland. It is here that T'ai meets SiFu, but only if he can take out the monstrous enemy that has taken the ruins as its home.
    • Enemies: Crusher Python
    • Hazards: None
  • Leopard Jungle: More of a bog than a jungle, this overgrown marsh is guarded by the Leopard Clan and the Dragon Master's forces, along with some curious carnivorous plants. Beware the putrid mud, as it'll slow you down and quickly pull you under. You'll need to defeat 4 foes before you can obtain the gold coin at the end.
    • Enemies: Bruiser Python, Leopard Guard, Clan-Eating Plant
    • Hazards: Quicksand mud
  • Leopard Fortress: The last stronghold of the formerly proud Leopard Clan, their walls are fiercely guarded from intruders, and you will have to fight your way through each area before you can proceed. Use the clay jars and open flames well if you don't want to risk a direct confrontation. You'll need to defeat 5 enemies at the end to proceed.
    • Enemies: Leopard Guard, Leopard Captain
    • Hazards: Bottomless pits, open flame pits, spiked gates.
  • Leopard Lookout: Home of the Leopard Master and his daughter, they are impressed with T'ai's skill, but will force you to fight the daughter, Lotus, on the surrounding bridge. There's hardly any room to explore, but you do get enough to test out your new Leopard style moves.
    • Enemies: Lotus, the Leopard Princess
    • Hazards: None
  • Temple Bridges: High above the clouds, these bridges are the only way to get around the Dragon King's army and deeper into the land. However, you'll need to solve a deceptively simple puzzle of levers to position the bridges in the direction you want to go, and one misstep could be your last...
    • Enemies: Cobra Guard, Cobra Archer
    • Hazards: Bottomless pits
  • Mantis Caves: The water in these caves are swift, so you have to be swift to fight their current. Stalagmites can be picked up and thrown to impale the opponents, and some statues found here are not as stable as they might appear. Be warned, though; the maze-like layout of the caves can be a bit disorienting to the inexperienced.
    • Enemies: Shock Viper, Mantis Warrior
    • Hazards: None
  • Mantis Lair: Once filled with the meditating of the Mantis Clan, these hallowed halls now echo with silence. Their former occupants still guard their keep, however, and you'll need to defeat 10 of them to proceed and learn more from SiFu. The jumps here are also much more difficult, so time your leaps accordingly.
    • Enemies: Mantis Warrior
    • Hazards: None
  • Cavern of Spirits: Though there's nothing much spiritual about this cavern, you will face your own ghost if you don't fight the current. Careful coordination with the Mantis and Leopard styles should get you through just fine.
    • Enemies: Shock Viper: Stealth Viper
    • Hazards: Spiked barriers
  • Crossroads: The nexus between all the Clans' lands, you'll come back here twice more before your journey is done. Each time, your task is simple: use the skills you've learned to get where you need to go. It sounds simple, but it isn't.
    • Enemies: Cobra Guard, Cobra Archer
    • Hazards: None
  • Monkey Treetops: Where else would you find the Monkey Clan but up in the canopy? Elevators get you from place to place, but the walkways are narrow, and are easy to fall off. Bouncing on the drums scattered about may prove quite rewarding.
    • Enemies: Monkey Guard, Monkey Captain
    • Hazards: Bottomless pits
  • Monkey Skybox: The Monkey Master's personal quarters, you'd think he'd have more respect for T'ai after beating his forces, but it seems the ape believes the tiger to be a big ol' pussy...cat. Knock him sober, and he'll finally cut the act and grant you his knowledge.
    • Enemies: Monkey Master
    • Hazards: Bottomless pits
  • Crane Harbor: This seaside port used to be controlled by the elegant Cranes, until the Rat Pirate took over. Now with their leader in the hands of a foreigner, the rest of the clan has become incredibly paranoid of strangers. To set their minds at ease, you'll need to get past their intricate network of docks and rescue their Master. To do so, you'll need to find a way to get past those nets that are blocking you...
    • Enemies: Crane Scout, Crane Captain
    • Hazards: Deep water (works just like bottomless pits)
  • Pirate's Junk: The scurvy pirate's own command, itself, you'll need to think quick if you're going to sink its captain. Beware the rudder stick as it has a wide berth and can knock you on your fuzzy striped tail. The tiny rats aren't much of a threat, but they can cause you to drop those precious explosive barrels needed to defeat their lord and rescue the Crane Master.
    • Enemies: Rat Pirate
    • Hazards: Rudder stick, explosive barrels, rat minions
  • Great Wall: Its purpose for being built isn't stated in the game, but it's possible that it was to keep out those that now control it. The Boar Grunts atop the rickety bamboo platforms are a danger, but can be made less so if you take out their foundation. Defeating six enemies will net you the coin at the end of the level.
    • Enemies: Boar Grunt, Boar Beast
  • Tiger Mountains: Named, quite obviously, for T'ai's old clan, this family territory is now the base for the Boar Clan. Watch those heights and the iced-over holes in the mountain walls: some contain power ups, while others house frosted-over enemies that will break through once you pass. The partially iced-over lake in the center is also a treacherous spot, as the slick surface can slide you into your death if you aren't careful. You'll need all your Kung Fu prowess, up until now to survive.
    • Enemies: Boar Grunt, Boar Beast
    • Hazards: Open fire pits, bottomless pits, icy waters
  • Mountain Pass: Higher into the mountains you go, you'll find yourself in a curious shrine dedicated to the Boar Clan's apparent god. This, obviously, isn't part of the Tiger Clan's architecture, so its designer must be around somewhere. And indeed he is. He's nothing much you haven't seen before, but his god is with him, and will resurrect him after his initial defeat.
    • Enemies: Boar King
    • Hazards: Bottomless pits
  • Mountain Peak: You've finally reached the summit, where T'ai's father's burial shrine awaits. But to get there, T'ai needs to do a little impromptu wind surfing. Just don't look down.
    • Enemies: None
    • Hazards: Bottomless pits
  • Shadow Gauntlet: After achieving knowledge and mastery of all the available Kung Fu styles, it's time to tackle the Shadow Gauntlet, a massive obstacle course housed in an active volcano, to test any who wish to find the Forbidden Palace and its secrets. You'll need all the moves at your disposal to get through this level, and defeat the required five enemies to earn access to the last level.
    • Enemies: Stealth Viper, Cobra Captain
    • Hazards: Lava, instant-kill laser barriers
  • Forbidden Palace: You've finally made it. You've conquered everything that the Dragon Master has thrown at you, and now it's time to take on the big lizard himself. This is a BIG area, but exploration is secondary to fighting the Dragon Master, so stay on your toes. After all, this IS the last level of the game...
    • Enemies: Dragon Master
    • Hazards: Bottomless pits.


The official soundtracks were composed by Michael Giacchino.
