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The Immortals (Noël series)

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The Immortals is a sequence of novels written by Alyson Noël. The first two books, Evermore and Blue Moon, are New York Times Bestsellers.[1][2]

The Story

The Immortals series follows the story of 16-year-old Ever Bloom, a blonde teenager who has a unique ability to hear psychic thoughts and see the auras of people around her. Originally a popular cheerleader with a boyfriend and best friend who lived in Oregon, she lived with her mother, father, 12-year-old sister Riley, and golden retriever named Buttercup. After a car accident that resulted in Ever losing her entire family, her life changes.

After the death of her family, Ever moved to Laguna, California, to live with her father's twin sister--her Aunt. She was considered the outcast in her new school, but quickly found friends in Haven and Miles, two irregular students. This was where she noticed her new talents and found them controlling her life. By using her iPod and a hooded sweatshirt to shield herself from the outside world, she put herself into more isolation causing herself to be mocked by the more popular students in the school.

However upon arrival of new student Damen Auguste everything changed. She noticed how he was the only person who didn't have an aura and whose mind she couldn't read. He was tall and handsome and managed to make Ever feel special and safe whenever he was around. Unfortunately Damen didn't come alone. A friend from his past, Drina, made quick friends with Haven as she tried to get close to Damen and Ever, whose relationship was growing stronger by the day. Damen explained to Ever that he was immortal, as was she and he also had the same capabilities she possessed. Throughout the novels he teaches her to enhance and control these skills. He also explained how they each had past lives, along with rogue Immortal, Drina, who happened to be his ex-wife. It turned out that in all the past 400 years of Ever's life she had met Damen but had been killed by Drina before anything happened in their relationship. In the first book Ever manages to stop Drina, killing her by destroying her weakest chakra (the only way to kill an immortal) and saving her relationship with Damen.

The next few books (Blue Moon, Shadowland and Dark Flame) introduce another rogue immortal, Roman. He too has shared history with Ever and Damen and wants revenge. Roman, seemingly another handsome student at the school drives all the students, including Damen, Haven and Miles, to believe that Ever is a freak, isolating her from everyone and everything. However none of the students realize what is going on, almost drawn into a spell, allowing Roman to control them. By the end of Blue Moon his spell wears off due to Ever but he poisons Damen. Ever, in panic and unsure as to what she can do, listens to Roman, giving Damen an elixir she believes will save him. While it does save his life, it destroys something much worse. The elixir meant that Ever and Damen could not touch, and in doing so, Damen will die.

The third book, Shadowland, focuses on Ever as she tries to get the antidote from Roman, any way possible. Twins Romy and Rayne - introduced in the 2nd story, living in Summerland - agree to help her by teaching her magic, to restore Damen and Ever's happiness. However Ever goes too deep and reveals Dark Magick. Getting way in over her head Ever can see no way out as she sinks further and further into trouble. Ever also makes the accident of feeding Haven the 'immortal juice' upon finding her friend nearing death due to Roman.

The fourth book, Dark Flame, still focuses on the problems Ever is creating. Due to a spell that went wrong she binds herself to Roman, becoming addicted to him and needing him. This jeopardized her relationship with her friend Haven who believes Ever is acting like this to take Roman away from Haven. With Haven now an immortal she believed she would become an all powerful immortal, her powers and abilities coming on stronger than Ever's was when she first started. Finally freeing herself from the spell she had created Ever still found herself without the antidote and tried the old fashioned way of asking. However upon getting to Roman's house and within reach of gaining the antidote, Jude, the owner of the shop Ever had been working at, bursts in, willing to help Ever from what he believes is Roman hurting her. In the process the bottle of antidote was destroyed and Roman is killed. Ever is devastated, the one thing that was able to restore her and Damen, lay on the floor, gone. And the one person who knew how to make the new antidote is a pile of dust, mixing in with the liquid.

In the fifth book, Haven swears revenge of Ever for Roman's death and uses her powers to become the most popular girl in school. She tells Ever that Damen had lied to her about something in their past and that Roman had told her because he had documented everything of the immortals' history. Ever discovers that during her slave life, Damen had took her away from her family, her friends, and Jude without giving her a choice. Ever breaks up with Damen and tries to find who of Jude or Damen is the One. In the meantime, Damen reveals everything to Miles about the fact that they are immortals. Miles however decides to remain Ever's friend and refuses to ever take the juice because he doesn't want to become immortal. Ever soon realizes that Haven has become addicted to the immortal juice but also that Roman never passed down the recipe before he died and that the immortals he created are fighting among themselves over what remains. She also realizes that the antidote can be recovered because it had stained Roman's shirt when he had been killed but Haven has the shirt. During a battle between Haven, Jude, and Ever, Haven kills Ever by punching her weakest chakra but in the darkness of the Shadowland, she realizes that Damen was the One and overcomes her weakest chakra, allowing her to come back to life. Having made peace with Damen and with Jude about her choice, she decides to attack Haven. She stages a coup at school, causing Haven to loose her power before trying to prevent Haven from stealing her supply of juice. Haven then realizes the importance of the shirt and decides to destroy it. In Roman's house, Jude had tried to steal the shirt for Ever but had been caught by Haven who tries to force Ever to choose between the shirt or Jude. She refuses to choose but is later forced to kill Haven when Haven tries to kill Miles. The shirt is destroyed in the process but Jude and Miles are saved. Damen and Ever then realize that something is rotting in the Summerland but they don't know why, only that it's going to come after Ever.

In the sixth book, Everlasting, Ever and Damon's relationship is torn as she struggles to find out all the details of her past lives and concoct the antidote to Roman's spell still cast upon them both. This leads her to delving further and further into Summerland and looking to the shadowy side, the side nobody ever really goes. Here she finds an unusual soul who seems to beckon her into the mist. Though reluctant at first Ever eventually see's it as her only option to find the solution. Damon is wary, however willing to come along as protection. However upon speaking to the woman in the swamp Ever finds she must continue on alone if she is to find the answers she seeks. So leaving Damon behind she explores further and further. The story eventually tells that Ever doesn't retrieve the antidote, however there is another solution. Ever is given the choice; to remain immortal with Damon forever unable to touch, or for them both to return to mortal state and have the relationship they both yearn for.


The story is based in and around Laguna, California - USA


Summerland is the in between world, a limbo of sorts. Anything you wish for can be created here by thought and nothing can harm you. At the edge is a bridge, leading off into the distant, the bridge souls cross, leaving our world - to the afterlife. Ever saw this bridge during the accident but didn't cross the bridge, like her family, instead coming back to Earth.


Shadowland is reversed world of summerland; with no light, and no good coming from it. If you get trapped there for good, you stay there forever, so it's thought.



Ever Bloom: She has blonde hair and blue eyes. At just 16 Ever lost her family (Father,Mother, Sister Riley) and beloved pet dog (Buttercup) to an accident. She was left on Earth with a whole jumble of new starts. A new school, in a new state, new friends and new abilities. The ability to hear every thought in the room and see people's Auras. She makes quick friends in Haven and Miles and new boyfriend Damen, who shares with her an amazing secret. She's an immortal.

Damen Auguste:He has long, dark hair, dark eyes, and emits a heat and tingle. For 600 years Damen has been the very first immortal, due to his dad giving him a recipe for immortality. 400 years ago he met the love of his life: Ever. His ex-wife Drina managed to pull them apart so many times until she was killed by Ever, allowing them to be together happily.

Riley Bloom: 12 year old Riley is Ever's dead little sister who dreamt of becoming 13. In the first book she is constantly coming to see Ever and talk to her, sharing a love of fancy dress outfits after a Halloween Party. Eventually she is convinced to cross over the bridge by the psychic, Ava.

Drina Magdalena Auguste: First wife of Damen and one of the first immortals. She used her evil streak to stop a relationship developing between Damen and Ever for 400 years. Eventually she was killed by Ever.

Ava: A Mortal psychic with the ability to read thoughts and see ghosts. She was first introduced to Ever when invited as a guest to the Halloween party - also spotting Riley. She helped to convince young Riley that it was time to cross over. Succumbed to greed upon entering Summerland she has always been a friend to Ever, even though Ever doesn't always agree. But later in the second book, it comes to Ever's attention that Ava was plotting with Roman so he could get his revenge on her and Damen.

Haven Turner: A trusting friend, and a special one to Ever she spends her time changing her look drastically in an attempt to fit in. Every night Haven can normally be found at an anonymous support group, just to be listened too. Throughout the stories you see her passionate love for cupcakes, attention and upon becoming Immortal - power.Killed by Ever.

Miles: An over-the-top, drama queen. Miles adores being in the spotlight. Constantly found texting his latest boyfriend, gossiping or practicing the lines to his lead role in the musical "Hairspray" although unaware of Ever's secret he has always been a true friend to her.

Roman: Saved from the black death by Damen along with 5 other Orphans he succumbed to jealously in an attempt to win Drina's heart. Frustrated when Damen refused to allow him and the orphans more of the elixir he re-created it and lead a group of Rogue Immortals. Upon hearing Drina was dead he moved to Laguna in order to plot revenge against Damen and Ever. Ever is showing him where Drina is, in exchange for the antidote to the antidote, when Jude rushes in and kills Roman.

Jude: Ever's boss, Jude has a passionate love for the sea and surfing. A previous incarnation of his, Bastiaan de Kool was a lover of Ever's during her life in Amsterdam. Part of the love triangle between himself, Ever and Damen their love spanned centuries. He is aware of this as he sees the love triangle and feels the heartbreak in his dreams.


Sabine: Twin sister to Ever's dad she accepted guardianship over her niece after the accident. She is a lawyer.

Marco: Immortal turned by Roman, he later turns against Haven after Roman's death and steals her supply of juice along with Misa.

Misa: Immortal turned by Roman, she later turns against Haven after Roman's death and steals her supply of juice along with Marco.

Mr. Munoz: One of Ever's teachers he begins to have an ongoing relationship with her Aunt Sabine. Ever is able to see that they both will live happily together, and have a loving future. In the book Blue Moon, he learns of Ever's abilities, but not of her immortality.

Mr. Robins: Ever's English teacher who Ever learns has many problems, keeping him from wanting to come into school to teach.

Stacia: The most popular girl in school who has a serious hating for Ever. Flirtatious and sneaky she has a major crush on Damen and feels jealous and angry when he chooses Ever over her. Ever is aware of her cheating, scamming, and history, much to Stacia's shock.

Honor: Stacia's best friend with a love for supernatural, as shown in Shadowland and Dark Flame when she joins Jude's psychic abilities class. Throughout Dark Flame it's clear to Ever that she is thinking constantly on how to overthrow Stacia's power and become the most popular girl. Nicer to Ever than Stacia, this is proven when she gives her a gift card for her birthday in Dark Flame.

Craig: Honor's boyfriend. It is hinted throughout the first book that he is not as interested in her as she is in him.

Rafe: Another immortal turned by Roman. He shows up at Miles's going-away party with Misa, Haven and Roman.

Romy: Twin sister to Rayne, she wears lighter colors of clothing, she is sweet and caring.

Rayne: Twin sister to Romy, she is shown in Blue Moon to Everlasting. She doesnt seem to like Ever, but she is shown to start to care for her in Night Star. She wears darker clothing.

Books in the series

On March 28, 2011, author Alyson Noel announced that the rights to all 10 books in both The Immortals and Riley Bloom Series have been optioned by Summit Entertainment.[7]


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