The Patrol
The Patrol is a 2013 British action drama film set in Helmand Province, Afghanistan in 2006. It looks at the Afghan conflict through the eyes of British soldiers.[1] It won Film of the Festival (Feature) at Raindance Film Festival 2013.
Release Dates
- UK 7 February 2014, distributor Soda Pictures
- US 26 May 2014, Memorial Day distributor Epic Pictures Group
- Winner Film of the Festival (Feature) Raindance Film Festival 2013.
- Nominated British Independent Film Awards 2013.
- Owain Arthur as Taff
- Nicholas Beveney as Sergeant 'Sol' Campbell
- Daniel Fraser as Lieutenant Jonathan Bradshaw
- Alex McNally as Ginge
- Oliver Mott as Stab
- Ben Righton as Captain William Richardson
- Nav Sidhu as Smudge