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Tiger Hu

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Template:Infobox Chinese-language singer and actor Hu Yanbin (born 4 July 1983), formerly known as Anson Hu, is a Chinese pop singer, singer-songwriter, music director, and record producer. In 2012, he changed his English name to Tiger Hu with the release of this Eighth album, One Size Bigger.


From a young age, Anson Hu showed great interest in music. At age 13, he was admitted to Shanghai Music Conservatory where he majored in singing. Two years later, he set a goal of releasing his first CD before his eighteenth birthday.

Hu's talents began to be recognized by the public in 1999 when he won the silver medal at the Shanghai Music Awards New Singer Competition. He advanced to the finals, where he won the award for having the most potential of any singer. Because of this, he was discovered by the Go East Entertainment, Co. Ltd., with whom he signed a contract and released his first album, Wen Wu Shuang Quan, in August 2002. This was just after his nineteenth birthday. The album became an instant hit. The album won Hu many "Best New Artist" awards at the end of the year in China and overseas, and his song "the Monk" made the Top 10 lists of several charts. Another song "Telling me" also received several "Best Song of the Year" awards. In December, a second version of this album, entitled "Anson Hu", was released, which contained the same 10 tracks plus a karaoke version.

In July 2003, Hu released his second album, Upgrade 4147, which he helped produce himself. The album contained duets with popular singers Elva Hsiao and Ronald Cheng. With this album he again swept through the award ceremonies with several trophies under his belt; he also received awards from all over Asia. Hu's credibility as a musician continued to rise, and he gained more and more fans, in China and abroad.

Hu's early success is mirrored by his third and fourth album, Music Mix and Music Code, released in September 2004 and March 2006 respectively. Hu steadily began to win awards like "best" and "favorite male artist", graduating from "best new artist." Music Mix featured the wildly popular song "Waiting for You", which has become a fan favorite.

After releasing Music Code, Hu switched from Go East Entertainment and signed a contract under Gold Label Records, under which he released Music Mix and his subsequent albums.

Continuing his steady work, Hu released Men's Songs, his fifth album, in November 2007. While featuring a heartfelt and mature musical style that shows off Hu's piano skills, the album reflects upon the changes of a man's life and shows off Hu's superior musical talents. Hu was also selected to be a contestant on the Chinese version of I Am a Singer, which he came fifth.

Dated Zheng Shuang,a Chinese actor, but broke up with her this May


Release date Album title Transliteration English translation Record label Disc number Track number Title Transliteration English translation Notes
16 December 2002 胡彥斌 hú yàn bīn Anson Hu Go East Entertainment Co. Ltd正东唱片 1 01 和尚 hé shàng Monk
02 超时空爱情 chāo shí kōng ài qíng Transdimensional Love
03 告诉我 gào sù wǒ Tell Me
04 有梦好甜蜜 yǒu mèng hǎo tián mì It's so sweet to have dreams Closing theme for the Chinese animation TV series Music Up《我为歌狂》). Sung with Rain Li李彩华
05 Make Friend
06 毒药 dú yào Poison
07 包袱 bāo fú Burden
08 小狗 xiǎo gǒu Puppy
09 暗恋 àn liàn
10 不是不想 bú shì bú xiǎng
11 超时空爱情(和唱) chāo shí kōng ài qíng (hé chàng) Transdimensional Love (Duel) With William So苏永康
16 December 2002 文武双全 wén wǔ shuāng quán EMI 1 01 和尚 hé shàng Monk
02 超时空爱情 chāo shí kōng ài qíng Transdimensional Love
03 告诉我 gào sù wǒ Tell Me
04 Make Friend
05 毒药 dú yào Poison
06 包袱 bāo fú Burden
07 小狗 xiǎo gǒu Puppy
08 暗恋 àn liàn Unrequited Love
09 不是不想 bú shì bú xiǎng
16 December 2002 文武双全升级版 wén wǔ shuāng quán shēng jí bǎn EMI 1 01 老爸你别装酷 lǎo bà nǐ bié zhuāng kù Dad, Don't Play Cool
02 mèng Dream The lyrics of this song contains all the song titles from the previous album 《文武双全》
03 cāi Guess
04 你记得吗 nǐ jì de ma Do You Remember
05 目不转睛 mù bù zhuǎn jīng Stare
06 第一次 dì yī cì First Time With Ronald Cheng
07 黑雨 hēi yǔ Dark Rain
08 透明人 tòu míng rén Transparent Man
09 xiǎng Think
10 昨天是你生日 zuó tiān shì nǐ shēng rì Yesterday was your birthday
bonus track 进行式 jìn xíng shì With Elva Hsiao萧亚轩
7 September 2004 Music混合体 Music hùn hé tǐ Music Mix EMI 1 01 情不自禁 qíng bù zì jīn Couldn't Hold Back
02 Waiting For You
03 干脆点 gān cuì diǎn
04 我的未来不是梦 wǒ de wèilái bu shì mèng My Future Is Not A Dream A cover version of Chang Yu-Sheng's song of the same title
05 红颜 hóng yán
06 尴尬 gān gà Embarrassment
07 借口 jiè kǒu Excuse
08 宣言 xuān yán Declaration Theme song for 2004 AFC Asian Cup game
09 I Wanna Be Advertisement song for Maybelline
10 一个人…两个人 yī gè rén ... liǎng gè rén One Person... Two People
21 April 2006 音乐密码 yīn yuè mì mǎ Music Code EMI 1 01 皇帝 huáng dì Emperor
02 一年前 yī nián qián A Year Ago
03 三对三 sān duì sān Three vs. Three
04 你这么晚还没睡 nǐ zhè me wǎn hái méi shuì Why Are You Still Not Sleeping at This Late Night
05 梦中的婚礼 mèng zhōng de hūn lǐ Wedding in My Dream
06 天若有情 tiān ruò yǒu qíng If The Sky Have Feelings
07 蝴蝶 hú dié Butterfly
08 愿望 yuàn wàng Wish
09 恶作剧男孩 è zuò jù nán hái A Mischievous Boy
10 葬英雄 zàng yīng xióng Funeral of the Dead Hero
22 November 2007 男人歌 nán rén gē Men's Songs EMI/Gold Label 1 01 婚礼进行曲 hūn lǐ jìn xíng qǔ Wedding March
02 音乐让我说爱你 yīn yuè ràng wǒ shuō ài nǐ Music Lets Me Say I Love You
03 男人KTV nán rén KTV Men's Karaoke
04 到了没 dào le méi Are You Old Enough?
05 未满18岁 wèi mǎn shí bā suì Under 18
06 潇湘雨 xiāo xiāng yǔ Rain of Love A theme song for the Chinese online game Westward Journey Online II大话西游) by NetEase
07 江湖 jiāng hú Vagabond Life
08 诀别诗 jué bié shī Poem of Farewell Opening theme for the Chinese TV Series The Young Warriors少年杨家将
09 巴黎铁塔 bā lí tiě tǎ Eiffel Tower
10 滑板 huá bǎn Skateboard
11 另一个自己 lìng yī gè zì jǐ Breaking Free Chinese version of the song Breaking Free in High School Musical. Sung with Stephy Tang邓丽欣
9 July 2008 音乐斌潮 yīn yuè bīn cháo Music of Anson Hu EMI/Gold Label Disc 1 01 男人KTV nán rén KTV Men's Karaoke
02 Waiting For You
03 你这么晚还没睡 Nǐ zhè me wǎn hái méi shuì Why Are You Still Not Sleeping at This Late Night
04 巴黎铁塔 bā lí tiě tǎ Eiffel Tower
05 潇湘雨 xiāo xiāng yǔ Rain of Love
06 月光 yuè guāng Moonlight Opening theme for the Chinese animation series The Legend of Qin (秦时明月)
07 婚礼进行曲 hūn lǐ jìn xíng qǔ Wedding March
08 情不自禁 qíng bù zì jīn Couldn't Hold Back
09 18禁(intro) shí bā jìn (intro) Strictly Over 18 (intro)
10 18禁 Strictly Over 18
11 和尚 hé shàng Monk
12 皇帝 huáng dì Emperor
13 xiǎng Think
14 红颜 hóng yán
15 老爸你别装酷 lǎo bà nǐ bié zhuāng kù Dad, Don't Play Cool
16 和尚 (Demo Version) hé shàng (Demo Version) Monk (Demo Version)
Disc 2 (LPCD Version) 01 月光 yuè guāng Moonlight
02 男人KTV nán rén KTV Men's Karaoke
03 18禁 (intro) shí bā jìn (intro) Strictly Over 18 (intro)
04 18禁 shí bā jìn Strictly Over 18
05 巴黎铁塔 bā lí tiě tǎ Eiffel Tower
06 红颜 hóng yán
07 和尚 hé shàng Monk
08 Waiting for you
09 皇帝 huáng dì Emperor
10 情不自禁 qíng bù zì jīn Couldn't Hold Back
11 宣言 xuān yán Declaration Theme song for 2004 AFC Asian Cup game
8 December 2009 失业情歌 shī yè qíng gē Music Life Gold Label 1 01 你买单还我买单 nǐ mǎi dān huán wǒ mǎi dān You Pay Or I Pay
02 失业情歌 shī yè qíng gē Unemployment Love Song
03 笔墨登场 bǐ mò dēng chǎng Entrance of Calligraphy
04 不曾后悔 bù céng hòu huǐ Never Regretted
05 罗马假期 luó mǎ jià qī Holiday in Rome
06 空位 kòng wèi Empty Seat
07 林妹妹 lín mè imei Sister Lin Title refers to Lin Daiyu林黛玉) from the famous Chinese classical novel Dream of the Red Chamber《红楼梦》) by Cao Xueqin曹雪芹
08 Fun Run
09 勇敢去愛吧 yǒng gǎn qù ài ba Go Love Bravely
10 父親 fù qīn Father
11 閃亮的日子 shǎn liàng de rìzi Bling Days Opening theme for the Chinese TV series Bling Days闪亮的日子
30 September 2011 Who Cares? Warner Music Group 1 01 Life
02 一万光年 yī wàn guāng nián 10,000 Light Years
03 鸿门宴 hóng mén yàn Feast at Hong Gate Title refers to the Feast at Hong Gate, a famous event in the Chinese history in 206 BC.
04 女人不该让男人流泪 nǚ rén bù gāi ràng nán rén liú lèi Women Shouldn't Let Men Cry
05 One Night in Shanghai
06 伤痕 shāng hén Scar
07 Lisa I Love You
08 不是猛龙不过江 bù shì měng lóng bù guò jiāng Dragon Cross River
09 小小的心愿 xiǎo xiǎo de xīn yuàn Little Wish
10 爱情总是猜得到开头猜不到结尾 ài qíng zǒng shì cāi dé dào kāi tóu cāi bù dào jié wěi Know The Beginning But Not The End
29 October 2012 大一號 GROW dà yī hào One Size Bigger Warner Music Group 1 01 愛情是怎麼了 ai qíng shì zěn me le What's With Love
02 我以為 wǒ yǐ wéi I Thought That
03 卡啦永遠OK kǎ la yǒng yuǎn ok Karaoke Forever
04 在一起 zài yī qǐ Be Together
05 江湖再見 jiāng hú zài jiàn Farewell
06 心的未來 xīn de wèi lái Heart of the Future
07 Interlude
08 搖滾天生大一號 yáo gǔn tiān shēng dà yī hào Rock Born One Size Bigger
09 劫後餘生 jié hòu yú shēng Surviving The Disaster
10 沉默的大多數 chén mò de dà duō shù Silent Most of the Time
11 三十而立 sān shí ér lì Standing Firm at Thirty
12 大夢想家 dà mèng xiǎng jiā Big Dreamer
19 January 2014 太歌 Tiger tài gē Too Songs Tiger Entertainment

Ocean Butterflies International
1 01 沒那麼簡單 méi nà me jiǎn dān It's Not That Simple
02 為你我受冷風吹 wèi nǐ wǒ shòu lěng fēng chuī Because of You I'm Blown By Cold Wind
03 天黑黑 tiān hēi hēi Dark Sky
04 當愛已成往事 dāng ài yǐ chéng wǎng shì When Love Became The Past
05 你買單還我買單(2014 version) nǐ mǎi dān huán wǒ mǎi dān You Pay Or I Pay
06 紅顏(2014 version) hóng yán Beautiful Women
07 空位(2014 version) kòng wèi Empty Seat
08 成長 chéng zhǎng Growing Up
09 如果 rú guǒ If Theme song for Guizhou's TV Show (貴州衛視) "Love Song Spark (唱出愛火花)"
10 追月 zhuī yuè Chasing The Moon Theme song for Chinese 3D anime "The Legend of Qin The Movie (秦时明月)大電影"
