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User:Thebodocious/Choose an Article

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Article Selection


Please list articles that you're considering for your Wikipedia assignment below. Begin to critique these articles and find relevant sources.

Option 1: Rhetoric

Section Overview:
This section should include a discussion about a lot of the language involved within discussion about or within the LGBT community. A few topics I noticed within searches were about religion and the LGBT community, as well as the concept of public/collective memory, especially within the context of queer trauma. I discussed this with my group and we decided this would be a good idea to explore.
Topic Focus: Queer Public Memory
Queer public memory is important to discuss because it is not only part of how we have been able to maintain and celebrate our culture and our community, but also because it's important to study the way our histories and memories are replicated because depending on the source it could easily have other outside influence (such as dominant groups within society subtly changing and/or erasing certain aspects.) It's also important because a large part of queer history and the queer experience is inherently traumatic, and that has an impact on how we function in the rest of our lives.

Potential Current Wikipedia Article(s):

Gay liberation

Collective memory

Public rhetoric

Option 2: Trans Communication Studies


Section Overview:

This section includes a discussion about transgender identity within communication studies, both as a discipline and within the rest of the world. A large part of the conversation is typically centered around cisheteronormativity more broadly but it can also include aspects of transgender subjectivity and how we experience the world, or things like how we talk about and study transgender identity within the field of communication in order to find a better and more inclusive approach.

Topic Focus: Transgender Subjectivity
Transgender subjectivity is important to discuss because it discusses and brings to light our experiences and how we are shaped by the world around us, as well as how our world is shaped by our identities. Our identities and our struggles also have larger implications as far as power structures and the dominant Western ways of thinking, because they fundamentally challenge a lot of aspects of most people's beliefs and that can fundamentally change a lot of things about hegemonic viewpoints


Potential Current Wikipedia Article(s):

Transgender history
Political subjectivity

Option 3: Rhetoric


Section Overview:

This section should include a discussion about a lot of the language involved within discussion about or within the LGBT community. A few topics I noticed within searches were about religion and the LGBT community, as well as toxic rhetoric within the LGBT community. I discussed this with my group and we decided this would be a good idea to explore.

Topic Focus: Rhetoric within the Queer Community (Harmful ideologies + homonationalism)
Homonationalism is important to discuss because nationalist ideology is traditionally incompatible with queer theory and queer activism, and is therefore toxic to the development of our community. It's important to note the effects that it has had, both on individual people and movements like the Gay Liberation movement.
Not only this, but it's also important to discuss other harmful rhetorics because it impacts our ability to care for people within our own community and also can damage our ability to form coalitions and achieve greater liberation.

Potential Current Wikipedia Article(s):
