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Born 25 August 1970 in Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Born 25 August 1970 in Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

== Work Experience ==
== Real Work Experience ==

Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:JenniferOverington
August and September 1970, model working for Toronto General Hospital.

[[User:JenniferOverington|JenniferOverington]] ([[User talk:JenniferOverington|talk]]) 00:42, 31 December 2013 (UTC)
1974, invented negative numbers by self-taught mathematics from reading in English an arithmetic text. I asked residents what a negative spoon is.

1977, Instructed to attribute the force of wind to ghosts, I was blamed for scaring people with ghost stories. I navigated Toronto Airport by myself during relocation from Halifax to Winnipeg in Canada. Instructed to obey fiction else suffer stupid violence, I was instructed to read fiction since I speak truth in that paradigm. I started learning French, for example, by reading Canada's bilingual cereal boxes each morning.

1979, Responding to American Strategic Defense initiatives, I gathered opinions from Winnipeg residents in a tape recording and wrote a letter to the White House, in America, to ensure the American Government has awareness of Canadians'
* care for the people, and
* belief in leaving buildings standing yet removing people being an insane idea.

Details of my continuing work with America's Strategic Defenses in emerging technologies shows in the article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Defense_Initiative#Initial_impetus

The sequence of communications following initial communication showed me the aggregate Rothschild family mind in the world. I seemed to have met Baron Edouard de Rothschild through media. I received a written response from the White House which I made public.

1980, Instructed to form a sports team with the parameters including my knowing the relvant skills of the available players, and I take turns with the other captain forming a sports team, I built a team to win with a score of N to 0 where N is an integer greater than 0. My method computes during team formation my aggregate skills, my opponent's aggregate skills, risk in the unselected pool, with iterative selection ensuring my aggregate skill combination outweighs the opponent. My method works. We won 25 to 0 albeit without the class best player who felt frustrated that day. Responding to this strategic victory, the Canadian Winnipeger teacher prohibited girls from being team captains ever again.

1981, Responding to the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana, I wanted to be a servant in their home.

1983, Hazing in Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada started and continued for three years. The externally imposed hazing algorithm behaves as Plank's constant. I started writing a diary which I continued until an event in summer 2003 prompted me to write online instead.

1984, beyond the regular mathematics class, I did guided reading in algebra, complex variables, house design. In my spare time after school, I filed encoded documents for the Canadian federal government.

1985, Shakespeare's sonnets are half a conversation with an unidentified respondant, thus, I started responding for seeing the respondant of Shakespeare's era. Responsive to complaints about how to live life I received from many Canadian federal government employees, seeking a way to state simple answers in their formal language and vocabulary, I initiated my religious education reading Roman and Greek mythology, Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse, much of the Bible, thus began reading children's folk tales for shamanic perspective of how the people lived in a previous era.

1986, I attended Lycee Emile Ducleau in Aurillac, France, as one of five Canadians selected by AFS [formerly the American Field Service] from over 200 successful applicants travelling worldwide, where I learned rhetoric by reading Voltaire, Russeau, limits, and some of Einstein's philosophy which introduced to me the problem of perceived time. In my spare time I wrote poetry, learned to knit, and began writing a governance system. I appreciate having visited the Dali Museum near Barcelona in Spain.

1987, With two months of preparation I challenged grades 11 and 12 Canadian high school levels by examination, and based on these examination results I applied to St. Mary's University in Halifax, Canada. I relocated to Bath, England where I received British citizenship. I read Elementary Logic by W. Quine. I worked as a nanny. Through a guided reading course in the City of Bath College, I got my A-level in Pure Mathematics with near six months of preparation. In my spare time I continued religious education reading including British pre-Roman ways, visited Tintagel; I appreciate the teachings of Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki. Euclid's Postulates answered my governance question of 1986, specifically, yes, we have standards in society.

1988, Returning to Halifax by way of Heathrow Airport in London, while over the Atlantic Ocean inside Canadian airspace I reported thus had escorted a Russian spy plane. I am grateful to the American Airforce who scrambled an effective response. I worked as a maid in the Sheraton Hotel where I formed good Canadian Haligonian relations without racism. I read Physics.

1989, I started teaching the formal language of mathematics or mathematical logic in English to students in first year calculus who have internal motivation to achieve a higher grade. I asked my Physics instructor why winding numbers are not in the definition of work. I observed stars I was not supposed to have observed thus was interrogated on the topic of academic dishonesty, however passed the inquiry due to my own unawareness of the effect of coldness.

1990, I read Stephen Hawking's Brief History of Time. As St. Mary's University's first Off-Campus Housing Officer, I designed the operations for gathering and suitably distributing information regarding student residences in the local area; I optimized the algorithms sufficiently to eliminate the position thus saving the university the payroll of one employee. Prior to eliminating the position, I formed a profitable student residence business in which I lived as the Property Manager, the franchise option of which I sent to the Government of Russia in 2013. My student residence business design includes my algorithms for optimization sensitive to possible discontinuities with algorithms for replacing discontinuity with harmonious continuity. I was paid $2100 CND by Robert Dawson to solve the Primitive Root Problem. Instructed to stop attending my Basic Logic class due to finishing weekly one-hour tests in six to eight minutes, I taught myself fallacy recognition by observing the Gulf War, thus am a public student of the CIA. I started teaching Religious Education at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Halifax.

1991 to 1992, I passed Mathematics 3500 in Dalhousie University without the prerequisites. I read some of the Soviet Encyclopaedia of Mathematics.

1993, I wrote a generating function for some of the primitive roots modulo 12; given a prime satisfying certain clearly stated conditions, my generating function returns a primitive root. I was unaware of the Chinese Remainder Theorem. I showed my result to Keith Johnson and Karl Dilcher of the Department of Mathematics in Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Karl Dilcher let me know of the existence of some similar results modulo 8. I placed in the top third of entrants in the Putman Mathematical Competition.

1994, I relocated to Vancouver Canada to mathematize business. I swiftly decided to protect Simon Fraser University from an anarchist movement within the community whose roots are in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver. I prevented disasters that could have shut down the university in part by way of bad publicity in national media. I began teaching the formal languages of Mathematics and Logic in English on computers and online.

1996, I was recruited by the National Security Agency. I am not a spy. I am the unique life through whom participating intelligence agencies worldwide coordinate.

1997, I worked for Environment Canada, Emergencies Section. I did the graphic design of the Canada United States Joint Environmental Emergencies Response Plan, a precursor to the present Canada-United States Joint Inland Pollution Contingency Plan.

1998 to 2001, I worked for MDSI Mobile Data Solutions, a computer software company specialized in fleet management. I designed, wrote, proposed, and got buy in for, the 24 hour Emergency Call Handling Procedure; the Project Handover Procedure; Business Efficiency by Strategic Redirected Investments. I taught my coworkers to organize files for automatic red flag of missing data and to read massive data by set partitions then analysing a representative of each partition, which also works to polarize populations. Hired as a Junior Programmer, within two years I fulfilled the duties of Junior Project Manager. In my spare time I read the Dead Sea Scrolls and continued thinking about how to get electricity from the magnetosphere. I also reported some of the Canadian Vancouver Simon Fraser University community anarchist problem to the United States Marine Corps in the lexicon of Downtown Eastside Canadian Vancovuerites, yet also passing to my fellow Americans my work on the definition of or.

2000, at the end of January I met Brian Regnier under the auspices of Landmark Education; in mid-March I met Jack Schropp. When I asked Jack Schropp how to get my life unstuck, he responded, 'Put my life in your life.'

2002, I gave over 100 mice, two cats, three rabbits, many fish, with many tropical plants a supportive environment with parameters established for them having civil liberty. In this environment I taught cats to bring unharmed mice; a mouse named Archer practiced punching cats on the nose; the cats litter-trained the rabbits; a mouse named Brigit grew her own garden. The fish exert their own population control without harming community members to keep the population inside environmental parameters; mice however do not do this thus the mouse population has to fit parameters determined by good governance. The first kitten I rehabilitated sent me to the hospital by biting through my fingernails. I observed these species have absence of observation of the idea that 0 can theoretically imply 1. I observed these species agree 1 implies 1. I began speculating as to a crisp ternary logic agreed upon by the species of the biosphere.

2003, I read Synaptic Self by Joseph LeDoux and paid close to the definition of if implied by fear conditioning. Joseph LeDoux's work shows our own neurons and also snails show fear conditioned response. An input signal [1] gets a response [1]; an absence of input signal [0] gets ignored [0]. Joseph LeDoux's observations of amoeba agree with my observations of a crisp ternary logic shared by mice, cats, rabbits, fish and tropical plants. Having received a threat upon my life, I put the crisp ternary logic I observed into a tetrahedral form then sent to Jack Schropp and Brian Regnier my results including, a binary pair of a binary pair of related opposites traps previously invisible causal factors; base matters; logic has errors allowing opposites to meet original definitions; build transformers equipped for broadcastability and listening by sonar in tetrahedral links; the crisp ternary logic with which the biosphere agrees replaces erroneous binary logic; I re-reported the anarchist problem of the Simon Fraser University community connection with Downtown Eastside Vancouver Canada to NORAD; and I demonstrated Persuasive Logic, IE the reunion of fallacy recognition with logic with emotional persuasiveness in calls to action in the lexicon of people. The solution also works for communication networks whether in business or in a biosphere satellite defense network.

2004 to 2008, I relocated to Peng Hu in the Taiwan Strait to continue teaching formal language in English, continuing my appreciation of textile art in my spare time.

2009, During 2008, I became aware of having been lied to by a significant percentage of Americans, Canadians, Taiwanese Chinese and British people in Taiwan, who wouldn't let me know why they were lying or in what gossip they believed, responsive to which I wrote and distributed worldwide Biological which shows a little of my thinking, again in the language of the people. Dishonesty continued being responsive to me thus I reported financial crimes to the Kremlin starting in December 2009; I also reported the malice in the bionanotechnology to Vladimir Putin.

2010 to 2011, The Polish Air Force Tu-154 event of 10 April married me with Vladimir Putin. In August guided by Vladimir Putin, I returned to Simon Fraser University in Vancouver Canada where I began collecting local theft algorithms which I reported to the Rothschild family. My collection method was to distribute my own intellectual property, for which locals gave me their theft algorithms which are uninteresting to me yet of interest to my Rothschild family, so I sent the theft algorithms then reclaimed my intellectual property and invoiced for the time invested in the role of a security guard reporting crime in progress.

2012, held financial hostage in Vancouver Canada, I designed and distributed a new global financial system which works with the crisp ternary logic with which the biosphere agrees. Working with American intelligensia online, we wrote the book for our strategic response to the anarchist problem we found in Canada. I escaped Vancouver Canada with support from the underground. I toured North America on a Greyhound bus for two months, continuing to achieve business efficiency results in mathematized business for which I was unpaid. Thus I isolated the source of dishonesty circulating internationally about me to my mathematics professors in Halifax, Canada. I enjoyed two months in Magnetawan, Ontario, where I solved the mystery of stolen recipies which I reported to Justin Trudeau.

2013, I relocated to Beijing, China, allegedly to teach Basic Logic formally, without being required to pretend to believe in magic. That did not work thus I am again teaching formal language in English at the pre-kindergarten level. In my spare time I continue thinking about how to get electricity from the magnetosphere preferably without blowing up the Earth. Vladimir Putin's recent divorce called my attention back to the Government of Russia which has positions available for mathematical logicians.

Revision as of 00:42, 31 December 2013

Names, Date and Place of Birth

Jennifer Elizabeth Sorrell

Jennifer Elizabeth Overington

Public Alias Jennifer Prokhorov

Born 25 August 1970 in Toronto General Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Real Work Experience

Read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:JenniferOverington

JenniferOverington (talk) 00:42, 31 December 2013 (UTC)