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User:Awesomeaxolotl/Pearl Sherrod/Zmbashir Peer Review

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General info[edit]

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Link to draft you're reviewing
User:Awesomeaxolotl/Pearl Sherrod
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)

Evaluate the drafted changes[edit]

(Compose a detailed peer review here, considering each of the key aspects listed above if it is relevant. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what feedback looks like.)


The Lead is concise and gives information about the person, when they were prevalent, and relevant organizations.

Early Life

This content does a good job contextualizing the early life of Pearl Sherrod. It begins with how she grew up, where she worked, who she married, how many children she had, etc. Then it ties in with the articles goal of why she joined the NOI organization and how she joined it. There is a lack of citations in the section.


This section touches on the various organization Pearl Sherrod has been apart of. This section does a good job of highlighting the goals of this organization and what these organizations have done, as well as its context with the person itself. There is also a lack of citations in the "Development in Our Own" sub-section.

Later Life

This section also goes a good job contextualizing the later life of Pearl Sherrod, highlighting what happened after the organizations, what she did after leaving those organizations and a little of what happened with those organizations.

All the content in the article is relevant and important for the topic. The content is up to date and goes over the person's history and organizations tied to that person, along with their goals.

The sourcing might need improvement in some sections, however overall there are citations in relevant sections, with a references section at the end.

The content is well-written, well-organized, and is grammatically correct. There are no added images or media at this time.

The article is supported by multiple reliable secondary sources.

The article does have section headings and sub headings which I think they did a good job organizing the information into those corresponding sections.

This article overall is very informative and addresses topics related to historically underrepresented populations. The content in the article is well-written, just to add a few citations if necessary.