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User:Jackyd101/Defeated warships, 1793-1815

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See also: User:Jackyd101/British losses, 1793-1815

Warships of at least corvette size (20 guns and larger) captured, destroyed or otherwise removed from service by British military action during the French Revolutionary Wars (1792-1801) and Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815), including all subsidiary conflicts and contemporary actions. This list currently reflects article that I have worked on regarding the actions in which these ships were defeated. To give some idea of just how incomplete the list it, France and her allies lost: 9 first rates (100+ guns), 132 ships of the line (60-80 guns) and 244 frigates (30-56 guns) during the war to enemy action, based on a rough count of the shipping loss tables over the period.

To be included, a destroyed ship has to have been ruined beyond repair and (with one or two exceptions) a captured ship must not have been recaptured before it reached a British port. Likewise, a British ship that had been captured by the enemy and subsequently recaptured must have visited an enemy port or been commissioned by the enemy navy in between the encounters to count as an operational enemy warship for the purposes of this list.

First rate ships of the line


Ships of over 100 guns.

Date Ship Nationality Action Notes Fate
1793-12-18 Commerce de Marseille French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Commerce de Marseille
1798-08-01 Orient French Battle of the Nile checkY destroyed in battle
1801-07-12 Real Carlos Spanish Second Battle of Algeciras checkY destroyed in battle
1801-07-12 San Hermenegildo Spanish Second Battle of Algeciras checkY destroyed in battle
1806-02-06 Impérial French Battle of San Domingo checkY driven ashore and destroyed

Ships of the line


Ships of 60 to 80 guns.

Date Ship Nationality Action Notes Fate
1793-12-18 Pompée French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Pompee
1793-12-18 Puissant French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Puissant
1793-12-18 Centaure French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1793-12-18 Destin French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1793-12-18 Duguay-Trouin French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1793-12-18 Suffisant French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1793-12-18 Tricolore French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1793-12-18 Triomphant French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1793-12-18 Héros French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1793-12-18 Thémistocle French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1794-06-01 Achille French Glorious First of June checkY captured, broken up
1794-06-01 America French Glorious First of June checkY captured, became HMS Impetueux
1794-06-01 Impétueux French Glorious First of June checkY captured, accidentally destroyed
1794-06-01 Juste French Glorious First of June checkY captured, became HMS Juste
1794-06-01 Northumberland French Glorious First of June checkY captured, broken up
1794-06-01 Sans Pareil French Glorious First of June checkY captured, became HMS Sans Pareil
1794-06-01 Vengeur du Peuple French Glorious First of June checkY destroyed in battle
1795-03-14 Ça Ira French Battle of Genoa checkY captured, became HMS Ca Ira
1795-03-14 Censeur French Battle of Genoa checkY captured, became HMS Censeur C
1795-06-23 Alexandre French Battle of Groix checkY captured, became HMS Alexander R
1795-06-23 Formidable French Battle of Groix checkY captured, became HMS Belleisle
1795-06-23 Tigre French Battle of Groix checkY captured, became HMS Tigre
1795-07-13 Alcide French Battle of Hyères Islands checkY destroyed in battle
1796-08-18 Dortrecht Dutch Capitulation of Saldanha Bay checkY captured, became HMS Dortrecht
1796-08-18 Revolutie Dutch Capitulation of Saldanha Bay checkY captured, became HMS Revolutie
1797-01-13 Droits de l'Homme French Action of 13 January 1797 checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1797-10-11 Admiraal Tjerk Hiddes De Vries Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, became HMS Devries
1797-10-11 Gelijkheid Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, became HMS Gelykheid
1797-10-11 Haarlem Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, became HMS Haerlem
1797-10-11 Hercules Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, became HMS Delft
1797-10-11 Jupiter Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, became HMS Camperdown
1797-10-11 Vrijheid Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, became HMS Vryheid
1797-10-11 Wassenaar Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, became HMS Wassenaar
1798-04-21 Hercule French Battle of the Raz de Sein checkY captured, became HMS Hercule
1798-08-01 Aquilon French Battle of the Nile checkY captured, became HMS Aboukir
1798-08-01 Conquérant French Battle of the Nile checkY captured, became HMS Conquerant
1798-08-01 Franklin French Battle of the Nile checkY captured, became HMS Canopus
1798-08-01 Guerrier French Battle of the Nile checkY captured, later burnt
1798-08-01 Peuple Souverain French Battle of the Nile checkY captured, became HMS Guerrier
1798-08-01 Spartiate French Battle of the Nile checkY captured, became HMS Spartiate
1798-08-02 Heureux French Battle of the Nile checkY captured, later burnt
1798-08-02 Mercure French Battle of the Nile checkY captured, later burnt
1798-08-03 Timoléon French Battle of the Nile checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1798-08-03 Tonnant French Battle of the Nile checkY captured, became HMS Tonnant
1798-10-12 Hoche French Battle of Tory Island checkY captured, became HMS Donegal
1800-02-18 Généreux French Battle of the Malta Convoy checkY captured, became HMS Genereux
1800-03-31 Guillaume Tell French Action of 31 March 1800 checkY captured, became HMS Malta
1800-09-04 Athenien French Siege of Malta checkY captured, became HMS Athenienne
1800-09-04 Dégo French Siege of Malta checkY captured, broken up
1801-07-12 Saint Antoine French Second Battle of Algeciras checkY captured, became HMS San Antonio
1803-07-24 Duquesne French Blockade of Saint-Domingue checkY captured, became HMS Duquesne
1806-02-06 Alexandre French Battle of San Domingo checkY captured, broken up
1806-02-06 Brave French Battle of San Domingo checkY captured, later wrecked
1806-02-06 Diomède French Battle of San Domingo checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1806-02-06 Jupiter French Battle of San Domingo checkY captured, became HMS Maida
1806-03-13 Marengo French Action of 13 March 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Marengo
1806-09-14 Impétueux French Atlantic campaign of 1806 checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1807-12-07 Pluto Dutch Raid on Griessie checkY scuttled to prevent capture
1807-12-07 Revolutie Dutch Raid on Griessie checkY scuttled to prevent capture
1809-04-13 Aquilon French Battle of the Basque Roads checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1809-04-13 Ville de Varsouvie French Battle of the Basque Roads checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1809-04-13 Tonnerre French Battle of the Basque Roads checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1809-04-17 Hautpoult French Troude's expedition to the Caribbean checkY captured, became HMS Abercrombie
1812-02-22 Rivoli French Action of 22 February 1812 checkY captured, became HMS Rivoli

Fourth rates


Ships of 50 to 58 guns.

Date Ship Nationality Action Notes Fate
1796-08-18 Admiraal Tromp Dutch Capitulation of Saldanha Bay checkY captured, became HMS Van Tromp
1797-10-11 Alkmaar Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, became HMS Alkmaar
1797-10-11 Delft Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, later wrecked
1809-04-13 Calcutta French Battle of the Basque Roads checkY driven ashore and destroyed R



Ships of 30 to 48 guns.

Date Ship Nationality Action Notes Fate
1791-11-18 Résolue French Battle of Tellicherry checkY captured, returned to French control [1]
1793-06-18 Cléopâtre French Action of 18 June 1793 checkY captured, became HMS Oiseau
1793-10-20 Réunion French Action of 20 October 1793 checkY captured, became HMS Reunion
1793-10-05 Modeste French Raid on Genoa checkY captured, became HMS Modeste
1793-10-12 Impérieuse French Raid on Genoa checkY captured, became HMS Unite
1793-12-18 Alceste French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, given to Sardinia
1793-12-18 Aréthuse French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Undaunted
1793-12-18 Aurore French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Aurore
1793-12-18 Lutine French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Lutine
1793-12-18 Perle French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Amethyst
1793-12-18 Topaze French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Topaze
1793-12-18 Iris French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour [2]
1793-12-18 Montréal French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour R [2]
1794-01-22 Vengeur French P Sunda Strait campaign of January 1794 checkY captured, became HEIC Vengeur
1794-02-20 Minerve French Siege of Saint-Florent checkY captured, became HMS San Fiorenzo
1794-02-20 Fortunée French Siege of Saint-Florent checkY scuttled to prevent capture
1794-05-05 Duguay Trouin French Action of 5 May 1794 checkY captured, sold privately
1794-05-07 Atalante French Action of 7 May 1794 checkY captured, became HMS Espion
1794-05-29 Castor French Frigate action of 29 May 1794 checkY captured, became HMS Castor R [3]
1794-06-17 Sibylle French Battle of Mykonos checkY captured, became HMS Sybille
1794-08-10 Melpomène French Siege of Calvi checkY captured, became HMS Melpomene
1794-08-10 Mignonne French Siege of Calvi checkY captured, later burnt
1794-10-21 Révolutionnaire French Action of 21 October 1794 checkY captured, became HMS Revolutionnaire
1795-04-10 Gloire French Action of 10 April 1795 checkY captured, became HMS Gloire
1795-04-11 Gentille French Action of 10 April 1795 checkY captured, became HMS Gentille
1795-06-24 Minerve French Action of 24 June 1795 checkY captured, became HMS Minerve C
1795-08-22 Alliante Dutch Action of 22 August 1795 checkY captured, became HMS Alliance
1796-05-12 Argo Dutch Action of 12 May 1796 checkY captured, became HMS Janus
1796-06-08 Tamise French Atlantic raid of June 1796 checkY captured, became HMS Thames R
1796-06-08 Tribune French Atlantic raid of June 1796 checkY captured, became HMS Tribune
1796-06-13 Proserpine French Atlantic raid of June 1796 checkY captured, became HMS Amelia
1796-08-18 Castor Dutch Capitulation of Saldanha Bay checkY captured, became HMS Saldanha
1796-08-18 Braave Dutch Capitulation of Saldanha Bay checkY captured, became HMS Braave
1796-10-13 Mahonesa Spanish Action of 13 October 1796 checkY captured, became HMS Mahonesa
1796-12-30 Tartu French Expédition d'Irlande checkY captured, became HMS Uranie
1797-04-16 Hermione French Battle of Jean-Rabel checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1797-04-26 Santa Elena Spanish Action of 26 April 1797 checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1797-04-26 Ninfa Spanish Action of 26 April 1797 checkY captured, became HMS Hamadryad
1797-10-11 Monnikkendam Dutch Battle of Camperdown checkY captured, later wrecked
1798-05-31 Confiante French Action of 30 May 1798 checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1798-06-27 Sensible French Action of 27 June 1798 checkY captured, became HMS Sensible
1798-06-30 Seine French Action of 30 June 1798 checkY captured, became HMS Seine
1798-07-15 Santa Dorotea Spanish Action of 15 July 1798 checkY captured, became HMS Santa Dorothea
1798-08-01 Sérieuse French Battle of the Nile checkY destroyed in battle
1798-08-02 Artémise French Battle of the Nile checkY destroyed in battle
1798-10-12 Bellone French Battle of Tory Island checkY captured, became HMS Proserpine
1798-10-12 Coquille French Battle of Tory Island checkY captured, accidentally destroyed
1798-10-12 Embuscade French Battle of Tory Island checkY captured, became HMS Ambuscade
1798-10-12 Résolue French Battle of Tory Island checkY captured, became HMS Resolue
1798-10-18 Loire French Battle of Tory Island checkY captured, became HMS Loire
1798-10-20 Immortalité French Battle of Tory Island checkY captured, became HMS Immortalite
1798-10-24 Furie Dutch Action of 24 October 1798 checkY captured, became HMS Wilhelmina
1799-02-09 Prudente French P Action of 9 February 1799 checkY captured, later sold
1799-02-28 Forte French Action of 28 February 1799 checkY captured, became HMS Forte
1799-05-19 Junon French Croisière de Bruix checkY captured, became HMS Princess Charlotte
1799-05-19 Alceste French Croisière de Bruix checkY captured, became HMS Alceste
1799-05-19 Courageuse French Croisière de Bruix checkY captured, became HMS Courageuse
1799-10-16 Thetis Spanish Action of 16 October 1799 checkY captured, later sold
1799-10-17 Santa Brigada Spanish Action of 16 October 1799 checkY captured, later sold
1799-12-11 Preneuse French Battle of Port Louis checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1800-04-07 Nuestra Señora del Carmen Spanish Action of 7 April 1800 checkY captured, became HMS Carmen
1800-04-07 Santa Florentina Spanish Action of 7 April 1800 checkY captured, became HMS Florentina
1800-07-07 Désirée French Raid on Dunkirk checkY captured, became HMS Desiree
1800-08-?? Boudeuse French Siege of Malta checkY scuttled for firewood [4]
1800-08-04 Concorde French Action of 4 August 1800 checkY captured, sold privately
1800-08-04 Médée French Action of 4 August 1800 checkY captured, sold privately
1800-08-24 Diane French Siege of Malta checkY captured, became HMS Niobe
1800-09-04 Carthagénaise French Siege of Malta checkY captured, broken up
1801-02-19 Africaine French Action of 19 February 1801 checkY captured, became HMS Africaine
1801-07-12 Perla Spanish Second Battle of Algeciras checkY destroyed in battle
1801-08-03 Carrère French Siege of Porto Ferrajo checkY captured, became HMS Carrere
1801-08-19 Chiffone French Battle of Mahé checkY captured, became HMS Chiffone
1801-09-02 Bravoure French Siege of Porto Ferrajo checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1801-09-02 Succés French Siege of Porto Ferrajo checkY captured, became HMS Success R
1803-06-30 Créole French Blockade of Saint-Domingue checkY captured, became HMS Creole
1803-11-30 Surveillante French Blockade of Saint-Domingue checkY captured, became HMS Surveillante
1803-11-30 Clorinde French Blockade of Saint-Domingue checkY captured, became HMS Clorinde
1803-11-30 Vertu French Blockade of Saint-Domingue checkY captured, became HMS Vertu
1806-03-04 Volontaire French Atlantic campaign of 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Volontaire
1806-03-13 Belle Poule French Action of 13 March 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Belle Poule
1806-07-09 Bellone French P Action of 9 July 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Blanche
1806-07-26 Pallas Dutch Action of 26 July 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Celebes
1806-07-28 Rhin French La Meillerie's expedition checkY captured, became HMS Rhin
1806-09-25 Armide French Action of 25 September 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Armide
1806-09-25 Gloire French Action of 25 September 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Gloire
1806-09-25 Infatigable French Action of 25 September 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Immortalite
1806-09-25 Minerve French Action of 25 September 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Alceste
1806-09-27 Président French L'Hermite's expedition checkY captured, became HMS Presidente
1806-10-18 Maria Riggersbergen Dutch Action of 18 October 1806 checkY captured, became HMS Java
1806-11-27 Phoenix Dutch Raid on Batavia checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1808-11-10 Thétis French Action of 10 November 1808 checkY captured, became HMS Brune
1809-01-22 Topaze French Action of 22 January 1809 checkY captured, became HMS Alcmene
1809-02-05 Amphitrite French Invasion of Martinique checkY scuttled to prevent capture
1809-02-10 Junon French Action of 10 February 1809 checkY captured, became HMS Junon
1809-02-24 Italienne French Battle of Les Sables-d'Olonne checkY driven ashore and damaged beyond repair
1809-02-24 Calypso French Battle of Les Sables-d'Olonne checkY driven ashore and damaged beyond repair
1809-02-24 Cybèle French Battle of Les Sables-d'Olonne checkY driven ashore and damaged beyond repair
1809-04-06 Niémen French Action of 6 April 1809 checkY captured, became HMS Niemen
1809-04-16 Indienne French Battle of the Basque Roads checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1809-06-18 Félicité French Troude's expedition to the Caribbean checkY captured, sold to Haiti
1809-07-06 Furieuse French Troude's expedition to the Caribbean checkY captured, became HMS Furieuse
1809-09-21 Caroline French Raid on Saint Paul checkY captured, became HMS Bourbonaise
1809-12-18 Loire French Roquebert's expedition to the Caribbean checkY destroyed in battle
1809-12-18 Seine French Roquebert's expedition to the Caribbean checkY destroyed in battle
1810-10-18 Vénus French Action of 18 September 1810 checkY captured, became HMS Nereide
1810-12-03 Bellone French Invasion of Île de France checkY captured, became HMS Junon
1810-12-03 Astrée French Invasion of Île de France checkY captured, became HMS Pomone
1810-12-03 Minerve French Invasion of Île de France checkY captured, broken up
1810-12-03 Manche French Invasion of Île de France checkY captured, broken up
1810-12-03 Iphigénie French Invasion of Île de France checkY captured, became HMS Iphigenia R
1810-12-03 Néréide French Invasion of Île de France checkY captured, broken up R
1810-12-06 Elisa French Action of 15 November 1810 checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1811-03-13 Favorite French Battle of Lissa checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1811-03-13 Corona Italian Battle of Lissa checkY captured, became HMS Daedalus
1811-03-13 Bellona Italian Battle of Lissa checkY captured, became HMS Dover
1811-03-25 Amazone French Action of 24 March 1811 checkY driven ashore and destroyed
1811-05-20 Renommée French Battle of Tamatave checkY captured, became HMS Java
1811-05-25 Néréide French Battle of Tamatave checkY captured, became HMS Madagascar
1811-11-29 Pomone French Action of 29 November 1811 checkY captured, broken up
1812-02-03 Heureuse Réunion Haitian P Action of 3 February 1812 checkY captured, returned to Haitian control
1814-02-03 Uranie French Adriatic campaign of 1807–1814 checkY scuttled to prevent capture
1814-03-26 Sultane French Battle of Jobourg checkY captured, became HMS Sultane
1814-03-27 Etoile French Battle of Jobourg checkY captured, became HMS Topaze



Ships of 20 to 28 guns. Only included where their defeat coincides with a wider operation.

Date Ship Nationality Action Notes Fate
1793-12-18 Poulette French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Poulette
1793-12-18 Prosélyte French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Proselyte C
1793-12-18 Bellete French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Bellete
1793-12-18 Sincere French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Sincere
1793-12-18 Mulet French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Mulette
1793-12-18 Mozelle French Siege of Toulon checkY captured, became HMS Moselle
1793-12-18 Auguste French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1793-12-18 Caroline French Siege of Toulon checkY destroyed in harbour
1794-01-22 Rèsolu French P Sunda Strait campaign of January 1794 checkY captured, became HEIC Resolu
1794-05-25 Républicaine French Atlantic campaign of May 1794 checkY captured, later burnt
1796-08-18 Siréne Dutch Capitulation of Saldanha Bay checkY captured, became HMS Laurel
1796-08-18 Bellona Dutch Capitulation of Saldanha Bay checkY captured, became HMS Vindictive
1798-10-24 Waakzaamheid Dutch Action of 24 October 1798 checkY captured, became HMS Waakzaamheid
1807-08-31 Scipio Dutch Java campaign of 1806-1807 checkY captured, became HMS Samarang
1809-02-15 Var French Timeline of the Adriatic campaign, 1807–1814 checkY captured, became HMS Chichester
1811-11-29 Persanne French Action of 29 November 1811 checkY captured, sold to Tunis
1811-11-27 Corcyre French Timeline of the Adriatic campaign, 1807–1814 checkY captured



General notes

  1. ^ Ships marked with a "P" were privateers, armed ships of the classes in which they appear that were not provided by national governments but by private investors under government license seeking to make a profit from commerce raiding.
  2. ^ Ships marked with an "R" had at one time been ships of the Royal Navy captured either earlier in the conflict or in previous conflicts which were subsequently recaptured or destroyed by British military action. As noted in the introduction, to be included in this list the captured ship must have been commissioned by its captors.
  3. ^ Ships marked with a "C" were subsequently recaptured or destroyed by French or allied forces during the course of the wars.

Specific notes

  1. ^ Résolue. The Battle of Tellicherry was a naval action fought during the Third Anglo-Mysore War, in which the French were officially neutral but actively supported Mysore with military equipment. The battle was fought over French refusal to accept British demands to search French ships entering the port of Mangalore. The captured ship was swiftly returned to French control after the encounter, which took place 16 months before the British entry into the French Revolutionary Wars. Résolue was captured for the second and last time in 1798.
  2. ^ a b Iris & Montréal. These ships were destroyed by Spanish boarding parties during a combined British-Spanish operation at the conclusion of the Siege of Toulon.
  3. ^ Castor. This former British ship had been captured by the French ten days before it was recaptured in this action, and had not visited a French port in between, which would normally disqualify it from this list. However, the ship was actually commissioned into the French Navy while still at sea, as established in an Admiralty Court case in the aftermath of the ship's recapture, and thus qualifies.
  4. ^ Boudeuse. This ship was broken up for firewood by the beseiged garrison of Malta during early August 1800. Although it was not specifically scuttled to prevent its capture, had the island not been under close blockade by a British squadron the ship would not have been trapped and would not consequently have been broken up.