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To understand me would take more than a lifetime. I am pretty much the coolest guy ever. Not to mention I'm dead sexy. I'm in college and plan to change majors in the fall. I really feel called into youth ministry, so that is coming up before too much longer. Right now I'm just waiting for God to say, "Go!"

About Me[edit]

I LOVE JESUS! He's pretty much the coolest guy. God's always doing new and crazy stuff in my life. I am so happy to be called one of His. The newest things He has been showing me recently are the depths of His love. It is so crazy how much He loves me, and YOU!

God created us. And we are created in His image. Not just our physical being, but our spirits, minds, and everything about us. When we (homosapiens) were first created, we were in perfect communion with God. Of course, Adam and Eve were the first people God created. When Adam sinned, death enetered the world. At that point, we were out of communion with God, but He loved us enough to have a back up plan. Jesus Christ, His son.

He loved us enough, and wanted to be with us enough, to condemn His son to death. He did this so we can live with Him in Heaven forever. He sent Jesus to die a wretched death on the cross at Calvary. Jesus died so we could live. All we have to do, to live with God, is accept the free gift of Salvation. God wants you. He sent His son to die, so He can spend eternity with you.

If thats not a cool thought, then I don't know what is. I know my God loves me beyond anything I can comprehend. If you have questions, feel free to ask.

My screen name is one that was dubbed me by some of my crazy friends. Please don't let it offend you or sway you about me in any way.


  • going to church
  • sharing the kingdom of God with people
  • praying for people
  • hanging out with my friends
  • being creative
  • ...and sarcasm


Music is an integral part of my life. I have been playing different instruments since I was 7ish. I can play proficiently 4 different instruments and have knowledge of how to play about 5 or 6 others. I love it. In case you couldn't tell from the about me section, my heart is in worship.

List of bands I've played in[edit]

  • Out of Hiding - first band
  • Desperation (not the popular worship band)
  • Life of Anna - we got pretty popular, pretty fast on our local scene
  • Fair Maiden Voyage - newest and current project

Written Articles[edit]

...more to come