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(Redirected from User:Ratwarrior 56)

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

First off: I usually use Jonna3876 as my handle, instead of Ratwarrior 56 which was made a loooooong time ago. Unfortunately I don't know how to change it.

I'm a Norwegian Wikipedia user and sometimes translator/editor, where I mainly focus on translating different articles from Norwegian to English or vice versa. I've been a user of Wikipedia for what seems like forever, and it's been instrumental in teaching me about a lot of different stuff, as well as being an incredible source of information for school and spare time projects alike.

My interests are very varied, I'd say. Gaming is a huge part of my life, where I've played since the PS1 (or PSX as it's also called) era, and have stuck with Playstation all the way until the PS3, after which I moved to PC gaming. Music-wise, I enjoy a variety of different genres, which include portions of power metal, rock, pop, fantasy themed; pretty much anything I find that I think sounds good to me. Other hobbies include reading, writing (hence why you're reading this), solving jigsaw puzzles, streaming on Twitch (possibly making Youtube videos) and watching Youtube or Netflix.

I will say that I consider my written English fairly good, but as with any person whose second language is English, there will be slip-ups in terms of grammar and spelling, so I hope people can correct me in the event I do mess up.

Thanks for reading this page about me, and have fun exploring the vast array of information that is Wikipedia!