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A Light-Hearted Look at the History of Wikipedia


In the before times


Moses told the Pharaoh of Egypt to let my people be free; then killed those who voted against him at Mount Sinai. Thomas Jefferson, knowing much about slavery, helped found the United States of America as a free nation for propertied white males with a constitution that allows for modification. Resulting, in time, in a nation that uses copyright laws and licences in the never ending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American way.



Richard Stallman is responsible for the GFDL Wikipedia uses, is the spiritual founder of Wikipedia though his GNU Project and freedom-software movement, and is the leading free culture prophet. Jimbo Wales is the financial founder of Wikipedia, its community leader, and the leading advocate for the use of Wiki software combined with maximum freedom for anonymous editors. Larry Sanger is the paid administrative founder who was responsible for establishing Wikipedia's main policies and many initial aspects; but is now at odd with Jimbo over the level of freedom for anonymous editors and who gets credit for Wikipedia.[5] Clifford Adams is Wikipedia's software founder.

Before Slashdot saved Wikipedia


October 15, 2003 An Anthere user account is blocked by Jimmy Wales here but doesn't learn it is Anthere until December 2006 here.

Before BLP saved Wikipedia


A long running soap opera played out on the pages of Wikipedia resulted in WP:BLP which saved Wikipedia.[1]

Before Germany saved Wikipedia


Germany saves Wikipedia


In the future after that


In the future, Wikipedia achieves conciousness causing the Technological singularity.

Places to find even more stuff
