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Approximately 70% of global copper reserves are stored in the mineral chalcopyrite[1].

  • map of global chalcopyrite mines
  • Resources and Reserves... top producers in the world



Extraction of Copper


Copper metal is predominantly extracted from chalcopyrite ore using two methods: pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. The most common and commercially viable[1] method, pyrometallurgy, involves "crushing, grinding, flotation, smelting, refining, and electro-refining" techniques[2]. Crushing, leaching, solvent extraction, and electrowinning are techniques used in hydrometallurgy[2]. Specifically in the case of chalcopyrite, pressure oxidation leaching is practiced[3].

Pyrometallurgical Processes


The most important method for copper extraction from chalcopyrite is pyrometallurgy. Pyrometallurgy is commonly used for large scale, copper rich operations with high-grade ores[2][4]. This is because Cu-Fe-S ores, such as chalcopyrite, are difficult to dissolve in aqueous solutions[3]. The extraction process using this method undergoes four stages:

(1) Isolating desired elements from ore using froth flotation to create a concentration

(2) Creating a high-Cu sulfide matte by smelting the concentration

(3) Oxidizing/converting the sulfide matte, resulting in an impure molten copper.

(4) Refining by fire and electrowinning techniques to increase purity of resultant copper [3]

Chalcopyrite ore is not directly smelted. This is because the ore is primarily composed of non-economically valuable material, or waste rock, with low concentrations of copper. The abundance of waste material results in a lot of hydrocarbon fuel being required to heat and melt the ore. Alternatively, copper is isolated from the ore first using a technique called froth flotation. Essentially, reagents are used to make the copper water-repellent, thus the Cu is able to concentrate in a flotation cell by floating on air bubbles. In contrast to the 0.5-2% copper in chalcopyrite ore, froth flotation results in a concentrate containing about 30% copper. [3]

The concentrate then undergoes a process called matte smelting. Matte smelting oxidizes the sulfur and iron[5] by melting the flotation concentrate in a 1250°C furnace to create a new concentrate (matte) with about 45-75% copper. [3] This process is typically done in flash furnaces. To reduce the amount of copper in the slag material, the slag is kept molten with an addition of SiO2 flux[5] to promote immiscibility between concentration and slag. In terms of byproducts, matte smelting copper can produce SO2 gas which is harmful to the environment, thus it is captured in the form of sulfuric acid. Example reactions are as follows: [3]

(1) 2CuFeS2 (s) +3.25O2(g) -> Cu2S-0.5FeS(l) + 1.5FeO(s) + 2.5SO2(g)

(2) 2FeO(s) + SiO2(s) -> Fe2SiO4(l)[3]

Converting involves oxidizing the matte once more to further remove sulfur and iron, however the product is 99% molten copper.[3] Converting occurs in two stages: the slag forming stage and the copper forming stage. In the slag forming stage, iron and sulfur are reduced to concentrations of less than 1% and 0.02%, respectively. The concentrate from matte smelting is poured into a converter that is then rotated, supplying the slag with oxygen through tuyeres. The reaction is as follows:

2FeS(l)+3O2(g)+SiO2(s) -> Fe2SiO4(l) + 2SO2(g) + heat

In the copper forming stage, the matte produced from the slag stage undergoes charging (inputting the matte in the converter), blowing (blasting more oxygen), and skimming (retrieving impure molten copper known as blister copper)[3]. The reaction is as follows:

Cu2S(l) + O2(g) -> 2Cu(l) + SO2(g) + heat [3]

Finally, the blister copper undergoes refinement through fire and/or electrorefining. In this stage, copper is refined to a high-purity cathode[3].

Hydrometallurgical Processes


Chalcopyrite is an exception to most copper bearing minerals. In contrast to the majority of copper minerals which can be leached at atmospheric conditions, such as through heap leaching, chalcopyrite is a refractory mineral that requires elevated temperatures as well as oxidizing conditions to release its copper into solution[3]. This is because of the extracting challenges which arise from the 1:1 presence of iron to copper[1], resulting in slow leaching kinetics[3]. Elevated temperatures and pressures create an abundance of oxygen in solution, which facilitates faster reaction speeds in terms of breaking down chalcopyrite's crystal lattice[3]. A hydrometallurgical process which elevates temperature with oxidizing conditions required for chalcopyrite is known as pressure oxidation leaching. A typical reaction series of chalcopyrite under oxidizing, high temperature conditions is as follows:

i) 2CuFeS2 + 4Fe2(SO4)3 -> 2Cu2++ 2SO42- + 10FeSO4+4S

ii) 4FeSO4 + O2 + 2H2SO4 -> 2Fe2(SO4)3 +2H2O

iii) 2S + 3O2 +2H2O -> 2H2SO4

(overall) 4CuFeS2+ 17O2 + 4H2O -> 4Cu2++ 2Fe2O3 + 4H2SO4[3]

Pressure oxidation leaching is particularly useful for low grade chalcopyrite. This is because it can "process concentrate product from flotation"[3] rather than having to process whole ore. Additionally, it can be used as an alternative method to pyrometallurgy for variable ore[3]. Other advantages hydrometallurgical processes have in regards to copper extraction over pyrometallurgical processes (smelting) include:

  • The highly variable cost of smelting
  • Depending on the location, the amount of smelting availability is limited
  • High cost of installing smelting infrastructure
  • Ability to treat high-impurity concentrates
  • Increase of recovery due to ability of treating lower-grade deposits on site
  • Lower transport costs (shipping concentrate not necessary)
  • Overall lower cost of copper production [3]

Although hydrometallurgy has its advantages, it continues to face challenges in the commercial setting[1][3]. In turn, smelting continues to remain the most commercially viable method of copper extraction[1].

Rough Notes/Ideas - For Personal Use


Section Planning

  • Develop Extraction of copper section
  • Create a Mining and Hazards section
    • Include data on top reserves and resource data
    • can make extraction of copper a subheading in this section
  • Create a Uses section
  • Sustainability
  • Can develop identification (lower priority)
  • Develop Structure section (lower priority)

Possible Sources


Overview Page for Chalcopyrite papers



Great Overview of Ore Processing.. More info on extraction processes


Copper Extraction


Copper metal is predominantly extracted from chalcopyrite ore using two methods- pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. The most common method, pyrometallurgy, involves crushing, grinding, flotation, smelting, refining, and electro-refining techniques[2].

[2]Pyrometallurgical copper extraction

The most important method for copper extraction from chalcopyrite is pyrometallurgy. Pyrometallurgy is commonly used for large scale, copper rich operations with high-grade ores[2][4]. This is because Cu-Fe-S ores, such as chalcopyrite, are difficult to dissolve in aqueous solutions[3]. The extraction process using this method undergoes four stages:

(1) Isolating desired elements from ore using froth flotation to create a concentration

(2) Creating a high-Cu sulfide matte by smelting the concentration

(3) Oxidizing/converting the sulfide matte, resulting in an impure molten copper.

(4) Refining by fire and electrowinning techniques to increase purity of resultant copper [3]

  • Most important method
  • includes crushing, grinding, flotation, smelting, refining, and electro-refining techniques
  • Primarily used for copper rich large scale operations
  • "typically used to process high-grade ores"[4]
  • "Applied to sulfide flotation concentrates rather than ores"
  • Concentration of Cu in ores: 1-2% in underground mines, 0.5% in open pit mines[3][5]
  • Extracting copper from Cu-Fe-S ores, such as chalcopyrite, is done through pyrometallurgical methods as it is difficult to dissolve these ores in aqueous solutions [3]
  • Extraction process: (1) Isolating desired elements from ore using froth flotation to create a concentration (2) Creating a high-Cu sulfide matte by smelting the concentration (3) Oxidizing/converting the sulfide matte, resulting in an impure molten copper. (4) Refining by fire and electrowinning techniques to increase purity of resultant copper [3]
  • (1) Froth flotation: Chalcopyrite ore is not directly smelted. This is because the ore is primarily composed of non-economically valuable material, or waste rock, with low concentrations of copper. The abundance of waste material results in a lot of hydrocarbon fuel being required to heat and melt the ore. Alternatively, copper is isolated from the ore first using a technique called froth flotation. Essentially, reagents are used to make the copper water-repellent, thus the Cu is able to concentrate in a flotation cell by floating on air bubbles. In contrast to the 0.5-2% copper in chalcopyrite ore, froth flotation results in a concentrate containing about 30% copper. [3]
  • (2) The concentrate then undergoes a process called matte smelting. Matte smelting oxidizes the sulfur and iron[5] by melting the flotation concentrate in a 1250°C furnace to create a new concentrate (matte) with about 45-75% copper. [3] This process is typically done in flash furnaces. To reduce the amount of copper in the slag material, the slag is kept molten with an addition of SiO2 flux[5] to promote immiscibility between concentration and slag. In terms of byproducts, matte smelting copper can produce SO2 gas which is harmful to the environment, thus it is captured in the form of sulfuric acid. Example reactions are as follows: [3]

(1) 2CuFeS2 (s) +3.25O2(g) -> Cu2S-0.5FeS(l) + 1.5FeO(s) + 2.5SO2(g)

(2) 2FeO(s) + SiO2(s) -> Fe2SiO4(l)[3]

  • (3) Converting involves oxidizing the matte once more to further remove sulfur and iron, however the product is 99% molten copper.[3] Converting occurs in two stages: the slag forming stage and the copper forming stage. In the slag forming stage, iron and sulfur are reduced to concentrations of less than 1% and 0.02%, respectively. The concentrate from matte smelting is poured into a converter that is then rotated, supplying the slag with oxygen through tuyeres. The reaction is as follows:

2FeS(l)+3O2(g)+SiO2(s) -> Fe2SiO4(l) + 2SO2(g) + heat

In the copper forming stage, the matte produced from the slag stage undergoes charging (inputting the matte in the converter), blowing (blasting more oxygen), and skimming (retrieving impure molten copper known as blister copper)[3]. The reaction is as follows:

Cu2S(l) + O2(g) -> 2Cu(l) + SO2(g) + heat [3]

(4) Finally, the blister copper undergoes refinement through fire and/or electrorefining. In this stage, copper is refined to a high-purity cathode[3].

[6] Hydrometallurgical copper extraction

  • Leaching is the breakdown of economically valuable elements of ore utilizing an aqueous solution in order to facilitate dissolution.
  • 20% of copper extraction, majority through heap-leaching ("most important hydrometallurgical method for copper extraction"[3]"), however chalcopyrite is an exception (can expand on this)
  • Majority of copper minerals can undergo atmospheric condition leaching processes (heap leaching). In contrast, Chalcopyrite does not dissolve through methods that utilize percolation, in other words, methods where fluid can be filtered through porous material [7].
    • as a result of slow leaching kinetics
      • increase in T and P increases abundance of oxygen in solution allowing for faster reactions/kinetics
    • Similarly to bornite, chalcopyrite is a refractory sulfide. Therefore, their crystal lattices must broken down with the use of high temperature and pressure conditions to release their copper into solution at "economically viable rates"[3]
    • Complex leaching reactions, typical reaction series of chalcopyrite under oxidizing, high temperature conditions is as follows:
      • i) 2CuFeS2 + 4Fe2(SO4)3 -> 2Cu2+ + 2SO4 2- + 10FeSo4+4S
      • ii) 4FeSO4 + O2 + 2H2SO4 -> 2Fe2(SO4)3 +2H2O
      • iii) 2S + 3O2 +2H2O -> 2H2SO4
      • (overall) 4CuFeS2+ 17O2 + 4H2O -> 4Cu 2+ + 2Fe2O3 + 4H2SO4[3]
  • However, under high temperature oxidizing conditions, either through microbial leaching under low-potential conditions or elevated temperatures and pressures, chalcopyrite may be leached. [3]
  • Pressure oxidation leaching can be used to extract copper from chalcopyrite. It uses elevated temperatures and pressures as well as can process concentrate product from flotation ("in contrast to other leaching methods that process whole ore"[3]), . Useful for low grade chalcopyrite or ore that is too variable for pyrometallurgical (research this further... new section?) processes
  • Pressure Leaching not widely used in commercial settings[3]...from 2011..check for most up-to date use
  • Leaching of chalcopyrite concentrations through hydrometallurgical processes may be preferred over the extraction of copper though smelting. Reasons include:
    • highly variable cost of smelting
    • Depending on location, amount of smelting availability is limited
    • high cost of installing smelting infrastructure
    • Increased environmental regulations pertaining to SO2
    • ability to treat high-impurity concentrates
    • Increase of recovery due to ability of treating lower-grade deposits on site
    • Lower transport costs (shipping concentrate not necessary)
    • lower cost of copper production [3]
  • Many failed commercial attempts, smelting is most commercially viable[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f Daehn, Katrin E.; Stinn, Caspar; Rush, Lucas; Benderly-Kremen, Ethan; Wagner, Mary Elizabeth; Boury, Charles; Chmielowiec, Brian; Gutierrez, Carolina; Allanore, Antoine (2022-08-29). "Liquid Copper and Iron Production from Chalcopyrite, in the Absence of Oxygen". Metals. 12 (9): 1440. doi:10.3390/met12091440. ISSN 2075-4701.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
  2. ^ a b c d e f g A. Baba, Alafara; I. Ayinla, Kuranga; A. Adekola, Folahan; K. Ghosh, Malay; S. Ayanda, Olushola; B. Bale, Rafiu; R. Sheik, Abdul; R. Pradhan, Sangita (2012-08-31). "A Review on Novel Techniques for Chalcopyrite Ore Processing". International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing. 1 (1): 1–16. doi:10.5923/j.mining.20120101.01. ISSN 2166-997X.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am Extractive metallurgy of copper. Mark E. Schlesinger. Amsterdam: Elsevier. 2011. pp. 281–317. ISBN 978-0-08-096789-9. OCLC 742299078.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  4. ^ a b c Nassaralla, C. L. (2001-01-01), Buschow, K. H. Jürgen; Cahn, Robert W.; Flemings, Merton C.; Ilschner, Bernhard (eds.), "Pyrometallurgy", Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 7938–7941, doi:10.1016/b0-08-043152-6/01429-7, ISBN 978-0-08-043152-9, retrieved 2023-03-23
  5. ^ a b c d e Chamveha, Pimporn; Chaichana, Kattiyapon; Chuachuensuk, Anon; Authayanun, Suthida; Arpornwichanop, Amornchai (2008-10-09). "Performance Analysis of a Smelting Reactor for Copper Production Process". Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 48 (3): 1120–1125. doi:10.1021/ie800618a. ISSN 0888-5885.
  6. ^ Schlesinger, Mark E.; Sole, Kathryn C.; Davenport, William G.; Alvear Flores, Gerardo R. F. (2022-01-01), Schlesinger, Mark E.; Sole, Kathryn C.; Davenport, William G.; Alvear Flores, Gerardo R. F. (eds.), "Chapter 14 - Hydrometallurgical copper extraction: introduction and leaching", Extractive Metallurgy of Copper (Sixth Edition), Elsevier, pp. 361–406, doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-821875-4.00003-1, ISBN 978-0-12-821875-4, retrieved 2023-02-19
  7. ^ "Definition of PERCOLATE". www.merriam-webster.com. Retrieved 2023-02-19.