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Zoltán Pék

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Zoltán Pék (Serbian Cyrillic: Золтан Пек; born December 20, 1962) is a politician in Serbia from the country's Hungarian community. He has served in the National Assembly of Serbia since 2012 as a member of the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians (Vajdasági Magyar Szövetség, VMSZ).

Early life and career

Pék was born in Senta, Vojvodina, in what was then the People's Republic of Serbia in the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia. He was raised in Senta and graduated as an economist in Subotica. He is also an authorized accountant and auditor.[1]

Political career

Pék joined the VMSZ in 2002. He was the mayor of Senta from 2008 to 2010 and led the VMSZ group in the municipality's assembly from 2010 to 2012.[2]

He received the 123rd position on the VMSZ's electoral list in the 2007 Serbian parliamentary election and the forty-third position on the list of the Hungarian Coalition (an alliance of three parties, led by the VMSZ) in the 2008 parliamentary election.[3][4] The lists respectively won three and four mandates, and Pék was not included in his party's assembly delegation on either occasion. (From 2000 to 2011, Serbian parliamentary mandates were awarded to sponsoring parties or coalitions rather than to individual candidates, and it was common practice for mandates to be awarded out of numerical order. Pék could have been awarded a mandate in either 2007 or 2008 despite his relatively low list position, although in fact he was not.)[5]

Serbia's electoral system was reformed in 2011, such that parliamentary mandates were awarded in numerical order to candidates on successful lists. Pék received the fifth position on the VMSZ's list in the 2012 parliamentary election and was elected when the list won five mandates.[6] The election was won by the Serbian Progressive Party and its allies, and the VMSZ served in opposition in the parliament that followed.

Pék again received the fifth position on the VMSZ's list in the 2014 election and was re-elected when the list won six mandates.[7] He was promoted to the fourth position for the 2016 election was returned for a third term when the list fell to four mandates.[8] The VMSZ has given parliamentary support to Serbia's Progressive-led administration since 2014.

Pék is currently a member of the assembly's committee on finance, state budget, and control of public spending; a deputy member of the agriculture, forestry, and water management committee and the committee on the judiciary, public administration, and local self-government; a member of Serbia's delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation; and a member of the parliamentary friendship groups with Azerbaijan and Romania.[9]


  1. ^ ZOLTAN PEK, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 17 May 2018.
  2. ^ ZOLTAN PEK, Otvoreni Parlament, accessed 17 May 2018.
  3. ^ Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 21. јануара и 8. фебрауара 2007. године, ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (Савез војвођанских Мађара - Јожеф Каса), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 27 April 2017.
  4. ^ Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 11. маја 2008. године, ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (МАЂАРСКА КОАЛИЦИЈА - ИШТВАН ПАСТОР), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 27 April 2017.
  5. ^ Serbia's Law on the Election of Representatives (2000) stipulated that parliamentary mandates would be awarded to electoral lists (Article 80) that crossed the electoral threshold (Article 81), that mandates would be given to candidates appearing on the relevant lists (Article 83), and that the submitters of the lists were responsible for selecting their parliamentary delegations within ten days of the final results being published (Article 84). See Law on the Election of Representatives, Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 35/2000, made available via LegislationOnline, accessed 28 February 2017.
  6. ^ Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине, 6. мај 2012. године, ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (VAJDASАGI MAGYAR SZОVETSЕG - PАSZTOR ISTVАN - САВЕЗ ВОЈВОЂАНСКИХ МАЂАРА-ИШТВАН ПАСТОР), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 27 April 2017.
  7. ^ Избори за народне посланике Народне скупштине одржани 16. и 23. марта 2014. године, ИЗБОРНЕ ЛИСТЕ (Vajdasagi Magyar Szovetseg - Pasztor Istvan - Савез војвођанских Мађара - Иштван Пастор), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 27 April 2017.
  8. ^ Избори за народне посланике 2016. године » Изборне листе (АЛЕКСАНДАР ВУЧИЋ - СРБИЈА ПОБЕЂУЈЕ), Republika Srbija - Republička izborna komisija, accessed 27 April 2017.
  9. ^ ZOLTÁN PÉK, National Assembly of Serbia, accessed 17 May 2018.