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Viewing filter 380: Multiple obscenities

Editing filter 380 (see also a graph of recent actions)
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Filter ID:380


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:518,320 hits
Statistics:Of the last 192,085 actions, this filter has matched 25 (0.01%). On average, its run time is 0.25 ms, and it consumes 1.4 conditions of the condition limit.
!"confirmed" in user_groups & page_namespace == 0 & ( bad_word := "(?i)\bANUS\b|\bASS(H|\b)(?!'N)|\bBAS(D|T)ARD|\bBITCH|\bBOOBS?\b|BLOW\s+JOBS?|\bBUTTHOLE\b|\bCOCK\b|\bCRAP\b|\bCUNTS?\b|\bDICK(S|HEAD)\b|DILDOS?\b|\bDUMB\b|DOUCHE|\bFAG(G|\b)|FAT\s+ASS|FUC?K(?:ED|ER|ER|IN|ING)?S?\b|\bGAY(?![- ](COUPLE|MARRIAGE|RIGHTS|PRIDE|TIMES))(?:ER|EST|ASS)?\b|\bMAST[EU]RBAT|\bNIGG|\bPA?EDO(?:PH|F)ILE|P\s?ENIS\b|\bPUSSY\b|\bRAP(?:E|ING)\b|\bRETARD\b|\bSLUT(?:S|TY)?\b|\bSHIT\b|\bSUCK(?:|S|ING|ED)\b|\bTITS\b|VAGINA|\bWHORE|YOLO\s+SWAG"; bad_count := rcount(bad_word, added_lines); bad_count > 1 & ( real_bad_count := bad_count - rcount(bad_word, added_links) - rcount("\[\[[^\]|]*(?:" + bad_word + ")[^\]|]*\|[^\]]*(?:" + bad_word + ")", added_lines) - rcount("\[\[Category:[^\]|]*(?:" + bad_word + ")", added_lines); real_bad_count > 1 & real_bad_count * 200 > edit_delta & real_bad_count * 1500 > length(rmwhitespace(added_lines)) ) & !(removed_lines rlike "\w\*\*?\w") & !( ( page_title + old_wikitext ) irlike bad_word) )
Filter last modified:03:50, 15 May 2024 by EggRoll97 (talk | contribs)
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