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Viewing filter 391: Changing height/weight in an infobox

Editing filter 391 (see also a graph of recent actions)
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Filter ID:391


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:301,273 hits
Statistics:Of the last 183,130 actions, this filter has matched 59 (0.03%). On average, its run time is 0.17 ms, and it consumes 1.4 conditions of the condition limit.
!"confirmed" in user_groups & page_namespace == 0 & old_wikitext irlike "Category\:Living people" & added_lines irlike "\| ?[a-z_]+ *=" & ( ( removed_lines rlike "\| ?(height_?)?ft *=" & added_lines rlike "\| ?(height_?)?ft *=" ) | ( removed_lines rlike "\| ?(height_?)?in *=.*" & added_lines rlike "\| ?(height_?)?in *=.*" ) | ( removed_lines rlike "\| ?(weight_?)?lbs? *=" & added_lines rlike "\| ?(weight_?)?lbs? *=" ) | ( removed_lines rlike "\| ?height *=" & added_lines rlike "\| ?height *=" ) | ( removed_lines rlike "\| ?weight *=" & added_lines rlike "\| ?weight *=" ) )
Filter last modified:21:34, 11 May 2022 by Suffusion of Yellow (talk | contribs)
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