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User:Emijrp/Wiki Loves Monuments map

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wiki Loves Monuments map

This is the translation page for the Wiki Loves Monuments map.

Help adding a translation into your language or improving the available ones.

Further info about this contest in Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments.



Albanian (sq)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Mirë se vini! Kjo është një hartë për konkursin fotografik Wiki loves Monuments 2015 (blog). Kërko monumentet afër teje, fotografoi dhe ngarkoi fotot!
  • Legend
    • Harta
  • Monument with image
    • Monument me imazh
  • Monument without image
    • Monument pa imazh
  • Statistics
    • Statistika
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Ekzistojnë statistika që mund të krahasohen me edicionet e kaluara.
  • See also
    • Shiko gjithashtu
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: Matësi i editimeve të projekteve Wikimedia
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Commons Coverage: 1 imazh/km2, mund t'ja dalim!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • Ekziston një afat kohor: një ese mbi rëndësinë e ruajtjes së dijes
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • Përdoruesi:Emijrp/E gjithë dija e njerëzimit - duke llogaritur numrin e artikujve që nevojiten për të paraqitur të gjithë dijen njerëzore.
  • Country
    • Shteti
  • Municipality
    • Njësi bashkiake
  • Address
    • Addresa
  • Lat/Lon
    • Lat/Lon
  • n/a
  • Show menu
    • Shfaq menunë
  • Upload your photo!
    • Ngarko foton tënde!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Duke u ngarkuar... ju jutem prisni

English (en)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
  • Legend
  • Monument with image
  • Monument without image
  • Statistics
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
  • See also
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
  • Country
  • Municipality
  • Address
  • Lat/Lon
  • Gallery
  • n/a
  • Show menu
  • Upload your photo!
  • Loading... please wait
  • September 2015
  • Share this map!

Spanish (es)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • ¡Bienvenido/a! Este es un mapa para el concurso Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog). ¡Busca monumentos próximos a ti, hazles fotos y súbelas!
  • Legend
    • Leyenda
  • Monument with image
    • Monumento con foto
  • Monument without image
    • Monumento sin foto
  • Statistics
    • Estadísticas
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Consulta las estadísticas de ediciones anteriores.
  • See also
    • Véase también
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: Contador de ediciones de todos los proyectos Wikimedia
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Commons Coverage: 1 imagen/km2, ¡podemos hacerlo!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • There is a deadline: un ensayo sobre la importancia de preservar el conocimiento
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimación del número de artículos necesarios para abarcar todo el conocimiento
  • Country
    • País
  • Show menu
    • Mostrar menú
  • Upload your photo!
    • ¡Sube tu foto!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Cargando... espere por favor

French (fr)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Bienvenue ! Ceci est une carte pour le concours photographique Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog). Cherchez monuments proche de vous, prenez des photos et importez-les !
  • Legend
    • légende
  • Monument with image
    • monument avec image
  • Monument without image
    • monument sans image
  • Statistics
    • statistiques
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Il y a des statistiques pour comparer avec les éditions précédentes
  • See also
    • voir aussi
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter : compteur de contributions sur les projets Wikimédia
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Couverture Commons : une image par km2, c'est possible !
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • There is a deadline : un essai sur l'importance de la préservation de la connaissance
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimation du nombre d'articles nécessaires pour couvrir l'intégralité des connaissances
  • Country
    • pays
  • Show menu
    • montrer le menu
  • Upload your photo!
    • importer votre photo !
  • Loading... please wait
    • Chargement en cours... merci de patienter

German (de)


Italian (it)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
  • Legend
    • Legenda
  • Monument with image
    • Monumento con immagine
  • Monument without image
    • Monumento senza immagine
  • Statistics
    • Statistiche
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Compara le statistiche con l'edizione precedente
  • See also
    • Vedi anche
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: contatore modifiche dei progetti Wikipedia
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
  • Country
    • Nazione
  • Municipality
    • Comune
  • Address
    • Indirizzo
  • Lat/Lon
    • Lat/Lng
  • Gallery
    • Galleria
  • n/a
  • Show menu
    • Mostra menu
  • Upload your photo!
    • Carica la tua foto!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Attendere prego
  • September 2015
    • Settembre 2015
  • Share this map!
    • Condividi questa mappa!

Romanian (ro)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Bun venit! Aceasta este o hartă pentru concursul de fotografie Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog). Căutați monumente din preajmă, fotografiați-le și încărcați imaginile!
  • Legend
    • Legendă
  • Monument with image
    • Monument cu imagine
  • Monument without image
    • Monument fără imagine
  • Statistics
    • Statistici
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Aici sunt statistici pentru a compara cu edițiile precedente.
  • See also
    • Vedeți și
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter : contor pentru contributiile la Wikimédia
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Acoperire Commons : 1 imagine/km2, putem reuși!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • There is a deadline : un eseu despre importanța păstrării cunoștințelor
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimare a numărului de articole necesare pentru acoperirea tuturor cunoștințelor
  • Country
    • Țară
  • Show menu
    • Arată meniul
  • Upload your photo!
    • Încarcă fotografia!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Se încarcă... mulțumim pentru răbdare

Russian (ru)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Добро пожаловать! Это карта памятников, участвующих в международном фотоконкурсе «Вики любит памятники». Найдите объекты, находящиеся неподалёку, сфотографируйте их и примите участие в конкурсе!
  • Legend
    • Легенда
  • Monument with image
    • Сфотографированный памятник
  • Monument without image
    • Несфотографированный памятник
  • Statistics
    • Статистика
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Стастистика, которую можно сравнить с прежней
  • See also
    • См. также
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: Счётчик правок в проектах Викимедиа
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Покрытие на Викискладе: 1 фотография на км2, это нетрудно!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • Крайник срок: эссе о важности сохранения знаний
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - оценка числа статей, необходимых для того, чтобы собрать все нужные знания
  • Country
    • Страна
  • Show menu
    • Показать меню
  • Upload your photo!
    • Загрузите свои фотографии!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Загрузка... пожалуйста, подождите

Swedish (sv)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Välkommen! Detta är en karta för fototävlngen Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blogg). Hitta monument nära dig, ta bilder och ladda upp dem!
  • Legend
    • Legend
  • Monument with image
    • Minnesmärke med bild
  • Monument without image
    • Minnesmärke utan bild
  • Statistics
    • Statistik
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Det finns statistik att jämföra med tidigare år.
  • See also
    • Se även
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: Redigeringräknare för Wikimediaprojekten
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Commons-täckning: 1 bild/km2, det klarar vi!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • Det finns en deadline: en essä om vikten av att bevara kunskap
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - uppskattning av antal artiklar som krävs för att täcka all kunskap
  • Country
    • Land
  • Show menu
    • Visa meny
  • Upload your photo!
    • Ladda upp ditt foto!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Laddar--- vänligen vänta

Ukrainian (uk)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Привіт! Це карта для фотоконкурсу Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog). Шукайте пам'ятки біля Вас, робіть фотографії та вантажте їх!
  • Legend
    • Легенда
  • Monument with image
    • Пам'ятка із фото
  • Monument without image
    • Пам'ятка без фото
  • Statistics
    • Статистика
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Статистика для порівняння з попередніми конкурсами
  • See also
    • Див. також
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: лічильник редагувань у проектах Вікімедіа
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Покриття Вікісховища: 1 зображення на км2, ми це зможемо!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • Дедлайн існує: допис про важливість зберігати знання
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - скільки треба статей, щоб охопити всю сукупність знань
  • Country
    • Країна
  • Show menu
    • Показати меню
  • Upload your photo!
    • Завантажити власні фото!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Завантажується... будь ласка, зачекайте

Catalan (ca)


Galego (gl)


Euskera (eu)


Nepali (ne)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • तपाईंलाई स्वागत छ! यो विकी लभ्स मोन्युमेन्ट्स २०१५ तस्विर प्रतियोगिताको नक्सा हो । तपाईं नजिकै रहेको धरोहरहरूको तस्विर खिच्नुहोस् र त्यसलाई अपलोड गर्नुहोस!
  • Legend
    • लिजेन्ड
  • Monument with image
    • तस्विर सहितको धरोहर
  • Monument without image
    • तस्विर विनाको धरोहर
  • Statistics
    • तथ्याङ्कहरू
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • पछिल्लो संस्करणहरूसँग तुलना गर्नका लागी तथ्याङ्कहरू रहेका छन् ।
  • See also
    • यो पनि हेर्नुहोस
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: विकिमीडिया परियोजना काउन्टर सम्पादनहरू
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Commons Coverage: १ तस्विर किमी, हामीहरू गर्न सक्छौ!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • त्यहाँ समयसीमा छ: संरक्षण ज्ञानको महत्त्व माथि एउटा निबन्ध
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge -लेखहरूको संख्याको आकलनमा सबै ज्ञानलाई समेट्नु जरूरी छ
  • Country
    • राष्ट्र
  • Show menu
    • मेनु देखाउने
  • Upload your photo!
    • आफ्नो तस्विर अपलोड गर्नुहोस!
  • Loading... please wait
    • लोड हुँदैछ... कृपया पर्खिनुहोस

Dutch (nl)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Welkom! Dit is de kaart voor de fotowedstrijd Wiki Loves Monument 2015 (blog). Zoek naar monumenten in jouw buurt, maak foto's en upload ze!
  • Legend
    • Legenda
  • Monument with image
    • Monument met afbeelding
  • Monument without image
    • Monument zonder afbeelding
  • Statistics
    • Statistieken
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Er zijn geen statistieken bekend van eerdere edities.
  • See also
    • Zie ook
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: Wikimedia-projecten bijdragenteller
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Commons Dekking: 1 afbeelding/km2, we kunnen het!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - schatting van het aantal artikelen benodigd om alle kennis af te dekken
  • Country
    • Land
  • Show menu
    • Laad menu
  • Upload your photo!
    • Upload jouw foto!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Laden... een moment geduld

Norwegian Bokmål (nb)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Velkommen! Dette er et kart for Wiki Loves Monuments 2015-fotokonkurransen (blogg). Søk i monumenter nær deg, ta bilder og last dem opp!
  • Legend
    • Kartbeskrivelse
  • Monument with image
    • Monument med bilde
  • Monument without image
    • Monument uten bilde
  • Statistics
    • Statistikk
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Det fins statistikk for å sammenligne med tidligere konkurranser.
  • See also
    • Se også
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: Redigeringsteller for Wikimedia-prosjekter
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Commons-dekning: Ett bilde per km², det får vi til!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • Det er en deadline: et essay om viktigheten av å bevare kunnskap
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimat av antall artikler som trengs for å dekke all kunnskap
  • Country
    • Land
  • Show menu
    • Vis meny
  • Upload your photo!
    • Last opp bildet ditt!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Laster... vennligst vent

Hebrew (he)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • ברוכים הבאים! זוהי מפה עבור תחרות הצילום ויקיפדיה אוהבת אתרי מורשת 2015. חפשו אתרי מורשת ועתיקות לידכם, צלמו והעלו את התמונות!
  • Legend
    • מקרא
  • Monument with image
    • אתרי מורשת או עתיקות עם תמונה
  • Monument without image
    • אתרי מורשת או עתיקות ללא תמונה
  • Statistics
    • נתונים סטטיסטיים
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • קיימים נתונים סטטיסטיים להשוואה לגרסאות קודמות.
  • See also
    • ראה גם
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: מונה עריכות למיזמי ויקימדיה
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • כיסוי ויקישיתוף: תמונה אחת לקמ"ר, אנחנו מסוגלים לעשות את זה!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • יש דדליין: מאמר על חשיבות שימור הידע
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - הערכה של כמות הערכים הדרושים כדי לכסות את כל הידע האנושי
  • Country
    • מדינה
  • Show menu
    • הצג תפריט
  • Upload your photo!
    • העלה תמונה!
  • Loading... please wait
    • טוען... נא המתן

Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Bem-vindo(a)! Este é um mapa para o concurso fotográfico Wiki Loves Monuments 2015. Pesquise por monumentos próximos a você, tire fotos e envie-as!
  • Legend
    • Legenda
  • Monument with image
    • Monumento com imagem
  • Monument without image
    • Monumento sem imagem
  • Statistics
    • Estatísticas
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Há estatísticas para comparar com edições anteriores.
  • See also
    • Veja também
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: Contador de edições nos projetos da Wikimedia
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Cobertura no Commons: 1 imagem/km², nós podemos!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • There is a deadline: um ensaio sobre a importância da preservação do conhecimento
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge: estimando o número de artigos necessários para fazer cobertura de todo o conhecimento
  • Country
    • País
  • Municipality
    • Município
  • Address
    • Endereço
  • Lat/Lon
    • Lat/Lon
  • Gallery
    • Galeria
  • n/a
  • Show menu
    • Mostrar menu
  • Upload your photo!
    • Envie sua foto!
  • Loading... please wait
    • Carregando… aguarde
  • September 2015
    • Setembro de 2015
  • Share this map!
    • Compartilhe este mapa!

Georgian (ka)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • მოგესალმებით! ეს არის „ვიკის უყვარს ძეგლები 2016-ის“ (ბლოგი) ძეგლების ამსახველი რუკა. მოძებნეთ ძეგლები თვქენთან ახლოს, გადაუღეთ ფოტოები და გახდით უდიდესი ფოტოკონკურსის მონაწილე!
  • Legend
    • ლეგენდა
  • Monument with image
    • ძეგლი, რომლის ფოტო უკვე აიტვირთა
  • Monument without image
  • ძეგლი ფოტოს გარეშე
  • Statistics
    • სტატისტიკა
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • აქ შეგიძლიათ იხილოთ სტატისტიკა, შედარებული გასული წლების სტატისტიკებთან.
  • See also
    • იხილეთ აგრეთვე
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: ვიკიმედიის პროექტების რედაქტირებათა მთვლელი
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • ვიკისაწყობის დაფარვა: 1 სურათი/კმ², ჩვენ შეგვიძლია ამის გაკეთება!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • ბოლო ვადა: ესე ცოდნის შენარჩუნების მნიშვნელობის შესახებ
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - იმ სტატიების აღრიცხვა, რომელიც ცოდნის მისაღებედაა საჭირო.
  • Country
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  • September 2015
    • 2015 წლის სექტემბერი
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Danish (da)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • Velkommen! Dette er et kort over Wiki Loves Monuments fotokonkurrencen (blog). Søg efter monumenter i nærheden af dig, tag billeder og del dem!
  • Legend
    • Kortbeskrivelse
  • Monument with image
    • Monument med billede
  • Monument without image
    • Monument uden billede
  • Statistics
    • Statistik
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • Det findes statistik for at kunne sammenligne tidligere konkurrencer.
  • See also
    • Se også
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter: Redigeringstæller for Wikimedia-projekter
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Commons-dækning: Et billede pr km², vi kan gøre det!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • Der er en deadline: et essay om vigtigheden af at bevare vores viden
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimat af antallet af artikler der er nødvendige for at dække al viden
  • Country
    • Land
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Traditional Chinese in Taiwan (zh-tw)

  • Welcome! This is a map for the Wiki Loves Monuments 2015 (blog) photographic contest. Search monuments near to you, take photos and upload them!
    • 歡迎!這張地圖是用於維基愛古蹟攝影賽事2015年(部落格)。搜尋在您身旁的古蹟、拍攝後上傳它們照片吧!
  • Legend
    • 圖示
  • Monument with image
    • 有照片的古蹟
  • Monument without image
    • 尚無照片的古蹟
  • Statistics
    • 統計
  • There are statistics to compare with previous editions.
    • 與上次編輯版本比較的統計。
  • See also
    • 參見
  • wmcounter: Wikimedia projects edits counter
    • wmcounter:維基媒體計畫的編輯計數器
  • Commons Coverage: 1 image/km2, we can do it!
    • Commons Coverage:每平方公里一張照片,朝這個目標邁進吧!
  • There is a deadline: an essay on the importance of preserving knowledge
    • 維基的工作是有截止期限的:一份探討保存知識的重要性之論述(英文)
  • User:Emijrp/All human knowledge - estimating the number of articles needed to cover all knowledge
    • 使用者:Emijrp的論述/所有人類知識的總和——評估要涵蓋所有知識的條目總數量
  • Country
    • 國家
  • Municipality
    • 鄉鎮縣市
  • Address
    • 地址
  • Lat/Lon
    • 經緯度
  • n/a
  • Show menu
    • 顯示選單
  • Upload your photo!
    • 上傳你的照票!
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