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The Band

The band "Segavo" was created in 2008. The band members consist of Ines Segarra, the Guitarist, Alan, and Cecelia Cannavo, the bassist/lead vocals. They incorporate jazz into most of their songs to create a unique blend of originality. They are versatile and will create any genre of music so no audience is left behind, but are mostly into a younger crowd who appreciate lively, and more distorted songs as far as performance goes. However, they like to perform jazz, or any softer type of music, and do not mind playing mellow tones.

Ines is the guitarist of the band, Segavo. Playing lead since a young girl, she has

learned to use different chords and notes to build the harmony and melody of each of our songs. She does not fit into the category of the stereotypical female guitarist. She likes to

express her strength with distortion, but is not afraid to play a calmer set. She draws this 

strength from her copious amount of passion for music. Inspired by both jazz and punk, Ines seems to write and play wonders with whichever guitar she picks up.

Alan is the very rhythmical drummer who likes to be creative with his skills as well as 

maintain a beat. He is incomparable to other drummers because he is so versatile with his drumming, that he has earned many compliments in his performance in the band Segavo as an extremely innovative percussionist. Using an ambidextrous drum setting, his talent, ingenuity, and knowledge of percussion help him to perform Segavo's greatest and most memorable beats.

Cecelia is the bassist and lead vocalist of Segavo. She has performed as a vocalist 

for all of her life, from the shower to the stage. She is able to use her voice for powerful songs as well as softer songs, and is willing to sing and play any style. She enjoys playing any instrument. So far, she plays piano, bass guitar, mallet percussion, guitar, and dead. She hopes to learn how to play more instruments to increase her knowledge in the field of music, and perform in more genres and styles.

In all, Segavo is a versatile band that is willing to play anything anywhere, and at any time. They enjoy performing to the people who love to hear music and hope to spread music into the lives of every person.