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Pelmetazoa is no longer a classification of Echinodermata.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Pelmatozoa|author=Fell, Howard B. |publisher=AccessScience, McGraw Hill Education|quote=Formerly treated as a formal unit of classification with the rank of subphylum, pelmatozoans are now realized to be a heterogeneous assemblage of forms with similar habits but dissimilar ancestry...|accessdate=27 September 2014}}</ref>
Pelmetazoa is no longer a classification of Echinodermata.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Pelmatozoa|author=Fell, Howard B. |publisher=AccessScience, McGraw Hill Education|quote=Formerly treated as a formal unit of classification with the rank of subphylum, pelmatozoans are now realized to be a heterogeneous assemblage of forms with similar habits but dissimilar ancestry...|accessdate=27 September 2014}}</ref>

{{Use dmy dates|date=October 2017}}
{{Paraphyletic group
| name = Fish
| fossil_range = {{fossilrange|535|0}} [[Middle Cambrian]] – [[Recent]]
| image =
| image_caption =
| auto = yes
| parent = Echinodermata
| includes = :[[Crinoidea]]

Pelmatozoa ''s.l.'' (''[[sensu lato]]'') or Crinozoa ''s.l.'', were in some systems a large taxon, sometimes considered a subphylum of [[echinoderms]].

The majority of Pelmatozoa ''s.l.'' consisted of the [[extinct]] taxon '''[[Blastozoa]]'''.

Pelmatozoa ''s.s.'' (''[[sensu stricto]]'') sometimes only include [[Crinoidea]].

== Characteristcs ==
The body of these ancient Echinodermates is anchored to the bottom through a stem analogous to the [[epistome]] of [[Phoronidea]]. They're sessile, only rarely capable of movement. Fossils date back at least to Cambrium so they've been on Earth for over 500 million years.
In the past they were a numerous group of marine fauna and many groups belong to lead fossils, however today only one smaller class remains extant.

== System (Phylogeny) ==
Pelmatozoa ''s.l.'' = Crinozoa ''s.l.'':
*incertae sedis:
**class †[[Parablastoidea]] - single order †[[Parablastida]] - sole family †[[Astroblastocystidae]]<ref>Sałamatin, Rusłan & Kaczmarek, Adam. (2022). Astroblastocystis nom. nov. - a new replacement name for Blastocystis Jaekel, 1918 (Echinodermata, Parablastoidea). Annals of Parasitology. 68. 195-196. 10.17420/ap6801.425.</ref> (older name: [[Blastocystidae]])
**[order] †[[Echmatocrinida]] - single genus †''[[Echmatocrinus]]'' - sometimes classified as a basal pelmatozoan within or next to Crinoidea, or into [[holotúrie|holotúrií]] or outside the Echinoderms into the Octocoralia<ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = Mark A.S. McMenamin | odkaz na autora = | titul = Dynamic Paleontology (Using Quantification and Other Tools to Decipher the History of Life) | vydanie = | vydavateľ = Springer | miesto = | rok = 2016 | počet strán = 251 | url = | isbn = 978-3-319-22777-1 | kapitola = | strany = 10| jazyk = }}</ref>
*subphylum †Blastozoa
**class †[[Lepidocystoidea]]/order †[[Imbricata]] - traditionally within the Eocrinoidea
**class †[[Eocrinoidea]]
***order †[[Gogiida]]
***order †[[Trachelocrinida]]
***order †[[Simonkovicrinida]] - single genus †''[[Simonkovicrinus]]''
***order †[[Ascocystitida]]
**class †[[Paracrinoidea]] - traditionally within the Crinozoa (or less commonly within the Blastozoa as a sister group to Blastoidea); modernly perhaps related to Glyptosphaeritida
***family †[[Springerocystidae]]
***family †[[Heckeritidae]]
***order †[[Comarocystitida]]
***order †[[Platycystitida]]
** †[[Cystoidea]]<ref>. In: ŠALING, S. Veľký slovník cudzích slov. 2000. S. 226</ref> (Cystoidea/Hydrophoridea) - today considered a [[paraphyletic]] taxon; rarely also Cystoidea ''s.l.'' also consists of Eocrinoidea (including Lepidocystoidea) and in the widest sense the entirety of Blastozoa
***family [order] †[[Diploporita]]/[[Diploporida]]
****order †[[Asteroblastida]] - presently belongs more likely next to Crinoidea
****order †[[Glyptosphaeritida]]/[[Protocrinitida]]
****order †[[Sphaeronitida]] ''s.l.''
***** †[[Sphaeronitida]] ''s.s.''
***** †[[Aristocystitida]]
***family †[[Cambrocrinidae]] ''s.l.'' - alternatively considered within the Glyptocystitida
****family †[[Cambrocrinidae]] ''s.s.'' - formerly within the Ascocystitida
****family †[[Ridersiidae]]
****genus †''[[Sanducystis]]''
***family [order] †[[Rhombifera]]/[[Dichoporita]] ''s.l.''
**** †[[Dichoporita]] ''s.s.''
*****order †[[Glyptocystitida]]/[[Glyptocystitoida]] - vrátane taxónu †[[Pleurocystitida]] (ktorý zahŕňa aj bývalý rad †[[Hillocystida]]) a čeľade †[[Macrocystellidae]] (staršie zaraďovanej do Ascocystitida alebo ako sesterský taxón radu Glyptocystitida)
*****order †[[Hemicosmitida]]
****†[[Fistuliporita]] (alebo [[Fistuliporida]]) v širšom zmysle
*****order †[[Polycosmitida]]
*****order †[[Caryocystitida]]/[[Fistuliporita]] (alebo [[Fistuliporida]]) v užšom zmysle
**[class] †[[morské pupence]] (Blastoidea) ''s.l.'' - evolutionarily belongs into Cystoidea
***class †[[Coronoidea]]/rad †[[Coronata]] - this taxon formerly had an inconclusive position
***family †[[Lysocystitidae]] - formerly put within Eocrinoidea
***class †[[Blastoidea]] ''s.s.''
****genus †''[[Macurdablastus]]''
****superorder †[[Spiraculata]]
*****order †[[Pentremitida]]
*****order †[[Troosticrinida]]
*****order †[[Granatocrinida]] - alternatively placed as a part of the order Troosticrinida
*****order †[[Nucleocrinida]]
****order †[[Fissiculata]]

*subphylum [[Crinozoa]] or ''s.s.'' Pelmatozoa ''s.s.'' today consists of only one class, but traditionally consisted of also another taxon - Paracrinoidea
**class [[Crinoidea]] - for classification, see the article [[Crinoidea]]

Formerly even [[Carpoidea/Homalozoa]] belonged to Pelmatozoa.

<small>Sources for this chapter: </small><ref>Topper, Timothy P.; Guo, Junfeng; Clausen, Sébastien; Skovsted, Christian B.; Zhang, Zhifei (2019-03-25). "A stem group echinoderm from the basal Cambrian of China and the origins of Ambulacraria". Nature Communications. 10 (1): 1366.</ref><ref>Zamora, S., Wright, D.F., Mooi, R. et al. Re-evaluating the phylogenetic position of the enigmatic early Cambrian deuterostome Yanjiahella. Nat Commun 11, 1286 (2020).</ref><ref>ZAMORA, S., SUMRALL, C. D., ZHU, X.-J., & LEFEBVRE, B. (2016). A new stemmed echinoderm from the Furongian of China and the origin of Glyptocystitida (Blastozoa, Echinodermata). Geological Magazine, 154(03), 465–475. doi:10.1017/s001675681600011x </ref><ref>Echinodermata []</ref><ref>Paul, C.R.C. 2021. New insights into the origin and relationships of blastoid echinoderms. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66 (1): 41–62. [] </ref><ref> Jennifer E. Bauer, Sarah L. Sheffield, Johnny A. Waters, and Colin D. Sumrall. Echinoderm model systems, homology, and phylogenetic inference: Comment and reply to Paul (2021). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 67 (2), 2022: 465-468 [] </ref><ref>Guensburg, T., Sprinkle, J., Mooi, R., Lefebvre, B., David, B., Roux, M., & Derstler, K. (2020). Athenacrinus n. gen. and other early echinoderm taxa inform crinoid origin and arm evolution. Journal of Paleontology, 94(2), 311-333. doi:10.1017/jpa.2019.87 (najmä Fig. 13)</ref><ref>Dzik, J. & Orlowski, S. 1993. The Late Cambrian eocrinoid Cambrocrinus. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 38, 1 /2, 2 1-34 []</ref><ref> Aaron W. Hunter, Javier Ortega-Hernández. A primitive starfish ancestor from the Early Ordovician of Morocco reveals the origin of crown group Echinodermata bioRxiv 216101 []</ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = Paturi | meno = Felix R. | autor = | odkaz na autora = | priezvisko2 = Strauch | meno2 = Friedrich | autor2 = | odkaz na autora2 = | priezvisko3 = Herholz | meno3 = Michael | autor3 = | odkaz na autora3 = | titul = Kronika Zeme | vydanie = 2 | vydavateľ = Fortuna Print | miesto = Bratislava | rok = c1996 | počet strán = 576 | url = | isbn = 80-7153-114-6 | kapitola = | strany = 77, 531| jazyk = }}</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = GEOL 331/BSCI 333 Principles of Paleontology - Fall Semester 2022-Deuterostomia II: Crown group echinoderms| url = | vydavateľ = | dátum vydania = | dátum aktualizácie = | dátum prístupu = 2023-02-13 | miesto = | jazyk = }}</ref><ref>Brands, S.J. (ed.), 2022. Pelmatozoa. In Systema Naturae 2000. The Taxonomicon, 4 Aug 2022. Universal Taxonomic Services, Zwaag, The Netherlands. []. Access date: 14 Feb. 2023</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Les Crinoïdes | url = | vydavateľ = | dátum vydania = | dátum aktualizácie = | dátum prístupu = 2023-02-14 | miesto = | jazyk = }}</ref><ref name=F/><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = | url = | vydavateľ = | dátum vydania = | dátum aktualizácie = | dátum prístupu = 2023-02-14 | miesto = | jazyk = }}</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = The Paleobiology Database | url = | vydavateľ = | dátum vydania = | dátum aktualizácie = | dátum prístupu = 2023-02-14 | miesto = | jazyk = }}</ref><ref>SEPKOSKI, J. J. A Compendium of Fossil Marine Animal Families. 2nd edition. 1992. S. 84 a nasl. []</ref><ref>SEPKOSKI, J. J. Jr.. A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 363:1-560. 2002 [] 269 a nasl.</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = M.Alan Kazlev | odkaz na autora = | titul = Echinodermata | url = | vydavateľ = | dátum vydania = | dátum aktualizácie = | dátum prístupu = 2023-02-14 | miesto = | jazyk = }}</ref><ref>Sheffield, S. L., & Sumrall, C. D. (2019). The phylogeny of the Diploporita: a polyphyletic assemblage of blastozoan echinoderms. Journal of Paleontology, 1–13. doi:10.1017/jpa.2019.2 </ref><ref>SHEFFIELD, S. L. The Homology and Phylogeny of the Diploporita (Blastozoa: Echinodermata). PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2017. [] (najmä S. 90 a 150) </ref><ref>TIRJAKOVÁ, E. et al. Systém eukaryotických jednobunkovcov a živočíchov. Prírodovedecká fakulta UK Bratislava. 2015</ref><ref>{{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Variety of Life | url = | vydavateľ = | dátum vydania = | dátum aktualizácie = | dátum prístupu = 2023-02-12 | miesto = | jazyk = }} (vrátane podstránok)</ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = Benton | meno = Michael J. | autor = | odkaz na autora = | priezvisko2 = Harper | meno2 = David A. T. | autor2 = | odkaz na autora2 = | titul = Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record | vydanie = | vydavateľ = John Wiley & Sons | miesto = | rok = 2020 | počet strán = 656 | url =| isbn = 978-1-119-27285-4 | kapitola = | strany = 447 a nasl.| jazyk = }}</ref><ref>Nardin, E., Lefebvre, B., Fatka, O., Nohejlová, M., Kašička, L., Šinágl, M., & Szabad, M. (2017). Evolutionary implications of a new transitional blastozoan echinoderm from the middle Cambrian of the Czech Republic. Journal of Paleontology, 91(4), 672-684. [] </ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = Florkin | meno = Marcel | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Chemical Zoology V3 (Echinnodermata, Nematoda, And Acanthocephala) | vydanie = | vydavateľ = Elsevier | miesto = | rok = 1969 (2012) | počet strán = 710 | url =| isbn = 978-0-323-14311-0 | kapitola = | strany =28-29 | jazyk = }}</ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = Samuel | meno = Ondrej | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Geologický slovník - zoopaleontológia | vydanie = | vydavateľ = Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra | miesto = Bratislava | rok = 2000 | počet strán = 527 | url = | isbn = 80-88974-24-0 | kapitola = | strany = 13-14| jazyk = }}</ref><ref>Mooi, Rich. (2001). Not all written in stone: Interdisciplinary syntheses in echinoderm paleontology. Canadian Journal of Zoology-revue Canadienne De Zoologie - CAN J ZOOL. 79. 1209-1231. 10.1139/cjz-79-7-1209. []</ref><ref>Breimer, A., and Ubaghs, G., 1974, A critical comment on the classification of the pelmatozoan echinoderms I. and II: Koninklijke Nederlandes Akademie van Wetenschappen, Proceedings, Ser. B, v. 77, no. 5, str. 398-417. [] []</ref><ref>SOUZA-LIMA, W. et al. Capítulo23 Eqinodermas. In: Cavalho, Ismar de Souza. Paleontologia. 2010 []</ref><ref>REGNÉLL, G. Non-Crinoid Pelmatozoa from the Paleozoic of Sweden. 1945 S. 14 []</ref><ref>GEKKER, R. F., ORLOV, J. A. Osnovy paleontologii....Tom 10. Moskva: Izdateľstvo Akademii nauk SSSR. 1964. S. 23 a nasl.</ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = Mayr | meno = Ernst | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Principles of Systematic Zoology | vydanie = | vydavateľ = Scientific Publishers | miesto = | rok = 2015 | počet strán = 428 | url =| isbn = 978-93-88148-59-7 | kapitola = | strany = 246| jazyk = }}</ref><ref>PASKEROVA, G. G. Echinodermata (kurz) [] (prístup 14. 2. 2023)</ref><ref>Echinoderm - Classification. In: {{Citácia elektronického dokumentu | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Encyclopædia Britannica | url = | vydavateľ = Encyclopædia Britannica | dátum vydania = 1998-07-20 | dátum aktualizácie = | dátum prístupu = 2023-02-14 | miesto = | jazyk = }}</ref><ref>BLACKWELDER, R. E. Classification of the Animal kingdom. 1963 S. 60-62 []</ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Bulletins of American Paleontology | vydanie = | vydavateľ = Paleontological Research Institution | miesto = | rok = 2011 | počet strán = 156 | url =| isbn = 978-0-87710-493-3 | kapitola = | strany = 7, 30| jazyk = }}</ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = Prothero | meno = Donald R. | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Bringing Fossils to Life (An Introduction to Paleobiology) | vydanie = | vydavateľ = Columbia University Press | miesto = | rok = 2013 | počet strán = 672 | url = | isbn = 978-0-231-15892-3 | kapitola = | strany = 437-438| jazyk = }}</ref><ref> LEFEBRE, B. et al. Ordovician echinoderms from the Tabas and Damghan regions, Iran: palaeobiogeographical implications. In: Bull. Soc. géol. Fr., 2005, t. 176, n o 3, pp. 231-242. S. 236</ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = Lehmann | meno = Ulrich | autor = | odkaz na autora = | titul = Paläontologisches Wörterbuch | vydanie = | vydavateľ = Springer-Verlag | miesto = | rok = 2014 | počet strán = 278 | url = | isbn = 978-3-662-45606-4 | kapitola = | strany = 271| jazyk = }}</ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = K.S.W Campbell | odkaz na autora = | priezvisko2 = | meno2 = | autor2 = M.F. Day | odkaz na autora2 = | titul = Rates of Evolution | vydanie = | vydavateľ = Routledge | miesto = | rok = 2020 (1987) | počet strán = 334 | url =| isbn = 978-1-00-005387-6 | kapitola = | strany =75-77 | jazyk = }}</ref><ref>T.W. Broadhead, J.A. Waters ( eds ) , Echinoderms , notes for a short course. University of Tenn- essee Studies in Geology 3. 1980. S. 126 []</ref><ref>Guensburg, T., Sprinkle, J., Mooi, R., & Lefebvre, B. (2021). Evolutionary significance of the blastozoan Eumorphocystis and its pseudo-arms. Journal of Paleontology, 95(2), 327-343. doi:10.1017/jpa.2020.84</ref><ref>Kammer TW, Sumrall CD, Zamora S, Ausich WI, Deline B. Oral region homologies in paleozoic crinoids and other plesiomorphic pentaradial echinoderms. PLoS One. 2013 Nov 11;8(11):e77989. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0077989. PMID: 24244284; PMCID: PMC3823914.</ref><ref>Makhlouf, Yamouna & B., Lefebvre & Nardin, Elise & Nedjari, A. & Régnault, Serge & Ferhi, Mohamed. (2014). Stratigraphic and Palaeogeographical Distribution of the Ordovician Eocrinoid Ascocystites Barrande 1887 (Echinodermata, Blastozoa). 10.1007/978-3-319-04364-7_199.</ref><ref>{{Citácia knihy | priezvisko = | meno = | autor = A.W. Hunter | odkaz na autora = | priezvisko2 = | meno2 = | autor2 = J.J. Álvaro | odkaz na autora2 = | priezvisko3 = Lefebvre | meno3 = B. | autor3 = | odkaz na autora3 = | priezvisko4 = Roy | meno4 = P. Van | autor4 = | odkaz na autora4 = | priezvisko5 = Zamora | meno5 = S. | autor5 = | odkaz na autora5 = | titul = The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event: Insights from the Tafilalt Biota, Morocco | vydanie = | vydavateľ = Geological Society of London | miesto = | rok = 2022 | počet strán = 615 | url = | isbn = 978-1-78620-407-3 | kapitola = | strany = 387| jazyk = }}</ref>

[[Kategória:Stopkavce| ]]

Revision as of 14:24, 3 February 2024

Pelmatozoa was once a clade of Phylum Echinodermata. It included stalked and sedentary echinoderms. The main class of Pelmatozoa were the Crinoidea which includes sea lily and feather star.

Pelmetazoa is no longer a classification of Echinodermata.[1]

Temporal range: 535–0 Ma Middle CambrianRecent
Scientific classificationEdit this classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Clade: Ambulacraria
Phylum: Echinodermata
Groups included

Pelmatozoa s.l. (sensu lato) or Crinozoa s.l., were in some systems a large taxon, sometimes considered a subphylum of echinoderms.

The majority of Pelmatozoa s.l. consisted of the extinct taxon Blastozoa.

Pelmatozoa s.s. (sensu stricto) sometimes only include Crinoidea.


The body of these ancient Echinodermates is anchored to the bottom through a stem analogous to the epistome of Phoronidea. They're sessile, only rarely capable of movement. Fossils date back at least to Cambrium so they've been on Earth for over 500 million years. In the past they were a numerous group of marine fauna and many groups belong to lead fossils, however today only one smaller class remains extant.

System (Phylogeny)

Pelmatozoa s.l. = Crinozoa s.l.:

  • subphylum Crinozoa or s.s. Pelmatozoa s.s. today consists of only one class, but traditionally consisted of also another taxon - Paracrinoidea

Formerly even Carpoidea/Homalozoa belonged to Pelmatozoa.

Sources for this chapter: [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50]


  1. ^ Fell, Howard B. "Pelmatozoa". AccessScience, McGraw Hill Education. Retrieved 27 September 2014. Formerly treated as a formal unit of classification with the rank of subphylum, pelmatozoans are now realized to be a heterogeneous assemblage of forms with similar habits but dissimilar ancestry...
  2. ^ Sałamatin, Rusłan & Kaczmarek, Adam. (2022). Astroblastocystis nom. nov. - a new replacement name for Blastocystis Jaekel, 1918 (Echinodermata, Parablastoidea). Annals of Parasitology. 68. 195-196. 10.17420/ap6801.425.
  3. ^ Template:Citácia knihy
  4. ^ . In: ŠALING, S. Veľký slovník cudzích slov. 2000. S. 226
  5. ^ Topper, Timothy P.; Guo, Junfeng; Clausen, Sébastien; Skovsted, Christian B.; Zhang, Zhifei (2019-03-25). "A stem group echinoderm from the basal Cambrian of China and the origins of Ambulacraria". Nature Communications. 10 (1): 1366.
  6. ^ Zamora, S., Wright, D.F., Mooi, R. et al. Re-evaluating the phylogenetic position of the enigmatic early Cambrian deuterostome Yanjiahella. Nat Commun 11, 1286 (2020).
  7. ^ ZAMORA, S., SUMRALL, C. D., ZHU, X.-J., & LEFEBVRE, B. (2016). A new stemmed echinoderm from the Furongian of China and the origin of Glyptocystitida (Blastozoa, Echinodermata). Geological Magazine, 154(03), 465–475. doi:10.1017/s001675681600011x
  8. ^ Echinodermata [1]
  9. ^ Paul, C.R.C. 2021. New insights into the origin and relationships of blastoid echinoderms. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 66 (1): 41–62. [2]
  10. ^ Jennifer E. Bauer, Sarah L. Sheffield, Johnny A. Waters, and Colin D. Sumrall. Echinoderm model systems, homology, and phylogenetic inference: Comment and reply to Paul (2021). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 67 (2), 2022: 465-468 [3]
  11. ^ Guensburg, T., Sprinkle, J., Mooi, R., Lefebvre, B., David, B., Roux, M., & Derstler, K. (2020). Athenacrinus n. gen. and other early echinoderm taxa inform crinoid origin and arm evolution. Journal of Paleontology, 94(2), 311-333. doi:10.1017/jpa.2019.87 (najmä Fig. 13)
  12. ^ Dzik, J. & Orlowski, S. 1993. The Late Cambrian eocrinoid Cambrocrinus. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 38, 1 /2, 2 1-34 [4]
  13. ^ Aaron W. Hunter, Javier Ortega-Hernández. A primitive starfish ancestor from the Early Ordovician of Morocco reveals the origin of crown group Echinodermata bioRxiv 216101 [5]
  14. ^ Template:Citácia knihy
  15. ^ Template:Citácia elektronického dokumentu
  16. ^ Brands, S.J. (ed.), 2022. Pelmatozoa. In Systema Naturae 2000. The Taxonomicon, 4 Aug 2022. Universal Taxonomic Services, Zwaag, The Netherlands. [6]. Access date: 14 Feb. 2023
  17. ^ Template:Citácia elektronického dokumentu
  18. ^ Cite error: The named reference F was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  19. ^ Template:Citácia elektronického dokumentu
  20. ^ Template:Citácia elektronického dokumentu
  21. ^ SEPKOSKI, J. J. A Compendium of Fossil Marine Animal Families. 2nd edition. 1992. S. 84 a nasl. [7]
  22. ^ SEPKOSKI, J. J. Jr.. A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 363:1-560. 2002 [8] 269 a nasl.
  23. ^ Template:Citácia elektronického dokumentu
  24. ^ Sheffield, S. L., & Sumrall, C. D. (2019). The phylogeny of the Diploporita: a polyphyletic assemblage of blastozoan echinoderms. Journal of Paleontology, 1–13. doi:10.1017/jpa.2019.2
  25. ^ SHEFFIELD, S. L. The Homology and Phylogeny of the Diploporita (Blastozoa: Echinodermata). PhD diss., University of Tennessee, 2017. [9] (najmä S. 90 a 150)
  26. ^ TIRJAKOVÁ, E. et al. Systém eukaryotických jednobunkovcov a živočíchov. Prírodovedecká fakulta UK Bratislava. 2015
  27. ^ Template:Citácia elektronického dokumentu (vrátane podstránok)
  28. ^ Template:Citácia knihy
  29. ^ Nardin, E., Lefebvre, B., Fatka, O., Nohejlová, M., Kašička, L., Šinágl, M., & Szabad, M. (2017). Evolutionary implications of a new transitional blastozoan echinoderm from the middle Cambrian of the Czech Republic. Journal of Paleontology, 91(4), 672-684. [10]
  30. ^ Template:Citácia knihy
  31. ^ Template:Citácia knihy
  32. ^ Mooi, Rich. (2001). Not all written in stone: Interdisciplinary syntheses in echinoderm paleontology. Canadian Journal of Zoology-revue Canadienne De Zoologie - CAN J ZOOL. 79. 1209-1231. 10.1139/cjz-79-7-1209. [11]
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