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List of Astragalus species

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This is a list of Astragalus species, including infraspecific taxa. They are listed according to subgenera (for Old World species) or informal groups called phalanxes (for North American species). Subgenera and phalanxes are further subdivided into sections.[1][2][3][4][5][6] Phylogenetic analyses have determined that many of these subgenera, phalanxes, and sections are not monophyletic.[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]

Old World Astragalus

Subgenus Calycocystis Bge.

Section Asciocalyx

Section Chaetodon Bge.

Section Cysticalyx Bge.

Section Cystodes Bge.

Section Eustales Bge.

Section Hysophilus Bge.

Section Laguropsis Bge.

Section Macrocystodes M. Pop.

Section Macrocystis M. Pop.

Subgenus Calycophysa Bge.

Section Acidodes

Section Alopecias (Stev.) Bge.

Section Alopeciodes Gontsch.

Section Alopecuroidei

Section Anthylloidei

Section Campylanthus

Section Eremophysa Bge.

Section Eremophysopsis Gontsch.

Section Grammocalyx Bge.

Section Halicaeabus Bge.

Section Hymenostegis Bge.

Section Laxiflori

Section Megalocystis Bge.

Section Microphysa Bge.

Section Poterion

Section Tricholobus Bge.

Subgenus Caprinus Bge.

Section Acanathophace Bge.

Section Aegacantha Bge.

Section Albertoregelia M. Pop.

Section Astenolobium (Nevski) Gontsch.

Section Bungeastrum Gontsch.

Section Campanella Gontsch.

Section Cartilaginella Gontsch.

Section Christianopsis Gontsch.

Section Chronopus Bge.

Section Erionotus Bge.

Section Lithoon (Nevski) Gontsch.

Section Macrocarpon Gontsch.

Section Macrosemium Bge.

Section Mesocarpon Gontsch.

Section Myobroma (Stev.) Bge.

Section Pendulina Gontsch.

Section Phacodes Bge.

Subgenus Cercidothrix Bge.

Section Acantherioceras Bge.

Section Acmothrix Bge.

Section Ammodytes (Stev.) Bge.

Section Ammodendron Bge.

Section Ammotrophus Bge.

Section Bulimiodes Bge.

Section Caraganella

Section Chlorosphaerus Bge.

Section Chomutoviana B. Fedtsch.

Section Corethrum Bge.

Section Craccina (Stev.) Bge.

Section Cremoceras

Section Cystium Bge.

Section Cytisodes Bge.

Section Erioceras Bge.

Section Euodmus Bge.

Section Helmia Bge.

Section Hololeuce Bge.

Section Incani

Section Irinaea Boiss.

Section Leucocercis

Section Leucophysa Bge.

Section Melanocercis Bge.

Section Myobromopsis Boriss.

Section Onobrychoidei

Section Onobrychium Bge.

Section Ornithopodium Bge.

Section Paracystium Gontsch.

Section Pedina (Stev.) Bge.

Section Picrophace Bge.

Section Popovianthe Gontsch.

Section Proselius (Stev.) Bge.

Section Pseudoammotrophus Gontsch.

Section Tamias Bge.

Section Tanytrix Bge.

Section Trachyceris Bge.

Section Tropidolobus Gontsch.

Section Xiphidium Bge.

Subgenus Epiglottis Boiss.

Section Buceras DC.

Section Edodimus

Section Epiglottis Bge.

Section Herpocaulos Bge.

Subgenus Hypoglottis Bge.

Section Eu-Hypoglottis Bge.

Section Malacothrix Bge.

Section Plagiophaca

Section Poliothrix Bge.

Section Stereothrix Bge.

Subgenus Phaca (L.) Bge.

Section Acanthophace Bge.

Section Astragalus L.

Section Brachycarpus Boriss.

Section Caprini

Section Cenantrum Koch

Section Coluteocarpus Boiss.

Section Diplotheca Hochst.

Section Erophaca (Boiss.) Boiss.

Section Galegiformis Gontsch.

Section Glycyphyllos (Stev.) Bge.

Section Hemiphaca Bge.

Section Hemiphragmium Koch

  • Astragalus australis (L.) Lam.
    • var. arboriginum (Richardson) Welsh
    • var. australis (L.) Lam.
    • var. glaberrimus Lam.
    • ssp. major
    • ssp. olympicus

Section Komaroviella Gontsch.

Section Lamprocarpa

Section Lithophilus Bge.

Section Macropodium O. et B. Fedtsch.

Section Melilotopsis Gontsch.

Section Nueuliella Gontsch.

Section Orobella Gontsch.

Section Pelta

Section Pendulina

Section Polycladi

Section Rhodophaca Boiss.

Section Scheremeteviana O. et B. Fedtsch.

Section Sesbanella Bge.

Section Stipitella G. Grig.

Section Tapinodes Bge.

Section Theiochrus Bge.

Section Vesicularia Gontsch.

Subgenus Pogonophace Bge.

Section Chlorostachys Bge.

Section Lotidium Bge.

Section Phyllolobium (Fisch.) Bge.

Subgenus Tragacantha Bge.

Section Brachycalyx Bge.

Section Hystrix

Section Macrophyllium Boiss.

Section Oliganthos Boriss.

Section Platonychium Bge.

Section Polyanthos Boriss.

Section Polystegis

Section Pterophorus Bge.

Section Rhacophorus Bge.

Section Stenonychium Bge.

Section Tragacantha Bge.

Subgenus Trimeniaeus Bge.

Section Ankylotus (Stev.) Bge.

Section Annulares

Section Aulacolobus Bge.

Section Biserrula

Section Campylotrichon Gontsch.

Section Cyamodes Bge.

Section Cycloglottis Bge.

Section Dipelta (Rgl. et Schmalh.) Bge.

Section Drepanodes Bge.

Section Eodimus

Section Haematodes Bge.

Section Harpilobus Bge.

Section Heterodontus Bge.

Section Hispiduli

Section Mirae

Section Ophiocarpus Bge.

Section Oxyglottis Bge.

Section Pentaglottis Bge.

Section Platyglottis Bge.

Section Poterion Bge.

Astragalus armatus ssp armatus Astragalus armatus ssp numidicus

Section Sesamei DC.

Section Sewerzowia Bge.

Section Thlaspidium Lipsky

Incertae sedis

North American Astragalus

Ceridothrix Phalanx Barneby

Section Onobrychoidei DC.

  • Astragalus adsurgens Pallas
    • ssp. adsurgens Pallas
    • ssp. robustior Hook.
    • ssp. tananaicus (Hult.) Barneby

Section Uliginosi Gray

Homaloboid Phalanx Barneby

Section Albuli Barneby

Section Ampularii Barneby

Section Atrati Jones

  • Astragalus atratus Wats.—Owyhee mourning milkvetch
    • ssp. atratus Wats.
    • ssp. inseptus Barneby ap. Hitchc. et al.
    • ssp. mensanus Jones
    • ssp. owyheensis (Nels. & Macbr.) Jones
  • Astragalus salmonis Jones

Section Bicristati Barneby

Section Bisulcati Gray

  • Astragalus bisulcatus (Hook.) Gray
    • ssp. bisulcatus (Hook.) Gray
    • ssp. haydenianus (Gray ex Brandegee) Barneby
    • ssp. major Welsh
    • ssp. nevadensis (Jones) Barneby
  • Astragalus racemosus Pursh
    • ssp. longisetus Jones
    • ssp. racemosus Pursh
    • ssp. treleasei C. L. Porter

Section Camptopodes Barneby

Section Collini Jones

Section Conjuncti Barneby

Section Cusickiani

Section Drabellae (T. & G.) Barneby

Section Drummondiani Barneby

Section Ervoidei Barneby

Section Genistoidei (Torr. & Gray) Barneby

  • Astragalus convallarius Greene
    • ssp. convallarius Greene
    • ssp. finitimus Barneby
    • ssp. margaretae Barneby
    • ssp. scopulorum Barneby
  • Astragalus diversifolius A. Gray
  • Astragalus miser Dougl. ex Hook.
    • ssp. crispatus (Jones) Cron.
    • ssp. decumbens (Nutt.) Cron.
    • ssp. hylophilus (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. miser Dougl. ex Hook.
    • ssp. oblongifolius (Rydb.) Cron.
    • ssp. praeteritus Barneby
    • ssp. tenuifolius (Nutt.) Barneby
    • ssp. serotinus (Gray) Barneby

Section Gynophoraria (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Hesperonix (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Humistrati (Jones) Barneby

Section Inyoenses Barneby

Section Jaegeriani Barneby

Section Jejuni (Jones) Barneby

Section Lonchocarpi Gray

Section Malaci Barneby

Section Michauxiani Barneby

Section Miselli (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Neglecti (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Neonix Barneby

Section Neviniani Barneby

Section Nudi Barneby

  • Astragalus serenoi (O. Kze.) Sheld.
    • ssp. serenoi (O. Kze.) Sheld.
    • ssp. shockleyi (Jones) Barneby
    • ssp. sordescens Barneby

Section Ocreati Gray

Section Oocalyces Barneby

Section Pachyphyllus Jones

Section Pachypodes (Jones) Barneby

Section Pectinati Gray

Section Podosclerocarpi Gray

Section Polares (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Porrecti (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Preussiani Jones

Section Pruniformes (Jones) Barneby

Section Quinqueflori Barneby

Section Reventi–arrecti Jones

Section Scalares (Jones) Barneby

Section Scytocarpi Gray

Section Solitarii Barneby

Section Strigulosi Jones

Section Tiopsidei Barneby

Section Tweedyani Barneby

Section Woodruffiani Barneby

Hypoglottis Phalanx Barneby

Section Hypoglottoidei DC.

Orophaca Phalanx Barneby

Section Orophaca (Torr. & Gray) Barneby

Section Sericoleuci Barneby

Phacoid Phalanx Barneby

Section Astragalus L.

Section Hemiphaca K. & K.

Section Hemiphragmium (C. Koch) Bge.

Section Minerales Barneby

Section Oroboidei Gray

  • Astragalus eucosmus Robinson
  • Astragalus robbinsii (Hook.) Barneby
    • ssp. alpiniformis (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. fernaldi (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. harringtonii (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. jesupi Egglest. & Sheld.
    • ssp. minor (Hook.) Barneby
    • ssp. occidentalis Wats.
    • ssp. robbinsii (Oakes) A. Gray

Section Phaca (L.) Halaczy

Piptoloboid Phalanx Barneby

Section Anemophili Barneby

Section Argophylii Gray

Section Brauntoniani (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Chaetodontes Gray

Section Circumdati (Jones) Barneby

Section Cystiella Barneby

Section Densifolii (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Desperati Barneby

Section Diphaci (Rydb.) L. E. James

Section Diphysi Gray

  • Astragalus iodanthus Wats.
    • ssp. diaphanoides Barneby
    • ssp. iodanthus Wats.
    • ssp. vipereus Barneby
  • Astragalus lentiginosus Dougl. ex Hook.
    • ssp. albiflorus Jones
    • ssp. albifolius Jones
    • ssp. ambiguus Barneby
    • ssp. antonius Barneby
    • ssp. araneosus (Sheld.) Barneby
    • ssp. australis Barneby
    • ssp. borreganus Jones
    • ssp. chartaceus Jones
    • ssp. coachellae Barneby ap. Shreve & Wiggins
    • ssp. diphysus (Gray) Jones
    • ssp. floribundus Gray
    • ssp. fremontii (Gray) Wats.
    • ssp. higginsii Welsh & Thorne
    • ssp. idriensis Jones
    • ssp. ineptus (Gray) Jones
    • ssp. kennedyi (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. kernensis (Jeps.) Barneby
    • ssp. latus (Jones) Jones
    • ssp. lentiginosus Dougl. ex Hook.
    • ssp. macrolobus (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. maricopae Barneby
    • ssp. micans Barneby
    • ssp. nigricalycis Jones
    • ssp. oropedii Barneby
    • ssp. palans (Jones) Jones
    • ssp. piscinensis Barneby
    • ssp. platyphyllidius (Rydb.) Peck
    • ssp. pohlii Welsh & Barneby
    • ssp. salinus (Howell) Barneby
    • ssp. scoppionis Jones
    • ssp. semotus Jeps.
    • ssp. sesquimetralis (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. sierrae Jones
    • ssp. stramineus (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. toyabensis Barneby
    • ssp. ursinus (Gray) Barneby
    • ssp. variabilis Barneby
    • ssp. vitreus Barneby
    • ssp. yuccanus Jones
    • ssp. wahweapensis Welsh
    • ssp. wilsonii (Greene) Barneby
  • Astragalus pseudiodanthus Barneby

Section Gigantei Barneby

Section Greggiani

Section Humillimi (Jones) Barneby

Section Hypoleuci Barneby

Section Inflati Gray

Section Layneani Barneby

Section Leptocarpi Barneby

Section Lotiflori Gray

Section Lutosi (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Megacarpi (Rydb.) Barneby

  • Astragalus beckwithii Torr. & Gray
    • ssp. beckwithii Torr. & Gray
    • ssp. purpureus Jones
    • ssp. sulcatus Barneby
    • ssp. weiserensis Jones
  • Astragalus megacarpus (Nutt.) Gray
  • Astragalus oophorus Wats.
    • ssp. caulescens (Jones) Jones
    • ssp. clokeyanus Barneby
    • ssp. lavinii Barneby
    • ssp. lonchocalyx Barneby
    • ssp. oophorus Wats.

Section Micranthi Gray

Section Microlobium Barneby

Section Mollissimi Gray

  • Astragalus hartmanii
  • Astragalus helleri Fenzl
  • Astragalus mollissimus Torr.—woolly locoweed, stemmed locoweed
    • ssp. bigelovii (Gray) Barneby ap. B. L. Turner
    • ssp. coryi Tidest.
    • ssp. earlei (Greene ex Rydb.) Tidest.
    • ssp. irolanus (Jones) Barneby
    • ssp. marcidus (Greene ex Rydb.) Barneby ap. B. L. Turner
    • ssp. matthewsii (Wats.) Barneby
    • ssp. mollisimus Torr.
    • ssp. mongollonicus (Greene) Barneby
    • ssp. nitens Barneby
    • ssp. thompsonae (Wats.) Barneby
  • Astragalus nutriosensis Sanderson

Section Monoenses Barneby

Section Panamintenses Barneby

Section Platytropides Barneby

Section Pterocarpi Wats.

Section Reflexi Gray

Section Sarcocarpi Gray

Section Scaposi (Rydb.) Barneby

  • Astragalus calycosus Torr. ex Wats.
    • ssp. calycosus Torr. ex Wats.
    • ssp. mancus (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. monophyllidius (Rydb.) Barneby
    • ssp. scaposus (Gray) Jones

Section Scutanei Barneby

Section Succumbentes Gray

Section Tennesseenses Barneby

Section Trichopodi (Rydb.) Barneby

Section Villosi Barneby

Trimeniaeus Phalanx Barneby

Section Sesamei DC.

Incertae Sedis

South American Astragalus

See also


  1. ^ Website for the largest genus of vascular plants: Astragalus
  2. ^ Subgeneric and sectional classification of Old World Astragalus
  3. ^ Classification of North American Astragalus Species by Phalanx and Sections
  4. ^ List of South American species of Astragalus
  5. ^ Sectional and geographic distribution of known Old World aneuploid species of Astragalus
  6. ^ Compilation of chromosome counts for Old World species of Astragalus
  7. ^ Sanderson MJ. (1991). "Phylogenetic Relationships within North American Astragalus L. (Fabaceae)". Syst Bot. 16 (3): 414–430. doi:10.2307/2419334.
  8. ^ Wojciechowski MF, Sanderson MJ, Baldwin BG, Donoghue MJ (1993). "Monophyly of Aneuploid Astragalus (Fabaceae): Evidence from Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Internal Transcribed Spacer Sequences". Am J Bot. 80 (6): 711–722. doi:10.2307/2445441.
  9. ^ Wojciechowski MF, Sanderson MJ, Hu JM (1999). "Evidence on the Monophyly of Astragalus (Fabaceae) and its Major Subgroups Based on Nuclear Ribosomal DNA ITS and Chloroplast DNA trnL Intron Data". Syst Bot. 24 (3): 409–437. doi:10.2307/2419698.
  10. ^ Kazempour Osaloo S, Maassoumi AA, Murakami N (2003). "Molecular systematics of the genus Astragalus L. (Fabaceae): Phylogenetic analyses of nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacers and chloroplast gene ndhF sequences". Plant Syst Evol. 242 (1–4): 1–32. doi:10.1007/s00606-003-0014-1.
  11. ^ Wojciechowski MF. (2005). "Astragalus (Fabaceae): A molecular phylogenetic perspective". Brittonia. 57 (4): 382–396. doi:10.1663/0007-196X(2005)057[0382:AFAMPP]2.0.CO;2.
  12. ^ Scherson RA, Vidal R, Sanderson MJ (2008). "Phylogeny, biogeography, and rates of diversification of New World Astragalus (Leguminosae) with an emphasis on South American radiations". Am J Bot. 95 (8): 1030–1039. doi:10.3732/ajb.0800017.
  13. ^ Sanderson MJ, Wojciechowski MF (1996). "Diversification rates in a temperate legume clade: Are there "so many species" of Astragalus (Fabaceae)?". Am J Bot. 83 (11): 1488–1502. doi:10.2307/2446103. JSTOR 2446103.
  14. ^ Javanmardi F, Kazempour Osaloo S, Maassoumi AA, Nejadsattrai T (2012). "Molecular phylogeny of Astragalus section Alopecuroidei (Fabaceae) and its allies based on nrDNA ITS and three cpDNAs, matK, trnTtrnY and trnHpsbA sequences". Biochem Syst Ecol. 45: 171–178. doi:10.1016/j.bse.2012.07.029.
  15. ^ Scherson RA, Choi HK, Cook DR, Sanderson MJ (2005). "Phylogenetics of New World Astragalus: Screening of novel nuclear loci for the reconstruction of phylogenies at low taxonomic levels". Brittonia. 57 (4): 354–366. doi:10.1663/0007-196X(2005)057[0354:PONWAS]2.0.CO;2. JSTOR 4098952.
  16. ^ Bartha L, Dragoş N, Molnár VA, Sramkó G (2013). "Molecular evidence for reticulate speciation in Astragalus (Fabaceae) as revealed by a case study from sect. Dissitiflori". Botany. 91 (10): 702–714. doi:10.1139/cjb-2013-0036.
  17. ^ Kazempour Osaloo S, Maassoumi AA, Murakami N (2005). "Molecular systematics of the Old World Astragalus (Fabaceae) as inferred from nrDNA ITS sequence data". Brittonia. 57 (4): 367–381. doi:10.1663/0007-196X(2005)057[0367:MSOTOW]2.0.CO;2. JSTOR 4098953.
  18. ^ Dizkirici A, Ekici M, Kaya Z (2014). "Comparative molecular phylogenetics of Astragalus L. sections from Turkey with New World Astragalus species using nrDNA ITS sequences". Plant Syst Evol. 300 (1): 163–175. doi:10.1007/s00606-013-0868-9.
  19. ^ Sharawy SM, Badr A (2014). "Relationships of Astragalus L. in section Sesamei based on morphological criteria and molecular markers". Bangladesh J Plant Taxon. 21 (1): 1–12. doi:10.3329/bjpt.v21i1.19250.
  20. ^ Riahi M, Zarre S, Maassoumi AA, Kazempour Osaloo S, Wojciechowski MF (2011). "Towards a phylogeny for Astragalus section Caprini (Fabaceae) and its allies based on nuclear and plastid DNA sequences". Plant Syst Evol. 293 (1–4): 119–133. doi:10.1007/s00606-011-0417-3.
  21. ^ Dong TT, Ma XQ, Clarke C, Song ZH, Ji ZN, Lo CK, Tsim KW (2003). "Phylogeny of Astragalus in China: molecular evidence from the DNA sequences of 5S rRNA spacer, ITS, and 18S rRNA". J Agric Food Chem. 51 (23): 6709–6714. doi:10.1021/jf034278x. PMID 14582964.
  22. ^ Kang Y, Zhang ML, Chen ZD (2003). "A Preliminary Phylogenetic Study of the Subgenus Pogonophace (Astragalus) in China Based on ITS Sequence Data" (PDF). Acta Bot Sin. 45 (2): 140–145.