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User:Angela/Links study

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Looking at the number of links in the external links section at the start of April each year.


2010 (19)[edit]

  1. gov.ru—Official governmental portal (Russian)
  2. Duma—Official site of the parliamentary lower house (Russian)
  3. Federation Council—Official site of the parliamentary upper house
  4. Kremlin—Official presidential site
  5. Chief of State and Cabinet Members
  6. Central Bank of Russia
  7. Federal Migration Service (Russian)
  8. Russian Federal Customs Service
  9. Energy Statistics for Russia from the Energy Information Administration
  10. Russian News Agency Ria Novosti
  11. Russia entry at The World Factbook
  12. Russia at UCB Libraries GovPubs
  13. Russia at the Open Directory Project
  14. Wikimedia Atlas of Russia
  15. Russia travel guide from Wikitravel
  16. ITAR-TASS News Agency
  17. Interfax.com—News agency based in Moscow
  18. Way to Russia. An Introduction to Russia and Russian People
  19. RussGUS—Bibliographic database of German publications on Russia (about 175,000 positions)

2009 (20)[edit]

  1. Rsnet.ru—Official governmental portal (Russian)
  2. Duma—Official site of the parliamentary lower house (Russian)
  3. Federation Council—Official site of the parliamentary upper house
  4. Kremlin—Official presidential site
  5. Chief of State and Cabinet Members
  6. Central Bank of Russia
  7. Russian Federal Customs Service
  8. Energy Statistics for Russia from the Energy Information Administration
  9. Russian National Group—Russian Official Travel Guide
  10. RussianEmpireCruises—Russian Official Cruises
  11. Russian News Agency Ria Novosti
  12. Russia entry at The World Factbook
  13. Russia at UCB Libraries GovPubs
  14. Russia at the Open Directory Project
  15. Wikimedia Atlas of Russia
  16. Russia travel guide from Wikitravel
  17. Interfax.com—News agency based in Moscow
  18. Way to Russia. An Introduction to Russia and Russian People
  19. RussGUS—Bibliographic database of German publications on Russia (about 175,000 positions)
  20. English Russia – just because something cool happens daily on 1/6 of the Earth surface

2008 (14)[edit]

  1. Wikimedia Atlas of Russia
  2. Interfax.com—News agency based in Moscow
  3. Daily-press—Newspapers and magazines in Russia
  4. Russia Profile English-language information service
  5. RussGUS Bibliographic database of German publications on Russia (about 175 000 positions)
  6. Russian News Agency Ria Novosti
  7. Duma—Official site of the parliamentary lower house (Russian)
  8. Federative Council—Official site of the parliamentary upper house
  9. Kremlin—Official presidential site
  10. Gov.ru—Official governmental portal (Russian)
  11. Russian Federation Today—Official issue of the Federal Assembly (Russian)
  12. Ministry of Foreign affairs
  13. Russian Federal Customs Service
  14. Central Bank of Russia

2007 (28)[edit]

  1. Wikimedia Atlas of Russia, holding maps related to Russia.
  2. RussiaMap.org - Maps of Russia
  3. (Russian) Duma - Official site of the parliamentary lower house
  4. Federative Council - Official site of the parliamentary upper house
  5. Kremlin - Official presidential site
  6. (Russian) Gov.ru - Official governmental portal
  7. (Russian) Russian Federation Today - Official issue of the Federal Assembly
  8. [16]- Ministry of Foreign affairs
  9. Russian Federal Customs Service
  10. Central Bank of Russia
  11. World Security Institute's Johnson's Russia List
  12. Russian Life Magazine: the 50-year-young magazine of Russian culture, history and life
  13. Russia Profile - English Internet Magazine on Politics
  14. Online guide to Kaliningrad - Kaliningradcity.ru
  15. Russia! magazine: a supplement to the country
  16. Internet Blog on Russian Issues in English
  17. Russian News Agency Ria Novosti
  18. Russia photo gallery and city guide
  19. (Russian) Culture of Russia - with support of Federal Agency for Culture and Cinematography
  20. Encyclopaedia Britannica's Country Portal site
  21. BBC Country Profile - Russia
  22. Way to Russia - Guide to Russia
  23. Russian Space Program
  24. CIA World Factbook - Russia
  25. News From Russia
  26. U.S. State Department Consular Information Sheet: Russia
  27. Russia Energy Resources and Industry from U.S. Department of Energy
  28. Russia History Timeline 1533 - 1991

2006 (21)[edit]

  1. (Russian) Duma - Official site of the parliamentary lower house
  2. Federative Council - Official site of the parliamentary upper house
  3. Kremlin - Official presidential site
  4. (Russian) Gov.ru - Official governmental portal
  5. (Russian) Russian Federation Today. Official issue of the Federal Assembly.
  6. Public Opinion in Russia
  7. BBC Country Profile - Russia
  8. CIA World Factbook - Russia
  9. Government links
  10. Embassy of the Russian Federation to the United States
  11. Russia Energy Resources and Industry from U.S. Department of Energy
  12. U.S. State Department Consular Information Sheet: Russia
  13. Russia at Global Stroll
  14. Deputy prime ministers and ministries of Russia
  15. Russia Profile
  16. Webcam in Russia
  17. Impressions of Soviet Russia, by John Dewey
  18. Johnson's Russia List Archive
  19. Travel Guide to Russia
  20. (Portuguese) Rússi@Net - The Russian Community in Brazil
  21. Russia Today - online news service

2005 (22)[edit]

  1. Gov.ru - Official governmental portal (in Russian)
  2. Kremlin - Official presidential site (in English)
  3. Federative Council - Official site of the parliamentary upper house
  4. Duma - Official site of the parliamentary lower house (in Russian)
  5. Embassy of the Russian Federation to the United States
  6. Official site: Federal Cadaster Center of Russia - Administrative maps of Russia (legends in Russian)
  7. U.S. Embassy Moscow
  8. U.S. State Department Consular Information Sheet: Russia
  9. Russia Energy Resources and Industry from U.S. Department of Energy
  10. Russian Economy: Bank of Finland
  11. The Russia Journal - An independent news and analysis source from Russia.
  12. English Edition of Pravda
  13. Russian Federal Districts (legends in English)
  14. government links
  15. Internet Resources for Russian Studies
  16. Paper Money of Russia
  17. Russian Visas
  18. Russia News
  19. Johnson's Russia List Archive
  20. Impressions of Soviet Russia, by John Dewey
  21. German-Russian Exchange NGO that connects volunteers to ngo's in Russia (not only Germans)
  22. Travel Advisories and Guides for Trips to Russia

2004 (19)[edit]

  1. Gov.ru - Official governmental portal (in Russian)
  2. Kremlin - Official presidential site (in English)
  3. Federative Council - Official site of the parliamentary upper house
  4. Duma - Official site of the parliamentary lower house (in Russian)
  5. The Russia Journal - The independent news and anaylsis source from Russia.
  6. WayToRussia.Net - An information resource about Russia.
  7. Embassy of the Russian Federation to the United States
  8. Official site: Federal Cadaster Center of Russia -- Administrative maps of Russia (legends in Russian)
  9. Russian Federal Districts (legends in English)
  10. government links
  11. Worldwide Index of Press Freedom, 2002 Russia ranked 121 out of 139 indexed countries
  12. Internet Resources for Russian Studies
  13. Paper Money of Russia
  14. Russian Economy: Bank of Finland
  15. U.S. Embassy Moscow
  16. U.S. State Department Consular Information Sheet: Russia
  17. Russia Energy Resources and Industry from U.S. Department of Energy
  18. Johnson's Russia List Archive
  19. English Edition of Pravda

2003 (4)[edit]

  1. Gov.ru - Official governmental portal (in Russian)
  2. Kremlin - Official presidential site (in Russian)
  3. Federative Council - Official site of the parliamentary upper house
  4. Duma - Official site of the parliamentary lower house (in Russian)

2002 (0)[edit]

No links.

2001 (0)[edit]

No links.


2010 (0)[edit]

None in external links section. 7 links in the references section.

2009 (0)[edit]

None in external links section. 1 link in the references section.

2008 (0)[edit]

No links

2007 (0)[edit]

No links

2006 (0)[edit]

No links

2005 (5)[edit]

  1. KnowThis.com - Marketing Virtual Library - extensive marketing reference site
  2. SOSIG Marketing directory - This is a directory of marketing topics available on the web.
  3. Media and Advertising Directory
  4. Word of Mouth Marketing Association
  5. Marketing Communications Resources.

2004 (1)[edit]

  1. http://www.marketstandard.com marketing directory & search engine

2003 (0)[edit]

No links

2002 (0)[edit]

No links

Star Wars[edit]

2010 (5)[edit]

  1. The Official Star Wars Website
  2. Star Wars at the Open Directory Project
  3. Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki – A wiki devoted to Star Wars
  4. The World of Star Wars at Yahoo!
  5. Star Wars Origins: How did George Lucas create Star Wars?

2009 (5)[edit]

  1. Star Wars at the Open Directory Project
  2. The official Star Wars website
  3. Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki — A wiki devoted to Star Wars
  4. The World of Star Wars at Yahoo!
  5. Star Wars Origins: How did George Lucas create Star Wars?

2008 (4)[edit]

  1. Star Wars at the Open Directory Project
  2. The official Star Wars website
  3. Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki — A wiki devoted to Star Wars
  4. The World of Star Wars at Yahoo!

2007 (5)[edit]

  1. The official Star Wars website
  2. TheForce.net — One of the oldest Star Wars fan sites
  3. Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki — A wiki devoted to Star Wars
  4. Directory to Star Wars sites on the internet.
  5. The official Star Wars Fan Film website and yearly challenge

2006 (16)[edit]

  1. The official Star Wars website
  2. TheForce.net; one of the oldest Star Wars fan sites.
  3. Starwarz.com; Everything for the Star Wars enthusiast.
  4. Star Wars on Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki
  5. StarWarsfanworks.Com; A fan site of Star Wars audio and radio dramas.
  6. Mistakes in Star Wars at moviemistakes.com
  7. National Geographic News: So how believable is the Star Wars galaxy?
  8. Directory to Star Wars sites on the internet.
  9. Star Wars behind the scenes
  10. OriginalTrilogy.com - A fan site dedicated to preserving the theatrical cuts of the original trilogy on DVD through fan edits.
  11. The X0 Project - LaserDisc-to-DVD project of the Original Trilogy.
  12. STAR WARS - Legacy Edition An Original Trilogy Restoration Project.
  13. Wookieepedia: The Star Wars Wiki - A wiki devoted to the Extended Universe aspects of Star Wars.
  14. Jedi Archives Wiki; A new Star Wars wiki created using MediaWiki.
  15. Star Wars Fanon Wiki - A wiki designed for users to post their own "fanon," or fan fiction.
  16. Star Wars at Uncyclopedia - An uncyclopedia parody of this article.

2005 (5)[edit]

  1. Star Wars official website
  2. Star Wars at the Internet Movie Database
  3. TheForce.net, one of the oldest Star Wars fan sites
  4. the Star Wars Wiki, a wiki entirely dedicated to collecting information about the Star Wars universe
  5. Holonet News A "news" website based on the Star Wars prequels. It brings readers "current" events from the Extended Universe of Star Wars. The site has not been updated for several months.

2004 (6)[edit]

  1. Star Wars official website
  2. IMDb entry on Star Wars
  3. Star Wars quotes at Wikiquote
  4. Original Trilogy - A site campaigning for the release of the orignal cuts of films IV - VI
  5. Theforce.net, the Internet's premier Star Wars fansite.
  6. Star Wars Technical Commentaries, which is mostly independent of its hosting website.

2003 (3)[edit]

  1. The IMDb entry on Star Wars: http://us.imdb.com/Title?0076759
  2. Current Star Wars film news
  3. www.quicktime.com contains a Quicktime trailer of Attack of the Clones.

2002 (2)[edit]

  1. For current Star Wars film news visit http://www.starwars.com
  2. For a Quicktime trailer of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones visit http://www.quicktime.com

2001 (2)[edit]

  1. For current Star Wars film news visit http://www.starwars.com
  2. For a Quicktime trailer of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones visit http://www.quicktime.com

Search engine optimization[edit]

2010 (4)[edit]

  1. Google Webmaster Guidelines
  2. Yahoo! Webmaster Guidelines
  3. Bing Webmaster Guidelines
  4. Ask.com Webmaster Guidelines

2009 (4)[edit]

  1. Google Webmaster Guidelines
  2. Yahoo! Webmaster Guidelines
  3. MSN\Live Webmaster Guidelines
  4. Ask.com Webmaster Guidelines

2008 (4)[edit]

  1. Google Webmaster Guidelines
  2. Yahoo! Webmaster Guidelines
  3. MSN\Live Webmaster Guidelines
  4. Google's Matt Cutts Official Blog

2007 (0)[edit]

No links

2006 (4)[edit]

  1. Google's Guidelines on SEO's
  2. Google's Guidelines on Site Design
  3. MSN Search
  4. Yahoo!

2005 (3)[edit]

  1. Google Webmasters SEO Google's stance on various SEO practises.
  2. SEO Glossary Covers popular SEO terms.
  3. Organic SEO Wiki Wiki covering organic search engine optimization techniques.

2004 (17)[edit]

  1. Search Engine Watch
  2. Search Engine Guide: Search Engine Optimization
  3. Web site search engine optimization help techniques
  4. Search Marketing Information
  5. Search Engine Optimization Tutorial
  6. Seotie is a web-based tool to be notified of directory inclusion used by SEO's and Webmasters.
  7. Google Webmasters SEO page has some useful information on what google considers to be questionable SEO techniques and what they look out for when indexing websites.
  8. Traffick: search engine news
  9. Search Engine Lowdown: search engine news
  10. Search Engine Blog: search engine news
  11. SEO Book: search engine news
  12. Seopros.org: Professional SEO organization
  13. SEMPO: Professional SEO organization
  14. 21 steps to Search Engine Optimization: Quick, thorough introduction
  15. SEOList.com: Directory of SEO resources
  16. Serps Competition Entry: Supplies information on the SERPs optimization competition that was started on Usenet newsgroup, alt.internet.search-engines
  17. Free Search Engine List: Offers list of search engines and directories suitable to use to submit your site and record the results, or import into a web site or other applications

2003 (3)[edit]

  1. Search Engine Guide: Search Engine Optimization
  2. Web site search engine optimization help techniques
  3. Search Engine Optimization Tutorial


==2010 (11)

plus an extra 11 in the references
  1. Official TVR website
  2. The TVR Car Club
  3. TVR Car Club North America
  4. TVR Griffith Owners Register, History, Mods and Maintenance, Gallery, Alt Parts,Resources, Links
  5. TVR pictures, costs, service schedules and specifications.
  6. TVR history
  7. TVR Chimaera maintenance, modification, ownership and buyer's guide.
  8. TVR White Elephant restoration site
  9. Trevor Wilkinson, TVR founder, dead at 85
  10. Trevor Wilkinson obituary in The Daily Telegraph
  11. TVR cars photos & specs

2009 (10)[edit]

plus an extra 10 in the references
  1. Official TVR website
  2. The TVR Car Club
  3. TVR Car Club North America
  4. TVR Griffith Owners Register, History, Mods and Maintenance, Gallery, Alt Parts,Resources, Links
  5. TVR pictures, costs, service schedules and specifications.
  6. TVR history
  7. TVR Chimaera maintenance, modification, ownership and buyer's guide.
  8. TVR White Elephant restoration site
  9. Trevor Wilkinson, TVR founder, dead at 85
  10. Trevor Wilkinson obituary in The Daily Telegraph

2008 (7)[edit]

plus an extra 8 in the references
  1. Official TVR website
  2. The TVR Car Club
  3. TVR Car Club North America
  4. TVR Griffith Owners Register, History, Mods and Maintenance, Gallery, Alt Parts,Resources, Links
  5. TVR pictures, costs, service schedules and specifications.
  6. TVR history
  7. TVR Chimaera maintenance, modification, ownership and buyer's guide.

2007 (8)[edit]

  1. Official TVR website
  2. The TVR Car Club
  3. TVR Car Club North America
  4. TVR pictures, costs, service schedules and specifications.
  5. TVR history
  6. TVR Chimaera maintenance, modification, ownership and buyer's guide.
  7. End of era for cult UK carmaker
  8. TVR News, Discussion, Sales, Video

2006 (6)[edit]

  1. Official TVR Website
  2. The TVR Car Club
  3. TVR Car Club North America
  4. TVR History
  5. TVR media gallery
  6. Photographs

2005 (4)[edit]

  1. The Official TVR Website
  2. TVR History gives a detailed history of both TVR and some of its automobiles.
  3. TVR-Talk is an online forum for TVR enthusiats.
  4. Extensive TVR media gallery

2004 (5)[edit]

  1. http://tvrtalk.com
  2. http://www.tvr-eng.co.uk/index2.htm or http://www.tvr.co.uk
  3. http://homepage.mac.com/tvr43/history.html
  4. http://www.pistonheads.com/tvr
  5. http://www.sleepy-fish.com/moretvr.htm (extensive media gallery)

2003 (5)[edit]

  1. http://www.tvr.co.uk
  2. http://homepage.mac.com/tvr43/history.html
  3. http://www.quicklink.ms/tvr.html
  4. http://homepages.enterprise.net/roadrunner/tvr2.shtml
  5. http://www.pistonheads.com/tvr


2010 (0)[edit]

None. 46 references.

2009 (0)[edit]

None in external links section, though there are many in the references section.

2008 (1)[edit]

  1. NLM (US National Library of Medicine, contains resources for patients and health care professionals)

2007 (5)[edit]

  1. eMedicine Physician contributed medical articles and CME
  2. KMLE Medical Dictionary Medical dictionary and medical related links
  3. NLM (US National Library of Medicine, contains resources for patients and health care professionals)
  4. WebMD General comprehensive online health information
  5. WebMD General comprehensive online health information

2006 (4)[edit]

  1. NLM (National Library of Medicine, contains resources for patients and healthcare professionals)
  2. Virtual Hospital (digital health sciences library by the University of Iowa)
  3. Online Medical Dictionary
  4. Online Medical Information- health and medicine news, links and resources

2005 (4)[edit]

  1. NLM (National Library of Medicine, contains resources for patients and healthcare professionals)
  2. Virtual Hospital (digital health sciences library by the University of Iowa)
  3. Online Medical Dictionary
  4. Collection of links to free medical resources

2004 (1)[edit]

  1. The US National Library of Medicine

2003 (0)[edit]

No links

2002 (0)[edit]

No links

2001 (0)[edit]

No links


2010 (1)[edit]

  1. Ancient Jewelry from Central Asia (IV BC-IV AD)

2009 (1)[edit]

  1. Ancient Jewelry from Central Asia (IV BC-IV AD)

2008 (2)[edit]

  1. History of Jewellery
  2. Ancient Jewelry from Central Asia (IV BC-IV AD)

2007 (3)[edit]

  1. History of Jewellery
  2. Glossary of Jewellery terms
  3. Ancient Jewelry from Central Asia (IV BC-IV AD)

2006 (3)[edit]

  1. Types and Forms of Ancient Jewelry from Central Asia (IV BC-IV AD)
  2. Artistic Features of Jewellery Art from Central Asia (IV BC-IV AD)
  3. Ancient Jewellery from Central Asia by Elena Neva

2005 (0)[edit]

No links

2004 (1)[edit]

  1. Learn about Italian charm bracelets

2003 (0)[edit]

No links

2002 (0)[edit]

No links

2001 (0)[edit]

No links


2010 (9)[edit]

  1. Official USA Tamagotchi site
  2. Official European Tamagotchi Site
  3. Net Discovery! Tamagotchi, current official Japanese site
  4. Net Discovery! Tamagotch (1996-1998 Japanese Tamagotchi page)
  5. Official Movie Website
  6. くちぱっちのモグモグブログだっち, Kuchipatchi's blog
  7. TamaTown Official site for V3 through V5.5 and Music Star online connectivity
  8. Tamagotch Tushin Japanese page for TamaTown
  9. Tamagotchi Europe European Tamatown for V3 through to V5 Famalitchi

2009 (9)[edit]

  1. Official USA Tamagotchi site
  2. Official European Tamagotchi Site
  3. Net Discovery! Tamagotchi, current official Japanese site
  4. Net Discovery! Tamagotch (1996-1998 Japanese Tamagotchi page)
  5. Official Movie Website
  6. くちぱっちのモグモグブログだっち, Kuchipatchi's blog
  7. TamaTown Official site for V3 through V5.5 and Music Star online connectivity
  8. Tamagotch Tushin Japanese page for TamaTown
  9. Tamagotchi Europe European Tamatown for V3 through to V5 Famalitchi

2008 (7)[edit]

  1. Official European Tamagotchi Site
  2. Official USA Tamagotchi site
  3. TamaTown, the Official Version 3, Version 4, Version 4.5 and Version 5 Site
  4. Tamagotchi Wikia
  5. Sketch Tamagotchis Online
  6. Tamagotchi School - Info and Interactive Site
  7. TamaTalk - Informational Forum

2007 (3)[edit]

  1. Official European Tamagotchi Site
  2. Official USA Tamagotchi site
  3. TamaTown, the Official Connection Version 3 and Version 4 Site

2006 (29)[edit]

  1. eBay section for Tamagotchi
  2. CMD Store - Sells American Tamagotchi Version 2 & 3
  3. Official Japanese Tamagotchi site
  4. Tamagotchi Connection
  5. Tamagotchi Overview at The Latest-Thing
  6. Press Release on Tamagotchi Plus
  7. TamagotchiConnections.com - Offical Bandai Tamagotchi website.
  8. Parent's Guide to Tamagotchis
  9. Will computer pets replace Fido?
  10. Tamatown (used for Tamagotchi Connection version 3, is currently live but currently being worked on.)
  11. "Tamagothi" parody website (combines the goth subculture with the Tamagotchi toy)
  12. Tamaclub V3 - An incredibly good site, updates often, good graphics and many features for you to enjoy! All based on Tamagotchi of course!
  13. TamaTalk - Currently the largest and most popular Tamagotchi forum to date.
  14. Tamagotchi Corner Shop - The Unofficial Fan Club
  15. Tamenagerie
  16. Tamagotchi Planet
  17. Tamagotchi Square
  18. Tamagotchiville
  19. Tamagotchi Fan
  20. Tamagotchi, Otaku, and more
  21. Pixel Mood - Extensive info on Japanese and English tamagotchis
  22. Bladeagotchi
  23. Tamagotchi Tango: Tamagotchi Fanlisting
  24. TamClub International
  25. TamaTalk Fans
  26. Virtual Life Forums (Tamagotchi Section)
  27. Tamaforum
  28. TamaTown
  29. The Kid

2005 (7)[edit]

  1. Tamagotchi Planet
  2. Tamagotchi Square
  3. Tamagotchiville
  4. Press Release on Tamagotchi Plus
  5. TamaTalk
  6. TamagotchiConnections.com
  7. Tamagotchi (P1) emulator

2004 (0)[edit]

No links

2003 (0)[edit]

No links