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Dimitris Maniatis is a Software Engineer based in Athens, Greece.


After finishing his studies on Software Engineering in UMIST (now called The University of Machester) he joined ECDL Hellas as a web developer in early 2004. Later on he transfered to VoiceWeb, a voice recognition application provider, where he took a position as a product development associate. After 18 months in the company he was promoted to product development director overseeing all technical activities including development and on-site hosting of voice recognition applications. In 2007 he left his position in VoiceWeb to start a freelance consulting practise on online marketing focusing on search engine optimization, search engine marketing and social media optimization.

Contact details[edit]

Dimitris would enjoy being contacted from any individual about any subject. That certain individual may use dmaniatis - at - gmail dot com should they choose do so.