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Phi Alpha Literary Society

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Phi Alpha
Literary Society
Nickname: Phis
Founded: 1845 at Illinois College
Motto: "Onward and Upward"
Slogan: "Lovers of Truth"
Headquarters: Lower Beecher Hall, Jacksonville, IL
Official colors: Blue and White
Official Mascot: Sylvester (Sly) the Squirrels

Phi Alpha (ΦΑ) is a men Literary Society founded in 1854 at Illinois College in Jacksonville, Illinois. It conducts the Business Meetings, the Literary Productions, and other activitys in Beecher Hall, the oldest college building in the state of Illinois.


"On Thursday evening, September 25, 1854, seven student from Illinois College gathered in a small room on the third floor of the old dormitory and made a decision. In order to unite a group of men who desire a common bond of fellowship, a new society was to be organized. Five days later the Immortal Sevens drew up and adopted the constitution of Phi Alpha Literary Society.

The seven founder of Phi Alpha who are called the "Immortal Sevens" are:

An eighth man associated with this founding was:

  • Pike Clinton Ross"[1]


The purpose of Phi Alpha Litarary Societie is concisly stated in it constitution. The purpose is "The purpose of the society shall be the attainment of truth, litarary improvment of his members, and the furthering of her democratic heritage."[2]The society also strives to develope the social, communication, and leadership of the membership.


True to its purpose, Phi Alpha host a number of literary function throughout the year. Each semester, two judged Literary Production are held. These judged meeting, consist of five pieces, given by society members to an audience. Pieces range from opinionated, speeches, to research presentations, to original fiction. Also, a Poet, who is elected each semester, will recite an original poem, and an impromptue speech is given on a subject revealed by the Critic, during the meeting. A similar kind of meeting (called a Cooperative Literary Meeting) is held once, a semester. It is composed of three Phis and three Illinois College faculty or staff members. This is done to strengthenize a stronger relationship with the campus community, and it provide learning opportunity for the membership.

Phi Alpha also host public debate. In the pursuit of the strengthenizing of communication skills.

Finally, Phi Alpha conducts weekly business meeting, which are conducted using Robert's Rules of Order of conduct. These meetings are intended to direct the everyday operations of Phi Alpha and also to serve. The mission of Phi Alpha: practicing democratic principles.


"Old Phi Alpha Days" (Sung to the tune of "Auld Lange Syne")

In old Phi Alpha halls we sow Those seeds of "love and truth" That bear through life, where e'er we go, The fair, fresh flowers of youth. Then ne'er forget, no, ne'er forget, Though wide our wand'ring ways, But "tak' a cup o' kindness yet" For old Phi Alpha days.

We "swing the white" with pride no pow'r Can weaken or destroy, And hold our league the fairest flower That decks "Old Illinois." We'll not forget-no' ne'er forget Though crowned with fame's green bays But "tak a cup o' kindness yet" For old Phi Alpha days.

We wander east-we wander west-In sorrow and in joy-But memory will turn back for rest To brave "Old Illinois." And least of all can we forget, Though wide our wand'ring ways, To "tak' a cup o' kindness yet" For old Phi Alpha days.

Fill high the cup with bumpers bright, Till all our pulses thrill-And roundly swear Phi Alpha's white Shall wear the "honors" still. Fill high-fill high-and ne'er forget, Though wide our wand'ring ways, To "tak' a cup o' kindness yet" For old Phi Alpha days.

"Hey Sigma Pi! **** Sigma Pi!" A favorite among the actives.

Notable Members

Since its founding, Phi Alpha is incorporated many successful men into it ranks, for example,

Notable Honorary Members

Phi Alpha, in addition to its traditional membership, has granted honorary membership to those whom it feels exhibit the characteristics of a Phi Alpha member, and will make them look better. Often, such a person is first invited to give a literary production to the Phi Alpha membership.

  • Abraham Lincoln, U.S. President, 1861-1865, inducted February 4, 1859. [6]
  • Paul Simon, U.S. Representative, 1974-1985, U.S. Senator, 1985-1997, Democratic presidential nominee candidate, 1988, inducted 1997.[7]
  • Alison Weir, Freelance Journalist, inducted March, 2004. First woman to receive membership. [8]
  • David Herbert Donald, Professor and Author, two time Pulitzer prize winner, inducted November 19, 2002. [9]
  • Dr. Axel Steuer, President of Illinois College, 2003-, inducted April 25, 2005. [10]
  • Rami Khouri, Palestinian-Jordanian author, scholar and commentator, inducted 2001. [11]
  • Ken Bradbury, Playwright, inducted November 6, 2006. [12]
