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  • Remove Processes
  • Remove Show Digestion
  • Remove Show Swallowing
  • Remove Show Vomiting
  • Remove Show Peristalsis
  • Remove Show Basal electrical rhythm
  • Remove Show Gastrocolic reflex
  • Remove Show Segmentation contractions
  • Remove Show Migrating motor complex
  • Remove Show Defecation
  • Remove Show Borborygmus
  • Remove Show Enterohepatic circulation
  • Remove Exocrine secretions
  • Remove Show Pepsin
  • Remove Show Gastric acid
  • Remove Show Intrinsic factor
  • Remove Endocrine/paracrine secretions
  • Remove Show Gastrin
  • Remove Show Somatostatin
  • Remove Show Histamine
  • Remove Show Cholecystokinin
  • Remove Show Gastric inhibitory polypeptide
  • Remove Show Secretin
  • Remove Show Motilin
  • Remove Show Glucagon-like peptide-1
  • Remove Composite fluids
  • Remove Show Saliva
  • Remove Show Gastric juice
  • Remove Show Intestinal juice
  • Remove Show Bile
  • Remove Show Pancreatic juice
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