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Storm Hawk (talk | contribs)
Season 2: 2008: Updated the summaries of "Five Days" and "Energy Crisis"
Storm Hawk (talk | contribs)
Season 2: 2008: Changed "Skies End" to "Sky's End"
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{{Episode list
{{Episode list
| Title = Skies End
| Title = Sky's End
| OriginalAirDate = November 21, 2008
| OriginalAirDate = November 21, 2008
| EpisodeNumber = 37
| EpisodeNumber = 37

Revision as of 19:58, 23 November 2008

The following is a list of episodes for the American/Canadian animated television series Storm Hawks. The series has 52 episodes ordered and in production.

Episode list

Season 1: 2007

EP# Title Airdate Prod. #
1"Age of Heroes (Part 1)"May 25, 2007101
The Storm Hawks head to Terra Atmosia to register as an official Sky Knight squadron,only to be rejected because of their age. Shortly thereafter, the leader of the Red Eagles, Carver, tries to steal the Aurora Stone, the most powerful crystal in Atmos. Though Aerrow is able to defeat him, things go from bad to worse when Master Cyclonis sends the Dark Ace to finish Carver's mission. The Storm Hawks are unable to fend off the fleet of Cyclonian Talons, or the Dark Ace himself, and the Aurora Stone is stolen.
2"Age of Heroes (Part 2)"June 1, 2007102
With the Aurora Stone stolen, every Sky knight in Atmos joins forces to retrieve it, only to fail miserably when the Dark Ace uses its power against them. Using the crystal to power her Storm Engine, Master Cyclonis plans to wipe out every terra in Atmos simultaneously. The Storm Hawks mount their own mission to retrieve the crystal, opting to use stealth over brute force. While the rest of his team sneaks in through Cyclonia's many underground passages, Aerrow provides a distraction on the outside, defeating Master Cyclonis' minions one by one, even the Dark Ace. Within the fortress, he is aided by Starling, a lone Sky Knight who had infiltrated the Cyclonian ranks before the stone was even stolen. Ultimately, Aerrow is forced to destroy the Aurora Stone to stop the Storm Engine, but with Starling's testimony this is considered an acceptable loss.
3"Gale Force Winds"June 8, 2007103
During a scouting mission into the Cyclonian-controlled Terra Gale, the Storm Hawks take on a mission to rescue the granddaughter of an old man from the Cyclonians. When they find her, however, they are forced into rescuing the Rebel Ducks, Terra Gale's imprisoned Sky Knight squadron, as well.
4"The Code"June 15, 2007104

While attempting to procure a phoenix crystal from a phoenix nest, the Storm Hawks have their prize stolen by the Guardians. When their leader, Harrier, insists on a challenge, Aerrow gladly agrees in order to show him who runs the better squadron. However, the Storm Hawks find themselves in a bad position to win when faced with the Guardians' insistence on adhering to proper etiquette, and lose the challenge through technicalities, despite their victories. -Finn lost for defacing the symbol of their terra in a skywriting contest (made it look like it had spikey hair and was breathing fire) -Stork lost the building contest (where he had to build a working skyride from spare parts) because, despite the fact that he completed it in seconds, he made unauthorized modifications (the crystal converter is also a sonic scrambler), failed to salute, and didn't wash his hands. -Piper's sky-fu (like kung-fu) exhibition tied with the Guardian's champion, but Piper claimed that due to non-regulation attire of the Guardian, she was the real winner. The judges agree, and the Storm Hawks take their first victory. -Aerrow soundly defeated Harrier in a jousting competition. However, because he abandoned his ride and wasn't wearing regulation dueling honor, Aerrow was penalized ten seconds, meaning the challenge went to the Guardians.

To make things worse, Harrier hands the phoenix crystal over to the Dark Ace in an attempt to placate Cyclonia. The Dark Ace, of course, does not honor the deal, and the Guardians quickly discover their honorable traditions do little good against someone who doesn't play by the same rules. When the Storm Hawks succeed where they failed, Harrier agrees to take some pointers from them.
5"Tranquility Now"June 18, 2007105
Cyclonians Raviss and Snipe attack Terra Glockenchime, shutting down the time-pulse, one of the only ways that ships are able to navigate. At the same time, Finn accidentally drops Junko's knuckle busters into the Wastelands, which leads to the revelation that Junko is one of the weaker, branier Wallops, and he always got picked on as a kid because of this. The loss of his busters gives him a massive self-esteem drain, and hampers his ability to fight when the Storm Hawks go to stop Raviss and Snipe. To try to make it up to him, Finn gives Junko a pair of "Cyclonian Knuckle Busters," which are "Twice as strong," as the old ones. In reality, they are a pair of old mopping gloves. After being zapped by a firebolt cyrstal, Junko goes out of control, believing himself to be strong. When the Hawks break in on Raviss and Snipe, Junko gives up (having found out that the knuckle busters are, in fact, gloves), until Snipe calls him a Gleep. This brings back memories of when the other Wallops would bully him around, and Junko knocks Snipe out. Once the time-pulse is restored, Finn grabs the REAL knuckle busters back from the Wastelands and appologizes to Junko.
6"Best Friends Forever"June 25, 2007106
During a storm, Piper is saved by another crystal expert like herself named Lark, and the two become fast friends. However, during a recon mission to a Cyclonian crystal mine, Piper discovers her new friend is Master Cyclonis in disguise, having infiltrated the Storm Hawks in the hopes to turning Piper to her side. Unable to do so, Master Cyclonis uses the mined crystals to turn an entire Talon squadron invisible, while she deals with Piper. Using some unorthodox tactics, the Storm Hawks defeat their invisible assailants, while Piper defeats Master Cyclonis when she tries to use an oblivon crsytal, but it fails to work on Piper because Master Cyclonis considered her a friend for a small moment, making the crystal worthless.
7"The Black Gorge"July 2, 2007107
While taking a shortcut over the Black Gorge, the Storm Hawks are stranded by its crystal-draining energy field. In order to restore power and escape, the Storm Hawks set out for the one spot in the Black Gorge where sunlight can be found, in order to power a solaris crystal with it. Led by an unwilling Stork and a cute native animal, the Storm Hawks avoid one horrible monster after another until they reach sunlight, only to find that it transforms their animal guide and a herd of creatures like him into massive angry sloths. Fortunately, all the horrors of the gorge are no less hostile to the sloths themselves, allowing the Storm Hawks to escape.
8"Absolute Power"July 9, 2007108
Aerrow goes off on a secret mission with Starling to Terra Bogaton, leaving Finn in charge of the Condor. While Aerrow and Starling fight off the Raptors to rescue a group of peaceful scientists, Finn goes power-mad and banishes his teammates from the bridge for disobeying his many orders. To teach him a lesson, the others mess with the ship's systems, convincing Finn to relinquish control of everyone and the ship. Their uprising is well-timed: the terracon scientists have a map of Bogaton's supposedly impenetrable air-defense, and Finn's the perfect man to take them all out. While Aerrow escorts the scientists out of Bogaton under cover fire from Finn, Starling battles Repton for the shield belonging to the Interceptors, her former squadron which Repton destroyed. Once the shield is retrieved and the scientists are safe, Aerrow reminds Starling that she's always welcome to join the Storm Hawks.
9"Velocity"July 16, 2007109
During the annual Great Atmos Race on Terra Saharr for a rare Velocity Amulet, a mysterious rider convinces every contestant to soup up their vehicle with any and every part available, including the vehicles of their friends and even parts from their carriers. As the race begins, the riders are eliminated one by one, with the mysterious rider revealing himself to be the Dark Ace in disguise. Though Aerrow wins the race, the Dark Ace points out that Aerrow now has the only working vehicle on the terra, making the grounded Sky Knights easy pickings for his Talons. While Aerrow tries to hold off the Cyclonian forces on his own, Piper convinces everyone else to work together, cobbling together a massive and heavily armed gunship from every spare part they have left to repel the Cyclonians. In order to celebrate their teamwork, Aerrow shatters the Velocity Amulet so every squadron can go home with a piece of it.
10"Fire and Ice"July 23, 2007110
Repton takes his Raptors to a secret reptile paradise, only to find that the Blizzarians have frozen it over, their previous home having been conquered by the Cyclonians. In order to teach them a lesson, the Raptors begin throwing heat-producing crystals into a nearby volcano, only to be discovered by Stork. Meanwhile, the male members of the Absolute Zeroes offer to do some training with the the Storm Hawks, but insist that Piper stay behind with the females of their squadron. Piper quickly discovers that this is not because they look down on her, but in fact seem to think she's the leader, since their squadron leader, Suzi-Lu, is also female. When one of Repton's minions accidentally sets off the volcano, Piper convinces Suzi-Lu to sacrifice her blizzard crystal to stop it. With the threat over, the Storm Hawks promise to liberate the Blizzarians' original home, and the Raptors are stranded on a frozen terra with their vehicles melted by the lava.
11"King For a Day"July 30, 2007111
When the Storm Hawks stumble upon the long lost Terra Vapos, Finn is declared to be the long lost hero of their prophecy, something he couldn't be happier about. However, when he discovers that an army of humanoid bats is stealing all their supplies, he offers to defeat them all by himself, just as the prophecy says. As he leaves, Piper learns that Finn hasn't been given the entire story: Finn isn't supposed to defeat them, he is to be eaten by the head bat. They prepare to go after them, but the people of Vapos, fearing the bats will stop only when Finn is eaten, toss them in jail. Sure enough, Finn is eaten by the bat, but the story doesn't end there. Finn escapes by lighting a flare, then causes a cave-in to trap the bats forever, with Aerrow, having escaped, arriving just in time to fly both of them to safety. With the bats gone, Vapos can become prosperous again.
12"Terra Deep"August 13, 2007112
While attempting to evade a Cyclonian fleet, the Storm Hawks inadvertently flee into Terra Deep. Realizing their location just a bit too late, they are forced to play a game of Cat and Mouse with the Murk Raiders, ship-raiding pirates. Despite their efforts, the Storm Hawks can't evade the Raiders on their home turf, and the Murk Raiders are successful in boarding their ship. However, the Murk Raiders aren't quite up to the task of subduing a Sky Knight squadron, and are repelled with relative ease. Not willing to give up after such a failure, the Murk Raiders summon two more ships to pursue the Storm Hawks. Luckily for the Storm Hawks, the Murk Raiders find much more appealing targets when led out of Terra Deep, where three massive Cyclonian carriers are waiting to be picked clean.
13"Storm Warning"August 20, 2007113
During a spy mission on Terra Amazonia, Finn deviates from Piper's step-by-step plan and steals an entire crate of crystals from a group of Cyclonians under Ravess' command. Annoyed, Piper insists that they wouldn't last a day without her, and sets out to prove it by pretending to quit. Stork discovers her trick, and the others do their best to get along just to ruin her plan. However, they fail to realize that the crate Finn stole is full of leech crystals, which are slowly draining the ship of its power and will explode after doing so. Once the drain is nearly complete, Ravess orders an attack on the Storm Hawks to take advantage of their weakness, leaving Piper the only one aware of the true nature of the crystals. With her help, Stork is able to dispose of the crystals while the rest of the team repels Ravess. With both sides convinced that they can't do without one another, the Storm Hawks make up, just in time for Stork to admit that he stored the leechers in Piper's crystal shielder in her room, which now has a nice, big window from the explosion.
14"A Little Trouble"September 1, 2007114
The Storm Hawks have to babysit Junko's nephew (twice removed), Tynki. Meanwhile, Snipe is building a larger and even more destructive version of a Cyclonian Destroyer, which when completed will allow him to dominate the skies. As they prepare to take it down, Tynki's curiosity combined with his ridiculous Wallop strength make the little child a terror for the Storm Hawks crew. To make matters worse, when they finally begin their mission to disable the battleship, Tynki finds his way on board, innocently wrecking everything he can get his little hands on. However, his spree of destruction turns out to be beneficial, as he inadvertently helps to shut down the ship, causing it to plummet into the Wastelands.
15"Thunder Run"September 15, 2007115
Junko is taken hostage by a spider-like gangster known as the Colonel, and the Storm Hawks have until sundown to retrieve some "rozen yoga" from from the other end of Atmos that will pay the ransom. As they set out on their mission, Junko gets into an eating contest with the Colonel. To give the Condor an extra burst of speed, Finn steals a Velocity crystal from the Raptors, bringing the wrath of Repton down upon them. Dumping parts to lighten the ship similarly angers a group of phoenixes. They even have to pass through Cyclonian territory to make it in time. All of this turns out to be in pursuit of what is actually frozen yogurt, the strange name a result of the Colonel's accent. Furthermore, Junko beats the Colonel at an eating contest, and eats the yogurt when it's delivered. Upset by the trivial goal of their dangerous journey, Piper insults the Colonel and he insists on another mission with an even smaller timeframe.
16"Escape!"September 22, 2007116
Aerrow and Radarr have to break out of the escape-proof Cyclonian prison on Terra Zartacla. However, with no ride to escape on, and the jail warden Mr. Moss on their tail, such a feat is easier said than done. As they repeatedly avoid Moss and his guards, Moss calls more and more help in to catch them. Radarr manages to fix a broken vehicle left in the trees so they can escape, and Moss realizes that the whole affair was just a distraction to allow the Storm Hawks to break the other prisoners out.
17"Forbidden City"September 29, 2007117
The Storm Hawks must stop Snipe from breaking into an ancient city which contains the Oracle Stone, a crystal that can see the future. Braving the many traps, hazards, and Cyclonians, Aerrow eventually finds the stone. There, the Oracle, whose spirit dwells within the stone, shows him the future: the Cyclonians win. However, she offers him the chance to change that future by freeing her. Aerrow does so, and taking the now worthless stone along, he and the Storm Hawks escape the temple, leaving Snipe with nothing. He later presents the stone to Piper as a gift.
18"Leviathan"October 6, 2007118
When the Condor and Radarr are swallowed by the terra-sized beast known as the Leviathan, the Storm Hawks find themselves unable to fight the beast, forcing them to team up with a reluctant Sky Knight (whose crew and only brother had already been swallowed) to get their home back. Stork, meanwhile, goes into "Sky Shock" after witnessing the Condor being eaten firsthand. With Stork's shock-driven bravery and a replacement ship loaned to them by the Sky Knight, the Storm Hawks are able to get their home back. At the same time, they inadvertently discover how to repel the beast, ensuring that it will never attack any ships again.
19"Infinnity"November 7, 2007119
The Storm Hawks steal an artifact from Snipe, which Finn inadvertently activates. He soon discovers that it houses a crystal that clones him, which he and his clones use over and over to complete all their chores all over the ship. Before Piper can reverse the effect, Snipe takes the crystal back and creates an army of clones. Using his own pride against him, the Storm Hawks distract Snipe long enough to steal back the crystal and reverse the effect, returning both Snipe and Finn to single versions of themselves.
20"Terra Neon"November 30, 2007120
During a vacation on Terra Neon, the Storm Hawks discover the normally active carnival terra devoid of life, except for a single place holding auditions for a show. They soon discover that the entire terra has been enslaved by two producers looking for the next big thing, and the Storm Hawks are their latest tryouts. One by one the Storm Hawks are rejected and captured, leaving only Stork, whose "doom" poetry impresses the producers. As the two producers chase down Stork, the Storm Hawks trick them into stranding themselves in the wastelands. However, while Terra Neon is now free of the producers, the same can't be said for Ravess and her Talons.
21"The Storm Hawks Seven"December 3, 2007121
Ravess is building a powerful sonic cannon at Polaris Point, an unstable terra in the center of a narrow passage between two quadrants of Atmos. When Starling finds out, she enlists the aid of the Storm Hawks to destroy it. Though they quickly devise a plan, Starling is somewhat disappointed when it comes to mission preparations, as the Storm Hawks "training" consists of little more than foolish games. When it comes time to attack, the Storm Hawks Seven (Aerrow includes Starling in the count) fails to destroy the cannon, which is protected by a shield. Using some clever disguises, Finn's awful guitar music, and some haphazard construction by Stork, the Storm Hawks are able to temporarily nullify Ravess' cannon while Piper and Starling disable the shield, allowing the Storm Hawks to destroy Polaris Point for good. With the threat over, the Storm Hawks surprise Starling with her own room on-board the Condor. Though she's not willing to join up yet, Starling gladly participates in another round of their unique form of training.
22"Talon Academy"December 4, 2007122
After saving a Talon whose parachute failed, Piper discovers that she's no younger than herself. The Storm Hawks discover a poster for a Cyclonian training camp. Glamorous advertising on the poster is meant to suggest that being a Talon is "cool", and kids flock to the camp to join. Aerrow, Radarr and Piper join the academy to take it down, using chroma crystals to change their hair color and clothes. The camp is lead by "Sergeant" Snipe, who Aerrow can't help but continually annoy. During this time, Piper discovers that Cyclonia plans to use these new recruits to wipe out a defenseless terra, while Aerrow convinces them that being a Talon isn't all it's cracked up to be. Upon being discovered, Aerrow and Piper instigate a rebellion. A still-loyal student calls for a team of elite Talons during the commotion, and Aerrow directs the students in a massive aerial battle, which they win when Junko, Finn and Stork arrive just when the others are out of ammo. The students now want to become Storm Hawks instead.
23"Siren's Song"December 5, 2007123
The Storm Hawks finds themselves stranded in the Great Expanse, a vast area devoid of life where instruments don't function and navigation is impossible. In recounting how they came to be in their situations, the Storm Hawks discover that they are being preyed upon by a Sky Siren, an illusion-casting witch intent on destroying them. She attempts to use their greatest desires against them, keeping them from escaping. One by one the Storm Hawks fall prey to her powers, but in the end it is Radarr who overcomes her and pilots the ship to safety, the act of doing so having been his greatest desire.
24"Calling All Domos"December 6, 2007124
While Aerrow, Piper, and Radaar take Junko to the dentist, Finn and Stork are left to their own devices. A bird from Terra Vapos delivers a note to Finn, requesting his assistance, and the two set out to help. When they arrive, King Agar asks them to retrieve a crystal which maintains their very existence. Finn and Stork find that the Murk Raiders have stolen the crystal, so they sneak aboard their ship and steal it back, only to have the Murk Raiders follow them back to Vapos. The pair manage to hold off the Murk Raiders long enough to restore the terra, and Agar pays the Murk Raiders for their trouble with a fortune of gold. However, to the Murk Raiders dismay, the gold turns to dust as soon as they leave the terra, since, as Agar explains, "nothing ever truly leaves Vapos."
25"The Lesson"December 7, 2007125
Arygyn, a famous trainer of warriors, sneaks onto the Condor under the guise of a bird. Once on the ship, he proceeds to defeat each member of the Storm Hawks, before revealing that he's there to train them. The Cyclonians have recieved enhancement crystals, and are, alone, more powerful than any single squadron. In an attempt to train the Storm Hawks, Arygyn reserves Terra Neon for the whole day and uses games as training tools. Junko is given an out of control bumper-car ride to learn dextarity. Piper is given an enhanced "Test Your Strength" game to improve her physical abilities. Stork is put on an out of control Mechanical Bull to improve his ballance. Finn is given a hyper-charged shooting gallery, and Aerrow is told to board a roller coaster- while it's still moving. Once they win these games, they leave Arygyn, angry that they didn't learn anything of use. The skills they gained from the games, however, are used against the super-charged cyclonians. Junko takes out Ravess by dodging arrows, Finn took on Repton by shooting down his boomerang, Stork gave the Raptors a wild ride, Piper versed Snipe and knocked him out while sending him flying, and Aerrow well, took on Dark Ace. The skills Arygyn taught ensured another victory for the Storm Hawks.
26"Dude, Where's My Condor ?"December 10, 2007126
The Condor goes in for repairs but Finn instead trades it for a newer 'better' model. The model, however new and shiney it looks, is nearly worthless, and falls apart nearly at the touch. When they ask for the old model back, the dealer claims he already sold the Condor to the Colonel. Colonel wants to use the Condor to break the airspeed record, and refuses to trade for the new ship. Finn challenges the Colonel to a series of races, and the Hawks wind up as servants aboard the Condor. When the Colonel attempts to try for the airspeed record again, he orders the Hawks off the ship, but they stow away instead. Unfortunately, they are discovered, but the Condor begins to break apart at the seams due to the massive airspeed. The Colonel abandons ship, leaving the Hawks to activate the airbreaks, lower the landing gear, and put out the engine room- manually. When the ship finally stops, it turns out the Hawks broke the airspeed record, and that the Colonel repaired an unusual glowing button. When pressed, it reveals that it activates the airbreaks, drops the landing gear, and stops the engines, meaning that the Hawks just wasted the last few minutes.

Season 2: 2008

EP# Title Airdate Prod. #
27"The Masked Masher"September 6th 2008201
To get inside Cyclonia during its "Ultimate Warrior Championships," the Storm Hawks enter Junko as one of the colorful competitors. Things quickly get out of hand when Finn abuses a Hypnosis crystal on Junko to make him fight, sending Junko into a berserker rage. While this is going on, Piper sneaks around Master Cyclonis' office and gains valuable information, but is eventually discovered. The Storm Hawks are forced to fight against the Berserk Junko until Finn remembers (with help) the password that would disable the hold the Hypnosis Crystal had over Junko. They escape shortly thereafter.
28"Atmos' Most Wanted"September 13th 2008202
Thieves are on the loose, and all clues seem to point to the Storm Hawks as the culprits! First the theft of Terra Gale's cheese stone and then a dozen of others, including the Absolute Zeroes' snow blasters and the Rex Guardian's treasured Sky Ride (which was used by the first Sky Knight). With sky knights on their tails the Storm Hawks find a pattern in the thefts and realize the shards of the Aurora Stone are the next target. The culprits are the Raptors, who have been using crude Storm Hawks masks to cover their thefts. In a midair battle, the Hawks recover the treasures and clear their names.
29"Stratosphere"September 20th 2008203
The space race is on! After discovering Ravess is commanding a battle station high above the clouds, in the Stratosphere, and Cyclonia has a head start, the Storm Hawks remodel the Condor and take off. They discover that Cyclonia's true plan is to put a satellite weapon, the Exopod, into the Exosphere. Aerrow's skimmer is modified for space travel, and the Storm Hawks launch him and Radarr into the Exosphere. A miscalculation with the trajectory leads Aerrow to send Radarr off alone to deal with the Exopod while he takes a different trajectory back to the rendezvous point. Radarr manages to knock the Exopod out of orbit, while destroying Ravess' carrier in the process. Aerrow, in a feat mirroring John Glenn, makes the first orbit around Atmos. Unfortunately, he is a terrible photographer, so the photographs he takes with Piper's camera are useless.
30"The Last Stand"September 27th 2008204
The Storm Hawks crash land in the Wastelands after rescuing a group of Wallops from a mine. Unfortunately, Mr. Moss, the warden of the Zartacla, is back with an army of fire scorpions. The Storm Hawks hold off his seige with the help of the Wallop Miners, who take breaks at inopportune times and act rudely to Junko, who idolizes them. When Junko eventually gets frustrated with them, they finally start helping out, buying Piper and Radarr enough time to cool off the engine crystals and take off.
31"Life with Lugey"October 4th 2008205
When Stork swallows a powerful Gravitron Crystal, he finds he's now attracting more than just unwanted attention: large, smelly and dumb raptor Lugey is now STUCK to him! To keep Lugey from running back to Repton with Stork still attached, the Storm Hawks convince Lugey he has to learn their secrets. They show him around the Condor and Lugey realizes he is having fun, an act that Repton forbade. To keep him from jumping off the Condor and going back to Repton, Aerrow makes him an honorary Storm Hawk. Piper figures that if Stork and Lugey do not separate soon, they will be stuck together forever. To create the anti-gravity crystal needed to separate them, the Storm Hawks break into Gundstaff's lab. The Raptors show up, and they fight with the Storm Hawks. Lugey and Stork work together to finish the anti-gravity crystal, and finally get unstuck when Stork coughs up the Gravitron crystal. Stork and the other Storm Hawks escape, while Repton and the Raptors (including Lugey) are left to deal with an angry Gundstaff.
32"What Got Into Finn?"October 11th 2008206
The Storm Hawks are hired by a mysterious benefactor (Master Cyclonis) in order to deliver a canister to an uncharted location for "The defense of a terra," with only the instruction of "Not to open the canister." Predictably, Finn and Junko (after Finn's persuasion) open the canister, and are infected by Aggrospores. Finn becomes a monster, while Junko, being a Wallop, becomes extremely sleepy. Finn (in monster form) escapes the Condor to Terra Atmosia, where he causes mass destruction and chaos. Stork, after finding an antidote, attempts to capture Monster Finn in a series of Wil E. Coyote-esque schemes, including a catapult with a boulder, rocket skates, and dressing up as a 'beautiful' woman. Stork finally goes insane and builds a massive robot dinosaur ('Storkasaurus'), which causes even more damage before Aerrow stops him. Aerrow finally cures Finn, who is shown to be infested with fleas.
33"Royal Twist"October 18th 2008207
On a scouting mission, Piper discovers a new terra, and a princess who looks and sounds almost exactly like her. Her name is Princess Peregrine. She longs for adventure beyond the walls of the castle on Terra Klockstoppia, but her life is dictated by the Regent, who is the acting ruler of the terra. The two are amazed at each other's lives, but for different reasons-Piper respects Perry for being a princess and is amazed at the lack of modern crystal technology, while Perry envies Piper's "action packed" life of a Storm Hawk. In a parody of "The Prince and the Pauper," Perry knocks Piper out and takes her place. Piper tries to explain what happened to the Regent, but her explanations are dismissed as wild tales of fantasy. Perry soon finds out that Piper's life is not as adventurous as she originally thought, and Piper has many responsibilities. She nearly causes a disaster by "forgetting" to recharge the engine crystals which keep the Condor aloft. She comes up with a low-tech solution, which involves the Storm Hawks running on a big hamster wheel, which power old-fashioned propeller engines. Meanwhile, a group of Nightcrawlers, on a mission from Master Cyclonis, attempt to steal the stores of crystals located on Terra Klockstoppia. Piper tries to fight them off, but with the best weapons availible on Klockstoppia being cannons that fire oranges, she is subdued quickly. Perry returns with the Storm Hawks, having revealed her true identity to them earlier. Because the Storm Hawks sacrificed most of their crystal power to give the Condor a boost, their weapons don't work, and they are forced to fight hand-to-hand. This works until a Night Crawler throws a grenade-like crystal, allowing the Night Crawlers to gain an upper hand in the fight. The Storm Hawks win the battle as Piper and Perry use Solaris crystals to generate sunlight, weakening the armour of the Nightcrawlers, who retreat. After the battle is over, Perry decides to take over the kingdom, as is her birthright.
34"Second Chances"November 1st 2008208

Carver of the Red Eagles is released from prison after it is discovered that he was under the influence of a controlling crystal when he betrayed Atmosia. He joins the Storm Hawks. With him comes the media, and the Storm Hawks become more famous than ever. He dresses the team in cool, new uniforms and helps out with dangerous missions. However, strange things start to happen to Aerrow. Carver convinces the Storm Hawks that Aerrow is controlled by Cyclonis (using a hypnosis crystal). Aerrow gets captured by the Storm Hawks and Carver to prevent him from becoming a criminal, "Just like Carver," and throw him in jail. Carver steals Stork's new pet(the deadliest in the Atmos, one touch equalls death)and puts it in Aerrow's cell while he is sleeping. Meanwhile Piper finds out that Aerrow is not really under a spell, and Carver is really out to get him. Aerrow escapes from prison with Radarr's help, revealing that Stork's "super-deadly spider" is actually a tickle-spider. He tricks Carver into confessing his guilt before his own media entourage, sentencing Carver back to prison. The Hawks then get rid of the media circus, but keep the new uniforms as fancy dress outfits.

35"Radarr Love"November 8th, 2008209
Radarr is accidentally left behind at a pit stop on the way to a concert! By the time his team realizes it, he's off on an adventure to get back home, which results in him getting stuck on a Cyclonian cruiser. The commander of the ship is determined to be remembered in future generations, so he came up with a plan to deploy floating mines disguised as weather balloons. Radarr makes his way to the radio, and attempts to contact the Storm Hawks. Unfortunately, he can't speak any sort of recognizable language, so the Hawks only hear some strange noises until Aerrow positively identifies him as Radarr. In a desperate rescue mission, Stork accidentaly crashes the Condor into the battle crusier and causes the Hawks to go flying, and also knocking out everyone on their ship. When the Storm Hawks wake up ,they find themself in the ship's brig. Radarr, accidentally finding the cell, mistakenly lets the squadron out of confinement, and the Hawks split into two groups: Aerrow and Piper on one, and Junko, Finn, and Stork on the other. After wandering around the ship for a while, they stumble on the ship's commander fighting against Radarr. He had discovered Radarr sabotaging his "Doom-laden-weather-balloons-of-doom," and was trying to exterminate him. The Storm Hawks miss Radarr entirely, only catching his words about the explosive balloons. They immiediately try to disable the balloon launcher, and succeed. Meanwhile, the commander corners Radarr on top of the ship. In a moment that Legend of Zelda fans should recognize well, he is attacked by dozens of insane chickens, who not only take down the commander, but fly Radarr off the cruiser and back to the Condor. When he gets back, his teammates, unable to understand him or his explanation, make fun of him for missing all the action. ([2])
36"Scout's Honour"November 14th, 2008210
Stork is left in charge of a rambunctious trio of SKY SCOUTS. What he thinks is going to be the weekend of doom turns into the adventure of a lifetime.
37"Sky's End"November 21, 2008211
A fierce storm blows the Condor to the very edge of the Atmos, called "Skies End." It's not the true edge of the world, merely the edge of recorded territories. Upon seeing their location on the map, Finn makes an innocent remark about the map saying "Here there be dragons," which proceeds an actual dragon attack. After a fierce battle, the dragon is taken down, to the revelation that it's a ship! The pilot is a man named Rinzin, the last of the dragon knights. He was piloting the dragon ship in order to protect a sanctuary for baby dragons. Hundreds of years ago, before established air travel, there were thousands of dragons. When various peoples gained their wings and started flying, they saw the dragons as a nuisence, and hunted them to near extinction. They became stories told to young children, until Rinzin found a clutch of Dragon eggs, and hatched them. He considers it his duty to protect them and raise them to adulthood. Unfortunately, while Radarr is playing with some of the babies, they are spotted by Eyeball of the Murk Raiders. He reports it to Scabulos, who makes comments that seem to indicate that he fought either dragons in the past, or against Rinzin's dragon ship (this is not made clear.) Either way, he brings in multiple murk Raider ships, including the infamous Murk Raider flagship. The Storm Hawks barely manage to finish the Dragon Ship in time to fight against the enemy fleet, and despite Aerrow and Finn's best efforts, the Murk Raiders do take the upper hand, culminating in the Murk Raider flag ship biting into the Condor again. Fortunately, the Storm Hawks drive them off with assistance from Radarr and the baby dragons, who work together with Rinzin to drive off the fleet. In the end, the Hawks convince Tritonn and the Neck Deeps to come and help protect the dragon babies. Upon learning that dragons take sixty years to grow up, Aerrow mentions that they will be taking shifts.
38"Five Days"November 28, 2008212
Aerrow is in a fully body cast after an accident. Piper steals a zero crystal from Gundstaff to speed up the process of recovery. One requirement for the crystal to function properly is that Aerrow has to remain immobile. If he moves, the healing process will be reversed. Meanwhile, Snipe has broken an important machine of Master Cyclonis. He also wants Gundstaff's zero crystal... ([3])
39"Energy Crisis"December 5th, 2008213
The Storm Hawks find out that the Dark Ace has the Medula crystal. This crystal serves as a power source for an energy suit. The suit gives the wearer enormous power, but also curses them, because no one can control it properly. It was believed that the Medula crystal was destroyed, but this is now refuted. Dark Ace wears the suit, and, like previous wearers, begins to lose his mind...([4])

Special episodes

EP# Title Airdate Prod. #
TBA"Home Movie Night"TBATBA
The Storm Hawks have a night to watch a movie on their adventures


See also