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'''Galaxies are fiction'''

After going through some research with the idea of comic books and videogames in popular culture correlating themselves with Galaxies and Constellations, I thought to myself...this is fiction, its not true false or fake. The idea that constellations are even remotely reachable by light is beyond us. Here I divulge to you my true sign, Aries, the sign of the ram where the star systems are powerful vacuums in space made up of faint light and nothing else, the revealer sign, starter or inhibitor of Karma connected to the seven suns, is the hidden identity or revealer of falsehoods. The true connection to the southern constellations is via Aries itself, the alpha and the omega or the god sign. To get there one moves through [[Virgo]], occultly understood is the sign of life and true non-alien nativity or the way to [[Centaurus]] via the Southern Cross where a feminized [[Saint Peter]] of the Bible is crucified in a similar fashion to [[Prometheus]]. The zodiacal signs itself is A cloned identity of the not-self or higher formless ego. For to move too far ahead, one becomes susceptible to karma, where a true process of reincarnation is put into place. This path puts Christ into light as a real person, yet at the same time defy's Brahma himself. A result of destroying the ego of this shaved hairless form maybe? The zodiac is not the astral plane, it is to move ahead and create, or die and never return to the earth as ants. So we must show that as Christ ascended he was awakened and aware, yet if man or initiates ascend they do so to create via the soul form or to keep up with evolution where all return to their respected logoi regardless of a greater being, god or fohat. Simply put, its a delusion of reality where our lives are equivalent to simple dreams. Can an Aries defy death, walk on water or become immortal? Possibly, yet they can not create a race, face death or reveal nature's true path the illusionary one. Therefore I turn to my religion, Buddhism as mentioned below.

For, in reality our existence is a dream-like one. Awakening oneself does not happen in one night, or even ten years but in a true unattainable awareness of the infinite. Abundance of everything, everywhere at a given time. Yet it is not because their is no up and down, right or left, good and evil in the occult unless god himself reveals it. Now you may think there is a water sign somewhere? An alien race perhaps? Or a magic spell to all of this. No, their is only the universe and the [[lotus sutra]], where buddhism is a revealer of truth not a star map in the sky, dead globe of light or advanced ray gun. It is like reading a thousand books. There you have it true illusion and reality as gas and light, two separate constellations which have nothing to do with each other, [http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/4232/unidentifiedsymbols.gif Aries and Oph] where birth and death are looked in the same light. A positive outlook in a literally negative world where degeneration into race is a reality, but so much so as simple mixed evolution upon the sands of time.

It is true, we will all die, Oph is the magical or immortal sign, but that is past. We are alive and breathing here and now. We belong in our place in time..like how [[Pleiadians]] or [[Orions]] are unknown, so is the human mind, where wisdom and compassion correlate to the soul itself, not materialistic reality. Our lives in reality are likened to brief dreams. To collaborate upon this idea or notion collectively, we must see within somehow by speculative topics such as Ether and a real stance on how Evolution instantaneously works. Science fiction is not too far from that. Technology just expands upon this deep topic as roots spread deeper into the sand. So while on that topic where exactly is the so called 'non-human' race? Is it a head attached to another body and made to not look too human? One god, one mind, one soul always. Not too far indeed.


'''Atlantis found?'''

I came across this map upon my youth with indications of what was where, sadly i deleted it. A few meditations and quiet moments later, I arrived to what seems like a reproduction of a 47 million year old map. That's right, the tertiary period. That is a steep estimate so I give it an 18m year old pole shift. Seeing how science has stepped it up a notch, and figured out the earth doesn't rotate on its equator accurately speaking they may not be as dumb as we think. Here you go:


I mean come on Indonesia a risen swamp? Europe untouched and apparent. If this were a poleshift it would've totally changed the planet and 47 million years would see new formations due to erosion. Just me thinking. Although another pole-shift may be around the corner, it would only be if something like the sun slipped. And besides there was deep ocean in the middle of north america that well pervaded the eastcoast. I have evidence to believe this by discovery of shell fossils in Appalachia when I was six. Seems accurate enough. Given man-ape's lowly state of consciousness and non-existent status of degeneration in nature via darwinism, 18m years seems reasonable. I don't know really though.


'''Moon as a Double Star'''

Something interesting recently came up on the news about the moon having two stars so I decided to correct the facts. Some people seem to think the moon was born from a new star named 'Thea' by nebular origin. Although it might be true it only leaves room to expand in a child-like imagination. The moon indeed was not nebular but magnetic in origin. As seen here the [http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/528/moonisborn.gif creation of the moon] the moon is created from nothing but a collision of vacuum and space. I mean how can a small asteroid salt the oceans of the earth? Through a vacuum and to melt under a hot sun via unknown forces. Science once again inaccurately portrays to us the imagination or inner workings of a child which is not really there and religion soon follows. Sad but true, a random event becomes glorified. The moon child exists in a vertical fashion by light, heat and water. We know there are dead oceans on the moon too. There must have been a water halo around the sun or a creation of a ring of ice particles after the cosmic fix for the earth is too small to create a belt of anykind pr obviously house a rock of different minerals without close contact..radiation and random impact events however is a different story. A gigantic massive random event, or fixed evolution for millions upon millions of years of its creation. Magnetic draw or evaporation eg heat then oval form then fertilization, various impacts or final destruction. There must have been a grinding effect on its southern south-polar side. So basically, the moon grabbed and flung the earth at high speeds.

'''Note:''' the lunar dove or holy spirit, watever, is most likely just a water form of a halo and not a second water moon as the example is given but many spheres made of water. Fact the moon is sinking. Possibly an invisible halo around the Sun or water flung around earth, not too sure. The moon started left then forced itself by the earth to the right. There are two points, north and south to contribute to its rotation. North and South mark the equator and its magnetic attraction and repulsion of water through space as well. A mass simultaneous impact did however make it spin and this is also the real reason why tides exist.


'''Science of the Now'''

Science seems to finally be catching up with the occult. Scientists around the world are confirming poleshifts, mass planets and even extinction events such as asteroids in the near future which coincide with these 300,000 year cycle events. Cosmic collisions maybe every 26,000 years around the zodiac cycles? Albeit wiki articles are still behind in finding what pole-shifts, and polar tilts are yet do not shun away from ridiculous claims of colonizations on other planets making science and fantasy not too far apart and needs some work upon deferring the scientific sections with reality from fiction, well at least in the western pages, centralized it is not. Below are links of the most recent news articles confirming my suspicions in 2011. Since the heavens changing in the sidereal with the 13th sign and a visible planet x, this 'soul' or astral light has a long ways to go. Another coincidental unmentioned asteroid you should look out for is Elenen.

[http://blogs.wlfi.com/2011/01/08/reverting-back-to-the-consistent-december-numbing-cold/ Magnetic Tilt]

[http://english.pravda.ru/science/mysteries/12-01-2011/116500-fish_bird_kills-0/ Mass extinction]

[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-1356748/Search-Tyche-believed-largest-planet-solar-system.html#ixzz1DvBe93CT Pole Shift]

*The 2012 Apophis Phenomenon?

Apophis to hit earth on 2029? Is 2012 just around the corner? Are aliens watching us? Earth is strange and there's a lot of glamor the US government is telling us. Here are some interesting links on Secrets about earth and the Apophis [http://img842.imageshack.us/i/3southpolemysteriousant.jpg/ 1 South Pole] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6Zi51VqlOQ&feature=related 2 Apophis 2029] [http://img340.imageshack.us/img340/5204/apophis.jpg 3 Asteriod collisions]
[http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/1596/76503323.jpg 4 Planet X]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcuz6Tgsz4s 4 Trip to Mars]
[http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/3231/images333.jpg 5 Moon Crack]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89KkYMS8jkk 6 Alien occupants]
Are photographs older than thought? Or are these illusions, mind tricks or computer graphics imagery? Of course apophis is small but..An military [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Sxs_TmKJMA&feature=related UFO] perhaps? No one knows.

'''Minor Update:''' Upon research of the Shoemaker probe, satan's civilization has once more gnashed its teeth at small theory. I mean com' on. Shoemaker levi 9 a few miles long? Something that impacted Jupiter with up to 3 separate impacts hitting it NOT the size of earth? No this was a destroyer comet and the science community did not want to state that fact. Chicxulub crater did not kill the dinos. This is a fact. Just like the small size of the tungeska crater or the crater which killed the dinosaurs some how by its self at one time, science restores its faith in pictorial biasm of that which is not really there, an imagination of a stupid colorful yet practical illusion. What next, our earth commands or is center of all the planets in our solar system?...oh wait;p

See first entry below for updated asteroids.


'''Ancient Civilizations as early as 3000 BC?'''

I just wanted to post this quick one about sumerian civilizations with advanced technology in ancient Babylonia. Could it be the kingdom of Ur was more than a few million years old? Could it be it was integrated and the present Jewish race is new? This video [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiLnfyfh-3s&feature=player_embedded#! link] sure proved it does. Nuclear fallout a few thousand years ago? Rapid earth changes and continental shifts? The tablet inscriptions are relatively new as well. It gives detailed inscriptions of an angry god and a time of war during some celestial event. It also makes you think why humans go to war...it kind of makes us look stupid too, last time I checked a great depression wasnt really a just cause for nuclear war while a celestial event...maybe. Not only that the curvy highways of this civilization would most likely not be preserved as well by the earth as the straight ones of the past have been. They would probably look like dug in ravines and rivers as they corrode under water. The video does not give into detail the helicopters and flying machines which the Hindu civilization has had in iconographs from Egypt though..or the relevance of the Pyramids. I may update this in the near future.


'''Does Vulcan exist?'''

Is it possible Vulcan is found? This video seems to think so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGMT9GmmDFo&feature=related a planet beyond the ring flinging asteroids at us once in front of Mercury and larger than the sun could in fact be true. I am currently studying this, It may be a planet who's size is so great to lie inbetween Mercury and the Sun once 26000 years ago. Although it may even be a planet who is not too great of size, or upon earth at one time? it may only be cited by ancient astronomy and fathomable to the most keen of imaginations. Is there [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CnGRnz9Fi4&feature=player_embedded#! A second sun] perhaps? With the possibility of a number of [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_d-gs0WoUw minor planets], vulcan is just around the corner. Here we have [http://nonlaw.7forum.net/forum-f7/topic-t834-75.htm Planet X found]. Another cites the chinese comet, Ikeya-Zhang as vulcan on [http://www.flickr.com/photos/24972344@N02/3788742255/#/ flicker]. A coincidental Southern boundary? Its name is sometimes cited as Virgoan goddess's name of Tyche, Planet x, The Nemesis Star or Ophiuchus 13 coincidentally near the constellation Sagittarius. Although I theorize it is a smaller comet from a much larger one.


'''They Might Be Giants'''

Do Giants exist? Apparently this [http://herecomestheson2008.org/ADAM%20&%20EVE%20IN%20THE%20LAND%20OF%20GIANTS.html link] says they do under links section. Being an avid believer of this theory, I will be more concise. Giants do exist. Giants have been here for a long time and scientists can't realize this. The masters of our race was once really great, and obviously it was a long time ago. So long in fact that the comprehension of this towards the human mind is unbelievable. Whether they think small meteors can kill off whole species instantaneously is questionable and insane. Atlantis was once a great continent, and as I already proved, plate shifts in a cosmic scale would destroy and change the environment numerous times, leaving no trace of civilizations. The fern once gigantic now has tiny leaves due to loss of atmosphere, just like how the martian cannon resembles a lightning strike, do I know now giants existed and were deemed 'evil' by evolution and science like our ancestors will be someday. Not now, but some day or generation, decade or millennium. The nucleus in the cell jumps from generation by ancient dormant traits of the father as well passed down by the male. For instance the bird is small and numerous, a long time ago so were the dinosaurs on a subsequently bigger earth. The alien pure while the Atlantean retains this cosmic pureness and awareness does it soon fade to become pure again. Giants have walked the earth, and were 'beaten up' by the course in evolution of a harsh transition when a catastrophe occurs. We come up with Natural phases in evolution given spans of millions of years instead of hundreds. The old world is different from the new one, being much better spiritually speaking. My proof is so valid that it doesn't need any further proof. Yet I will show you some, the Neanderthal man, a dogmatic construction of science is indeed of Indian origin. It was just a larger gorilla type man instead of a marsupial size so called 'evolved' one. Here is a [http://forum.suprbay.org/showthread.php?tid=64853&pid=477435#pid477435 thread] showing so, they expanded through Asia and into Russia and died only in Europe...they evolved in Russia to blend in yet their Lemurian traits are still around. They are bigger than humans, yet not as large as Atlanteans. This is not a science fiction novel..its more like speculative fiction realized. We evolved into many forms. The fact that there is one perfect ego or form a long time ago is not far from speculation. Present Humanity being the underdog. So why use it now? We just don't know.


'''Sun from Space'''

by Murriemir

What color is our Sun?

The sun is not yellow from space it is white. The blue-green ultra-violet rays make the sun appear yellow from earth when they hit it from behind. Given the fact that it has a yellow glow omitted from it can be possible in distant space. This is proven from various reflections of it on the earth's surface and the Sun's apparent rays in the timelapse below. From Space it is white, never changing, always the same. Only a stupid hominid would complain about that. A Cold Green absorbs light, do i see green stars in space?

http://www.acclaimimages.com/_gallery/_free_images/0124-0610-2618-0055_setting_sun_and_earths_horizon_from_space_o.jpg Sun from space

http://www.edge.org/documents/images/newrings_cassini1000.gif Saturn and the Sun

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/11/26/article-1231118-0755BEBD000005DC-829_964x641.jpg Sun from space again

http://www.kaheel7.com/userimages/dark-earth-02.jpg Sun bearing down on the bowl of light we call earth during dawn.

http://www.windows.ucar.edu/sun/images/Space_sun_Eclipse.gif Sun from space during an eclipse. Green-blue hits white making yellow.

http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/3104/starpic.jpg Our star, the sun

http://library.thinkquest.org/18652/sunecc.jpg another eclipse

http://anneminard.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/sunearth.jpg Again Sun from space.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-REzr7HB9E Timelapse or reflection of the Sun on Earth
note: the earth is oval like an egg, where pos and neg are in the equator or where the ocean was once drawn upon its life cycle.''

No photoshop.

The sun is a few trillion years old. The sun's age was last checked during the great cataclysm of the tertiary period, 120 million years ago when it was 14 years old. Now it is 30. The sun is still white and these rays you speak of is called our god Krishna. Last time I checked our sun wasnt dying out. Not to totally discredit the personality of the sun. The sun appears yellow or will be yellow in a distant past or from a distant view. If I were looking at the sun from another planet it may appear yellow in a distant future. Once Most likely when the sun is at middle-age or at the close of its lifetime it will be yellow then red. --[[User:Murriemir|Murriemir]] ([[User talk:Murriemir|talk]]) 16:38, 16 April 2010 (UTC)


'''The Future of Aeronautics'''

by Murriemir

This will be a quick and brief post with a link or two on the disclosure of ufos. Apparently there are pics of civilizations from Nasa images and UFos on this website [http://aliens.pp.ru/photos/22/nasa-ufo-reports.html found here.] So UFO technology is here and here to stay. Another website found this website [http://electrostuff1980.tripod.com/aeronomics.html found here] proves of possible future technology in aviation for the next 200 years. Safer, faster, and cheaper air travel.

As for other technologies, I invented various automatic shotguns, and rifles which I might put up in the future if isketch or some better configuration of smooth mouse pixelated software for drawing is released on PC instead of only Mac.


'''Pluto still scientifically defined as a Planet'''

by Murriemir

: Now a days people have been troubled to find out what a planet and an asteroid, or celestial object is. First, Ceres is a celestial object or a Dwarf planet, essentially rock floating in space at a strange ecliptic orbit, most likely with atmospheric light as its atmosphere. Pluto is a planet, because unlike dwarf planets, it is as big, and its circumference is Perfectly circular. And will it disappear soon? No. Magnetism and light hold it in place, therefore its ecliptic orbit is defined as a planet. It clears the kupier belt as well. If one should debate, debate the 10th planet Eris. Eris is a dwarf planet with a strange orbit (although personally I would even make that a planet, while the smaller objects simply dwarf planets. I would declassify it as a dwarf planet. And reclassify dwarf planets as without moons and fixed orbits or orbital pulls (non-circular orbits, or oval orbits without a definite fixed path at a certain given size and with no moons). Pluto and Eris as well. EDIT No moons, Venus has no moons except it is a certain size which defines it as rotational around the sun or a dwarf planet must be as small as a planetoid that orbits a planet or those planetary moons you dont here about. Pluto has moons. Eris does to, they are as big as planetary moons. Dwarf planets are small with ecliptic orbits. Besides, to give a good ex. look at ceres compared to the moon. Its a pin drop along with Orca Quaoar and Sedna. These are dwarf planets or small planets with or without moons except they are just too small. Bottom line is they dont have a fixed orbit that clears the Kupier Belt or that has a moon sized spherical object. One ex is Mars. Mars has two asteroids as moons who rotate at opposite centrifugal directions, away or towards which define a moon except they are not spherical/atmospheric planetoids. Or howabout a Gaseous giant compared to a terrestrial planet which is apparently infinite times bigger, like that comparable to the sun or a star (much more so). Or howabout star>gaseous giant>terrestrial planet>planetoid>asteroid>meteor. The former definition doesnt deviate away from a dwarf planet's definition. A planet should be defined with a planetoid at a certain size. Thank you.

: So to summarize, a moon should be defined as a planetoid (atmospheric terrain, as large as a minor planet) and a celestial object (asteroid in wiki). Eg: Mar's moons are celestial objects, our moon is a planetoid. Why not argue that? As a matter of fact it would have to have Pluto as a planet with a moon with hydrostatic equilibrium (as is large moon defined in wikipedia). Dwarf planets should also be reclassified. It should also be at least the size of a planetoid, or atmospheric planetary moon or sphere-like planet. Eg: Pluto is not a dwarf planet because of its size, path (give or take), and moons as celestial objects. The main argument would be its atmospheric size as a planetoid size moon. Eris is debatable mostly not included because it is beyond the ring, therefore susceptible to formation, inclusion, seclusion and what not, albeit it was mentioned in ancient astrology as a type of fire star from [http://www.ufodigest.com/news/0507/eris2.html hell]. Both being spherical unlike the questionable Ceres, apparently square-like when analyzed.

: The vishnu puranas state 9 planets, while sumerian iconographs site 10. This information, along with the abundant number of unclassified dwarf planets should put my theory to rest in the future. Actually even blavatsky talks about ceres as a planet in SD v I page 500 (except regards it as a tiny planet). They even state the 9 planets in book II p 432 i believe. The planet is small, so much like Dwarf stars the name is funny or childish like a lamp or simple light. As for Dwarf stars, same deal. Dwarf star is like a comet. When a child, one thinks of simple things, so Dwarf planets and Dwarf stars are for beginners. The terms are unusual. It should be left unchanged or for the imagination with reference to preliminary schooling i guess:P

*A list to define a planet are:

# A gravitational pull (centrifugal force) large enough to hold spherical planetoids (large moons NOT meteors or tiny asteroids)
# Able for Rotation around the sun at a fixed path and Spherical (defines planetoid or moon as well except it uses two bi-polar forces, light and magnetism or push and pull)
# An Atmosphere or able to hold elements such as wind, fire, earth. (defines planetoid or moon as well)

*A minor planet (dwarf planet) is defined as:

# Spherical yet as small as an asteroid, small planetoid or minor planet (gravitational pull or centrifugal force can only hold meteor size objects)
# No definite Atmosphere or landscape.+++
# No def. fixed rotation, lifespan or path.

*A moon is defined as:

# An orbital body, or asteroid
# A small spherical planetoid without relevant atmospheric elements (only ice and rock) and not terrestrial.+++
# A large spherical planetoid with atmospheric elements (relevantly more than a few dozen proven elements, minerals and terrain formations) or able to be defined as a terrestrial planet.

Other definitions for reference:

*An Asteroid is a large rock. Meteor is a solid rock form with a streak, an rock which can affect nature in some considerable way. A meteorite is medium size, at least as large as a car or building, Meteoroid is considerably smaller than an asteroid and without a streak while a Micro-meteoroid is even smaller, or small particles.

*A Comet is a fast moving planetoid or planet, usually responsible for creation in matter, a comet can be considerably bigger than a planet or asteroid as first proven in 1812.

**A Fireball is a projectile projecting outwards from impact.

+++ key ''defines similar qualities''

-These definitions are proven to be able have people tell a gaseous world from a small dense one and then from a star. The dense ones are infinite times smaller like a star is larger. Theoretically, the unofficial term 'Dwarf Star' does not exist.

: As for symbology, it is a given. The first 10 major celestial objects have symbology and are popular figures in Greek Mythology. From Mercury, to Ceres, to finally pluto. It is natural and essential to map out the closest bodies within the kupier belt in astrology, occult or textbooks. The current state of things makes things confusing, dogmatic and almost chaotic where we classify dwarf planets away from planets while planetoids are not clearly defined as well. Sorry religion and science are not the same thing and should not be stated as so. Ceres has a square-trapezoidal or square trapezoid shape upon critical analysis. Besides the dwarf planet Chiron has an astrological symbol and more are to follow (''see first section below'').

Edit note: ''Saves dcs' because of free satellite internet srry for # of edits.''



'''Hellas Basin: Largest Visible Impact crater in Our Solar System'''
''An argument stating its true size.''

by Murriemir

: This page is dedicated to the [[Hellas Basin]]. Since there is not enough information on it I cant prove it is the largest crater (the supposed 2300km mark against the SPA's whopping 2500 is too close for comfort). [[Utopia Planitia]] is the largest known impact basin in the inner Solar System. The Hellas Basin is supposed to be the largest crater in the solar system. Hellas Basin could be bigger than the South Pole Basin, but science wont leave it be true. I think they are measuring the basin floor and even then unless flipped it would be longer. From side views photos the narrow part of SPA and the long part of Hellas Basin are both are a 1/3rd smaller than its own planet's diameter, yet Mars is much larger than the Moon. Not only that but SPA is comprised of many meteorites, so measuring its floor is nigh impossible. The mountainous regions are supposed to be its ring. How do they get the diameter? Well they only measure the length of impact craters, assuming the circumference has nothing to do with it. The image of Hellas Basin will appear larger in diameter if the elevation of the basin is included, otherwise the diameter of SPA can be interpreted as longer (give or take the awkward thin height). The grey area on the map shows the south pole point making the basin extend Northwards and a basis for my argument. I tried to be unbiased so I included it (eventhough clementine never pictured it). I doubt that crater on the South Pole is part of the moon but I included it anyways. The impact would have had to occur by low velocity (and/or at an angel) due to the lack of a debris field and variations in depth. Also, there is no evidence suggesting it occurred at over 11,000 kmph so lack of remains from the asteroid would pose a problem with evidence. The moon's basin is created by a low velocity impact due to its lack of visibility as well. The debris field is supposedly no there. Neither is the ring, and floor which define a crater. You can possibly tell by the fact that there was multiple impacts not just one huge one by the number of impact craters within the basin. If you compare SPA in area to HB HB is alot bigger because of the basin being approximately 8-12 km (SPA has a height of 6-13km variations). Of which the Moon's is mostly 6 km in depth (the craters in dark purple are 12km). The debris inside the Hellas Basin crater creates a problem. The orange stuff you see on photographs and through telescopes is not the basin floor it is debris. So there is 13 km with debris and the data seems like it is countless miles in depth without debris, IE the rim actually protrudes from space, declining into what appears to be a smaller space from the satellite elevation images below. The problem with that theory is noone really has the technology to know the true size. No drills are on mars, and no proof on how it is done is on Earth. A collision of there actually being 13km depth impact, means a faster asteroid. The impact would, in reality, split a small body like the moon in two, and we would be looking at two or three moons not one. Either that or create permanent deformity. Say it was hit fast and directly, which is why the moon rotates oddly. How did it heal itself? From constant bombardment. Wouldn't this bombardment add to the variations of depth? There would have to be a vast number of bombardments which would hide the fact that this is done by one huge meteorite. Was there some mystical force able to create a total sphere again? Most likely yes. The impact would even leave a crater without the shelling of asteroids like denting an empty eggshell. All proving correct but still too close in diameter's 2300-2500. The oddity of it is the shape and area which science has not proven yet. On to the area...
:Area and width show Hellas Basin is bigger than SPA but no Nasa page can testify for they have no informative topographical planetary view. The Basin floor, of which I am making my argument is smaller, although it extends outward. Which means no concrete topographical measurement is available. In reality Hellas basin is 3 km deeper with a debris field of 7000 km, and withheld information of it being possibly 2500 km and countless miles deeper. Hellas basin is at least 2500 km, and SPA has impact craters within the crater which creates a significant advantage (or disadvantage) in its true size. How would they measure its size though? South Pole Basin has lower impact and seems to be at a disadvantage in that regard. With the abundance of all types of minerals there is no evidence suggesting that there even was an impact. I write about this because many craters today on Earth are being neglected as confirmed, and are bigger than the largest impact crater on Earth, Vredefort such as the [[Wilkes Land crater]] and the [[Shiva crater]]. In space craters are literally skipped, one to mention is the supposed 2300km Mercury crater. Impact craters are defined as being direct impacts, and as being over 11,000 kmph. They are also defined as large by precise measurements of the impact. In the mean time, since Nasa has no real concrete evidence on the SPA being as big or bigger than the Hellas Basin I will stick to my theories below.


size comparison taken
from Celestia with Nasa images)

'''''Theory of SPA origin:'''''

: SPA is NOT an Impact crater. Due to its low elevation and its origin it is actually a collision from another planet. Without there being an abundant source of the extraterrestrial compound, we can say it was not directly hit. Possibly the moon at birth phase. It not only collided with another large object, but it collided with another larger object indirectly. Skimming the moon. Possibly even breaking from that other object. Giving it the low elevation of a whopping 3 km higher than the Hellas Basin. The theory of cause and effect suggest that an impact that size on a celestial body would have had to occur at low velocity. As you can see, the very thin ring itself in light blue are a higher elevation than the mountains. If you notice the structure curvature of the moon, and the elongated feature, as well as the pattern, this is clearly defined as not being one celestial body. Also dogmatism in science defines it as an impact crater. Any impact that size would split a celestial body apart. Esoterically speaking, the moon itself is the remnants of a planet from an older solar system connected to Pleiades which was once alive.

Links to images depicting the invisibility of this hidden danger:

[[Image:Impacthellas.gif|400px|http://jules.unavco.org/Voyager/Docs/ImageGallery/impact_terr - A more honest comparison]]
(supposed calculated size comparison)

http://www3.nhk.or.jp/kaguya/archive/original/kaguya042.jpg - inside, near the ground

http://books.nap.edu/books/0309109191/xhtml/images/p20012943g11002.jpg - still invisible yet seen as a slightly darkened area on the bottom left

http://www.nrl.navy.mil/techtransfer/Exhibits/images/Science%20Images/Large%20Images/212.jpg - the center lunar south

http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/imgcat/hires/clm_usgs_18.gif - one of the many impact craters within SPA with a traditional smooth floor and outer ring.

http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2821/moonspa.jpg - South Pole Area, apparently smaller than presumed below.

'''''Theory on Hellas Basin'''''

: A few billion years ago mars was in an elongated path. Oval shaped trajectory orbiting the sun. Well another celestial body ([[Hypothetical planetary object (non-scientific)|Tiamat]] theory in creation of earth (Marduk) and the asteroid belt) hit Mars breaking its orbit. This is true because that other celestial body was what is now the Asteroid field. Note: There are 3 simple features which makes Mars stand out as a dominate force in our solar system. Largest volcano and canyon on one side, and largest impact crater on the other.

Links to images showing the shear scope of this monstrosity:

http://jules.unavco.org/Voyager/Docs/ImageGallery/impact_terr - A more honest comparison

http://science.nasa.gov/images/marscrater_med2.gif - the nasa website

http://web.mit.edu/jhanna/www/MOLA_globe.jpg - the size from another angle.

http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/~pmcgee/astron/maalsth.jpg - Black would make colors appear smaller, yet they do not for this mammoth.

http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/mgs/sci/mola/hellas.jpg - The depth also seems deeper than stated in most textbooks.

http://www.enterprisemission.com/images/Tides/tides-fig20.jpg - the eye of the beast

http://www.petealbrecht.com/blog/mars%20calsky.jpg - visible from earth based telescopes as well

http://mars3d.com/Gallery/TopoGlobe1-1280x1024TN.JPG - a 3d model

http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/6034/globalaltimhelhemyw0.jpg - a centered view

'''''Pluto a Planet, Ceres Not.'''''

by Murriemir

: Here we have an argument stating that Pluto is a planet. Like the Kupier Belt and the actual massive scale of the solar system, science has shrunk its size to a withstandble fabrication doing as it pleases with the stars around us, for the sake of media glamor. Here we have Ceres, a planet located somewhere else other than our solar system amidst millions of stars in the night sky qualified as a planet instantaneously. A blurry spec, photographic 2-dimensional image, supposedly confirmed as a planet. This asteroid in our asteroid belt, is not. It is a floating piece of rock in space if at all an enhanced image of the 'dwarf planet' from another solar system. Better yet, give us proof. A simple task for something that lies in our true asteroid belt, just passed Mars inbetween Jupiter. If not, then please Nasa, NSA, KGB whatever, please enlighten the populous. Give us some high resolution images for us to decide. Better yet, give us something you've done with other small moons...an actual photograph. No instead this 'agency' gave a photograph of a transneptunion object...another planet, plus about 50 different fabrications that existed in the past year, like ice on Mars, its looping rotation, or fake photos of 10 different 'earth-like' planets from neighboring star systems, whatever. Makemake, Hanaou the size of Pluto, these are lies played by an unsuspecting mass. A fairy tale, a Bridge to far like UFOs, Elementals and Fairies. Only a gullible dimwit would fall for such a conniving trick the media and government or 'god' plays upon its unsuspecting citizens. Acutally there has been a Planet X, 10th, 11th or 13th planet in our own solar system, except these were possibly regarded as minor planets. I say give science some breathing room to organize itself on the whereabouts of these real planets then classify them as such. As much as I know we are alone in the universe, do I know that Dwarf planets don't exist.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Confronto_Ceres_Luna.jpg - Ceres in its true form

http://www.daviddarling.info/images/Mimas_Cassini.jpg - Mimas of Saturn a high resolution photograph twice farther, smaller than Ceres yet 'somehow' easily captured and verified.

http://blog.kexp.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/pluto1.jpg - an artist's conception of Pluto.

http://www.biochem.szote.u-szeged.hu/astrojan/plutanb.gif - an animated gif

http://www.horoscoper.net/astrology/pluto.htm - astrological image


Some Sumerian, Babylonian, Meso, Phoenician, Greek, Egypto, Hebrew, Latin and English Names of a few planetoids in our Solar System

As follows:
Large Planets | Minor Planets | Moons | Asteroids

''May not be in order''

'''Names of the Stars'''
''{In Vicinity of our Solar System}''
*[[File:Sun_symbol.svg|25px]]Sun god - Apsu, Utu, Shamash, Shamash, Amun-Ra, Helius, Sôl, Ak-Han, Suk, Surya, Helios, Osiris, Adonai, Sol, Sun

'''Names of the Planets'''

''{Mythological Origin}''
*[[File:Earth_symbol.svg|20px]] god or goddess of the earth - Tiamet, Ki or Ninhursag, Aruru, Athirat, Gaea, Terra, Theia, Lok, Earth
*[[File:Moon_symbol_decrescent.svg|25px]]god or goddess of the moon - Kingu/Duggae, Kethu, Nanna, Sin, Soma, Iao, Yarikh, Selenê, Chandra, Lilith, Maria, IO, Isis, Luna, Moon
*[[File:Mercury_symbol.svg|25px]]god of knowledge or communication - Mummu, Ubu-idim-gud-ud, Gud-ud, Gu-ad, Gu-Utu, Nebo, Enki, Nabû, Taaut, Budha,Thoth, Hermes, Astaphoi, Mithra, Mercurius, Mercury
*[[File:Venus_symbol.svg|25px]]goddess of love - Bennu, Lahamu, Inanna, Nindaranna, Ninsianna, Dibalt, Dilbad, Dilipat, IshtarInanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Aphroditê, Noga, Orai, Shukra, Phaethon, Lucifer, Venus
*[[File:Mars_symbol.svg|25px]]god of death or war - Lahmu, Salbatai, Salbatana, Sanumma, NergalGugalanna, Mangala, Nergal, Resheph, Sabao, Ares, Mars
*[[File:Neptune_symbol.svg|25px]]god of the sea - Ea, Rahu, Nudimmud, Neptune
*[[File:Uranus_symbol.svg|25px]]god of the sky - Anu, Ketu, Anshar, Nirgal, Uranus
*[[File:Jupiter_symbol.svg|25px]]supreme god, god of the sky and storms - Kishar, Udaltar, Mul-Babbar, Sagnae-gar, Nibiru-Marduk, Enlil, Marduk, Hadad/Ba'al, Rahu, Amon, Zeus, Eloi, Brihaspati, [http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/9438/odintheopagancelt.gif Odin], Iuppiter, Jupiter
*[[File:Saturn_symbol.svg|25px]]god of harvests or agriculture - Anshur, Genna, Sagus, Uduidim, Ninib, Ninurta, El, Ialdabaoth, Phaenon, Shani, Shem, Kronos, Saturnus, Saturn
*[[File:Pluto_symbol.svg|25px]]god of the underworld - Gaga, Usmi, Edimmu, Enki, Neti, Ninib, Hades, Pluto
*[[File:Eris-symbol-Poland.svg|25px]]god of discord disharmony and strife - Enmesarra, Nibiru, Eridu, Eris, Tyche, Vulcan, Nemesis

[http://nineplanets.org/days.html A More Comprehensive List]

'''Names of Minor Planets'''
''{small planetoids, Dwarf planets, small moon-sized planets, globular}''

*[[File:Ceres_symbol.svg|15px]]roman goddess of farming and culture Ceres
*[[File:Chiron_symbol.svg|15px]]centaur of Chronos Chiron

'''Names of Planetoids with largest spherical atmospheric terra moons'''
''{Large Moons with atmospheric spherical terrain-like environments and a few small moons defined in relation to its direct heavenly body or simply called satellites}''

*[[File:Jupiter_symbol.svg|15px]]Jupiter - Io daughter of Zeus, Europa Phoenician noble woman, Ganymede, Callisto, and smaller trojan planetoid moons etc. Here lies Zeus, carrier of the many moons in Greek Mythology.
*[[File:Saturn_symbol.svg|15px]]Saturn - Titan deities, heroes, Atlanteans or Greek locations such as Titan and the Cyclops Mimas, is within [http://www.symbols.com/pics/big/17/1709.gif Cronus], father of Zeus.
*[[File:Neptune_symbol.svg|15px]]Neptune - Triton, messenger of the sea
*[[File:Uranus's_astrological_symbol.svg|15px]] - Oberon, one of the many Shakespearean moons lies within Uranus father of Cronus, and grandfather of Zeus.
*[[File:Pluto's_astrological_symbol.svg|15px]]Pluto - Charon ferryman of the underworld
*[[File:FFHoE.svg|15px]]Eris - Dysnomia daughter of Eris
*[[File:Earth_symbol_alternate.svg|10px]] and [[File:Moon symbol crescent.svg|15px]] - Earth and Moon
-feminine form - mother nature Isis Maria Lilitu/Lilith or Gaea
-masculine form - Horus Set personification of good and evil

'''Names of small planetoids and asteroids'''
''{Large Rocks with deformation or non-spherical shape}''

*[[File:Asteroid234.svg.png|15px]] Prometheus asteroid of Saturn and Jupiter- Titan or hero to give fire to mortals
*[[File:Asteroid234.svg.png|15px]] Europa in asteroid belt - Conquest of Zeus
*[[File:Ac001-Asteroid Juno-sm.jpg|9px]]Juno in asteroid belt - Goddess of marriage
*[[File:Asteroid234.svg.png|15px]]Minerva - in asteroid belt Goddess of peace and poetry
*[[File:Vesta_symbol.svg|15px]] or [[File:Ac003-Asteroid Vesta-sm.jpg|9px]] Vesta - in asteroid belt Roman Goddess of Family, a globular comet or planet turned asteroid by deterioration or vast impact.
*[[File:Asteroid234.svg.png|15px]]Icarus - a trojan asteroid, or a mars-earth-venus crosser asteroid named after the athenian who flew too close to the sun
*[[File:10 Hygiea Astronomical Symbol.svg|8px]]Hygiea - associated with the feminine consort of the greek god Asclepios and medicine, located in asteroid belt
*[[File:9 Metis symbol.svg|10px]]Metis - in asteroid belt, an Oceanid named after one of the daughters of Tetyus.
*[[File:Pallas_symbol.svg|15px]]Pallas - A large Meteor, associated with the goddess Athena who scarred Ares
*[[File:Asteroid234.svg.png|15px]] Deimos and Phobos - Moons of Mars sons of Ares who depicted emotions such as terror/dread and panic/fear

'''Names of Periodical comets and Meteor showers'''
''{Small Rocks with deformation or non-spherical shape and/or spherical fast moving objects}''
*[[File:Astronomical conjunction symbol.png|25px]]Lyrids - or Orphids are meteors or comets from Orpheus, the musician or Urcuchillay the animal deity by the Incas
*[[File:Comet-sym.svg|25px]]Halley's Comet - A large comet which cycles our solar system.
*[[File:Comet-sym.svg|25px]]Hale Bopp Comet - Another periodical large comet.
*[[File:Meteor_symbol234.png|25px]]Orinoids - Meteors, meteorites and meteoroids named after the God Orion whom accompany Halley's Comet.
*[[File:Astronomical-conjunction symbol234.png|25px]]Apophis - Periodic Asteroid in conjunction to Earth on 2029. Named after the god of healing and the serpant who destroys Ra.
*[[File:Ac002-comet-sm.jpg|15px]]Comet of 1812 - Unknown non-periodical medium to small Comet whom tail crossed earth's path, millions of miles in diameter.
*[[File:Ac002-comet-sm.jpg|15px]]Levi 9 - Unknown objects in Jupiter's Path, a destroyer comet turned asteroid.
*[[File:Astronomical-conjunction symbol234.png|25px]]Prehistoric Asteroids - Unknown objects in Earth's Path.
*[[File:Asteroid234.svg.png|15px]] Ice-Age Earth, Sirius Star and Lightning Bolt Symbols - [http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/1172/sidereal.gif A Link] to Sidereal Earth, Antahkarana and Zeus to represent a tilt, pole-shift or the tilted heavens.

[[File:Wikipedia-logo.png|25px]]Pictures are a part of the Wikipedia foundation database and can be found at this '''[[Astronomical_symbols|location]]'''


'''Basic Chart Esoteric Cosmogony, Astrological Cosmology, the Zodiac Stars and Constellations'''

Here is esoteric astrology of the reverse wheel and spiritual advancement taken from [[Alice Bailey]].

* [[File:Aries.svg|35px]]aries-uranus via mercury 7th
* [[File:Taurus.svg|35px]]taurus-vulcan via vulcan 1st
* [[File:Gemini.svg|35px]]gemini-earth via venus 3rd
* [[File:Cancer.svg|35px]]cancer-neptune via neptune 6th
* [[File:Leo.svg|35px]]leo-the sun via the sun 2nd
* [[File:Virgo.svg|35px]]virgo-jupiter via moon 2nd
* [[File:Libra.svg|35px]]libra-saturn via uranus 3rd
* [[File:Scorpio.svg|35px]]scorpio-mercury via mars 4rth
* [[File:Sagittarius.svg|35px]]sagittarius-mars via earth 6th
* [[File:Capricorn.svg|35px]]capricorn-venus via saturn 5th
* [[File:Aquarius.svg|35px]]aquarius-moon via jupiter 4rth
* [[File:Pisces.svg|35px]]pisces-pluto via pluto 1st

A link to [http://electrostuff1980.tripod.com/Decans.htm Spiritualism & Zodical Decans] by --[[User:Murriemir|Murriemir]] ([[User talk:Murriemir|talk]]) 00:34, 5 March 2010 (UTC)

[[File:Wikipedia-logo.png|25px]]Pictures are a part of the Wikipedia foundation database and can be found at this '''[[Astrological_symbols|location]]'''

Revision as of 02:54, 28 September 2011

Galaxies are fiction

After going through some research with the idea of comic books and videogames in popular culture correlating themselves with Galaxies and Constellations, I thought to myself...this is fiction, its not true false or fake. The idea that constellations are even remotely reachable by light is beyond us. Here I divulge to you my true sign, Aries, the sign of the ram where the star systems are powerful vacuums in space made up of faint light and nothing else, the revealer sign, starter or inhibitor of Karma connected to the seven suns, is the hidden identity or revealer of falsehoods. The true connection to the southern constellations is via Aries itself, the alpha and the omega or the god sign. To get there one moves through Virgo, occultly understood is the sign of life and true non-alien nativity or the way to Centaurus via the Southern Cross where a feminized Saint Peter of the Bible is crucified in a similar fashion to Prometheus. The zodiacal signs itself is A cloned identity of the not-self or higher formless ego. For to move too far ahead, one becomes susceptible to karma, where a true process of reincarnation is put into place. This path puts Christ into light as a real person, yet at the same time defy's Brahma himself. A result of destroying the ego of this shaved hairless form maybe? The zodiac is not the astral plane, it is to move ahead and create, or die and never return to the earth as ants. So we must show that as Christ ascended he was awakened and aware, yet if man or initiates ascend they do so to create via the soul form or to keep up with evolution where all return to their respected logoi regardless of a greater being, god or fohat. Simply put, its a delusion of reality where our lives are equivalent to simple dreams. Can an Aries defy death, walk on water or become immortal? Possibly, yet they can not create a race, face death or reveal nature's true path the illusionary one. Therefore I turn to my religion, Buddhism as mentioned below.

For, in reality our existence is a dream-like one. Awakening oneself does not happen in one night, or even ten years but in a true unattainable awareness of the infinite. Abundance of everything, everywhere at a given time. Yet it is not because their is no up and down, right or left, good and evil in the occult unless god himself reveals it. Now you may think there is a water sign somewhere? An alien race perhaps? Or a magic spell to all of this. No, their is only the universe and the lotus sutra, where buddhism is a revealer of truth not a star map in the sky, dead globe of light or advanced ray gun. It is like reading a thousand books. There you have it true illusion and reality as gas and light, two separate constellations which have nothing to do with each other, Aries and Oph where birth and death are looked in the same light. A positive outlook in a literally negative world where degeneration into race is a reality, but so much so as simple mixed evolution upon the sands of time.

It is true, we will all die, Oph is the magical or immortal sign, but that is past. We are alive and breathing here and now. We belong in our place in time..like how Pleiadians or Orions are unknown, so is the human mind, where wisdom and compassion correlate to the soul itself, not materialistic reality. Our lives in reality are likened to brief dreams. To collaborate upon this idea or notion collectively, we must see within somehow by speculative topics such as Ether and a real stance on how Evolution instantaneously works. Science fiction is not too far from that. Technology just expands upon this deep topic as roots spread deeper into the sand. So while on that topic where exactly is the so called 'non-human' race? Is it a head attached to another body and made to not look too human? One god, one mind, one soul always. Not too far indeed.

Atlantis found?

I came across this map upon my youth with indications of what was where, sadly i deleted it. A few meditations and quiet moments later, I arrived to what seems like a reproduction of a 47 million year old map. That's right, the tertiary period. That is a steep estimate so I give it an 18m year old pole shift. Seeing how science has stepped it up a notch, and figured out the earth doesn't rotate on its equator accurately speaking they may not be as dumb as we think. Here you go:


I mean come on Indonesia a risen swamp? Europe untouched and apparent. If this were a poleshift it would've totally changed the planet and 47 million years would see new formations due to erosion. Just me thinking. Although another pole-shift may be around the corner, it would only be if something like the sun slipped. And besides there was deep ocean in the middle of north america that well pervaded the eastcoast. I have evidence to believe this by discovery of shell fossils in Appalachia when I was six. Seems accurate enough. Given man-ape's lowly state of consciousness and non-existent status of degeneration in nature via darwinism, 18m years seems reasonable. I don't know really though.

Moon as a Double Star

Something interesting recently came up on the news about the moon having two stars so I decided to correct the facts. Some people seem to think the moon was born from a new star named 'Thea' by nebular origin. Although it might be true it only leaves room to expand in a child-like imagination. The moon indeed was not nebular but magnetic in origin. As seen here the creation of the moon the moon is created from nothing but a collision of vacuum and space. I mean how can a small asteroid salt the oceans of the earth? Through a vacuum and to melt under a hot sun via unknown forces. Science once again inaccurately portrays to us the imagination or inner workings of a child which is not really there and religion soon follows. Sad but true, a random event becomes glorified. The moon child exists in a vertical fashion by light, heat and water. We know there are dead oceans on the moon too. There must have been a water halo around the sun or a creation of a ring of ice particles after the cosmic fix for the earth is too small to create a belt of anykind pr obviously house a rock of different minerals without close contact..radiation and random impact events however is a different story. A gigantic massive random event, or fixed evolution for millions upon millions of years of its creation. Magnetic draw or evaporation eg heat then oval form then fertilization, various impacts or final destruction. There must have been a grinding effect on its southern south-polar side. So basically, the moon grabbed and flung the earth at high speeds.

Note: the lunar dove or holy spirit, watever, is most likely just a water form of a halo and not a second water moon as the example is given but many spheres made of water. Fact the moon is sinking. Possibly an invisible halo around the Sun or water flung around earth, not too sure. The moon started left then forced itself by the earth to the right. There are two points, north and south to contribute to its rotation. North and South mark the equator and its magnetic attraction and repulsion of water through space as well. A mass simultaneous impact did however make it spin and this is also the real reason why tides exist.

Science of the Now

Science seems to finally be catching up with the occult. Scientists around the world are confirming poleshifts, mass planets and even extinction events such as asteroids in the near future which coincide with these 300,000 year cycle events. Cosmic collisions maybe every 26,000 years around the zodiac cycles? Albeit wiki articles are still behind in finding what pole-shifts, and polar tilts are yet do not shun away from ridiculous claims of colonizations on other planets making science and fantasy not too far apart and needs some work upon deferring the scientific sections with reality from fiction, well at least in the western pages, centralized it is not. Below are links of the most recent news articles confirming my suspicions in 2011. Since the heavens changing in the sidereal with the 13th sign and a visible planet x, this 'soul' or astral light has a long ways to go. Another coincidental unmentioned asteroid you should look out for is Elenen.

Magnetic Tilt

Mass extinction

Pole Shift

  • The 2012 Apophis Phenomenon?

Apophis to hit earth on 2029? Is 2012 just around the corner? Are aliens watching us? Earth is strange and there's a lot of glamor the US government is telling us. Here are some interesting links on Secrets about earth and the Apophis 1 South Pole 2 Apophis 2029 3 Asteriod collisions 4 Planet X 4 Trip to Mars 5 Moon Crack 6 Alien occupants Are photographs older than thought? Or are these illusions, mind tricks or computer graphics imagery? Of course apophis is small but..An military UFO perhaps? No one knows.

Minor Update: Upon research of the Shoemaker probe, satan's civilization has once more gnashed its teeth at small theory. I mean com' on. Shoemaker levi 9 a few miles long? Something that impacted Jupiter with up to 3 separate impacts hitting it NOT the size of earth? No this was a destroyer comet and the science community did not want to state that fact. Chicxulub crater did not kill the dinos. This is a fact. Just like the small size of the tungeska crater or the crater which killed the dinosaurs some how by its self at one time, science restores its faith in pictorial biasm of that which is not really there, an imagination of a stupid colorful yet practical illusion. What next, our earth commands or is center of all the planets in our solar system?...oh wait;p

 See first entry below for updated asteroids.

Ancient Civilizations as early as 3000 BC?

I just wanted to post this quick one about sumerian civilizations with advanced technology in ancient Babylonia. Could it be the kingdom of Ur was more than a few million years old? Could it be it was integrated and the present Jewish race is new? This video link sure proved it does. Nuclear fallout a few thousand years ago? Rapid earth changes and continental shifts? The tablet inscriptions are relatively new as well. It gives detailed inscriptions of an angry god and a time of war during some celestial event. It also makes you think why humans go to war...it kind of makes us look stupid too, last time I checked a great depression wasnt really a just cause for nuclear war while a celestial event...maybe. Not only that the curvy highways of this civilization would most likely not be preserved as well by the earth as the straight ones of the past have been. They would probably look like dug in ravines and rivers as they corrode under water. The video does not give into detail the helicopters and flying machines which the Hindu civilization has had in iconographs from Egypt though..or the relevance of the Pyramids. I may update this in the near future.

Does Vulcan exist?

Is it possible Vulcan is found? This video seems to think so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGMT9GmmDFo&feature=related a planet beyond the ring flinging asteroids at us once in front of Mercury and larger than the sun could in fact be true. I am currently studying this, It may be a planet who's size is so great to lie inbetween Mercury and the Sun once 26000 years ago. Although it may even be a planet who is not too great of size, or upon earth at one time? it may only be cited by ancient astronomy and fathomable to the most keen of imaginations. Is there A second sun perhaps? With the possibility of a number of minor planets, vulcan is just around the corner. Here we have Planet X found. Another cites the chinese comet, Ikeya-Zhang as vulcan on flicker. A coincidental Southern boundary? Its name is sometimes cited as Virgoan goddess's name of Tyche, Planet x, The Nemesis Star or Ophiuchus 13 coincidentally near the constellation Sagittarius. Although I theorize it is a smaller comet from a much larger one.

They Might Be Giants

Do Giants exist? Apparently this link says they do under links section. Being an avid believer of this theory, I will be more concise. Giants do exist. Giants have been here for a long time and scientists can't realize this. The masters of our race was once really great, and obviously it was a long time ago. So long in fact that the comprehension of this towards the human mind is unbelievable. Whether they think small meteors can kill off whole species instantaneously is questionable and insane. Atlantis was once a great continent, and as I already proved, plate shifts in a cosmic scale would destroy and change the environment numerous times, leaving no trace of civilizations. The fern once gigantic now has tiny leaves due to loss of atmosphere, just like how the martian cannon resembles a lightning strike, do I know now giants existed and were deemed 'evil' by evolution and science like our ancestors will be someday. Not now, but some day or generation, decade or millennium. The nucleus in the cell jumps from generation by ancient dormant traits of the father as well passed down by the male. For instance the bird is small and numerous, a long time ago so were the dinosaurs on a subsequently bigger earth. The alien pure while the Atlantean retains this cosmic pureness and awareness does it soon fade to become pure again. Giants have walked the earth, and were 'beaten up' by the course in evolution of a harsh transition when a catastrophe occurs. We come up with Natural phases in evolution given spans of millions of years instead of hundreds. The old world is different from the new one, being much better spiritually speaking. My proof is so valid that it doesn't need any further proof. Yet I will show you some, the Neanderthal man, a dogmatic construction of science is indeed of Indian origin. It was just a larger gorilla type man instead of a marsupial size so called 'evolved' one. Here is a thread showing so, they expanded through Asia and into Russia and died only in Europe...they evolved in Russia to blend in yet their Lemurian traits are still around. They are bigger than humans, yet not as large as Atlanteans. This is not a science fiction novel..its more like speculative fiction realized. We evolved into many forms. The fact that there is one perfect ego or form a long time ago is not far from speculation. Present Humanity being the underdog. So why use it now? We just don't know.

Sun from Space

by Murriemir

What color is our Sun?

The sun is not yellow from space it is white. The blue-green ultra-violet rays make the sun appear yellow from earth when they hit it from behind. Given the fact that it has a yellow glow omitted from it can be possible in distant space. This is proven from various reflections of it on the earth's surface and the Sun's apparent rays in the timelapse below. From Space it is white, never changing, always the same. Only a stupid hominid would complain about that. A Cold Green absorbs light, do i see green stars in space?

http://www.acclaimimages.com/_gallery/_free_images/0124-0610-2618-0055_setting_sun_and_earths_horizon_from_space_o.jpg Sun from space

http://www.edge.org/documents/images/newrings_cassini1000.gif Saturn and the Sun

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2009/11/26/article-1231118-0755BEBD000005DC-829_964x641.jpg Sun from space again

http://www.kaheel7.com/userimages/dark-earth-02.jpg Sun bearing down on the bowl of light we call earth during dawn.

http://www.windows.ucar.edu/sun/images/Space_sun_Eclipse.gif Sun from space during an eclipse. Green-blue hits white making yellow.

http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/3104/starpic.jpg Our star, the sun

http://library.thinkquest.org/18652/sunecc.jpg another eclipse

http://anneminard.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/sunearth.jpg Again Sun from space.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-REzr7HB9E Timelapse or reflection of the Sun on Earth note: the earth is oval like an egg, where pos and neg are in the equator or where the ocean was once drawn upon its life cycle.

No photoshop.

The sun is a few trillion years old. The sun's age was last checked during the great cataclysm of the tertiary period, 120 million years ago when it was 14 years old. Now it is 30. The sun is still white and these rays you speak of is called our god Krishna. Last time I checked our sun wasnt dying out. Not to totally discredit the personality of the sun. The sun appears yellow or will be yellow in a distant past or from a distant view. If I were looking at the sun from another planet it may appear yellow in a distant future. Once Most likely when the sun is at middle-age or at the close of its lifetime it will be yellow then red. --Murriemir (talk) 16:38, 16 April 2010 (UTC)

The Future of Aeronautics

by Murriemir

This will be a quick and brief post with a link or two on the disclosure of ufos. Apparently there are pics of civilizations from Nasa images and UFos on this website found here. So UFO technology is here and here to stay. Another website found this website found here proves of possible future technology in aviation for the next 200 years. Safer, faster, and cheaper air travel.

As for other technologies, I invented various automatic shotguns, and rifles which I might put up in the future if isketch or some better configuration of smooth mouse pixelated software for drawing is released on PC instead of only Mac.

Pluto still scientifically defined as a Planet

by Murriemir

Now a days people have been troubled to find out what a planet and an asteroid, or celestial object is. First, Ceres is a celestial object or a Dwarf planet, essentially rock floating in space at a strange ecliptic orbit, most likely with atmospheric light as its atmosphere. Pluto is a planet, because unlike dwarf planets, it is as big, and its circumference is Perfectly circular. And will it disappear soon? No. Magnetism and light hold it in place, therefore its ecliptic orbit is defined as a planet. It clears the kupier belt as well. If one should debate, debate the 10th planet Eris. Eris is a dwarf planet with a strange orbit (although personally I would even make that a planet, while the smaller objects simply dwarf planets. I would declassify it as a dwarf planet. And reclassify dwarf planets as without moons and fixed orbits or orbital pulls (non-circular orbits, or oval orbits without a definite fixed path at a certain given size and with no moons). Pluto and Eris as well. EDIT No moons, Venus has no moons except it is a certain size which defines it as rotational around the sun or a dwarf planet must be as small as a planetoid that orbits a planet or those planetary moons you dont here about. Pluto has moons. Eris does to, they are as big as planetary moons. Dwarf planets are small with ecliptic orbits. Besides, to give a good ex. look at ceres compared to the moon. Its a pin drop along with Orca Quaoar and Sedna. These are dwarf planets or small planets with or without moons except they are just too small. Bottom line is they dont have a fixed orbit that clears the Kupier Belt or that has a moon sized spherical object. One ex is Mars. Mars has two asteroids as moons who rotate at opposite centrifugal directions, away or towards which define a moon except they are not spherical/atmospheric planetoids. Or howabout a Gaseous giant compared to a terrestrial planet which is apparently infinite times bigger, like that comparable to the sun or a star (much more so). Or howabout star>gaseous giant>terrestrial planet>planetoid>asteroid>meteor. The former definition doesnt deviate away from a dwarf planet's definition. A planet should be defined with a planetoid at a certain size. Thank you.
So to summarize, a moon should be defined as a planetoid (atmospheric terrain, as large as a minor planet) and a celestial object (asteroid in wiki). Eg: Mar's moons are celestial objects, our moon is a planetoid. Why not argue that? As a matter of fact it would have to have Pluto as a planet with a moon with hydrostatic equilibrium (as is large moon defined in wikipedia). Dwarf planets should also be reclassified. It should also be at least the size of a planetoid, or atmospheric planetary moon or sphere-like planet. Eg: Pluto is not a dwarf planet because of its size, path (give or take), and moons as celestial objects. The main argument would be its atmospheric size as a planetoid size moon. Eris is debatable mostly not included because it is beyond the ring, therefore susceptible to formation, inclusion, seclusion and what not, albeit it was mentioned in ancient astrology as a type of fire star from hell. Both being spherical unlike the questionable Ceres, apparently square-like when analyzed.
The vishnu puranas state 9 planets, while sumerian iconographs site 10. This information, along with the abundant number of unclassified dwarf planets should put my theory to rest in the future. Actually even blavatsky talks about ceres as a planet in SD v I page 500 (except regards it as a tiny planet). They even state the 9 planets in book II p 432 i believe. The planet is small, so much like Dwarf stars the name is funny or childish like a lamp or simple light. As for Dwarf stars, same deal. Dwarf star is like a comet. When a child, one thinks of simple things, so Dwarf planets and Dwarf stars are for beginners. The terms are unusual. It should be left unchanged or for the imagination with reference to preliminary schooling i guess:P
  • A list to define a planet are:
  1. A gravitational pull (centrifugal force) large enough to hold spherical planetoids (large moons NOT meteors or tiny asteroids)
  2. Able for Rotation around the sun at a fixed path and Spherical (defines planetoid or moon as well except it uses two bi-polar forces, light and magnetism or push and pull)
  3. An Atmosphere or able to hold elements such as wind, fire, earth. (defines planetoid or moon as well)
  • A minor planet (dwarf planet) is defined as:
  1. Spherical yet as small as an asteroid, small planetoid or minor planet (gravitational pull or centrifugal force can only hold meteor size objects)
  2. No definite Atmosphere or landscape.+++
  3. No def. fixed rotation, lifespan or path.
  • A moon is defined as:
  1. An orbital body, or asteroid
  2. A small spherical planetoid without relevant atmospheric elements (only ice and rock) and not terrestrial.+++
  3. A large spherical planetoid with atmospheric elements (relevantly more than a few dozen proven elements, minerals and terrain formations) or able to be defined as a terrestrial planet.

Other definitions for reference:

  • An Asteroid is a large rock. Meteor is a solid rock form with a streak, an rock which can affect nature in some considerable way. A meteorite is medium size, at least as large as a car or building, Meteoroid is considerably smaller than an asteroid and without a streak while a Micro-meteoroid is even smaller, or small particles.
  • A Comet is a fast moving planetoid or planet, usually responsible for creation in matter, a comet can be considerably bigger than a planet or asteroid as first proven in 1812.
    • A Fireball is a projectile projecting outwards from impact.

+++ key defines similar qualities

-These definitions are proven to be able have people tell a gaseous world from a small dense one and then from a star. The dense ones are infinite times smaller like a star is larger. Theoretically, the unofficial term 'Dwarf Star' does not exist.

As for symbology, it is a given. The first 10 major celestial objects have symbology and are popular figures in Greek Mythology. From Mercury, to Ceres, to finally pluto. It is natural and essential to map out the closest bodies within the kupier belt in astrology, occult or textbooks. The current state of things makes things confusing, dogmatic and almost chaotic where we classify dwarf planets away from planets while planetoids are not clearly defined as well. Sorry religion and science are not the same thing and should not be stated as so. Ceres has a square-trapezoidal or square trapezoid shape upon critical analysis. Besides the dwarf planet Chiron has an astrological symbol and more are to follow (see first section below).

Edit note: Saves dcs' because of free satellite internet srry for # of edits.


Hellas Basin: Largest Visible Impact crater in Our Solar System An argument stating its true size.

by Murriemir

This page is dedicated to the Hellas Basin. Since there is not enough information on it I cant prove it is the largest crater (the supposed 2300km mark against the SPA's whopping 2500 is too close for comfort). Utopia Planitia is the largest known impact basin in the inner Solar System. The Hellas Basin is supposed to be the largest crater in the solar system. Hellas Basin could be bigger than the South Pole Basin, but science wont leave it be true. I think they are measuring the basin floor and even then unless flipped it would be longer. From side views photos the narrow part of SPA and the long part of Hellas Basin are both are a 1/3rd smaller than its own planet's diameter, yet Mars is much larger than the Moon. Not only that but SPA is comprised of many meteorites, so measuring its floor is nigh impossible. The mountainous regions are supposed to be its ring. How do they get the diameter? Well they only measure the length of impact craters, assuming the circumference has nothing to do with it. The image of Hellas Basin will appear larger in diameter if the elevation of the basin is included, otherwise the diameter of SPA can be interpreted as longer (give or take the awkward thin height). The grey area on the map shows the south pole point making the basin extend Northwards and a basis for my argument. I tried to be unbiased so I included it (eventhough clementine never pictured it). I doubt that crater on the South Pole is part of the moon but I included it anyways. The impact would have had to occur by low velocity (and/or at an angel) due to the lack of a debris field and variations in depth. Also, there is no evidence suggesting it occurred at over 11,000 kmph so lack of remains from the asteroid would pose a problem with evidence. The moon's basin is created by a low velocity impact due to its lack of visibility as well. The debris field is supposedly no there. Neither is the ring, and floor which define a crater. You can possibly tell by the fact that there was multiple impacts not just one huge one by the number of impact craters within the basin. If you compare SPA in area to HB HB is alot bigger because of the basin being approximately 8-12 km (SPA has a height of 6-13km variations). Of which the Moon's is mostly 6 km in depth (the craters in dark purple are 12km). The debris inside the Hellas Basin crater creates a problem. The orange stuff you see on photographs and through telescopes is not the basin floor it is debris. So there is 13 km with debris and the data seems like it is countless miles in depth without debris, IE the rim actually protrudes from space, declining into what appears to be a smaller space from the satellite elevation images below. The problem with that theory is noone really has the technology to know the true size. No drills are on mars, and no proof on how it is done is on Earth. A collision of there actually being 13km depth impact, means a faster asteroid. The impact would, in reality, split a small body like the moon in two, and we would be looking at two or three moons not one. Either that or create permanent deformity. Say it was hit fast and directly, which is why the moon rotates oddly. How did it heal itself? From constant bombardment. Wouldn't this bombardment add to the variations of depth? There would have to be a vast number of bombardments which would hide the fact that this is done by one huge meteorite. Was there some mystical force able to create a total sphere again? Most likely yes. The impact would even leave a crater without the shelling of asteroids like denting an empty eggshell. All proving correct but still too close in diameter's 2300-2500. The oddity of it is the shape and area which science has not proven yet. On to the area...
Area and width show Hellas Basin is bigger than SPA but no Nasa page can testify for they have no informative topographical planetary view. The Basin floor, of which I am making my argument is smaller, although it extends outward. Which means no concrete topographical measurement is available. In reality Hellas basin is 3 km deeper with a debris field of 7000 km, and withheld information of it being possibly 2500 km and countless miles deeper. Hellas basin is at least 2500 km, and SPA has impact craters within the crater which creates a significant advantage (or disadvantage) in its true size. How would they measure its size though? South Pole Basin has lower impact and seems to be at a disadvantage in that regard. With the abundance of all types of minerals there is no evidence suggesting that there even was an impact. I write about this because many craters today on Earth are being neglected as confirmed, and are bigger than the largest impact crater on Earth, Vredefort such as the Wilkes Land crater and the Shiva crater. In space craters are literally skipped, one to mention is the supposed 2300km Mercury crater. Impact craters are defined as being direct impacts, and as being over 11,000 kmph. They are also defined as large by precise measurements of the impact. In the mean time, since Nasa has no real concrete evidence on the SPA being as big or bigger than the Hellas Basin I will stick to my theories below.

(supposed size comparison taken from Celestia with Nasa images)

Theory of SPA origin:

SPA is NOT an Impact crater. Due to its low elevation and its origin it is actually a collision from another planet. Without there being an abundant source of the extraterrestrial compound, we can say it was not directly hit. Possibly the moon at birth phase. It not only collided with another large object, but it collided with another larger object indirectly. Skimming the moon. Possibly even breaking from that other object. Giving it the low elevation of a whopping 3 km higher than the Hellas Basin. The theory of cause and effect suggest that an impact that size on a celestial body would have had to occur at low velocity. As you can see, the very thin ring itself in light blue are a higher elevation than the mountains. If you notice the structure curvature of the moon, and the elongated feature, as well as the pattern, this is clearly defined as not being one celestial body. Also dogmatism in science defines it as an impact crater. Any impact that size would split a celestial body apart. Esoterically speaking, the moon itself is the remnants of a planet from an older solar system connected to Pleiades which was once alive.

Links to images depicting the invisibility of this hidden danger:

http://jules.unavco.org/Voyager/Docs/ImageGallery/impact_terr - A more honest comparison (supposed calculated size comparison)

http://www3.nhk.or.jp/kaguya/archive/original/kaguya042.jpg - inside, near the ground

http://books.nap.edu/books/0309109191/xhtml/images/p20012943g11002.jpg - still invisible yet seen as a slightly darkened area on the bottom left

http://www.nrl.navy.mil/techtransfer/Exhibits/images/Science%20Images/Large%20Images/212.jpg - the center lunar south

http://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/imgcat/hires/clm_usgs_18.gif - one of the many impact craters within SPA with a traditional smooth floor and outer ring.

http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/2821/moonspa.jpg - South Pole Area, apparently smaller than presumed below.

Theory on Hellas Basin

A few billion years ago mars was in an elongated path. Oval shaped trajectory orbiting the sun. Well another celestial body (Tiamat theory in creation of earth (Marduk) and the asteroid belt) hit Mars breaking its orbit. This is true because that other celestial body was what is now the Asteroid field. Note: There are 3 simple features which makes Mars stand out as a dominate force in our solar system. Largest volcano and canyon on one side, and largest impact crater on the other.

Links to images showing the shear scope of this monstrosity:

http://jules.unavco.org/Voyager/Docs/ImageGallery/impact_terr - A more honest comparison

http://science.nasa.gov/images/marscrater_med2.gif - the nasa website

http://web.mit.edu/jhanna/www/MOLA_globe.jpg - the size from another angle.

http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/~pmcgee/astron/maalsth.jpg - Black would make colors appear smaller, yet they do not for this mammoth.

http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/mgs/sci/mola/hellas.jpg - The depth also seems deeper than stated in most textbooks.

http://www.enterprisemission.com/images/Tides/tides-fig20.jpg - the eye of the beast

http://www.petealbrecht.com/blog/mars%20calsky.jpg - visible from earth based telescopes as well

http://mars3d.com/Gallery/TopoGlobe1-1280x1024TN.JPG - a 3d model

http://img127.imageshack.us/img127/6034/globalaltimhelhemyw0.jpg - a centered view

Pluto a Planet, Ceres Not.

by Murriemir

Here we have an argument stating that Pluto is a planet. Like the Kupier Belt and the actual massive scale of the solar system, science has shrunk its size to a withstandble fabrication doing as it pleases with the stars around us, for the sake of media glamor. Here we have Ceres, a planet located somewhere else other than our solar system amidst millions of stars in the night sky qualified as a planet instantaneously. A blurry spec, photographic 2-dimensional image, supposedly confirmed as a planet. This asteroid in our asteroid belt, is not. It is a floating piece of rock in space if at all an enhanced image of the 'dwarf planet' from another solar system. Better yet, give us proof. A simple task for something that lies in our true asteroid belt, just passed Mars inbetween Jupiter. If not, then please Nasa, NSA, KGB whatever, please enlighten the populous. Give us some high resolution images for us to decide. Better yet, give us something you've done with other small moons...an actual photograph. No instead this 'agency' gave a photograph of a transneptunion object...another planet, plus about 50 different fabrications that existed in the past year, like ice on Mars, its looping rotation, or fake photos of 10 different 'earth-like' planets from neighboring star systems, whatever. Makemake, Hanaou the size of Pluto, these are lies played by an unsuspecting mass. A fairy tale, a Bridge to far like UFOs, Elementals and Fairies. Only a gullible dimwit would fall for such a conniving trick the media and government or 'god' plays upon its unsuspecting citizens. Acutally there has been a Planet X, 10th, 11th or 13th planet in our own solar system, except these were possibly regarded as minor planets. I say give science some breathing room to organize itself on the whereabouts of these real planets then classify them as such. As much as I know we are alone in the universe, do I know that Dwarf planets don't exist.

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/66/Confronto_Ceres_Luna.jpg - Ceres in its true form

http://www.daviddarling.info/images/Mimas_Cassini.jpg - Mimas of Saturn a high resolution photograph twice farther, smaller than Ceres yet 'somehow' easily captured and verified.

http://blog.kexp.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/pluto1.jpg - an artist's conception of Pluto.

http://www.biochem.szote.u-szeged.hu/astrojan/plutanb.gif - an animated gif

http://www.horoscoper.net/astrology/pluto.htm - astrological image

Some Sumerian, Babylonian, Meso, Phoenician, Greek, Egypto, Hebrew, Latin and English Names of a few planetoids in our Solar System

As follows: Large Planets | Minor Planets | Moons | Asteroids

May not be in order

Names of the Stars {In Vicinity of our Solar System}

  • Sun god - Apsu, Utu, Shamash, Shamash, Amun-Ra, Helius, Sôl, Ak-Han, Suk, Surya, Helios, Osiris, Adonai, Sol, Sun

Names of the Planets

{Mythological Origin}

  • god or goddess of the earth - Tiamet, Ki or Ninhursag, Aruru, Athirat, Gaea, Terra, Theia, Lok, Earth
  • god or goddess of the moon - Kingu/Duggae, Kethu, Nanna, Sin, Soma, Iao, Yarikh, Selenê, Chandra, Lilith, Maria, IO, Isis, Luna, Moon
  • god of knowledge or communication - Mummu, Ubu-idim-gud-ud, Gud-ud, Gu-ad, Gu-Utu, Nebo, Enki, Nabû, Taaut, Budha,Thoth, Hermes, Astaphoi, Mithra, Mercurius, Mercury
  • goddess of love - Bennu, Lahamu, Inanna, Nindaranna, Ninsianna, Dibalt, Dilbad, Dilipat, IshtarInanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Aphroditê, Noga, Orai, Shukra, Phaethon, Lucifer, Venus
  • god of death or war - Lahmu, Salbatai, Salbatana, Sanumma, NergalGugalanna, Mangala, Nergal, Resheph, Sabao, Ares, Mars
  • god of the sea - Ea, Rahu, Nudimmud, Neptune
  • god of the sky - Anu, Ketu, Anshar, Nirgal, Uranus
  • supreme god, god of the sky and storms - Kishar, Udaltar, Mul-Babbar, Sagnae-gar, Nibiru-Marduk, Enlil, Marduk, Hadad/Ba'al, Rahu, Amon, Zeus, Eloi, Brihaspati, Odin, Iuppiter, Jupiter
  • god of harvests or agriculture - Anshur, Genna, Sagus, Uduidim, Ninib, Ninurta, El, Ialdabaoth, Phaenon, Shani, Shem, Kronos, Saturnus, Saturn
  • god of the underworld - Gaga, Usmi, Edimmu, Enki, Neti, Ninib, Hades, Pluto
  • god of discord disharmony and strife - Enmesarra, Nibiru, Eridu, Eris, Tyche, Vulcan, Nemesis

A More Comprehensive List

Names of Minor Planets {small planetoids, Dwarf planets, small moon-sized planets, globular}

  • roman goddess of farming and culture Ceres
  • centaur of Chronos Chiron

Names of Planetoids with largest spherical atmospheric terra moons {Large Moons with atmospheric spherical terrain-like environments and a few small moons defined in relation to its direct heavenly body or simply called satellites}

  • Jupiter - Io daughter of Zeus, Europa Phoenician noble woman, Ganymede, Callisto, and smaller trojan planetoid moons etc. Here lies Zeus, carrier of the many moons in Greek Mythology.
  • Saturn - Titan deities, heroes, Atlanteans or Greek locations such as Titan and the Cyclops Mimas, is within Cronus, father of Zeus.
  • Neptune - Triton, messenger of the sea
  • - Oberon, one of the many Shakespearean moons lies within Uranus father of Cronus, and grandfather of Zeus.
  • Pluto - Charon ferryman of the underworld
  • Eris - Dysnomia daughter of Eris
  • and - Earth and Moon

-feminine form - mother nature Isis Maria Lilitu/Lilith or Gaea -masculine form - Horus Set personification of good and evil

Names of small planetoids and asteroids {Large Rocks with deformation or non-spherical shape}

  • File:Asteroid234.svg.png Prometheus asteroid of Saturn and Jupiter- Titan or hero to give fire to mortals
  • File:Asteroid234.svg.png Europa in asteroid belt - Conquest of Zeus
  • File:Ac001-Asteroid Juno-sm.jpgJuno in asteroid belt - Goddess of marriage
  • File:Asteroid234.svg.pngMinerva - in asteroid belt Goddess of peace and poetry
  • or File:Ac003-Asteroid Vesta-sm.jpg Vesta - in asteroid belt Roman Goddess of Family, a globular comet or planet turned asteroid by deterioration or vast impact.
  • File:Asteroid234.svg.pngIcarus - a trojan asteroid, or a mars-earth-venus crosser asteroid named after the athenian who flew too close to the sun
  • Hygiea - associated with the feminine consort of the greek god Asclepios and medicine, located in asteroid belt
  • Metis - in asteroid belt, an Oceanid named after one of the daughters of Tetyus.
  • Pallas - A large Meteor, associated with the goddess Athena who scarred Ares
  • File:Asteroid234.svg.png Deimos and Phobos - Moons of Mars sons of Ares who depicted emotions such as terror/dread and panic/fear

Names of Periodical comets and Meteor showers {Small Rocks with deformation or non-spherical shape and/or spherical fast moving objects}

  • Lyrids - or Orphids are meteors or comets from Orpheus, the musician or Urcuchillay the animal deity by the Incas
  • Halley's Comet - A large comet which cycles our solar system.
  • Hale Bopp Comet - Another periodical large comet.
  • File:Meteor symbol234.pngOrinoids - Meteors, meteorites and meteoroids named after the God Orion whom accompany Halley's Comet.
  • File:Astronomical-conjunction symbol234.pngApophis - Periodic Asteroid in conjunction to Earth on 2029. Named after the god of healing and the serpant who destroys Ra.
  • File:Ac002-comet-sm.jpgComet of 1812 - Unknown non-periodical medium to small Comet whom tail crossed earth's path, millions of miles in diameter.
  • File:Ac002-comet-sm.jpgLevi 9 - Unknown objects in Jupiter's Path, a destroyer comet turned asteroid.
  • File:Astronomical-conjunction symbol234.pngPrehistoric Asteroids - Unknown objects in Earth's Path.
  • File:Asteroid234.svg.png Ice-Age Earth, Sirius Star and Lightning Bolt Symbols - A Link to Sidereal Earth, Antahkarana and Zeus to represent a tilt, pole-shift or the tilted heavens.

  Pictures are a part of the Wikipedia foundation database and can be found at this location

Basic Chart Esoteric Cosmogony, Astrological Cosmology, the Zodiac Stars and Constellations

Here is esoteric astrology of the reverse wheel and spiritual advancement taken from Alice Bailey.

  • aries-uranus via mercury 7th
  • taurus-vulcan via vulcan 1st
  • gemini-earth via venus 3rd
  • cancer-neptune via neptune 6th
  • leo-the sun via the sun 2nd
  • virgo-jupiter via moon 2nd
  • libra-saturn via uranus 3rd
  • scorpio-mercury via mars 4rth
  • sagittarius-mars via earth 6th
  • capricorn-venus via saturn 5th
  • aquarius-moon via jupiter 4rth
  • pisces-pluto via pluto 1st

A link to Spiritualism & Zodical Decans by --Murriemir (talk) 00:34, 5 March 2010 (UTC)

  Pictures are a part of the Wikipedia foundation database and can be found at this location