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'''Zapad 2017''' ({{Lang-be|Захад-2017}}) is a joint strategic exercise of the national defense forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus which is projected for 14th-20th September 2017. According to official data<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-4743276/Pence-Estonia-ease-Russia-fears-Baltic-region.html|title=Pence in Estonia to ease Russia fears in Baltic region|work=Mail Online|access-date=2017-08-06}}</ref>, 13,000 personnel will take part in the exercise at most.

== General information ==
'''Zapad 2017''' is a planned joint military exercise of the integrated [[Russian Armed Forces|armed forces of the Russian Federation]] and [[Belarus]] (the [[Union State]]) scheduled for 14—20 September 2017, to be held in Belarus and [[Russia]]′s [[Kaliningrad Oblast]]. According to the information made publicly available by [[Defence Ministry of Belarus|Defence Minister of Belarus]] [[Andrei Ravkov]] in July 2017,<ref name=":0">{{Cite news|title=Глава Минобороны Белоруссии: учение "Запад-2017" не направлено против третьих стран|url=http://tass.ru/opinions/interviews/4419507|work=ТАСС|accessdate=2017-07-17|language=ru}}</ref> fewer than 13,000 personnel of the Union State are to take part in the military maneuvers, a number that does not trigger mandatory formal notification and invitation of observers under the [[OSCE]]′s [[Vienna Document]]. Western analysts, however, believed in July 2017 that the total number of Russian troops, security personnel and civilian officials to be involved in the broader war-games will range from 60,000 to 100,000,<ref name="concern" /> which would make them Russia′s largest since the [[Cold War]].<ref>[http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russia-plans-huge-zapad-2017-military-exercises-belarus-n788741 Russia Plans Huge Zapad 2017 Military Exercises With Belarus] NBC NEWS, 2 August 2017.</ref> Since 2016, concerns have been voiced in a number of [[NATO]] countries over Russia′s suspected ulterior motives and objectives in connection with the exercise.<ref>[http://www.dw.com/en/what-are-russias-zapad-war-games/a-39702331 What are Russia's Zapad war games?] DW, 14 July 2017.</ref><ref>[http://belarusdigest.com/story/will-russia-occupy-belarus-2017-28101 Will Russia occupy Belarus in 2017?] 29 November 2016.</ref>

The military exercise aims to check Russia’s and Belarus’s capabilities of providing security of the Union State, its preparedness for repulsing acts of aggression and to advance command and control organizations’ actions compatibility and units’ training standards.CSTO, EEU, CIS and NATO<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://news.err.ee/609876/belarus-invites-estonia-to-observe-zapad-military-exercise|title=Belarus invites Estonia to observe Zapad military exercise|last=ERR|date=2017-07-28|work=ERR|access-date=2017-08-06|language=en}}</ref> representatives have been invited as observers to Zapad 2017. Also, the Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko invites the U.S. delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe<ref>{{Cite news|url=https://www.belnovosti.by/politika/lukashenko-priglasil-amerikanskuyu-delegaciyu-obse-na-ucheniya-zapad-2017|title=Лукашенко пригласил американскую делегацию ОБСЕ на учения «Запад-2017»‍|date=2017-07-10|work=Белновости|access-date=2017-08-06|language=ru-RU}}</ref>.
== Background ==
{{also|Zapad-99 exercise}}
The ''Zapad'' military drills is a scheduled activity that was meant to be held on alternate years, alternately in Russia and Belarus, pursuant to the agreement reached by presidents of the Russia and Belarus in September 2009<ref>{{Cite news|title=Дмитрий Медведев и Президент Белоруссии Александр Лукашенко наблюдали заключительный этап оперативно-стратегических учений «Запад-2009».|author=|url=http://kremlin.ru/events/president/news/5612|work=Президент России|date=|accessdate=2017-06-28}}</ref>. Zapad 2017 is the first Zapad exercise since 2013.

On July 13 at the meeting of the Russia-NATO Council representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation introduced the information of the exercise Zapad 2017. its objectives, military ranges in use, forces and facilities, number of perssonel and weapon systems. The similar briefing will take place at the OSCE venue. There will be a detailed briefing in Moscow befor the exercise starts<ref name=":0">{{Cite news|url=http://www.rubaltic.ru/news/13072017-rossiya-budet-presekat-spekulyatsii-nato/|title=Грушко: Россия будет пресекать спекуляции НАТО по поводу учений «Запад-2017»|access-date=2017-08-06|language=ru}}</ref>.
CSTO, EEU, CIS and NATO representatives have been invited as observers to Zapad-2017<ref>{{Cite news|title=Столтенберг поприветствовал приглашение Россией наблюдателей НАТО на "Запад-2017"|author=|url=https://ria.ru/defense_safety/20170313/1489889032.html|work=РИА Новости|date=|accessdate=2017-06-28|language=ru}}</ref><ref>[https://www.gazeta.ru/army/2017/03/20/10585343.shtml «Если натовцы хотят — милости просим». Лукашенко предложил допустить наблюдателей НАТО на совместные учения с Россией]</ref>. Also, the Belarus president [[Alexander Lukashenko]] invited the U.S. delegation to the [[Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe]]<ref>{{Cite news|title= Лукашенко пригласил американскую делегацию ОБСЕ на учения «Запад-2017»‍|url= https://www.belnovosti.by/politika/lukashenko-priglasil-amerikanskuyu-delegaciyu-obse-na-ucheniya-zapad-2017|work= Белновости|date=2017-07-10|accessdate=2017-07-10}}</ref>. In mid-July 2017, in Vienna, Major-General Pavel Muraveiko, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the [[Armed Forces of Belarus|Armed Forces of Belarus]], was to give a briefing on Zapad-2017<ref>{{Cite news|title=Замначальника Генштаба ВС Беларуси во время форума ОБСЕ проведет брифинг на тему учений "Запад-2017"|url=http://www.belta.by/society/view/zamnachalnika-genshtaba-vs-belarusi-vo-vremja-foruma-obse-provedet-brifing-na-temu-uchenij-zapad-2017-256963-2017/|work=Белорусское телеграфное агентство|date=2017-07-12|accessdate=2017-07-15|language=ru-RU}}</ref>.

On July 12 in Austria within the framework of the OSCE forum for security cooperation Pavel Muraveiko, Deputy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus, gave a briefing on the exercise.
It was expected that Russia′s [[1st Guards Tank Army (Russia)|1st Guards Tank Army]] that was reconstituted in 2014 will take part in the exercise.<ref name="concern" /> Its task is to establish a forward command post in western Belarus, and to hold exercises in training areas near the city of [[Brest, Belarus|Brest]].<ref name="concern" />

Information about the exercise is being constantly provided in order to prevent possible speculations and allegations concerning the exercise<ref name=":0" />.
== Opinions and speculations ==
Months prior to the Zapad 2017 exercise, NATO officials and Western military analysts began to speculate about the true number of troops to be involved as well as Russia′s possible objectives other than those publicly announced. Such speculations were based on what was perceived as Russia′s record of unannounced snap military exercises, and use of drills as a cover for military incursions<ref>Rachel Ansley. [http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/zapad-a-window-into-russia-s-military-mind Zapad: A Windo into Russia′s Military Mind]</ref><ref>Peter Walker. [http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/vladimir-putin-air-raid-drill-russia-45000-troops-150-aircraft-planes-helicopters-a7570811.html Vladimir Putin calls snap Russia air-raid drill involving 45,000 troops and 150 aircraft] The Independent, 9 February 2017.</ref><ref>[http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-russia-ukraine-idUSKCN10N2AO U.S. general calls on Russia to allow observers at military drills] Reuters, 12 August 2016.</ref>, as well as a development of Russia′s military posture in the country′s western regions undertaken in 2016 that suggested plans for a protracted large-scale war<ref>Stephen Blank. [http://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/is-russia-getting-ready-to-invade-ukraine-again Is Russia Getting Ready to Invade Ukraine Again?]</ref> The theories mainly focused on Russia′s putative schemes to attack Ukraine and/or reinforce Russia′s military presence in Belarus with a view to further threatening [[Poland]] and [[Lithuania]].<ref>[http://www.thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/290720,Russia-may-pose-threat-to-Poland-with-war-games-in-Belarus-expert Russia may pose threat to Poland with war games in Belarus: expert.] [[Radio Poland]], 26 January 2017.</ref>

== Grouping and particularities of organization ==
== Reaction of the NATO ==
Months prior to Zapad 2017, NATO member countries′ officials sounded their concern.<ref name="concern">{{Cite web|url=https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/31/world/europe/russia-military-exercise-zapad-west.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=first-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news|title=Russia’s Military Drills Near NATO Border Raise Fears of Aggression|newspaper=The New York Times|date=2017-07-31}}</ref><ref>[https://russian.rt.com/inotv/2017-02-10/Gribauskajte-nazvala-ucheniya-Zapad-2017-podgotovkoj Грибаускайте назвала учения «Запад-2017» подготовкой к войне]</ref> In July 2017, U.S. military officials expressed their suspicion that the maneuvers might be used as a pretext to increase Russia’s military presence in Belarus.<ref name="concern" />

The exercise has two phases in the territory of the Russian Federation and Belarus. Around 3,000 personnel will come to Belarus<ref name=":2">{{Cite news|url=http://tass.ru/opinions/interviews/4419507|title=Глава Минобороны Белоруссии: учение "Запад-2017" не направлено против третьих стран|work=ТАСС|access-date=2017-08-06|language=ru}}</ref>.
On 20 June 2017, NATO Secretary General [[Jens Stoltenberg]] answering a question about the exercise said: ″We are going to follow and monitor the Zapad exercise area here closely, and all nations have the right to exercise their forces but it is important that nations, be it Belarus or Russia, exercise their forces that they do that in accordance with well established guidelines and agreements and international obligations and we have something called the Vienna document which outlines how exercises have to be notified and be subject to international inspections and we call on Russia and also Belarus to do that in accordance with the Vienna document so that we have transparency, predictability related to Zapad 2017. We are also working in the framework of the NATO-Russia Council to have more transparency, predictability, connected to military posture but also exercises, and that is always important but especially important now when we see more military presence along our borders in this region. It’s even more important to have transparency, international observation of exercises like Zapad.″<ref>{{Cite news|title=Joint press point with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė|url=http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/opinions_145109.htm|work=NATO|date=2017-06-20}}</ref>

A part of military equipment and personnel of the Western Military District will be used in Zapad 2017. More than 25 aircraft of Russian Aerospace Forces, Air Force and Air Defense of the Republic of Belarus will provide support to ground forces. 680 units of equipment will be involved into the exercise in general.
On their part, Russia and Belarus maintain that Zapad 2017 is a scheduled event of strictly defensive nature.<ref name=":1">{{Cite web|url=http://function.mil.ru/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12129809@egNews|title=Глава военного ведомства России генерал армии Сергей Шойгу провел в Калининграде выездное заседание Коллегии Министерства обороны : Министерство обороны Российской Федерации|publisher=function.mil.ru|date=2017-06-21}}</ref>

Practical deeds within a framework of Zapad 2017 will take place at 6 Belarus training ranges: Lepelsky, Borisovsky, Losvido, Osipovichsky, Ruzhanksy, Dumanovsky and at a terrain near Dretun' settlement<ref name=":2" />.
== References ==

== Reaction of the international community ==
== External links ==

* {{cite web |url=https://www.vz.ru/politics/2017/8/7/881817.html |title=Российские железнодорожные войска нанесли по Украине финансовый удар |author= |date=2017-08-07 |archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20170809120428/https://www.vz.ru/politics/2017/8/7/881817.html |archivedate=2017-08-09 |website=www.vz.ru |publisher=[[Взгляд]] |access-date=2017-08-09}}
Months prior to Zapad 2017, NATO member countries’ officials sounded their concern.
* {{cite web |url=https://informnapalm.org/39417-manevry-zapad-2017-foto-video/ |title=Маневры «Запад-2017» используют для прикрытия переброски ударных бронетанковых групп |author= |date=2017-08-09 |archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20170809114114/https://informnapalm.org/39417-manevry-zapad-2017-foto-video/ |archivedate=2017-08-09 |website=informnapalm.org |publisher=[[InformNapalm]] |access-date=2017-08-09}}

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urged to make the upcoming exercise as transparent as possible in accordance with provisions of Vienna Document.

President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite announced that the oncoming exercise is an act of provocation and evidences the intention of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus to initiate a conflict with NATO<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.express.co.uk/news/world/766350/Russia-military-drills-Vladimir-Putin-planning-war-West-Lithuania-NATO|title=‘Preparing for WAR with the West' Lithuania fears Putin planning to invade Baltic states|last=Oliphant|first=Vickiie|date=2017-02-12|work=Express.co.uk|access-date=2017-08-06|language=en}}</ref>.<blockquote><nowiki>''We see that risks are increasing, and we are worried about the upcoming Zapad 2017 exercise, which will deploy a very large and aggressive force on our borders that will very demonstrably be preparing for a war with the West.''</nowiki></blockquote>National Security and Defense of Ukraine Secretary Alexander Turchinov , National Defense minister of Poland Antoni Macierewicz<ref>{{Cite news|url=http://www.rp.pl/Sluzby-mundurowe/170609118-Antoni-Macierewicz-Ze-strony-Rosji-napiecie-jest-nieustanne.html|title=Antoni Macierewicz: Ze strony Rosji "napięcie jest nieustanne" - Służby mundurowe - rp.pl|access-date=2017-08-06}}</ref> and National Defense minister of Lithuania Raimundas Karoblis accused Russia and Belarus of having an intention of occupying a part of Polish and Lithuanian territories in the Suwalki gap region.

The speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrey Paruby announced that the forces involved into the exercise may invade the territory of Ukraine for sabotage.

The government of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus consider the announcements of the Western world’s authorities to be irrelevant. According to the announcement of Sergey Shoigu, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation<ref name=":1">{{Cite web|url=http://function.mil.ru/news_page/country/more.htm?id=12129809@egNews|title=Глава военного ведомства России генерал армии Сергей Шойгу провел в Калининграде выездное заседание Коллегии Министерства обороны : Министерство обороны Российской Федерации|website=function.mil.ru|access-date=2017-08-06}}</ref>:<blockquote><nowiki>''</nowiki>Zapad 2017 exercise is a scheduled defensive event<nowiki>''</nowiki></blockquote>Dmitry Mironchik, press secretary of Russian Ministry of Defense, claimed the absence of offensive objectives of Zapad 2017.<blockquote><nowiki>''</nowiki>The OSCE states were given the official information about conception and scenario of the exercise, its main objectives, venues, equipment and personnel involved. During the OSCE meeting we highlighted once again that the exercise "Zapad 2017" is entirely of defensive character<nowiki>''</nowiki></blockquote>Also there were a number of statements about transparency of the oncoming maneuvers for international observers. The corresponding commentaries were given by the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko: <blockquote>"We are not hiding and should not hide anything. If NATO representatives want to be present at our drills, you are welcome".</blockquote>Sergey Shoigu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation<ref name=":1" />:<blockquote>"According to the timetable set in international agreements our partners will get more detailed information about this exercise both via diplmatic channels and mass media".</blockquote>Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus:<blockquote>"I'd like to reiterate that they [drills] will be transparent and open for observers".</blockquote>The readiness to invite international observers to the exercise Zapad 2017 was confirmed by Alexander Fomin, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. "We will provide the information soon», – commented the Deputy Minister of Defense while answering the question of the information agency "Interfax" about possible time of when the invitations to international observers including those from NATO states will be send.

== See also ==
* [[Exercise Zapad-81]]
* [[Exercise Zapad-99]]

== References ==
<references />

[[Category:Belarusian military exercises‎]]
[[Category:Military exercises involving Russia]]
[[Category:Military exercises involving Russia]]
[[Category:Belarus–Russia relations]]
[[Category:2017 in Belarus]]
[[Category:NATO–Russia relations]]

Revision as of 12:09, 17 August 2017

Zapad 2017 (Belarusian: Захад-2017) is a joint strategic exercise of the national defense forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus which is projected for 14th-20th September 2017. According to official data[1], 13,000 personnel will take part in the exercise at most.

General information

The military exercise aims to check Russia’s and Belarus’s capabilities of providing security of the Union State, its preparedness for repulsing acts of aggression and to advance command and control organizations’ actions compatibility and units’ training standards.CSTO, EEU, CIS and NATO[2] representatives have been invited as observers to Zapad 2017. Also, the Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko invites the U.S. delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe[3].

On July 13 at the meeting of the Russia-NATO Council representatives of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation introduced the information of the exercise Zapad 2017. its objectives, military ranges in use, forces and facilities, number of perssonel and weapon systems. The similar briefing will take place at the OSCE venue. There will be a detailed briefing in Moscow befor the exercise starts[4].

On July 12 in Austria within the framework of the OSCE forum for security cooperation Pavel Muraveiko, Deputy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Belarus, gave a briefing on the exercise.

Information about the exercise is being constantly provided in order to prevent possible speculations and allegations concerning the exercise[4].

Grouping and particularities of organization

The exercise has two phases in the territory of the Russian Federation and Belarus. Around 3,000 personnel will come to Belarus[5].

A part of military equipment and personnel of the Western Military District will be used in Zapad 2017. More than 25 aircraft of Russian Aerospace Forces, Air Force and Air Defense of the Republic of Belarus will provide support to ground forces. 680 units of equipment will be involved into the exercise in general.

Practical deeds within a framework of Zapad 2017 will take place at 6 Belarus training ranges: Lepelsky, Borisovsky, Losvido, Osipovichsky, Ruzhanksy, Dumanovsky and at a terrain near Dretun' settlement[5].

Reaction of the international community

Months prior to Zapad 2017, NATO member countries’ officials sounded their concern.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg urged to make the upcoming exercise as transparent as possible in accordance with provisions of Vienna Document.

President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite announced that the oncoming exercise is an act of provocation and evidences the intention of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus to initiate a conflict with NATO[6].

''We see that risks are increasing, and we are worried about the upcoming Zapad 2017 exercise, which will deploy a very large and aggressive force on our borders that will very demonstrably be preparing for a war with the West.''

National Security and Defense of Ukraine Secretary Alexander Turchinov , National Defense minister of Poland Antoni Macierewicz[7] and National Defense minister of Lithuania Raimundas Karoblis accused Russia and Belarus of having an intention of occupying a part of Polish and Lithuanian territories in the Suwalki gap region.

The speaker of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrey Paruby announced that the forces involved into the exercise may invade the territory of Ukraine for sabotage.

The government of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus consider the announcements of the Western world’s authorities to be irrelevant. According to the announcement of Sergey Shoigu, Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation[8]:

''Zapad 2017 exercise is a scheduled defensive event''

Dmitry Mironchik, press secretary of Russian Ministry of Defense, claimed the absence of offensive objectives of Zapad 2017.

''The OSCE states were given the official information about conception and scenario of the exercise, its main objectives, venues, equipment and personnel involved. During the OSCE meeting we highlighted once again that the exercise "Zapad 2017" is entirely of defensive character''

Also there were a number of statements about transparency of the oncoming maneuvers for international observers. The corresponding commentaries were given by the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko:

"We are not hiding and should not hide anything. If NATO representatives want to be present at our drills, you are welcome".

Sergey Shoigu, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation[8]:

"According to the timetable set in international agreements our partners will get more detailed information about this exercise both via diplmatic channels and mass media".

Vladimir Makei, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Belarus:

"I'd like to reiterate that they [drills] will be transparent and open for observers".

The readiness to invite international observers to the exercise Zapad 2017 was confirmed by Alexander Fomin, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. "We will provide the information soon», – commented the Deputy Minister of Defense while answering the question of the information agency "Interfax" about possible time of when the invitations to international observers including those from NATO states will be send.

See also


  1. ^ "Pence in Estonia to ease Russia fears in Baltic region". Mail Online. Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  2. ^ ERR (2017-07-28). "Belarus invites Estonia to observe Zapad military exercise". ERR. Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  3. ^ "Лукашенко пригласил американскую делегацию ОБСЕ на учения «Запад-2017»‍". Белновости (in Russian). 2017-07-10. Retrieved 2017-08-06. {{cite news}}: zero width joiner character in |title= at position 71 (help)
  4. ^ a b "Грушко: Россия будет пресекать спекуляции НАТО по поводу учений «Запад-2017»" (in Russian). Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  5. ^ a b "Глава Минобороны Белоруссии: учение "Запад-2017" не направлено против третьих стран". ТАСС (in Russian). Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  6. ^ Oliphant, Vickiie (2017-02-12). "'Preparing for WAR with the West' Lithuania fears Putin planning to invade Baltic states". Express.co.uk. Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  7. ^ "Antoni Macierewicz: Ze strony Rosji "napięcie jest nieustanne" - Służby mundurowe - rp.pl". Retrieved 2017-08-06.
  8. ^ a b "Глава военного ведомства России генерал армии Сергей Шойгу провел в Калининграде выездное заседание Коллегии Министерства обороны : Министерство обороны Российской Федерации". function.mil.ru. Retrieved 2017-08-06.